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Chapter 198: Thirteen years of sailing time

In addition, Todd has not forgotten that no matter how much this place looks like a world or a planet, it is still a spaceship!

A B-class immigration spaceship!

If it’s a spaceship, then it has a captain!

By now, they are extremely clear about the significance of the captain within the entire spacecraft. The more powerful the spacecraft, the more terrifying the captain's status and power.

There is even such a world-like spaceship, so the captain of this spaceship must be the king of the world in this world!

Therefore, no one will openly refute Shen Shi's decision.

Because of this, after Todd and others returned, just as Shen Shi said, this B-class immigrant spacecraft caused a great sensation within a certain range, but it soon became silent.

The number of personnel on the spacecraft has been suppressed to the lowest level, and only those involved in the plan are aware of it, and it is kept highly confidential on the Internet as top secret.

This is no longer the beginning of the information age. In the post-information age, which is highly unified and managed by artificial intelligence (AI), it is impossible for large-scale leaks of confidential information that the top leaders of civilization are determined to hide.

And Shen Shi also emphasized this at the highest meeting more than once.

The retreat is just to allow them to be bolder, work harder to develop, and become stronger.

As a result, the personnel involved in this project began to be selected from the entire civilization. In addition to the first batch of 100,000 awakened personnel who acted as original energy masters, the personnel required for the entire project were approximately two million.

About a bit.

The number of humans is still too small now.

Otherwise, it would take at least hundreds of millions of people to be able to designate plans more calmly.

But two million is already the minimum number. Below this number, this task will become extremely difficult.

Time flies by in this process.

Three years passed quickly.

This will be the longest interstellar voyage that mankind has undertaken since entering the interstellar era. It will also be the first time that mankind has contacted other civilizations for non-war purposes. It can be said that it is special for the entire human civilization.

However, the departure of Shen Shi and others was destined to be silent. After all, the entire project was still a top-secret plan.

However, before leaving, Shen Shi left a consciousness clone here.

It is mainly used to appease human civilization.

After all, for Shen Shi, who knew the future, he clearly understood that there would be no problems with Blue Star if he left this time.

At this moment, two million people have gathered on the "Dongtian".

Yes, this B3-level immigration spacecraft has a brand new name.

This name was naturally decided by Shen Shi, and the meaning is also very clear. Dongtian Paradise can be regarded as a fantasy of a beautiful place in the myths and legends of the Eastern Kingdom. The name was chosen to also regard this powerful immigrant spaceship as

The purpose of human civilization’s retreat.

When Shen Shi explained this, he calmed the hearts of many people who knew about it.

"The entire voyage will take about thirteen years." Shen Shi's voice rang in everyone's ears.

Very simply relying on the power of original energy.

He also learned not long ago that there is a powerful original energy device on this spaceship, which can not only be used externally, but also internally. Shen Shi calls it the "Sea of ​​Consciousness" because of its

Embodiment is indeed an ocean located in the real world. Any life that steps into its scope will be attracted to it and will lose part of its authority after that, or in other words, it will be directly controlled by the sea of ​​consciousness.

In other words, Shen Shi at this moment can easily control everything about these two million people.

Including but not limited to tampering with their memories and controlling their thinking.

This made Shen Shi feel a little emotional. He heard from a collector that this spaceship was originally customized by an unknown customer, but that customer did not come when he paid the final payment, so it was sold by the Land of Gus.

Then he bought it.

It now appears that this spaceship was definitely prepared to become a civilization and a "god" in the world when it was originally designed.

If Shen Shi could be ruthless enough to take away all mankind, he could also recreate the myth and become a figure like the God King and Heavenly Emperor.

However, having already made a decision, Shen Shi will naturally not let such thoughts interfere with him anymore.

"Thirteen years is neither too long nor too short, so I won't place any strict restrictions on you, whether you want to study and live, spend it in hibernation, or want to train.

Original energy, all at will." Shen Shi continued to say to everyone.

Some people really didn't know the specific sailing time, so they immediately started discussing it.

"It would be such a waste if it was spent in hibernation."

"A mere thirteen years."

"Thirteen years is not enough just to explore this world."

"Everyone, let's continue training our original abilities."

"Okay, let's try to get more strong people."


Among the more than two million people, scientists, diplomats, and soldiers account for the vast majority. Of course, there are actually many other people.

Even the two siblings, Curtis and Tracy, are among them.

Although today's human civilization is dominated by the Human Federation, in order to ensure internal competition, the national system is still retained, and these two princes and princesses from the Nick Empire have also joined the external affairs department of the Human Federation.

, and after a period of study, the ability is not bad.

Plus strength training.

Compared with the two of them more than ten years ago, they are completely different.

They even refused the status of being admired by everyone. At this moment, the two of them were just walking on the beach like a pair of ordinary brothers and sisters, marveling at the scenery of this spaceship.

"The surface area of ​​this spacecraft is dozens of times that of Blue Star, and the sea occupies about half of the area. However, we are standing here now, but we don't feel any difference from the other Blue Stars." Tracy was quite impressed.


"Reincarnation Paradise"

"If there is a ship in the distance, you can still see some differences." Curtis chuckled, "More than ten years ago, if such a spaceship appeared in front of us, then I guarantee that all mankind would

All countries, including me, will choose to abandon Blue Star and migrate all their people, considering this place as the future home of human civilization."

"That's not necessarily the case." Tracy shook her head, "The owner of this spaceship is from Dongguo. As long as this does not change, we will not give up on Blue Star easily."

"That's right." Curtis nodded.

