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Chapter 116: Not an Ordinary Battleship

"This is the biological space battleship. It has almost become my new body and a part of me." Chen Feng felt a little uncomfortable with the current feeling, as if he had become this battleship.

And this is not in a fighting state. What he receives is only a small amount of information.

In a real combat situation, he must sit in the "brain" of the spacecraft, truly connect his consciousness with the entire spacecraft, process all information quickly, and fight efficiently.

By that time, he will even need to become a whole with all the soldiers on the spaceship to truly unleash the maximum combat power of this battleship.

This made Chen Feng realize that if he wanted to truly control this battleship and truly exert its power, he and all the crew would still need to work hard for a long time.

However, now, at least some small things can be done.

Chen Feng just thought, and all the warriors suspended in this space were surprised to find that their surroundings were slowly becoming transparent.

No, it's not transparent.

Instead, it shows the scene from the outside world.

They could see the sky above them getting closer, see the earth below them getting farther and farther away, and even see the tall buildings and cities getting smaller and smaller in the distance. This made them truly realize that they were really leaving their home planet.

"All comrades!" Chen Feng's voice echoed throughout the battleship, "Salute to our home planet!"


Everyone raised their right hands at the same time.

The atmosphere is solemn and solemn.

When staying on the home planet, people take everything in this world for granted, but when they are about to leave, people can realize their attachment to this entire world.

The same is true for Yu Wenhua.

His wife and children were all left on the planet beneath his feet, and he didn't know if he would ever be able to come back here again.

If he was sacrificed in the depths of the universe, would his soul be able to find its way home?

Yu Wenhua didn't know the answer, but he had already begun to long for the day when he would return from victory and the day when he would be reunited with his family.

The spaceship is still rising higher and higher. When it reaches a certain level, countless spaceships all shine brightly, allowing people on the ground to watch them go away. In places where it is dark, even more

It's like another star in the sky.

Until the spacecraft came to the edge of the protective shield.

Every soldier could clearly see the huge sky city that was under construction. When the spaceship slowly passed in front of them, countless workers stopped what they were doing and faced the expedition soldiers.

He raised his hands in salute and watched them go away.

Later, Yu Wenhua and others began to experience the wonders of space.

They saw the sun.

After processing, the sun's rays are not dazzling. From this angle, it looks like they are clinging to the blue star. The warmth like a sunbath covers half of their bodies, and if they turn their heads, they will

Can see the darkness on the other side.

In the universe, even the sun can only illuminate a corner as insignificant as dust.

Yu Wenhua couldn't help but look at Lan Xing again.

They were now able to see the entire outline of Blue Star, and Yu Wenhua was even more keen to see that in various places on Blue Star, the same battleships rushed out of the atmosphere and left Blue Star.

After a rough count, there were at least two hundred ships!

This slightly surprised Yu Wenhua. He has not yet learned the lesson of the scale of interstellar warfare, but he thought that dozens of such huge warships would be enough to form a strong fleet.

, but there are actually two hundred ships? If each ship can accommodate more than 10,000 people like them, wouldn't it mean that there are more than two million warriors in this round of expedition alone?

Yu Wenhua has begun to realize that perhaps, just as ancient people could not imagine a world war involving hundreds of millions of soldiers, the scale of interstellar war is far beyond their imagination.

At this moment, Chen Feng's voice also came.

"You have one hour to go to your respective dormitories to sort out your personal affairs. Everyone's dormitory number and heading have been sent to your personal terminals. Let's set off immediately!"

Everyone took action immediately.

Coming to outer space and having such a new experience will certainly give people an unspeakable sense of excitement, but they have not forgotten that they are soldiers and warriors, not traveling.

Yu Wenhua put on the glasses that came with his personal terminal, and sure enough he saw the arrow marked on it, indicating that he should go to the rightmost passage.

And the invisible force field was already pushing him forward.

Turning around, he saw his subordinates, all heading in the same direction as him.

"Let's go, speed up, Zhou Rui! Stop looking and pay attention to order!"

"Understood!" The person who was called was a younger warrior. He had obviously not recovered from the environment in the deep space, but after being called, his expression became solemn.

After everyone stepped into the passage, they found that this passage was different from what they imagined.

The whole thing is like a light blue four-sided pillar. It is impossible to tell where is the foot and where is the top of the head. But when they step on it, they only feel that the surface of the foot is extremely smooth. With just a brush, people can no longer control themselves.

gliding forward rapidly.

Zhou Rui was frightened and almost jumped up subconsciously.

Then, gravity reversed.

His entire body sat on the wall above the rest of the people, and he also slid forward quickly.

"Zhou Rui, are you okay?" Yu Wenhua guessed something and also stood up and jumped.

Sure enough, any of the four walls here is the ground, and the gravity is accurately limited to a small place.

When Yu Wenhua stood on the ground where Zhou Rui was, it seemed to him that the rest of the people were sliding on the ceiling.

"It's okay, I was just shocked." Zhou Rui felt a little ashamed, but mostly exclaimed, "This is amazing."

"Otherwise, where do you think we are?" Yu Wenhua glared at him angrily, "This is the space battleship brought by Mr. Shen! So don't always be surprised, remember every detail as soon as possible,

Then you will adapt to the life and training here, and so will you, do you understand?"

"Understood!" The other soldiers responded in unison.

In their company, captain Yu Wenhua is the oldest. Although he is a bit fierce during training, everyone can feel his care, so his words carry a lot of weight in the eyes of everyone.

