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Chapter 125: Strategic Objectives Achieved

"team leader!"

Zhou Rui also looked at his captain, his excitement even revealed in his tone.

"Stop the evacuation, let's return to the stronghold and prepare to control the curvature engine as soon as possible!" Yu Wenhua's emotional control was stronger after all, and he gave the order directly without saying a single unnecessary word.

At the same time, the small human fighter planes that had been prepared for a long time had already started an exciting exchange of fire with many individual small fighter planes that rushed out of the Wo warships in this curvature bubble!

Here, no, the entire curvature bubble battlefield has been fully unfolded!

As expected from the beginning, even if the curvature engine is controlled, the Vor warships have no intention of surrendering.

One after another, small fighter planes rushed out of the Wo people's warships.

These small fighters also use biotechnology and look like birds wearing metal armor and short flat wings.

On the day when Shen Shi first obtained Shi Ling, he saw such a fighter jet in the three-dimensional projector he received from the first transaction.

They once dominated the blue sky.

It brought great fear to Shen Shi at that time.

He couldn't imagine how he should resist when these powerful alien fighters appeared in the sky of Blue Star again.

However, when I actually saw these alien fighters with my own eyes, everything became different.

Because humans have more powerful personal fighter jets.

The flat black fighter planes with ultra-high mobility seem to be integrated into this black curvature bubble space. Their high speed and stealth state make it impossible for the Wo people to lock on to their existence, so they can watch the attacks one after another.

Each time they fell densely, dozens of fighter planes must besieging one of them, making it impossible for them to escape, quickly destroying them, and then quickly passing by.

But compared to this kind of fighter planes, those spherical fighters that shine brightly on the battlefield are the real nightmare for the Wo people.

That's Space Firefortress!

On the entire spherical shape, there are countless large and small turrets swimming around. The intensive attacks make it shine brightly. It looks like a small sun that is crazily emitting heat and radiation. Wherever it goes, it brings

Horrible destruction.

In addition, there are huge defensive warships like shields, and the jet black liquid metal is madly showing wealth to the Wo people.

There are also warships responsible for reconnaissance, warships responsible for rescuing injured displays, and warships responsible for carrying combat supplies.

As various weapons continued to be released, the wreckage in the space gradually increased, and all captains focused their attention to the highest level.

Everything I have learned and trained in the past few months has been fully released at this time.

Shen Shi didn't have too many worries about the rest of the battlefield.

History has said it all.

His focus at the moment was entirely on the only historical node that needed to be changed.

In fact, Shen Shi had already arrived when Chen Feng had just blasted through the entire enemy ship, but he still stayed nearby for a few seconds, thinking about a solution.

And since he said those words, he naturally found it.

"The control authority of the warp engine is ultimately in the hands of the captain. The Vogt has captured your position." Shen Shi's body sprinted among the enemy warships at extremely high speed.

It was not without the Wo people's in-ship escorts discovering this unusual armor.

However, the weapons on Shen Shi's armor launched an almost continuous line of intensive attacks in a very short period of time. Each high-energy bullet penetrated an enemy in an instant.

Suddenly, within a certain range of Shen Shi, whoever comes and who dies!

Not to mention those Wo people's escorts, even some human warriors were a little dumbfounded.

More advanced weapons and equipment?

Of course there is this reason.

But this is not the main thing. What is really important is that anyone who tries to attack Shen Shi will be attacked by a powerful consciousness in an instant.

There is no need to control their consciousness, just a pause of even one second is enough to kill them!

Some enemies equipped with powerful defense devices will even take the initiative to let go of their defenses at that moment.

This is not only Shen Shi's enhanced original energy attainments, but also the powerful support provided by the Vogt.

"Too strong!" Zhou Rui looked at the commander-in-chief who was in a no-man's land, and even felt that his heart that no longer existed began to beat faster, "the commander-in-chief is too strong! No wonder the course said,

The combination of personal raw energy technology and powerful weapons and equipment will make you the most powerful warrior in the galaxy!"

