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Chapter 145: Information on the Daik Civilization

The contract establishes a subordination relationship and imposes certain restrictions on both parties. It requires the employer to pay remuneration and limits the scope of work. However, if the employer does not violate the rules, the subordinates are not allowed to violate the contract provisions, otherwise they will have to pay significant fees.


When Shen Shi heard this, he couldn't help but sigh.

Technology has always been able to make complex things simpler.

With such an original steel seal, not only can human civilization develop rapidly from the lost cultural inheritance, but it can also quickly increase the power of the Shen clan in the future world, allowing both parties to benefit.

And this is also the most reasonable development method in the entire interstellar society.

After all, emotions can make people's cohesion stronger, and interests can protect emotions. Only the combination of the two can achieve the greatest effect, rather than letting emotions and interests conflict.

"Just do as you say." Shen Shi said at the end.

After that, he discussed some more information about the future world with the public.

For example, the identity of the main council members and the composition of several major legions.

Shen Shi could get some basic information from the information database. However, after all, some of the information in the information database was only information without explanations of various interests, attitudes, and positions, but Gongchu did not understand these.

Have some knowledge.

In fact, Shen Shi's understanding of these things wouldn't be of much use, but he just didn't want to be completely ignorant.

And the command teaching for this day still did not stop.

When Shen Shi came out of the black market, he suddenly realized that he had been in the black market for a whole day.

In fact, when he can also distinguish the afterimage of consciousness, the efficiency of learning knowledge, experience, and skills will be greatly improved. After all, the afterimage of consciousness also has a certain thinking ability, and this is why this skill is so important.

one of the reasons.

"Everything will get better and better." Shen Shi stood up, stretched his muscles without any pain, and summarized all the gains in the black market this time. He couldn't help but feel that this development method was completely cheating.

Not only in modern times, but also in the future.

If the external threats were not too great, why would human civilization be under such pressure?

But this is the fact. After a short rest, Shen Shi immediately devoted himself to original training.

With the guidance of an original energy master, he can avoid many detours in training in this area, and he can gain a solid foundation in some original energy techniques.

According to what Gongchu said, the ultimate achievement of original energy depends on technology.

If you can master more powerful and advanced technologies, you can use the power of your consciousness more efficiently and better.

Therefore, this aspect also requires foundation.

Even equipment is required.

Therefore, the first thing that collectors and human civilization in the future world have to do now is to find a "defensive weapon" from the land of Gus that can allow the entire civilization to fully exert the power of the original master.


The price of this weapon is extremely expensive.

In contrast, the spaceship Shen Shi needs can only be regarded as a trade gift.

But this does not affect Shen Shi's expectations for it.

C9 level battleship.

The Vogt is only D9 at best, and C1 at most.

And after that, there is sailing, waiting, and endless learning and training.

At the same time, Shen Shi did not forget to further update the fleet's equipment.

The rights and status in the future world still have to be applied in reality.

Therefore, in addition to the commander training device that he took out before, Shen Shi also successively took out other more powerful equipment in the next three months.

In particular, several warp cannons are included.

Yes, warp cannon.

Just by looking at the name, you can tell the function of this weapon. It can directly carry out jump strikes within a certain range, erasing the extremely long ballistic time in interstellar wars.

The main reason why the spacecraft's jump engine technology is difficult is that it must maintain a stable curvature inside the entire spacecraft to ensure life safety.

But cannons are not needed.

Simply transporting energy over short distances is much less difficult to implement. This technology is still inspired by the transition from curvature bubble communication, but from inspiration to weaponization, technological breakthroughs and application breakthroughs are required.

There are simply too many to imagine.

To a certain extent, this weapon has reached C-level standards.

This is one of the few powerful weapons that Shen Shi found in the future world that the human fleet can control.

Use it as a trump card to further expand mankind's confidence.

This is equivalent to when everyone is still fighting hand to hand, and you suddenly take out a bow and arrow.

Even if it's not a guaranteed win, the advantage is already very obvious.

In addition to weapons, Shen Shi has made certain updates to the detection system, defense system, and even traps.

What just surprised him was.

Although they have come up with so many powerful devices, there will be no obvious changes in the world in the future. Even if the time for the final victory over the Wo people is compressed to 266 years, this impact will be placed in the future three thousand years later.

But it only slightly increased the strength of human beings, and even the completion time of the galaxy fortress was not advanced again.

After carefully investigating history, Shen Shicai found the reason.

Was confiscated.

All devices with a technical level of D6 or above were confiscated by the Dyke civilization when they finally surrendered to Dyke.

This also made Shen Shi realize once again that if he does not solve the threat of Daike civilization, he is afraid that it will be difficult for him to bring about any major changes in the future.


Shen Shi began to focus on the information on the Daike Civilization.

As the biggest threat to human civilization in the future world, human civilization has indeed conducted sufficient research on the Dyke civilization.

Shen Shi also saw the image of the Daike people.

Unlike the Wo people who are short and thin, have little original strength, and have even begun to experience physical degeneration, the Daik people, as the same carbon-based creatures, can be said to be powerful.

The average height is about three meters, and the trunk is strong. Like most carbon-based intelligent creatures, they are mammals with upright limbs. However, the Dyke also has a long tail, which is like a lizard.

The same tail, which helps them maintain balance.

For a long time in their Earth-Star period, the Dykes relied on their own powerful bodies to hunt instead of using tools.

Therefore, this strength derived from the body has also become a part of their culture.

This is why the Dyke people are committed to developing biotechnology and even designed devices for the evolution of life.

Compared with the Daike civilization three thousand years later, the Daike civilization three thousand years ago was more barbaric and more ferocious.