However, what everyone didn't know was that Captain Yu, who looked extremely calm in their eyes, also quietly touched the ground at this time. He felt that the ground was unusually soft and smooth, and could quickly push people to move. In his heart

His excitement and curiosity are no less than those of the others.

Although they have seen a lot of incredible high technologies during this period of training, how can they compare with such a space battleship? It seems that there are high technologies beyond imagination everywhere.

Even more so after arriving in the room.

It turns out that there is one room for each person. Although the place is not big, it is very neat and clean. It is also soft and has gravity on all sides.

And the bed looks like a sleeping bag. I don’t know how it feels to sleep on it.

If time were not limited, Yu Wenhua would really want to give it a try.

But at this moment, Captain Chen Feng's voice suddenly sounded throughout the room.

"Everyone, lie down on the bed in your room. Yes, that's the sleeping bag. It's a consciousness connector that will pull your consciousness into a common area."

Consciousness connector?

Yu Wenhua took a slight breath.

He learned this technology in the learning device, which is classified into the field of original energy. It can connect the consciousnesses of different people and greatly improve the communication efficiency in combat. To his surprise, this ship

There is actually this kind of technology on a battleship?

This made him realize that these space battleships might not be just ordinary space battleships!

"Mr. Shen is really amazing."

Not knowing how this battleship compares with Wo Ren's battleship, Yu Wenhua is even full of expectations.

He couldn't wait to lie down on it, and it suddenly felt as if a ball of weightless cotton had completely wrapped his body. It was extremely comfortable, but at the next moment, he felt as if his consciousness was suddenly pulled, and his consciousness

Have arrived at another place.

No, it is not accurate to say place. It should be said to be another state.

Here, he has no body or even the concept of space, but his consciousness can clearly feel the existence of individual consciousnesses, and it is still increasing.

He can even feel the authority.

He does not have permission to access most consciousnesses, but some people do.

He tentatively contacts a person's consciousness.

"Zhou Rui?"

"Captain!" came Zhou Rui's excited thoughts.

Yes, it's not words, but thoughts.

As long as the mind moves, the other party can know what he wants to convey. This method of communication is even more efficient and accurate than language!

"I feel like we have become the kind of aliens in movies now." Zhou Rui's mood was still high.

Yu Wenhua was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

But this is not the feeling.

The transformed body now even has mental communication.

However, this idea only briefly emerged in my mind.

Yu Wenhua immediately told Zhou Rui seriously.

"We are human beings. No matter how fast technology develops and how great the changes it brings, we are still human beings. Apart from technology, those aliens you mentioned were also fragile and weak at the beginning.

Life is even weaker than us humans!"

Such a paragraph only took a moment to be conveyed.

Zhou Rui also reacted quickly.

"The captain is right. These are just changes brought about by technology. I understand. I'm just a little too excited."

"Don't forget to be excited, this is war. I hope we can all come back alive with victory."

"Don't worry, Captain Yu. Zhou Rui has the mentality of a child. He came to join the army with enthusiasm. We will supervise his training."

"I'm already twenty, but I'm still a kid."

"Yes, we are all new recruits on the interstellar battlefield, and we all have to work hard."


As the number of interactions between people continued to increase, Yu Wenhua had almost adapted to this method of communication, and he found that the information conveyed through this method was more emotionally sincere.

Because when delivering a message, all it takes is a thought.

There will always be inevitable accompanying emotions.

However, if it takes a long time, or the amount of information transmitted is too large, there will be an obvious feeling of difficulty.

He has realized that to solve this problem, he needs to carry out transformation or original energy training!

Sure enough, everything is as mentioned in the study course. In interstellar war, there are high requirements for the personal strength and quality of the soldiers, especially their original energy quality.

They are really just a bunch of new recruits.

And at this time.

A consciousness suddenly entered everyone's mind.

"Everyone, I am Shen Shi, the current commander-in-chief of the First Fleet of the Human Federation."

Yu Wenhua was just stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized who this Shen Shi was!

Founder of Xinghai Company!

It was at the most critical moment for mankind that he returned from the universe and brought a warning to mankind, brought a series of planet fortresses, and even Mr. Shen, who is currently bringing these huge interstellar battleships!

Yu Wenhua's mood suddenly became excited.

He is not star-chasing or admiring, this excitement comes from gratitude!

I am grateful to Shen Shi for the hope he has brought to mankind!

Everyone can imagine, if Shen Shi had not returned, if he had not brought all this, how desperate their world would have been at the moment when the alien invaders came!

Yu Wenhua would rather die on the battlefield than helplessly watch his family and children burn under the flames of war.

As for those previous conspiracy theories,

What about Mr. Shen himself being an alien, what about everything being a conspiracy by alien forces, and what about just using humans as cannon fodder to help aliens fight wars? Even when these conspiracy theories were most popular, Yu Wenhua didn't pay attention at all.


the reason is simple.

The more I understand the technology of interstellar society, the more I understand how weak human beings are.

The weak ones are lucky enough to survive!

Being used? Being deceived?

Compared with the hope of survival and the power in our hands, such worries are extremely foolish!

Therefore, Yu Wenhua believes that the reality he has seen and experienced is that the appearance of Mr. Shen has made human beings stronger and has a glimmer of hope to protect themselves in the dangerous and dark universe!

At this moment, there are many soldiers as excited as Yu Wenhua.

After all, even the battleship they are riding on now was brought by Shen Shi!

This chapter has been completed!
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