Although they could not completely empathize with the situation, they also knew very well that as long as Shen Shi was the one who brought all this, escape would not be the first choice, even with this spaceship.

"How do you plan to spend these thirteen years?" Tracy looked at her brother curiously.

Nowadays, Curtis can no longer think about inheriting the throne of the Nick Empire. After all, their father can live for at least several hundred more years, and it is very likely that he can even live until he is tired of living.

Originally, she thought her brother would be lost.

But she soon discovered that Curtis was more relaxed than ever before about this outcome.

Because this throne only brought him great pain.

On the contrary, it was only when he stood under the spotlight and faced the eyes of most people that Curtis could feel some joy.

In this aspect, he is very similar to her.

This is why both men finally chose to join the foreign affairs department.

They not only want to stand under the sight of human civilization, but also want to stand under the sight of the universe and enjoy the glory of human civilization.

"In the past thirteen years, I plan to further research Yuren's information." Curtis said.

"Thirteen years, all spent doing this?" Tracy was surprised.

"Yes, the current Yuren are actually a bit complicated." Curtis smiled, "Although we have an absolute advantage in strength this time, we are not going with the purpose of destruction this time.

Then strength is not absolutely important. In this case, the better you understand Yu Ren, the more calm you will be able to do when the time comes. He is also the main figure in our foreign affairs department. Since we have enough time, we naturally need to be fully prepared."

"That would be too hard." Tracy sighed and said, "Then let me join in. We can't let Councilor Shen do such trivial things."

"That's right." Curtis laughed.

In fact, compared to ordinary people's gratitude to Shen Shi, compared to the soldiers' belief in Shen Shi, the attitude of high-level human civilization towards Shen Shi in the past was based more on the overall interests of individuals and civilization.

However, these two are different.

They are the rare people who truly appreciate what Shen Shi has brought to them.

Including Tracy.

When she went to outer space, Shen Shi shattered all her arrogance and allowed her to understand herself more clearly. Coupled with the original training, she felt like she had been reborn, and she couldn't help but regret her past self.

And feel ashamed.

Nowadays, her life is fulfilling and satisfying, and her future is promising, so she did not hesitate to be selected here this time, even if she will not be able to see her favorite fans for a long time.

As a result, the two quickly left the beach and started getting busy.

Shen Shi didn't pay much attention to these people, but he didn't pay any attention at all. After seeing that most people quickly found what they wanted to do, he began to focus on sailing.

"What do you think would happen if we eliminated some Daiker bases on the way to Yuren?" Shen Shi only had Yin Wen and Ai Xin'er in front of him.

This kind of decision can only be made by him, because others cannot see the changes in the future, nor can they know the cards he holds, so this question is more like casual chatting than a discussion.

But even so, now that he asked, Yin Wen still said: "Captain, although the communication of the Daikes is very weak, if we clean up their node bases along the way, it will still be easy for them to let them know when the news is compiled.

Guess the jump technology we have."

"That's right." Shen Shi felt a little regretful, "It's unlikely that two forces strong enough to threaten them will appear in a star field at the same time, so it's better not to alert others. However, even a B-class spacecraft cannot survive a thousand

You can move freely within a distance of light years."

Originally, Shen Shi thought that this immigrant warship could easily cross all the nodes and directly reach Yuren Civilization after several jumps.

But I didn't expect that it would still take thirteen years.

Just because the distance of one node in the expected transition exceeds its maximum hidden maximum transition distance.

Yes, it is not that it is impossible to jump directly, but it is difficult to ensure that the jump process will not be discovered. After all, the greater the distance of a one-time jump, the greater the turmoil it will cause, which is beyond the scope of concealment devices.

Therefore, these thirteen years must be wasted.

Unless you want to alert the enemy.

Only then did Shen Shi ask like he was talking to himself.

"Daughter-in-law, how do you plan to spend these thirteen years?" Shen Shi looked at Ai Xin'er.

"I plan to train the original energy device you gave me." Ai Xin'er said without hesitation.

"Not bad." Shen Shi nodded.

On the tenth anniversary, he gave Ai Xin'er a personal original energy device.

It's a musical instrument.

That's right, musical instruments.

It is not a piano, but under the influence of original energy, it can be used as any musical instrument. Its function is to release the original energy in the form of music, which can play a powerful role. If Ai Xin'er is stronger,

You can even directly hypnotize and control all living creatures on the entire planet through this device.

Shen Shizai specially found this from a collector.

The technical level cannot be said to be low, probably around B2.

However, the price cannot be said to be high.

Music is a big field in original energy technology. After all, even vision and touch can be used as a breakthrough window for the invasion of consciousness. Naturally, hearing can also be used. Special rhythms combined with the power of original energy can more easily bring out the original energy.

destructive energy.

When Ai Xin'er received this gift, she was naturally overjoyed. In the past, she had always believed that her pursuit of music would not be of much help to civilization or the world.

But with this piece of equipment and on the road to "musical originality", the two can truly be combined.

Training in music is no longer a waste of time, and training her instincts will no longer affect her pursuit of music.

So at this moment, Shen Shi was not surprised at all when Ai Xin'er said that she would continue to train in the use of this device.

Now that Ai Xin'er has determined what she wants to do, Shen Shi is also going to use these thirteen years to train himself with all his strength.

——He plans to use training equipment to carry out thirteen years of sleep training.

"Now that I wake up, it is impossible to become a master of original energy, but it is only one step away." Shen Shi glanced at his own consciousness.

Now, that has almost become a real "world".

This chapter has been completed!
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