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Chapter 104: High enthusiasm for preparations

On this day, after Shen Shi finished a period of arduous training, he also saw the document from Todd.

After a brief glance, he understood.

After this, the entire civilization will enter a new stage with a new atmosphere.

However, he just needs to keep paying attention.

Soon, with the first major operation of the Human Federation's wartime internal review department after its establishment, many forces were severely dealt with without anyone knowing.

The confrontation in the dark was fierce and rapid.

Without the push from those behind the scenes, all the overwhelming voices of resistance to Xinghai on the Internet and in the media disappeared overnight.

But by this time, not many people were still paying attention to this kind of thing.

People are paying more attention to the upcoming interstellar war.

Through the introductions of Protoss and related official columns, people have already understood who their enemies are. Although these introductions do not involve ranchers and the Mulder system, they clearly introduce the origins of the Wo-men fleet.

——An interstellar nomadic fleet after the home planet was conquered.

They must continue to plunder and launch wars to have any hope of redeeming their home planet.

People can see the tip of the dark iceberg of the stars from the Voman fleet.

At the beginning, it was not that no one tried to find solutions other than war.

"Why don't we negotiate with the Wo people, unite with them, and deal with the Dyke civilization together?" someone asked.

"Because the Wo people dare not, most of their compatriots are in the hands of the Dyke civilization, and they, including us, have an absolute technological gap with the Dyke civilization. When the Wo people civilization was destroyed, they did not even see it. I passed a Daik civilization's spaceship and didn't see a single Daik person." This was the answer of the protoss.

No matter how beautiful the voice is, it can't cover up the despair revealed in this answer.

Behind the Wo fleet, there is such a cruel and powerful civilization.

This gap is even greater than the gap between the most powerful country and the weakest country on Blue Star!

They seemed to be the supervisors of this war, or the laughing nobles in the ancient Roman arena.

But Blue Star and Wo Ren are just pitiful and pathetic gladiators.

"If we successfully build the planet fortress and the Wo fleet sees it, will it leave?" Some people have also raised this possibility.

"If you want to make the hungry wolves give up, you can only kill most of them, or kill their alpha wolf." The star spirit's answer still broke the illusion of these people.

"Is it possible to unite other civilizations? I mean, unite other interstellar civilizations that are also threatened by the Vor fleet?"

"The alliance of the weak is meaningless and will only bring about common destruction."

"What about Mr. Shen's force? If they can take out the planet fortress, why can't they send troops to help us?"

"Planet Fortress was obtained by Mr. Shen in exchange for personal assets obtained by personal opportunities, but he has also tried his best. In the interstellar world full of crises, every civilization is seeking its own interests and strength. No one will give in vain to help others. , the only reason why Mr. Shen did this is because he is a human being."


A lot of information about this war, about the stars, even about Shen Shi, and about the sea of ​​stars, is constantly becoming clear through questions and answers like this.

More and more people are discussing and analyzing.

In the end, people can only find out in despair.

This war is inevitable, and the only thing mankind can rely on now is Xinghai Company, and Mr. Shen who has returned from the interstellar world!

More and more people can only abandon their illusions in the end. All mankind can do is to seize the hope brought by Mr. Shen and win this war!

Of course, the planetary fortress under construction has gradually attracted the attention of the world.

After this period of industrial transformation, the Human Federation has also accelerated its construction in an all-round way.

"Now we are recruiting a large number of staff related to the construction of space cities for the whole society!"

Such voices began to appear in major regions around the world.

Because the space suit production line brought by Shen Shi before has also been debugged and installed during this period, and has started full-speed production! Together with other industries, it is continuously providing various logistical materials for building a space city.

And at this time of public war crisis, many, many people are eager to sign up.

All the planning seemed to be just right.

The number of people who signed up far exceeded the actual number of people in demand even in a very short period of time, and you can carefully select from among them.

And most of the people who were selected were equally excited!

"I just received a notice that I will go to participate in a week of space work training tomorrow, and then I will board the space elevator and set off! It is the 147th Space Base!" A young construction worker named Liao Xin posted on the Internet Posts like this immediately received a large number of responses.

"Me too, I passed too! But I'm from Space Base No. 178!"

"I have also signed up, God bless me to pass!"

"I envy the original poster. My application was rejected because I was said to be too young. Sixteen years old is no longer young!"

"Envy +1!"

"I'm so miserable that I can only go back to school and study again!"


Liao Xinxing flipped through these posts one after another, looking at them and grinning involuntarily.

He was naughty and mischievous when he was in school, and his family background was average. He went out to fool around before high school. Now, he is just an ordinary construction worker. He originally thought that he would be like this for the rest of his life, but he gave up. He usually works hard and endures hardships. , I am very agile and just want to make more money.

But he never expected that one day in his life he would go to outer space to build a space city!

This is outer space!

Liao Xin didn't know what words to use to describe his mood. He was just so excited that he wanted to shout, even more excited than when he first learned about the alien invasion.

After all, unless he becomes a soldier, when an interstellar war breaks out, ordinary people like him can only watch the news broadcast about the battle situation, and play along if they lose.

But going to outer space to build a space city is different.

This is what he can do and has the confidence to do!

"Although I'm not as good as those soldiers, I can still be considered as making my own contribution to all mankind." He flipped through his phone, but he still hesitated to call his family.

