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Chapter 111: The future that changes again

Energy is almost unlimited and resources are inexhaustible. The combination of intelligent AI and automated machinery makes boring and monotonous labor extremely cheap.

Therefore, as long as the technology is achieved, the cost of most battleships is actually just a matter of time and production efficiency.

Therefore, the main value of battleships still lies in technology.

Although Shen Shi's Vogt was only a small battleship, even if the preciousness of the immigration attribute was not taken into account, in terms of battleships alone, its value was no less than that of the main battleships of the D-class civilization, and even more valuable than the Gongchu.

A collection of old battleships.

The value of a single jump engine that is more than ten light years away is inestimable.

Sub-battleships such as these are not equipped with jump engines at all. Even for D-class civilizations, only main battleships are equipped with jump engines.

When conducting a long voyage, it is a common practice in the fleet to use the main battleship to accommodate the secondary battleships, conduct a collective jump, and then disperse the escort.

Coupled with various other advanced devices and the preciousness of immigration attributes.

The collector originally sold him the Vogt for the price of four movies, which was actually a loss.

Because this battleship is a precious battleship that cannot be mass-produced in human civilization.

However, bartering depends on which party has greater needs.

Like Gong Chu, at the moment of life and death, as long as he is given a glimmer of hope, the entire Dongfeng Army, including himself, can be surrendered.

Who can tell whether it is a loss or a profit.

After lamenting the productivity gap between interstellar civilization and modern society, Shen Shi returned his attention to the matter in front of him.

"Send me a detailed description of these battleships."

"Of course, Captain, you have the highest authority over all warships. Just relying on the indigenous civilization, there is no possibility of using these warships to rebel against you. However, when the communication distance is too far, it is difficult to fully control the authority." Gongchu reminded.

He said, "I suggest that you control the consciousness of important figures in the indigenous civilization. It is best to engrave the original energy seal. There are only interests between different races in the interstellar world."

"I know it well," Shen Shi said.

During this period of time, he asked Gongchu for a lot of things, mostly in the name of supporting the development of indigenous civilization.

Probably in Gongchu's opinion, he was too kind to that native.

But that's not actually the case.

Different races only have interests, but the same race has factors other than interests. The development of raw energy technology has increased the importance of culture and inheritance. The dangers of the interstellar have also increased the internal unity of each race.

The interests and future of each individual are already closely related to their own race.

Even Gongchu himself, didn't he give up on escaping and plan to do his best to help his own race's civilization?

"You should be in retreat now." Thinking of this, Shen Shi couldn't help but look at Gongchu in front of him, "Is this an afterimage of consciousness?"

"Yes, leader." Gongchu replied.

The so-called afterimage of consciousness is actually a term set by Shen Shi.

Today, Shen Shi has gradually given some exclusive nouns that can only be found in the future world and interstellar society, naming them in Eastern Mandarin.

and enter it into the terminal.

To avoid asterisks appearing all the time.

The same goes for titles such as main battleship and secondary battleship.

The afterimage of consciousness refers to a kind of original energy technology. A powerful original energy controller can use part of his original energy to reorganize an information projection. With the assistance of AI technology, it can produce a certain degree of independent judgment ability.

The clone, however, does not actually have self-awareness. The concept of existence is between life and artificial life. When its owner recalls it, it can obtain the information received during this period of time.

Within its effective range, this is the fastest communication technology currently known, so in theory, if there are large quantities of high-quality primary energy batteries, we can even use the direction of this technology to build an interstellar long-distance

communication channel.

Of course, this price is too high.

Even the Dyke civilization may not have such raw energy resources. Perhaps only a B-level civilization or even an A-level civilization can regularize such communication methods.

But apart from that, it also has many uses in daily use.

For example, if this kind of technology had not been available at the moment, Shen Shi would have been able to conduct transfer transactions through other people in the black market during the retreat of the public, because only he could use the personal terminal of the black market.

But what Shen Shi is more concerned about now is another very important thing.

——After he takes out the trading space for this batch of warships and brings them to modern society, they will inevitably cause significant changes in historical development. He is not sure whether this change will further affect the present moment three thousand years later.

If it is affected, will Gongchu still be the Gongchu in front of us?

Does his original energy seal still exist?

Will Gongchu's attainments in the original energy bring changes to the process of becoming a master of the original energy?

Or even further trigger a crisis in the future world, causing mankind to no longer have a future three thousand years from now?

Shen Shiyou wanted to do it step by step, but judging from the existence of a complete planet fortress in history, this kind of transaction might be regarded as a whole by history and changed.

It is equivalent to saying that as long as you take out one battleship, there will be an entire fleet in the changed history.

After a moment of silence, Shen Shi continued to ask: "More than a month has passed. Can you estimate the specific time of success?"

He knew that in addition to completing a large amount of cultural and historical inheritance, it was only a matter of time for Gongchu to become a master of original energy.

In fact, as long as there is demand, the entire human civilization in the future world will fully supply all the resources he needs to train his original energy.

This is not just a matter of the early dynasty, but also the greatest hope of the entire civilization.

Sure enough, Gongchu gave a more specific time, "It will take about one year and eight months. It is impossible to go earlier. If we speed up, problems may arise."

one year and eight months

If he took the initiative to fight with his fleet, or deployed a defense line further away, at this world point, he should have already exchanged fire with the main ship of the Wo fleet.

The impact this will have on the future is simply immeasurable.

But...this is also something that must be done.

Shen Shi received the answer and no longer struggled. He said directly: "All the battleships that are ready can be directly traded to my personal space. The production of Planet Fortress should also be accelerated as much as possible."

"Understood." Gongchu said.

