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Chapter 204: A place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack

"Gith!" El's tone suddenly increased, and his original energy surged out, "What on earth are they? Are they gods! Are they the gods you have been pursuing!"

This language seems to be working.

Giese's eyes were slightly focused.

It seemed that he was barely able to use his remaining sanity to observe the existence in front of him, and his blank eyes were barely focused.

This glimmer of focus was naturally captured by Al. He was slightly happy in his heart, and immediately gathered powerful strength to carefully help maintain the ray of sanity of Gis. Perhaps even he could not imagine that he would be able to help this person.

A day in the life of one of the most wanted fugitives.

But at this moment, except for the information from the unknown force in the deep space of the universe, nothing is important.

Giese is also trying hard to maintain his sanity.

In the end, he was finally able to say something reluctantly.

"They... are not gods!" Giss seemed to have recalled something, with unspeakable fear and indescribable desire in his eyes, "They are more powerful than the gods. I saw

I saw the overlapping deep space, saw the abode of the true God, and saw, saw..."

When he said this, he suddenly couldn't even say a word, and his expression began to become extremely ferocious.

It was as if he recalled something extremely terrifying.

In the end, he struggled wildly and shouted loudly at Al: "They already know everything, they already know everything about us from my mind! Don't even think about resisting, Yu Ren can't resist!"

This final explosion seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

Geese's whole body collapsed in an instant.

After that, I couldn't even say a single unnecessary word.

It has returned to its original state.

At this moment, Al's face was also pale.

Ordinary people may not be able to feel anything, but he actually had a small part of his consciousness concentrated in Gith's consciousness just now, so he can clearly feel Gith's fear, shock, and fanaticism for power.


There is absolutely nothing false about this.

Although we don’t know exactly what Giss saw or experienced, the fact that Giss can have such emotions is enough to represent the tip of the iceberg.

"We must summon more people..." Al gritted his teeth, "I have no way to know more, but if we gather the power of the elders... we may be able to get it from Gith's mind.

to get more information."

This seems to be the only way at the moment.

But time may not come in time.

Al deeply realized that even though their Yuren civilization had created such brilliance in these thousands of years, and even walked out of their home star, came to the universe, and spread their footprints all over the galaxy, this had already arrived.

Their limit is that they cannot even fully control this area, which is only about a light-year away. Even information and personnel are difficult to mobilize quickly.

So, what I'm doing now is really just struggling.

Al exhaled slowly, trying to get rid of all the emotions in his mind.

Afterwards, he hurriedly returned to the place where the elder's projection was, and passed on the new news he had received from Gis to the elder.

"Then let's do this for now." The elder of the Divine Court was also very decisive, "These news are enough, time is the most important thing."

Even among the core personnel of the Divine Court, there are very few members who can separate clones. This kind of power that can transmit information in a short period of time is extremely valuable, but at this moment, it can only transmit this very small amount of information.

After the elder's clone made the decision, the next moment, his figure disappeared directly from where it was.

Al knows.

At this moment, the Divine Court Holy Land on the mother planet already knew everything that happened here.

This made him feel a little relieved.

At the very least, the Tinder Plan can be implemented immediately.

However, it is not that he has nothing to do here.

"We still need to arrange personnel here to obtain as much information as possible. In addition, I am planning to take some of the personnel to leave the shady scene and conduct detailed investigations in the direction of Gis' return," Al said.

"Are you going in person?" The regional leader next to him seemed a little worried.

"Strong people can always discover more things and use artifacts better." Al has made up his mind.

Naturally, the regional leader could no longer object, and finally could only whisper: "May the gods bless their devout believers."

If it was in the past, Al would definitely respond or even start praying.

But at this time, he said nothing.

This behavior that should have been punished was not questioned by the regional leader at this moment.

Just because they know it very well.


This time, even if the gods really return and miracles reappear, it will be difficult to change anything.

"Perhaps people like Ghis are the true believers." Al said mockingly in his heart, "On the contrary, we are the ones who have abandoned our faith."

The existence of gods has been throughout the development of Yuren civilization. However, with the development of civilization, as the understanding of the stars, the universe, and various science and technology has become stronger and stronger, the belief is actually no longer what it was at the beginning.


The new generation of the Divine Court, including many elders, including people like Al, is very clear that they only believe in the gods in their hearts, not the real gods that existed thousands of years ago.

Perhaps, ever since they learned that the civilization of the gods was actually being hunted down by a more powerful civilization, and hurriedly evaded and then left, their initial faith has been completely shattered.

So at this moment.

Praying for the protection of the gods seems to be the greatest irony.

Al even felt.

It's time for the Divine Court and the Royal Court to truly become one.

After returning to the fleet, he didn't say much to his subordinates. He just said calmly: "Let's go and leave the dark side."



As the mother planet of Yuren civilization, Yuxing has experienced vicissitudes that it has not experienced in the past tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years in the short few thousand years since the entire civilization has developed.

Including several wars, including damage to the environment, including subsequent repairs...

Yuxing at this moment is the holy land of the entire civilization.

There are very few people who can live here.

Such a huge planet has only less than a million people living there, and part of them are members of the royal court, including the king, queen, and many high-level officials of the royal court.

The other part belongs to the Divine Court.

Including the Pope, many elders of the Divine Court, and many people in high positions and with high status.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the center of power for the entire universe.

In fact, all the top management of the entire Novo University civilization came from here.

