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Chapter 114: Get ready to assemble

For example, the initial transaction with the collector.

Although it was still the same four movies, Shen Shi remembered clearly that he asked if there was a better battleship at that time, and the collector's emotions and words at that time expressed that the Vogt was the one he could give.

The best immigration warship, and even said, "No civilization within the rancher's sphere of influence would dare to sell immigrant warships to us."

But this time in memory, when faced with the same question, the collector did not have such an answer.

I even asked him if he had any better antiques.

So, the Vogt is still traded from this new future, but it is no longer the best battleship owned by collectors?

Yes, this future is, after all, more powerful than the future he came to before!

The transaction with Gongchu also experienced such subtle changes.

For example, the batch of ships traded to him were obviously "old battleships" used by the Dongfeng Army hundreds of years ago, but now they were the ones used by the Dongfeng Army 1,200 years ago, when the Dongfeng Army was just established and created the first

When it was a warship production plant, it was an "antique warship" designed and manufactured in imitation of mankind's original fleet.

Later, Gongchu's reaction to the deal that supported him to become a master of original energy was more urgent than the one Shen Shi experienced.

Because last time, the original master brought only a glimmer of hope.

And this time, in terms of human strength, the appearance of an original energy master is likely to be the last straw that overwhelms Libra!

Therefore, Shen Shi is still the new commander of the Dongfeng Army.

"It's incredible." Shen Shi murmured to himself.

He could feel that this was indeed an afterimage of his own consciousness, but the way it was born seemed to be different from the normal way.

It's like the part of my existence that appears in the future world. When the future is changed, it is also changed. Under the influence of the changes in the entire world, such an afterimage is formed.

It is not only a part of myself, but also my self on the changing timeline.

More importantly, the auxiliary AI that the consciousness afterimage must have is the black market itself!

Yes, Shen Shi clearly felt that in the black market itself, there was an intelligent AI that did not have self-awareness and ran according to a specific program. However, this intelligent AI assisted Shen Shi when the timeline changed because of the world line.

The residual image of consciousness born from the changes has completed the repair of the transaction logic to a certain extent and resumed the historical transactions under the changes in the world line.

"It's almost as if they are exclusively serving Shi Ling." Shen Shi has actually always had a question as to why Shi Ling appeared on him together with the black market terminal.

Shi Ling is a device that is unique to him and can span three thousand years.

The black market terminal is owned by many humans in the future world.

The two seem to have no necessary connection, but in fact, they form a powerful force that can conduct transactions across the past and future and easily change the timeline.

And looking at it at this moment.

The black market terminal seems to be specially designed for Shi Ling's use.

The two added together are a whole that can be used to change the timeline!


This method of consciousness afterimage seems to be only suitable for fine-tuning when the changes in the future are not earth-shaking.

If the changes in the future expand further, the value of the traded items will inevitably change even more.

Apart from anything else, if humanity finally achieves real victory and the inheritance will no longer be cut off, then even if the Duke really exists three thousand years later, it will no longer be possible to trade itself, plus the entire Dongfeng Legion, for some ancient books.

At that time, in what direction will the future world, including past transactions, change?

Shen's life at this time is difficult to predict.

But at least for now, the current changes are more beneficial to Shen Shi.

Now that he knew what happened, Shen Shi did not stay in the black market any longer. After taking a look at the collector's shop, which was still closed, he sent a message to the collector, asking for a better battleship.

This was naturally specially prepared for that Dyke battleship.

Judging from the records in that period of history, although the technology of the Dyke battleship was more powerful than that of the Vogt, it could only force the emergence of Shen Shi by attacking the human fleet, and even in Shen

When Shi fled, it took four years to complete the pursuit.

It can be seen that even though this Dyke battleship is stronger than the Vogt, it is not strong enough to completely crush it.

After all, this is just a battleship at the Deke Node Base.

In the future world that has become more powerful now, it should not be difficult to find a warship more powerful than this Dyke warship.

If the collector doesn't have it, let Gongchu look for it.

If that doesn't work, there are other weapons and equipment that can deal with this mere Dyke battleship.

If given the opportunity, Shen Shi would never let go of this Dyke battleship that had brought great pain to him in another timeline and to another human civilization!

There seems to be no problem in avenging future revenge now.

Shen Shi opened his eyes again.

He could clearly feel that after absorbing the residual image of consciousness born from the changes in the timeline, his attainments in original energy had greatly improved.

It’s hard to say exactly how much it has improved.

But now, he has completely said goodbye to that numb gaze.

Unexpectedly, Shi Ling actually had such an effect. The more he understood, the more Shen Shi could feel the power of this device.

It's a pity that now he is far from able to explore the origin of Shi Ling, he can only study how to use it.

"The three hundred and eighty-two-year war was still too long after all."

Shen Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, and then sent a message to the liaison department.

"The first batch of warships has been delivered. The total number is 212 fully loaded warships. The full complement requires 2.1 million soldiers. Prepare to receive them as soon as possible!"

As such news was sent out, the liaison department of the Human Federation directly caused a sensation.

The battleship has arrived!

There were actually two hundred and twelve ships!

The full force actually requires more than two million soldiers!

How big are these space battleships?

Although the people responsible for contacting Shen Shi were all elites like Todd, after hearing this suddenly, they could not control their excitement and joy.

Because this means that humans will have their own fleet!

Even Todd, the top federal liaison officer, called within a few minutes.

"Congressman Shen, do these battleships really need 2.1 million soldiers?"

