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Chapter 196: The first interstellar target

Although human civilization has changed rapidly in the past ten years, especially in some high-end fields, they can still see gaps in these aliens.

An extremely down-and-out alien from an E-class civilization, piloting a small spaceship, was actually able to carry out small-scale repairs and even modifications to the spacecraft.

Only this point, not many people in today's human civilization can do it.

And these people are the real talents in today's human civilization.

All can be invested in the field of high-tech industrial production.

Let the large-scale industrial production equipment brought by Shen Shi be put into operation.

This also made Shen Shi insist on launching the "recruitment plan".

In order for human civilization to develop rapidly, for human civilization in three thousand years to enter the B-level category, or even open up a new world again, it is necessary to quickly establish a galaxy fortress, and this must also be obtained from other civilizations.

Bring a large number of technical labor force.

However, this is not something that can be rushed.

The first thing to do is to choose a target.

"Within the territory of Daike Civilization, there are a total of eight D civilizations, 23 E-level civilizations, and more than 300 lower-level G-level earth-star indigenous civilizations." Shen Shi today.

is planning a special meeting to share the information he has with the rest of the group.

Todd is among them.

This person's current status is much higher than before. It was not arranged by other people, but was actively requested by Shen Shi, which can be regarded as a kind of support for him.

After all, his ability is indeed good, and after getting along with him for a long time, he will be more familiar with him as a liaison officer.

"Compared to other C-level civilizations, is this number considered too much or too little?" someone asked.

"Of course it is a small number." Shen Shi said, "Dike civilization has just been promoted to C-level civilization for a thousand years. The development of civilization is getting faster and faster. They have not yet entered the period of rapid development in the C-level field, so it is not considered a small number."

From top to bottom, it is actually only equivalent to the level of C3 to C4. Of course, this is just a very rough division. It is actually difficult to have a detailed level division of the strength of civilization, and we ourselves are the best example."

Everyone nodded.

This is actually easy to understand.

Human civilization is the extreme of this. On the one hand, it even has B-level spaceships, but on the other hand, it does not even have a galaxy fortress. It is even more frighteningly weak in areas such as population size and original energy attainments.

But they can have existences like Shen Shi, and other civilizations may not be able to obtain powerful devices from higher-level civilizations.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many civilizations in just a few hundred nodes and a diameter of no more than two thousand light years." Todd couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, humans were not even sure whether there were other intelligent creatures in the universe.

There have been countless speculations and fantasies about the existence of "aliens".

It can only be said that if you are weak, you can only sit in and watch the sky.

"Then which civilization should we choose as the target first?" someone asked aloud.

This is a general named Tian Jun. Mo is about seventy years old, which can be regarded as a veteran, but at this moment he looks like he is only in his forties at most.

He is also part of this plan.

Shen Shi was not very familiar with him, but this was the arrangement of the other members. After reading his resume, he agreed because Tian Jun had been responsible for the recruitment and training of new recruits for a long time. This job

Experience can be used in the management of aliens.

And there is a complete team behind him.

Shen Shi attaches great importance to this plan. As long as he has the ability and contribution, he doesn't mind if there are connections or other reasons behind it.

Today's human civilization is relatively pure in terms of development.

Only when a new generation grows up can it truly begin its journey and truly become a civilization whose core purpose is to develop and become stronger.

"I already have a plan." Shen Shi raised his hand, and a vast star map suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and as the screen moved rapidly, a huge yellow star appeared in front of everyone.

Just within a distance of about seventeen nodes from human civilization.

From this galaxy, which seems to belong to the same type of star as the sun, they can see buildings with white as the main tone.

Obviously, this is a highly developed civilization in this solar system.

Everyone looked at Shen Shi, waiting for his explanation and introduction.

"This civilization calls itself 'Yu'. This is a transliteration. We will call them Yuren for short. The strength of the Yuren civilization has probably reached the top of E-level, and is about to become D-level or has already become D-level. Of course, more

The important thing is that they have not been discovered by the Mulder system yet."

When Shen Shi said these words, everyone was surprised

Not discovered?

A civilization that is about to become a D-class civilization has not been discovered?

"This is a normal thing." Shen Shi smiled calmly, "Although it seems that most civilizations will continue to go deeper into the universe, in fact they are only a minority, because there are endless dangers in the universe, and the universe

The internal resources of some galaxies are enough to provide development, so many civilizations still choose to face the universe cautiously."

Even when it comes to navigation, there are actually very few civilizations that open new routes.

What's more, the universe is really too big.

How many star galaxies are there in the entire Milky Way?

More than 400 billion.

It is difficult to completely explore most civilizations. The key point is that it is not necessary. For the Dyke civilization, if you want to find all civilizations, the cost will be very high.

What's more, for a strong civilization, only a strong civilization is valuable.

A powerful civilization will inevitably explore the universe, and sooner or later, one after another will step into the dark abyss of the "Mudd System".

"In other words, this civilization is this type of careful development?" Todd asked quickly.

"That's right."

Shen Shi nodded and waved his hand in front again. The entire galaxy began to zoom in, and finally, it was locked on a planet.

The moment they saw this planet, everyone opened their eyes wide.

Without him, this planet would be blue.

If it weren't for the appearance of the atmosphere and the distribution of the land above, which looked very different from the Blue Star, just looking at it from a distance, many people's first reaction would be to think they saw their home star.

