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Chapter 191: Opportunity for a higher level

After some meaningless pleasantries, when Shen Shi saw a huge "ring" in front of him, he felt a strange mood.

This is a curvature engine produced entirely by humans.

It is many years earlier than its original appearance.

This is a sign.

It marks that human civilization has officially reached the E-level standard.

The hundreds of years of development of the Wo people were caught up by humans in just ten years.

The current development situation of human beings is very abnormal. Although with the help of Shen Shi, in terms of specific combat effectiveness, and even in many aspects, it is no less than a D-level civilization, especially after Yin Wen was born.

It already has the power to threaten C-class civilization.

However, if you want to truly develop to the C-level level, you must fully reach the C-level level in all fields. Only in this way can the entire civilization continue to develop even if there is no transaction, and can we have a future.

The powerful force of human civilization.

This is where Shen Shi truly relies.

"Okay, very good." Shen Shi said.

Everyone could see that he was indeed in a good mood.

Even the people behind him breathed a sigh of relief.

"I still remember that ten years ago, an outstanding scientist told me personally that he was very ashamed." Shen Shi turned around and looked at everyone, "I am ashamed that as a scientist, I cannot contribute to the future of human civilization."

Playing his due role and doing nothing in the face of the crisis for all mankind is not what he wants to see when he invests in scientific research."

Everyone present was silent.

However, Shen Shi could still see a suppressed emotion in some scientists.

Obviously, no matter what their reasons are for investing in scientific research, since they have put in the effort to achieve this level, they have a kind of persistence and a kind of pride in their hearts - science and technology is the first driving force for the development of civilization.

However, facing the huge and terrifying interstellar space, all of them were actually very frustrated.

Because the difference is really too big.

Their generation, and many future generations, even in a very long period of time, all they have to do is learn and catch up.

"But what I want to say today is -" Shen Shi suddenly raised his tone, "On the battlefield of the Dyke civilization that we will face next, you are the real warriors and the real main force. Your

Efforts are no longer futile, but are the key force that will determine victory or defeat and the future of mankind!"

Such words made some scientists stunned at first, and then became unabashedly excited.

It wasn't Shen Shi's words that really had such great inspiring power.

This is only part of it.

The key is that with Shen Shi's current status, saying such words on such an occasion is tantamount to further elevating his status in the field of scientific research!

In the past ten years, although the field of scientific research has been highly valued and its contribution has been highly focused, it has never formed a real upsurge in civilization.


Just because of the awkward status.

Everyone knows the importance of the scientific research field, but look at what human civilization has today?

On the one hand, they have even begun to build large-scale space bases and space cities. All kinds of powerful devices are dazzling.

On the other hand, scientists like them are still working hard to study some of the most basic things.

Even if they forget about food and sleep, risk everything, and truly conquer the curvature engine technology in just ten years, and even produce a complete curvature engine independently, the announcement of this news will not cause too many waves.

The first reaction of most people after seeing this news was "oh".

Then there are no further words.

Some people may even say "warp engine? Hasn't this thing been around a long time ago?" or "Why is it so slow!", "What's so exciting about copying homework?" and the like.

Even those who understand the difficulty and the significance of the curvature engine find it difficult to react with excitement.

After all, human civilization has captured thousands of spaceships from the Wo people.

With the current population base of human civilization, these spacecraft will be sufficient for a long time.

Not to mention the Dyke base that Shen Shi captured for future jump capabilities, as well as the various C-class spacecraft with jump engines that Shen Shi traded from the future world.

in other words.

There are no visible benefits to conquering the curvature engine.

However, behind this is indeed the hard work of countless scientists.

This is the embarrassing position of scientists today.


What was revealed in Shen Shi's words represented a completely different change.

That is the name! It is the glory! It is the status!

As Shen Shi, this is not just a sentence, but also the trend of public opinion in the next period of time - scientific researchers will have the same status and glory as soldiers during the war!

The director of the Curvature Engine Research Institute was so excited that he couldn't even speak. Looking at the young man in front of him, who was actually dozens of years younger than him, he was like looking at a real "sage"!

However, Shen Shi only made such a statement but did not continue.

He still has to see the reactions of others first, and then perform a series of more detailed operations.

But with his current status, it is probably imperative to improve the social honor of scientists.

After Shen Shi finished visiting the rest of the base and was about to leave, Song Yao walked up and said in a low voice: "Chairman, this is a summary I just wrote. Please take a look."

Shen Shi took a look.

This is exactly a summary of the improved status of researchers within Xinghai Company.

There are many methods listed above.

In addition to publicity, there are many practical measures.

"It seems like you are bending your talents to let you do my secret technique." Shen Shi said with a smile.

"I can only make a summary, which is exactly the responsibility of a secretary, but I can't do more detailed work." Song Yao was very modest.

"Okay." Shen Shi circled a few points on this summary, "Bring it to Lao Wen and the others for discussion. Let's outline a framework. It doesn't need to be too detailed, but some preparations can already be started."

"Okay." Song Yao nodded.

With the current size of Xinghai Company, such an action is no longer small, and can even have a profound impact on the future of the entire human civilization.

This also made Shen Shi look forward to the changes in civilization in the future.

In the past ten years, many of his measures, including some of the devices he took out, have produced certain changes in the future world, but this change has not produced any residual images of consciousness.

On the one hand, it was because Shen Shi had some restraint.

On the other hand, it is still because of the level of human civilization itself that highly restricts development.

Without enough quantity, what can be used to build a galaxy fortress? Without enough mass, even powerful devices cannot be used, and there are not even enough original powerhouses, even if we really get a bunch of alien "workers"

, and there is no way to manage it.