"That's right." Shen Shi said, "Each battleship is twenty kilometers long, and contains five thousand small battleships, with a full complement of 10,000 people. If the reserves are included, the number is actually 12,000. The best people.”

"According to current standards, we don't have that many interstellar troops." Todd's voice was quite calm, "Excuse me, do you need to lower some requirements?"

"We can lower it appropriately. If we can't meet the requirements, we can strengthen training on the road, so that the training efficiency will be higher." Shen Shi said.

"What do you mean?" Todd over there seemed to be surprised.

"That's right, we are getting ready to assemble for the expedition." Shen Shi said.

"But the detector did not detect the enemy's reconnaissance force." Todd has been paying close attention to the detector.

"I have obtained additional information, which is almost able to determine the location of the Wo people's reconnaissance force, and even the large force. Next, I will adjust the search range of the detector, and I should be able to determine the authenticity of the information soon." Shen Shi was not prepared to delay it any longer.

According to the historical records of the War fleet in the future, he should have officially set off around this time.

Moreover, he has seen the changes in history caused by the traded objects, but what about the information that exists in his mind.

Theoretically, the information he knows can also change history. For example, the Wo man who successfully escaped from the human fleet attack seems to still exist in the future.

Shen Shi didn't believe that he could let this Wo man or something like a black box appear again when he already knew about it.

Experimentation is also needed in this area.

"Understood, I will contact all parties immediately!" Todd was also unambiguous.

After hanging up the communication, the related effects spread at an extremely fast speed on Blue Star.

In less than a few hours, all relevant personnel knew about it.

While they were gathering their troops, they were discussing whether to hold a grand expedition ceremony.

In the end, it was decided that the expedition ceremony should still be held, but it should be urgent and efficient, not grand.

After all, the function of this kind of ceremony is to give the soldiers blood and give the people confidence.

So, after getting Shen Shi's consent, all aspects began to act quickly.

At this moment, it is noon in the Eastern Kingdom.

In an interstellar troop training camp, all the soldiers suddenly received marching orders.

Moreover, it is a grand march to move away completely!

Yu Wenhua is a 40-year-old veteran. He has been retired for eight years. However, when the army re-enlisted, he re-enlisted and received support from his family.

With his excellent military qualities, he was quickly promoted to the seventh-level commander of the Human Federation, with the rank of lieutenant.

After receiving the order to march and assemble, he quickly carried a backpack on his back that was taller than his entire body and weighed more than three hundred kilograms.

In addition to personal daily necessities, the really important thing inside is the personal equipment.

In the past, this weight, even if he could barely carry it, would make him blush and unable to say a word.

But now, even though he was carrying such a heavy backpack, he still looked normal and even had time to scold the soldiers under his command.

"Speed ​​up! You only have three minutes left. Don't rush, be precise! Efficient! Sergeant Yuan Zhi! Don't you want your son's photo?"

He didn't just reprimand, he also went to help some soldiers who were really overwhelmed.

"Sir, your physique has almost reached the standard for transformation." The person next to him finally finished finishing, took a breath, and looked at Yu Wenhua with envy, "Everyone uses the same medicine, why does Sir grow so fast?


"You're the only one who talks too much! Don't you know how to help after sorting it out?" Yu Wenhua glared at him, but still explained, "The courses in the learning device have made it very clear about the effects of universal bio-enhancement drugs on each individual.

They are all different, and a lot depends on training, so if you want to transform quickly, strengthen training, and you will go to the public transportation team to help in a while!"

"Yes!" The soldier grimaced, but still accepted the order.

The time they spent training together was actually not that long, just over a month.

However, the content of training is completely different from before.

Not to mention anything else, just the various bio-enhancement drugs and the use of learning devices allowed these warriors to transform themselves within this month.

And those who have reached certain requirements and accepted transformation are completely different.

Become a superman in an instant.

He can easily jump more than ten meters high, his running speed is comparable to that of a high-speed train, his consciousness and reaction speed increase tenfold, and to put it bluntly, he can fight a hundred with one!

This is just a preliminary modification.

It is said that the bones were replaced, artificial muscles were installed, some internal organs were modified, and the skin was fully covered with nanometers to adapt to space warfare.

Such warriors have been confirmed to be selected into the battleship force. They will board the space battleship and go to space to fight the alien invaders on the front line!

But on the battlefield, every ounce of strength is a ounce of hope to kill the enemy and survive!

No one desires power more than these warriors who are about to enter the battlefield.

As everyone organized quickly, they quickly arrived at the assembly point to assemble.

Looking around, all of them were soldiers wearing black military uniforms and carrying huge black military backpacks. They were standing straight and lined up neatly.

The reason why it is black is simply because black is the best protective color in space.

After everyone had gathered, soon, an equally dark figure fell from the sky.


A dull crashing sound sounded.

Everyone can see that this is a set of armor that covers the whole body. It is more than three meters high and is also black. However, it does not have much ferocious mechanical structure on the outside. Instead, it is just covered with some liquid-like metal.

But everyone knows that this liquid metal is the best defense material in space!

Moreover, as long as there is demand, the various built-in equipment will be available in an instant.

For example, in the flight just now, a stance engine appeared on the chest.

Even within the atmosphere, it can easily break through supersonic speeds.

This is the comprehensively modified external device of the human elite warrior.

Yes, this is not a modified body, but just an external device!

At this moment, the surface of the armor began to squirm, and a man with a Dongguo face slowly emerged from it until he broke away from the armor and stood in front of everyone.

It is Chen Feng.

This chapter has been completed!
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