"Don't be stunned! Prepare to rush into the target point!" Yu Wenhua said quickly.

He also saw the scene just now, and he vaguely guessed that the commander-in-chief was running to find trouble for the other party's captain.

It is simply an interstellar version of taking the heads of enemy generals from among thousands of generals!

Such a commander-in-chief is indeed the greatest luck for all soldiers!

His guess was correct, Shen Shi had indeed locked onto the opponent's captain's location.

In fact, in interstellar operations where raw energy technology is more mature, the power of individual soldiers or individuals will be amplified to a certain extent.

Not to mention he still has the Vogt.

And at this moment.

From the time he rushed into the enemy ship to the moment he was separated from the opponent's captain by a layer of liquid metal, it only took a mere ten seconds.

"Are you still struggling?" Shen Shi was suspended in front of the liquid metal, and what he passed on was a faint Wo Ren language.

"You may be able to kill us all, but the powerful Dekes will not let you go." Woye's equally calm voice came from the public channel.

"To think of Dyke as a savior... is so sad."

Shen Shi turned around and left directly.

I only said two sentences from beginning to end.

This left Woye completely confused.

"Have you given up? No, as long as I escape, I will immediately send intelligence to the main fleet! Then their communication occupation tactics can be declared a failure!" Woye looked at the countdown of the warp engine's escape again.

Then, he suddenly froze.

Even the superficial calmness cannot be maintained.

Because, the curvature bubble is out of program and has been cancelled!

Looking at the operation manual again, he saw that he had canceled it himself two seconds ago!

When exactly does the original attack take place?

That's right, from the time Shen Shi arrived within a certain range, his own original energy had already guided the Vogt's original energy weapons and launched an instant fixed-point attack on the opponent. Liquid metal could not resist the original energy.

A great sense of fear surged up, and Woye seemed to have lost all his strength at this moment.

He knew that it was all over.

The Wo people have such a powerful enemy, but their main fleet is completely unaware of it, and no news can be passed back!

"Great God Wo, why do you treat your people like this?" Woye has never been as desperate as now.

At the same time, as the final antimatter bomb exploded, the liquid metal guarding the curvature engine finally reached its load limit, had completely expanded, hardened, and lost its ability to absorb powerful energy.

Just relying on the high-energy plasma device, you can easily melt a path.

Zhou Rui and others, who had already been prepared, and the other three teams rushed inside almost at the same time.

In front of them was a huge metal ring. The space in the middle looked like flowing liquid, constantly shrinking towards the center of the ring and then expanding until the difference could not be seen with the naked eye.

This is the curvature engine!

"Don't get close to the eight-meter range. When activated, everything within this range will be absorbed and then fall into the eternal space collapse." Yu Wenhua whispered to the rest of the people, then raised his gun and shot directly

The space platform connected to the entire curvature engine was shattered.

It shocked many people.

"You didn't even look carefully? What if I made a mistake?"

"Was the lesson in vain? This small weapon will not cause damage to the main body of the curvature engine. It is not so fragile."

Yu Wenhua took out the controller that he had been guarding carefully, pointed it at the curvature engine in front of him, and pressed it cautiously.

"It's done!"

Because of its extremely important particularity, the curvature engine is designed with an internal energy structure at the beginning of its design. Once the connection with the control terminal is lost, it will automatically stabilize the previous curvature parameter state and release certain permissions. This

At this time, the terminal that takes control first can obtain the two permissions relatively easily.

One is to maintain the current state, and the other is to exit the curvature bubble and gradually slow down until the curvature engine is turned off.

This design concept is to reduce the damage to the curvature engine as much as possible, which will ultimately lead to the loss of quality and energy.

There is a saying that has been circulating among the stars for a long time.