Therefore, under these restrictions, it will be difficult to make any major changes in the future.

However, a little adds up to a lot.

But it's enough.

After Shen Shi came home from get off work, he couldn't wait to enter the study room, and the moment he entered the black market, he couldn't wait to see it.


An afterimage of consciousness appeared.

Squinting his eyes slightly, after digesting this afterimage of consciousness, Chen Shi couldn't help but feel a little surprised in his heart.

"Has human civilization reached the edge of Class B?" He murmured to himself.

This is indeed unexpected news.

The previous human civilization was actually stronger than the Dyke civilization in Future Line No. 1, and because of the pioneering trend established after winning the war, the size of human civilization was far greater than that of Dyke.

The civilization is larger, and among the C-level civilizations in the entire Mulder system, it can be considered the top group.

However, how can B-level civilization be so easy?

At this level, there will no longer be the phenomenon of being arbitrarily suppressed by other powerful civilizations in the Mulder system, just because the emergence of every B-level civilization can be regarded as a valuable asset to the Mulder system, or in other words

, is the core strength, and has even broken away from the "animal" level to a certain extent, and has truly become an "employee" of the Mulder system.

The last B-class civilization that was destroyed was even ordered by the rancher himself.

And that was thousands of years ago.

However, the news Shen Shi got now is also very vague. It is only known from the words and deeds of Zhou Sisi and some people. Especially Zhou Sisi, the strength of her Zhou clan seems to have increased a lot.

After several transactions, she had slowed down the progress of the branch's development. Now, in just ten years, she has started the development plan again.

After digesting the new memories brought about by the afterimage of consciousness, Shen Shi went straight to the information library store.

Along the way, he discovered that some parts of the entire market had also changed.

For example, the layout of shops on the street, or even the number of all shops.

This point has also appeared in several previous subtle changes.

But this time it stands out.

In the end, Shen Shi didn't think much about it. After obtaining the latest information base, he exited the market.

"The first battle with the Dyke civilization was still in the 312th year of the Starry Sky Era. It is not surprising that the construction of the galaxy fortress has not been completed." Shen Shi looked at the historical information recorded above.

Even though he has provided part of the Galaxy Fortress production base, it is still impossible to build a complete Galaxy Fortress in such a short period of time.

Population is the biggest limitation.

Even the human civilization in Future World No. 1 took more than two thousand years to complete.

But even so, with the many arrangements made by Shen Shi in the past ten years, the strength of human civilization three hundred years from now cannot be underestimated.

The evidence is the legions of the Dyke civilization.

There are hundreds of main battleships!

Each main battleship carries tens of thousands of secondary battleships.

This is truly a million-dollar fleet!

Even Shen Shi was a little nervous at this moment.

This scale is indeed too powerful. You must know that in the initial history of Future Line 2, just three such main battleships allowed Shen Shi and Yin Wen to do their best, and even relied on them in the end.

With a certain degree of luck, you can be forced and defeated.

Now, this number has increased dozens of times.

This shows that from this time onwards, the Dyke civilization has truly paid attention to the potential threat to humans.

Not to mention that they have tried their best, but they do want to wipe out human civilization in one fell swoop.

However, human civilization at this time is no longer what it used to be.

Shen Shi clearly saw that he mobilized two billion soldiers to snipe.

Yes, two billion.

This is obviously the power brought by the original training device.

In the past ten years, Shen Shi has come up with a lot of technologies and devices for increasing the population. After all, this is the most lacking part of human civilization. As a result, the population in three hundred years has reached 100 billion.

The situation has increased more than ten times compared with three hundred years ago, and it has broken through the jump engine technology. With some advanced production lines brought by Shen Shi, it has been able to independently produce C-class warships. Although the number is not too large, but

, has surpassed the level of D-class civilization to some extent.

This is what Shen Shi has done in the past ten years and brought about changes.

"If there were a complete galaxy fortress, there would be no need to risk sniping." Shen Shi felt a little regretful.

The purpose of sniping is to prevent the enemy from directly threatening the base camp of human civilization. This is the disadvantage of the galaxy fortress. It is like an ancient city wall. There are still a lot of gaps in it, making it impossible to conduct offensive and defensive battles. It can only be carried out outside the city.

Snipe to stop them, otherwise when the enemy breaks into the city, your fellow villagers will not be alive.

However, judging from the current situation of mankind three thousand years later, this war is obviously won.

Shen Shi continued to read.

Sure enough, although the fleet of human civilization cannot match the million-strong army of the Daike civilization in terms of number, in just three hundred years, the strength of the warriors has become inferior to that of the Daike people. In addition, Shen Shi brought

That C5-class main battleship, as well as a dozen of various powerful battleships he has brought out in the past ten years, plus the Yin Wen, which has been truly upgraded to the B2-class within this decade, and Shen Shi

This powerful master of original energy who controls original energy equipment.

In the end, the victory was barely achieved.

Although the process can be described as tragic, the rewards are equally huge.

Taking into account the number of captured and captured Dekes, the strength of human civilization is actually stronger.

The most important thing is - the Dyke people don't dare to come again.

"The turning point happened here." Shen Shi's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he understood something.

This is a turning point.

Before this turning point, the Dyke civilization reorganized its army after its defeat and attacked again. It fought with human civilization for hundreds or even thousands of years before it was defeated. This time, the Dyke people lost

It was too heavy, and was pressed hard by other enemies on the remaining battlefields, so that it fell into crisis in an instant.

This chapter has been completed!
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