Afraid of worrying them.

However, at this moment, he suddenly discovered that there was a comment under his post that was immediately liked!

"Come on! I'm waiting for you here at Base 147!"

This post also comes with a video.

"Really or not!" Liao Xin took a deep breath, "Everyone can access the Internet now?"

Although the construction of space cities has already begun, and many people have even been transported there, the connection between space and the ground has always been severed, and people do not know exactly what is going on in the construction of cities in outer space.

Liao Xin clicked on the video with some trembling.

The angle of view seems to be upward, and what you see is a white sky.

No, it should be said that it is a vast land!

Yes, the camera can clearly see the earth above your head, and in some places with thin white clouds, you can even see green forests and blue oceans!

And when the camera is reversed, the photographer's feet are stepping on a silver-white ground, reflecting soft light. As the camera moves, it is a huge silver-white foundation with a concave arc!

You can even see at the far edge, many octopus-like automated machines, holding the foundation blocks continuously transported from the space elevator for rapid assembly and debugging.

When the camera came closer, there were many workers wearing the same uniforms, using reinforced concrete, and some unseen building materials and modules to build large buildings.

Some tall buildings have even been built!

And everything is in a state of weightlessness!

Each worker carries an air push box on his back, flying freely throughout the space. One worker in the camera even easily pulled a large bundle of steel bars and accurately entered the building!

This is the scene of space city construction!

There is no need to even produce an official promotional video. The visual effect brought by just this random scene shot from the perspective of a passerby is far superior to any previous movie!

Because it is grand, spectacular, magical, and most importantly, it is extremely real!

It’s so real that it makes your blood boil!

People are even eager to see what it will be like to live in such a place after the city is completed!

And below this video post, people’s emotions are everywhere.

"It's so grand and spectacular!"

"If we win this fight, we can brag to our children and grandchildren for the rest of our lives!"

"Is the host still here? Tell us about life up there?"

"Yes, but I'm going to be busy soon. The network has just been opened and there are no confidentiality restrictions, so I will take a video and send it up. In addition, the workload above is very heavy now. We are actually very tired and have a serious shortage of manpower. But still

There is no way, time is too tight, we must move all important production lines to the space city before the war reaches Blue Star. The boss even issued a military order. All I can say is that I may not dare to fight, but I will do it.

We can no longer be timid when it comes to logistics and construction!"

“Thank you for your hard work, owner!”

"The poster is right, don't be a coward! I signed up too!"

“Just having this kind of experience is a blessing to me!”


Liao Xin looked at these comments and typed on the keyboard, as if he wanted to say something, but after racking his brains, he couldn't come up with anything that seemed reasonable. He once again regretted not studying hard when he was young.

In the end, six words were uttered.

"Prepare for war with all your strength! Come on!"

Not only Liao Xin, at this time, many people are encouraging others and themselves in various ways.

With the gradual establishment of the space Internet, various news and videos from space are constantly coming, and more and more people are signing up!

All space elevators have even been put into use!

Almost always running at full capacity.

This forced Shen Shi to order another batch from Future World.

At the same time, various production lines from the future world, including some large machinery for construction, also began to be put into production.

More and more people are beginning to come into contact with and experience powerful alien technology.

Coupled with a lot of publicity and various incentive policies.

Suddenly, the atmosphere permeating the entire society gradually changed.

People are gradually becoming more and more enthusiastic about preparing for war. People who were at a loss due to social changes, economic transformation, and even fear of war gradually found what they wanted to do and began to use a fulfilling life to dispel the opposition.

The fear of war.

Especially, as the government once again sent a large number of learning devices, and some of them can be put into society, people's enthusiasm was detonated again!

Most people who experience it are in pain and happiness.

The process of learning is painful, but rapid growth is joyful.

There are also many people who burst out with willpower that they did not have in the past and seized this opportunity to study crazily.

For such people, the Human Federation has also joined forces with Xinghai Company to provide the greatest support!

Further inspiring everyone.

Just one month after the hearing on the advent of open war, Shen Shi was finally freed from the previous state of near seclusion.

He has been able to outline the picture used to train will concentration in his mind all the time, reaching the level of true "total concentrated control of consciousness".

Once you reach this level, the next stage is adaptation.

Adapt to this state of training in your mind all the time and being distracted.

In this state, if someone stood nearby and looked at him, they would find that his eyes seemed to be like a robot, looking extremely numb and stiff.

After all, most of his consciousness at the moment is still focused on the construction of patterns in his mind, and he can only divide a small part of his mind to deal with other things.

This may sound unbelievable, but Shen Shi at this moment can indeed do it.

And once he stops training.

The original energy between consciousness can truly affect reality, and even just a look can make some people who are not strong enough in willpower become confused.

This is Shen Shi's biggest gain during this period of time. Among them, the evolution device has helped a lot, greatly shortening the time it takes to reach this level.

"Original energy technology is a technology after all. As long as the knowledge is more advanced and the application is more thorough, things like talent don't have much meaning." Shen Shi had a deeper understanding, "Maybe there are abnormalities in some related fields.

A powerful civilization only needs to consume enough resources to allow ordinary people to become masters of original energy overnight. However, this kind of speculation does not make much sense now."

Still have to do it step by step.

However, Shen Shi looked at Shi Ling on the back of his hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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