After leaving the black market, Shen Shi did not wait long before he saw a large number of huge battleships appearing in his black market space.

Different from the Vogt, the shape of these battleships is more like a giant beast like a killer whale, with an overall oval shape, liquid-like metal flowing on the surface, but on both sides, there are two deep ones

It's like a flat device like a shark's fin, which is why he thinks this kind of spacecraft looks like a killer whale or a shark.

According to the description, those two devices are the main weapons of this kind of battleship.

High energy level annihilation cannon.

If it is hit, with the technical level of the Woren battleship, being destroyed is the only outcome. However, it is not easy to hit, so it extremely tests the skill of the operator.

The reason for this design is that in space battles at civilized levels such as D-level and E-level, close combat is basically the main focus.

"Close combat" in space refers to the position of the two warring parties within 98 seconds of the speed of light.

Beyond this distance, the requirements for weapon technology go to a higher level. With ordinary weapon technology, it is like two men standing two meters away and shaking their fists at each other. No one can hit the other.

Obviously, this kind of technology cannot be mastered by the Wo fleet or the human civilization three thousand years later.

Therefore, from the perspective of a more powerful civilization, this battle is probably equivalent to watching two men with a machine gun throwing punches at each other more than ten meters away.

But even so.

These warships were still too powerful and advanced for humans three thousand years ago, and even modern warriors found it difficult to exert their full capabilities.

I don't know how excited the soldiers would be after seeing these battleships.

This idea came to Shen Shi's mind, but before that, he still had to do one thing.

"Xin'er, we are going to space." Shen Shi said to the only crew member currently on the ship.

"What's wrong?" Ai Xin'er was studying in another room, but her voice still came clearly.

"It's nothing, it's just that a batch of the warships I rented have arrived." Shen Shi said calmly.


Just in an instant, Shen Shi received Ai Xin'er's excited shout as he wished.

"Then our space fleet will be officially established!" She immediately put down what she was doing and rushed towards the captain's room.

On the battleship, she did not wear light and fluffy clothes, but a blue and white tights, plus a loose jacket that covered her figure. She looked quite heroic and had the temperament of a space crew member.

"Yes." The smile on Shen Shi's face gradually disappeared, "That also means that the war is about to begin."

"Yes." Ai Xin'er raised her head and looked at him, "But this also means that we can crush those invaders and make them regret targeting us Blue Star and humans!"

"That's right!" A smile appeared on Shen Shi's face again, but there was also some murderous intent in this smile.

Humanity is ready for war.

There may be sacrifices.

However, the enemy must suffer greater pain.

In the time it took to say these few words, the spacecraft had already crossed the atmosphere and arrived in front of the shield.

This shield not only blocks external enemies, but also intercepts human spacecraft. It can be said to be the "customs" of the entire planet, and permission must be obtained for entry and exit.

And Shen Shi naturally had such authority. He went directly to a space base that served as a "gateway", issued an application, and then left while remaining invisible.

It does not affect the people who are actively building space cities.

After finding a hidden place on the back side of the moon, Shen Shi flew out of the battleship alone.

Only Ai Xin'er was paying attention to him in the captain's cabin.

Although she didn't know why she was looking for such a place, Ai Xin'er was still full of expectations.

During this period of time, she had learned various things about battleships, but she felt that Shen Shi's Vogt looked too small and not powerful enough. She also didn't know that the first space battleship in the space fleet that mankind would have would be.

That's what it looks like.

The next moment, her eyes suddenly opened wide.

Because in the originally empty universe, a truly behemoth suddenly appeared!

From such a close distance, Ai Xin'er could see this huge body that was ten kilometers long, and could see the black, metal-like liquid on its surface. If it weren't for the red mark on the display screen of the Vogt, she might have

Until this battleship arrives in front of you, it is difficult to notice! It is as if it is just a part of this dark universe.

Is this the battleship of the human fleet?

"It's so big," Ai Xin'er couldn't help but sigh.

In comparison, our own battleship is like a small one, and its appearance is not domineering enough at all.

But she also knew that her own warships were definitely far superior in terms of technical level.

Bigger is not always better for space battleships.

On the contrary, when the level of technology and equipment is the same, a smaller body will be more concealed, more flexible, and less likely to be hit by attacks.

Generally speaking, large spaceships exist as "motherships".

The mothership is equipped with a better power engine to reduce the cost of the entire fleet on the battleship engine and reduce the consumption of long-distance movement. It is also usually responsible for the combat supplies, post-war maintenance, and large-scale fire support of small battleships.


in other words.

In this way, the battleship is a multi-functional base, and the Vogt is a highly skilled assassin. If they fight head-on, there is no doubt that the Vogt has a greater chance of winning. After all, there is a technical gap here.

But even if this is the truth, who doesn't like big things like battleships?

At this moment, Shen Shi did not know that his wife was complaining that his battleship was not domineering enough. His attention at this moment was not even on the battleship in front of him.

Instead, it was placed on the black market.

It seems that there is no change.

This made him feel relieved at first, and then heavy again.

The black market still exists, which means that human civilization will still exist three thousand years in the future. However, does it mean that with such a fleet, it will still not bring changes to human history three thousand years in the future?

Shen Shi connected to Gongchu's information database through the black market terminal, and found that his information authority as the leader of the Dongfeng Legion was still there, and he once again searched the history of mankind three thousand years ago.

When he opened the search results, he felt a little nervous in his heart.

Just at the first glance, he was sure that the future would change again!

Because, the first sentence in the introduction to this war clearly reads: "This racial war between humans and the Vor fleet lasted from Star Era Zero Year to Star Era Three Hundred and Eighty Eight.

The process can be divided into three stages."

This chapter has been completed!
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