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Chapter 118: Found the enemy troops

"Therefore, the strategic goal we want to achieve in this battle is not only to completely solve the threat posed by the War fleet, but also to delay the attention of the Dyke civilization to us as much as possible. Based on this big goal, at the moment,

The handling of the Wo people's reconnaissance force becomes even more important, and we must do our best to delay the time for the Wo people to notify the Daik civilization of our existence." Shen Shi finally returned to the topic of the first battle we are currently facing.

The intelligence from Dyke Base forced them to be more careful when facing the Wo people's reconnaissance troops.

So the next battle is not just a crushing war against a weak enemy.

If you are not careful, you may fall into a huge crisis because of the Wo people's reconnaissance force.

The two histories witnessed by Shen Shi both illustrate this point.

"Understood!" everyone replied at the same time.

They all also felt the pressure in their hearts.

But it must be endured, and it can only be endured.

"Therefore, what we will face next will be multiple prisoner-of-war battles with the core tactical objectives of blocking information and taking over enemy communications." Shen Shi once again conveyed his awareness, "This type of battle is very important in interstellar wars.

A perfect example of getting 10 points, but being typical only means that there is a clear direction of action, but it does not mean that it can be easily achieved. Therefore, the next study and training of us and the soldiers need to move closer to this direction."

Before, it was intelligence analysis, but now, it is about determining strategic goals based on intelligence and making targeted strategic preparations.

Every step needs to be as well prepared as possible. This is the first lesson a commander learns in the course of interstellar warfare.

Next, Shen Shizai and many senior commanders specified the next training plan in detail.

In the first period of time, I naturally became familiar with the entire battleship.

There are countless instruments and weapons with various functions on a human aircraft carrier. From being launched into the sea to forming actual combat effectiveness, it requires a year-long aircraft carrier sea trial, and a space battleship is countless times more complicated.


After all, the complexity of the situations that need to be faced in an interstellar war cannot be compared to sailing on the sea of ​​a planet.

Just getting completely familiar with the battleship will take a long time.

What we have to do now is to reach the level where we can form preliminary combat strength as soon as possible.

Therefore, within the next week, these more than two million interstellar recruits did not have time to experience the novelty of being in space, and they threw themselves into various high-intensity training.

They need to constantly learn relevant knowledge on the battleship, such as weapon systems, navigation systems, and even functional auxiliary systems. These are the foundation of the foundation, whether they are the operators of the entire sub-ship, or the person in charge of the battleship.

All types of combatants who leave subclass ships and drive small battleships to conduct space escort warfare, assault warfare, and defensive warfare need to master such basic knowledge.

Only after mastering them all can they quickly understand and deal with various situations when they encounter them.

So all the soldiers, including senior commanders, began to get busy.

Relatively speaking, Shen Shi became the most relaxed one.

He is also constantly learning, but at this time, he has begun to realize the advantages that raw energy technology brings to personal quality.

After relying on the strengthening of the afterimage of consciousness brought about by the beating of the world line, his original energy attainments suddenly improved a lot, and on this basis, the evolutionary device in the body also began to truly exert its power, becoming more and more powerful.

Many tiny particles began to improve and assist his brain, because his current strength of consciousness was enough to support the evolution of a more powerful brain.

He now feels that the ability of every brain cell in his body is far greater than before.

It's as if your brain has become a high-speed computing computer.

Not only can it maintain a high-speed state, process and learn more content, but it can also allow the original energy to start to exert its attack effect.

"We have to find a way to get more resources for original energy training." Shen Shi made this decision.

He felt that at this speed, he would definitely become a master of original energy faster than his son in another timeline.

But the power of the original master not only depends on himself, but also depends on the civilization of the entire race.

For example, the six billion human population is either rapidly increasing in quantity or quality. For example, the "Son of the Earth" civilization recorded in Mudd's system mainly developed atomic energy technology. Although the number of individuals of the civilized race is not large, each of them can

They are all strong. If they unite to protect themselves, it will be difficult for B-class civilization to invade.

The best way for human civilization is to advance from both ends.

Shen Shi sent the relevant information, its importance, and his own suggestions to the Human Federation on Blue Star through Todd and other liaisons. After the political management system has become very efficient, I believe

Related projects will be promoted soon.

For example, the training of the will of the people, and the stimulation of population growth.

These are not instant achievements and require continuous efforts over a long period of time.

Therefore, Shen Shi's focus at this time was not on these matters.

However, while the human fleet was in the orbit of the earth and the moon, waiting for the information from the detection system to be confirmed, there was once again an upsurge in joining the army on the Blue Star.

The reason is not only because the Human Federation announced that there are still a large number of gaps in the Starfleet force, but also because the one-million-member army expedition some time ago has ignited more enthusiasm among people.

They didn't know yet that the fleet was still staying near Blue Star, but they had already begun to pay attention and worry to the soldiers who were going on the expedition.

Related discussions on the Internet remain high.

Anyone who opens a post can see a lot of discussions.

"I don't know if I can win."

"There are 2.21 million soldiers. Although I know it is impossible, I still hope that they can all return safely."

"Although I am very grateful to Mr. Shen for what he has brought to us and mankind, does Supreme Commander Mr. Shen have any experience in interstellar command?"

"How do the people upstairs know that Mr. Shen has no experience? Even if he doesn't, are there more experienced people on Blue Star?"

"I mean, why can't we hire some more experienced interstellar combat commanders from other interstellar civilizations?"

"Are you going to entrust the lives of two million soldiers to aliens? And you don't have to worry about it. You can think of things that the Human Federation and Mr. Shen can't think of?"