Even after they entered the C-level civilization, they still retained the traditional adult assessment method-let the Daike people remove all equipment and hunt prey in the jungle with only their own bodies. Only those who passed this assessment

Only Daike people who belong to the group are qualified to transform their bodies.

Of course, this method was outlawed three thousand years later.

Three thousand years later, the Dyke people have stagnated the development of the entire civilization due to the stagnation of some key technologies, and then began to have internal problems.

Because they are about to reach the top of C-level civilization, but there is an invisible gap between them and B-level civilization. This is no longer a level that can be developed with time.

"Every C-level civilization must have its own unique features. The Dyke people have also created a splendid civilization, and fortunately they have not suffered too much damage. They have been approaching the Mulder system since they joined

Good luck with the C-level."

Even within the entire Mulder system, there are not many civilizations like Dyke.

Most civilizations, like human beings, were destroyed when they were weak, and then underwent a long period of breeding, and then continued to struggle bit by bit until they became C-level civilizations, and then were reshaped over a long period of time.

own culture.

A culture that is closely connected to the Mulder system and does not distinguish between each other.

After reading the entire history of the Dyke civilization and gaining a better understanding, Shen Shi couldn't help but sigh further. In comparison, human beings' luck is really terrible.

The Dyke Civilization entered Class C more than a thousand years ago. When it first entered, it also experienced a period of stagnation.

However, after suffering successive setbacks on the battlefield of the C-class civilization, their entire civilization gradually woke up under this pressure.

Vigorously cultivate the remaining civilizations within the jurisdiction, continuously cultivate the fighting spirit of the race, and begin to actively and ferociously accelerate development.

The next two thousand years from now will be a period of rapid development and the most glorious period of the Daik civilization.

"If the Dyke people discover my existence and the changes in human beings at this time, it is almost inevitable to send troops." Shen Shi thought, "But according to the current technology of the Dyke people, it would be necessary to mobilize them from their home planet.

At least one hundred and fifty years is not enough, far from enough."

One hundred and fifty years, at most, can only allow human civilization to develop to a D-level level.

It is still far from being a match for the Daik civilization.

I'm afraid that by then, human civilization will still have no choice but to surrender.

Shen Shi thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a way. Finally, he decided to see what kind of spaceship the collector could bring him.

Anyway, it is impossible to surrender. If you surrender, it may be limited by Mulder's rules. Human beings can join the Mulder system as a D-class civilization. However, Shen Shi himself will definitely have no choice but to escape, because he wants to

The development of human civilization has revealed too many secrets so far.

In this way, another two months of sailing passed.

It has been more than half a year since I set out to fight again.

This is the normal state of interstellar expeditions, and even this is relatively rare. Thinking about the Voor fleet sailing for nearly two hundred years in order to come to Blue Star, there is no such thing as continuous training during the voyage. Everyone has to

If you stay in the sleep cabin for a long time, you will not be able to bear the long voyage psychologically.

By this time, Shen Shi's updated reconnaissance system had finally detected the entire Woren fleet.

He summoned all senior commanders and held another meeting.

"We have to start preparing to lay traps." This was the first thing Shen Shi said at the meeting.

In the consciousness space at this time, everyone is gathered in front of a three-dimensional star map that has been reduced countless times, and their fleet can be clearly seen on it, as well as the enemy's tens of thousands of warships!

"Part of the enemy's scout troops is almost approaching us." Zhuang Wenbin said while staring at the star map.

Scout troops are different from reconnaissance troops.

The former is closer to the main fleet than the latter, and it is continuous.

In other words, starting from this scout force, there will be new scouts every short distance, all the way to the main fleet, and the frequency of the scouts contacting the main fleet will be more frequent, and even the contact will be continuous.

, there is no point of suspension at any moment.

This also means that when dealing with scouts, it is difficult to use the previous tactics of dealing with reconnaissance troops to complete communication takeover without being noticed.

"If you have any opinion, feel free to say it." Shen Shi looked at Zhuang Wenbin, then at the other senior commanders, and conveyed his awareness, "You are all the same."

"We have an absolute advantage in reconnaissance." Zhuang Wenbin was obviously well prepared, "So I think we can bypass the scout troops, slow down, and lay traps on the main ship's only path. As for the scouts approaching the main ship,

We can let it pass and then activate the curvature oscillation to force the main fleet to exit the warp navigation and enter a trap."

This is also one of the characteristics of interstellar combat.

Space is a three-dimensional map after all.

So there is no such thing as a collision if you are going in the opposite direction.

Bypassing the scout troops is indeed a good choice.

The rest of the people did not let Zhuang Wenbin express himself alone, and some even put forward different opinions.

"Lao Zhuang, it's not that easy to arrange a trap under the close sight of the scouts."

"The enemy doesn't know that we have captured their reconnaissance troops and continues to send security information. Their vigilance must not be that high. Their formation is the best proof. So I think that with our anti-reconnaissance system, the enemy is

The probability of discovery is very low.”

"No matter how low it is, there is still a possibility of being discovered. Once discovered, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Old Zhou is right. I think we should not lay traps on the enemy's navigation orbit, but should find ways to lure their capital ships to other orbits."

"It's more adventurous this way."

"But we can also arrange the traps more perfectly."

"Why not use multiple traps to force you? Imagine if you were the commander of an E-class fleet and suddenly found yourself blocked by a curvature oscillator that is unique to C-class civilizations. What would you think?"

"Escape is the first choice, but there are too many escape routes in the interstellar world."

"Yes, but we can use these scout troops to mislead and give a route that is suspected to be safe."

"I think the risk is very high."


Listening to the discussion of these people, Shen Shi couldn't help but smile in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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