"Yu Ren is very similar to us."

Along with the words on his body, Yu Ren also appeared next to him.

It is indeed very similar to humans.

They obviously evolved from land mammals, and they may even have evolved from primates such as apes, because they also have limbs, trunks, and facial features, although in terms of human aesthetics

, looks quite weird, but not ugly.

It's just that the eyes are bigger - probably more than twice as big as the largest human eyes.

The body shape is of the slender and tall type.

Even the skin is fair and very similar to that of some humans.

If there is any difference, it would probably be that they all have red hair, some bluish red fluff on their bodies, no eyebrows, and an extra red tail.

Yes, this is also a tribe with a tail.

"I see that many races have tails, which can help creatures maintain balance to a certain extent." Someone couldn't help but say.

"That's right." Shen Shi glanced at the person who spoke and said with a smile, "But it also means that such a civilization has not given up primitive violence because of the development of science and technology."


Some people also reacted.

Indeed, under what circumstances is it necessary to maintain balance? Of course it is during highly agile activities.

Apes need to climb mountains and jump, but humans don't.

For example, the Dykes, their tails are even deadly weapons. Even if each Dyke has no equipment and only relies on the most primitive body to come to Blue Star, they are also one of the most powerful predators.

This also shaped the wildness and culture of the Daike people.

Everyone's eyes once again focused on the "Yu Ren" in front of them.

So, this race is also...

"The Yuren are a very interesting race." Shen Shi told the content of this race, "Their galaxy environment is very similar to that of Blue Star. They are both very warm and suitable life planets. The Yuren themselves are also made of

An ape-like creature evolved."

Next to Yu Ren, a slender monkey with fiery red hair appeared.

Tall and thin.

This is the first impact people have on this monkey.

But some people seemed to have reacted.

"They looked like flames."

"Yes." Shen Shi said with a smile, "Yuren's hair can glow. At night, it really looks like fire. In their ancient times, they probably used this method to survive in the cruel and primitive jungle.

Survival, but the reason why I say Yuren are special is because their civilization development is actually based on 'relics'."

"Relics?" Someone was stunned for a moment.

"Actually, we can't call it a relic. This planet was visited by a powerful civilization tens of thousands of years ago, even before the Dyke people appeared. They left traces there and then left, so the universe

Human civilization has been accompanied by these high-tech relics since its birth. This is why they still did not dare to leave their own galaxy until they developed into a D-class civilization - they have long known that there are more than

They are a civilization." Shen Shi said.

This sentence made some human civilizations present couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Human beings are just too naive.

That’s why I always want to go deep into the universe and explore the universe.

However, even if they are like the Yuren, they may not be able to develop steadily for so many years. Who makes them so close to the Daikes? The Daikes have already discovered Blue Star, but they are just too lazy to harvest it.

"So, Yu Ren did not realize the cruelty of Mulder's system." Todd thought, "It does sound like a good race, but can it meet our needs?"

"The level of civilization development of the Yuren is not low." Shen Shi opened a series of information again, "They had already left their home star one thousand six hundred years ago, and successfully developed the curvature a thousand years ago.

Although the engine has not developed a jump engine, with their degree of research on curvature, they are fully capable of producing the curvature oscillation period and other related devices. Of course, more importantly, we can make them aware of the danger, maybe

It can be cultivated into a reliable subsidiary race."

In fact, Yuren is not that good in future history.

They were still discovered by the Dykes about six hundred years later.

After experiencing a war, although the Yuren were not exterminated, as a D-class civilization, their culture and inheritance were also destroyed. After more than 2,400 years, they have always been wandering in the D-class civilization.

Well, it can be said that even the human civilization in Future World No. 1 cannot compare.

So when he realized that this civilization had not been discovered by the Mulder system, Shen Shi had a plan.

Perhaps, he can take advantage of this civilization as a "savior".

Yes, take advantage.

Shen Shi would not naively believe that human civilization was qualified to save the rest of the world in this universe, nor would he naively believe that with the participation of human civilization, Yuren would have a better future.

He doesn't care about this.

He just believes that compared to the other civilizations that have joined the Mulder system and have established a fear of the Dekes and even the Mulder system, this Yuren civilization is more useful.

It's enough.

Although they have just entered the level of D-class civilization at best, their population is not small and their quality is not low. At most, after a period of training, they should be able to speed up the construction of the galaxy fortress.

However, as Shen Shi was talking, he found that many people were looking at him.

"Surprised how I know so much about it?" Shen Shi laughed.

"Indeed, there is a point." Todd was not polite and asked curiously, "Has Xinghai's understanding of this star field surpassed that of Mulder's system?"

Shen Shi had just said that even the Mulder system had not discovered this civilization that had reached D level. However, Shen Shi knew clearly how far some of this civilization's technologies had developed.

It has to be said that in terms of intelligence, they have a new understanding of Shen Shi and Xinghai.

"To be more precise, it's not more than the Mulder system, but more than the Daike civilization." Shen Shi shook his head and said, "At our level, the biggest advantage of Xinghai is the jump. You can probably see it already.

When we captured the node, Xinghai was able to silently jump thousands of spaceships without jump engines to Blue Star. This technology alone has actually surpassed B level, and may even reach

It has reached the A-level field, but it has become popular in Xinghai, and the cost has been reduced to the minimum. You should understand what this means."

This chapter has been completed!
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