"Good news! The letter-from-home project has been launched! We can record videos and send letters home to family members who are on the battlefield! Although each soldier only has a capacity of ten Mb per month, but it is compressed and sent, he can record a short video!"

"Brothers, I also plan to join the army. My younger brother has already gone to war. As an older brother, I don't want him to be alone on the battlefield."


Not only are the soldiers on the expedition quickly adapting to the training life in the space fleet, but the people on Blue Star are also adapting to the current war era. They are concerned about the news on the front line, and their families are looking forward to the soldiers' replies. More

people are actively signing up to join the army, and more and more people are investing in active war preparation projects

War will bring huge destruction to any civilization and any era.

However, most people still try to make everything better.

This is a comprehensive change involving all fields.

Two or three days later, the soldiers of the First Fleet also received their first letter home. This was actually a test of the communication system.

Although they are not completely far away from Blue Star, the soldiers can still feel some kind of power in their hearts when they receive this first letter from home.

What Yu Wenhua received, in addition to a long envelope from his wife, a short video, photos of his family, and an essay written by his son.

"My father has become one of those countless stars. Don't get me wrong, he is still alive and is just doing a great thing. I hope that when my father comes back safely, I can accompany him well.

Mother, I often see my mother crying at night these days. If the war is not over by then, I will replace my father and continue to complete this great thing. I will become a better soldier and a stronger warrior than him.


If this composition were written on paper, by the time Yu Wenhua finished reading it, the paper would have been completely wet with tears.

Yu Wenhua had the impression that his son was always naughty and did not study well, which made him and his wife worry a lot.

But it had only been ten days since he left, and his son seemed to have grown up overnight.

Not only did she start studying hard, she also started taking the initiative to exercise, and even helped her mother with housework to share some of the burden.

This made him happy more than anything else!

"You brat, it's okay to go to the battlefield for me. It's impossible." Yu Wenhua muttered with red eyes, encrypting this first family letter and storing it in the safest place on his portable terminal.

After he completes the initial transformation, this accelerated letter, including all future family letters, will be stored in his brain chip.

Then send a group message to your comrades.

"All combat members of the B23-E958 team, training begins, all log in to the training space!"

"Ah, there are still ten minutes left in the break, Captain!"

"Training is not considered rest? This is a virtual training space, a simulated Star Wars! Isn't this much more exciting than the games you played before?"

"Playing games is not stressful, nor is it so tiring, Captain! Besides, it really hurts every time I get beaten up!"

"Stop talking nonsense! If you don't want to be really beaten on the battlefield, just hurry up and train!"



Since there is even a conscious link, there is also a virtual training space. This is also the most efficient way for combat units to initially train for space operations.

But this is only preliminary.

It is just used to familiarize yourself with various weapons when driving a personal small battleship to the space station.

No matter how realistic the training combat is, it is actually just a simulated control and cannot fully experience actual interstellar warfare.

Therefore, when everyone is familiar with it to a certain extent, they still have to drive the battleship for actual control training.

So much so that most captains have set up rewards and virtual competitions to keep all the teams motivated and training like crazy.

This is also a way to hone your original abilities, and you can achieve multiple goals with one stone.

Even Shen Shi is also undergoing such training. With his original energy attainments and powerful personal equipment, he is afraid that he will not be able to be a simple commander, such as the one he saw in history.

, his son, who is also the supreme commander of the human fleet, does not always have to go to the battlefield personally at critical moments.

The same is true for the Duke of the future world, and even the leader of the Wo fleet.

In an interstellar war, the commander-in-chief of a fleet is not only the core of the combat command, but also often the most powerful warrior, the sharpest knife, and the best bait in the fleet.

The balance among them also extremely tests the commander's ability.

Otherwise, like the leader of the Wo people, his personal demise would indirectly lead to the demise of the entire fleet, and even the entire race.

Fortunately, the huge improvement in original energy attainments under the residual image of consciousness gave Shen Shi more confidence.

And time flies by during such training.

Until the thirteenth day of the expedition.

Shen Shi, who was still in the biological battleship and had not returned to his own battleship for a week, finally received the intelligence confirmation from the detection system.

"The detection system has discovered multiple intelligent life reactions at a distance of about 42,000 astronomical units from the blue star. They are approaching the blue star at sub-light speed. The furthest distance between these life reactions reaches one

More than tens of thousands of astronomical units! It is very likely that they are the reconnaissance force of the Wo fleet!" This was the information that Todd personally sent to Shen Shi through his consciousness link.

In fact, Shen Shi had already obtained this news through his Vogt and his authority over the planet fortress.

He can be sure that these are the reconnaissance troops of the Wo fleet!

In the history of the future world, there is no record of the specific location of these reconnaissance troops, but there are general directions and specific numbers.

You can also make rough inferences based on time.

The astronomical unit mentioned in the information sent by Todd is the customary unit in light years.

Equivalent to the average distance from Blue Star to the Sun.

One light year is approximately equal to 63,241 astronomical units.

In other words, at this time, the reconnaissance force of the Wo fleet was already close to two-thirds of the light-years away from Blue Star. Even including the time spent decelerating, it would only take less than a year to reach Blue Star!

In fact, this distance was enough for them to see the Blue Star eight months ago, but it was just not enough for them to detect specific changes on the Blue Star.

Therefore, it must be intercepted as soon as possible!

"If the order is passed, the whole army can attack! Turn on the concealment state and activate the curvature engine at full power!" Shen Shi gave the decisive order.

He was previously worried that the situation would undergo unknown changes. After all, in his series of actions that did not belong to the future, future history may change at any time. He needed to make his own judgment and could not completely trust this historical record.

This chapter has been completed!
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