Transformation into matter and energy is the most painful outcome for intelligent life. Your consciousness will not disappear completely, but will continue to stretch and fall into the abyss where space will remain static forever. Even millions or hundreds of millions of years will not be able to achieve this.

Liberation is an outcome countless times more painful than becoming a raw energy battery.

The proof of this statement is the "ghost of consciousness" that is often encountered during long-distance curvature navigation.

Of course, no one has been able to prove the authenticity of this statement so far, just as no one can prove its non-existence.

However, transformation into energy is definitely one of the top three most horrific ways to die in the universe.

"Mission accomplished! We have successfully controlled the warp engine, requesting guardian reinforcements!" Yu Wenhua sent a notice to the entire army.

"Okay!" Chen Feng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

After completing this step, the most important thing is completed. As long as the curvature engine is not lost, all battles will be carried out in the curvature bubble in a secret state that no one knows!

He has truly realized it now.

In terms of equipment, their advantages are huge!

The protective power of that kind of liquid metal is terrifying, but they can spread all over the outer armor of the battleship, which means that the enemy needs to use a terrifying level of attack energy just to break through the outer armor defense of their battleship.

, even if it has the same anti-matter cannon as a human battleship, it can't be solved with one or two cannons.

On the contrary, at such a distance, their anti-matter cannons can easily penetrate the enemy ships.

This huge equipment gap can even directly undermine the opponent's fighting spirit.

Even their individual battleships still have obvious advantages.

More powerful weapons, stronger defense, and faster speed!

And Shen Shi was not idle after the crisis was resolved.

He returned to the Vogt and regarded this as an opportunity to practice his skills. In his ghost state, he carried out various attacks and saved many of his own soldiers who were besieged.

In terms of the performance of the Vogt, it is completely crushed.

It's like playing a game.

Every time he takes a shot, he can easily sweep the blockbusters.

This even gave Shen Shi a strange realization.

Studying hard, training, and being more efficient are not as effective as having more powerful equipment!

And to a certain extent, this is indeed the interstellar truth!

This made the Wo people realize that there was a more powerful "ghost fleet" hidden in the opponent's fleet.

Some desperate Wo captains finally chose to surrender.

If someone starts, more and more people will surrender.

Don't think that all aliens are not afraid of life and death. This is also related to the culture and personal will of civilized races.

Shen Shi was not surprised by this.

It wasn't until the last enemy ship declared its surrender and all the survivors announced to lay down their weapons that Shen Shicai left the Vogt and returned to the biological battleship where he originally stayed.

Link into the web of consciousness.

"I declare that the strategic goal of this battle has been successfully achieved. Everyone, take custody of the prisoners and clean the battlefield."

Along with this brief declaration of victory, many soldiers burst into cheers. For them, this was their first battle with the invaders, and it was also their first space battle as an interstellar force. It can be said that no matter what,

Regardless of victory or defeat, it will inevitably be recorded in human history.

And the victory at this moment is the best reward for their sacrifice and effort.

Of course, there are some soldiers who did not participate in the cheers, but were still alert to everything around them. They either controlled their emotions well, or were more immersed in the sacrifices of their comrades.

Yes, even in such a battle with huge advantages, there are still sacrifices.

This is war.

Blood and death are the eternal themes of war. Victory and cheers are just flashes of light that cannot cover up the color of blood.

Shen Shi did not cheer along with him, but summoned all the captains in the channel.

"There must be no carelessness in the next battlefield cleaning. No matter whether it is every Wo man or every component on the enemy ship that may send space information, it must be controlled repeatedly and in all aspects. We at least

It will take up to half a month to clean the battlefield to ensure that there will be no problems before moving on to the next target. In addition, my Vogt is equipped with original energy weapons that can fully cooperate with you to ensure the transfer of authority to the enemy ship.

, and beware of hidden passwords in the communication system." Shen Shi explained the next key tasks in one sentence.

This chapter has been completed!
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