Of course, the environment on this planet has also become extremely beautiful, even primitive.

But at this moment.

This place, which seemed like a holy land, caused a shock.

"Are what the elders said true?" The king of Yuren is a king who has ruled the entire Yuren for thousands of years. His achievements and status are unparalleled in the entire Yuren civilization, and even among many people.

He has been deified in his heart and has an influence no weaker than that of the gods. He almost single-handedly established the balance between the Royal Court and the Divine Court.

But at this moment.

This person was like a legend in Yuren civilization, but he could not control his shock.

In front of him, stood the Pope of the Divine Court and many elders of the Divine Court.

And just now, he learned this shocking news from the mouths of these people.

——Powerful existences from deep space have arrived in their galaxy!

"Although it has only been discovered through Gis so far, the changes that happened to Gis can basically confirm this fact." The Pope is much younger than King Yu. In fact, the Pope of the same age as King Yu has already died.

During the thousand years of King Yu's reign, Shenting was in a state of continuous decline.

If it were not for the traces of the gods, they would indeed occupy an irreplaceable component in the entire development history of Yuren civilization.

It is even deeply integrated into every Yuren's understanding of themselves.

I'm afraid that the Divine Court has long since ceased to exist.

However, even though the current situation seems to be evenly matched, Shenting has already made significant changes.

However, according to the history that Shen Shi knew, in the following six hundred years until the emergence of the Daike Civilization, the Yuren Civilization was still in the midst of internal fighting between the Royal Court and the Divine Court.

So at this moment, King Yu's first reaction was not how to face this unprecedented change, but whether the news was true.

Therefore, facing the Pope's words, Emperor Yu was just silent at this moment.

His eyes became extremely deep, without revealing any emotion.

After a while, he slowly said: "I have a clone of a subordinate not far from that area. It can be reached in about half a month. Maybe we can get more information in half a month. In addition, Tinder

Once the plan is launched, a group of people will leave the galaxy from other directions."

This was probably the best result he could make after the initial shock and comprehensive consideration.

However, the Pope's consciousness is obviously much greater.

"King Yu." He said directly, "In terms of ability, love for civilization, and responsibility for civilization, I can't compare with you. Therefore, in the next time, I will include the entire Shenting.

I will obey your orders."

As soon as these words were spoken, King Yu's mood fluctuated instantly.

That was unbelievable.

However, he quickly calmed down.

However, my heart has completely changed.

He knew very well that if he said such words as the pope, it would be absolutely impossible for anyone to do any conspiracy. After all, the pope was the spokesperson of the gods in the divine court and the substitute for the beliefs of the gods.

That is to say.

It has truly reached a moment of life and death for the entire Yuren civilization!

"I understand." King Yu felt great pressure at this moment.

Even far more than the war with the Divine Court hundreds of years ago.


At this moment, as the chief culprit who stirred up the entire Yuren Civilization's upper echelon, Shen Shi was naturally unaware of the decisions made by King Yu and the Pope, the two people who represented the highest authority of Yuren Civilization.

Although he still pays close attention to the changes in Yuren's civilization, he cannot be so meticulous after all.

However, it's not that he doesn't know anything and is just waiting here.

With the help of the detector on board Dongtian, Shen Shi has now drawn a real-time star map of the entire galaxy.

On this surface, most of the intelligent life forms of Yuren Civilization, as well as all spaceships, as well as space bases and devices, are all clearly visible.

That is, a week after he threw Gith, the person who assisted in staring at the star map made an obvious discovery.

Yuren's fleet began to gather towards the location of the black screen and the home star.

This news was quickly reported to Shen Shi and other senior officials.

The meeting starts.

"It's faster than expected." Shen Shi said as the spokesperson, "This is enough to show that Yuren has original powerhouses that are enough to create the incarnation of consciousness. Otherwise, there would not be such quick action near the home star.

, and, according to original energy detection, there is already a huge spacecraft carrying millions of people sailing in the opposite direction."

"Obviously, this is Yuren fleeing." Todd said softly, "Either the Tinder Project, or the high-level executives are escaping."

"It's impossible for high-level officials." Someone else retorted, "According to the intelligence information provided by Mr. Shen, the Yuren civilization at this time is in a special period of highly centralized power. King Yu will not allow some high-level officials to go without a fight.

And escaping is most likely a Tinder plan."

"Whether it is the Tinder Plan or not, Yuren's reaction has already appeared. I think the next step of the plan can be implemented in advance." It was Prince Curtis who said this. "It is best to intercept the spacecraft in order to

Confirmation that everything is under control."

"I agree too."



With Curtis' suggestion, many people agreed, and they all believed that the next step of the plan could be carried out directly.

In fact, to achieve the goal of human civilization, it is complex and simple.

The key lies in the word "shock".

"Sebas." Shen Shi asked the battleship AI directly, "If we jump at this distance, it is already approaching the limit of the jump."

As a B-class immigration battleship, Dongtian's jump engine is actually quite powerful. However, given its size, the jump distance is still slightly insufficient compared to a B-class small battleship like Yin Wen.

This is why it will take thirteen years for the Dongtian Ship to arrive at Yuren Civilization.

Even a B-class spacecraft will still encounter a node distance that is difficult to jump to in one go, and Yuxing is within the range of such an ultra-long node.

A standard place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

This is why they were not discovered by the Daik civilization until they reached the D-level level. This is also why the "civilization of the gods" they call it fled here, and even tried to rebuild civilization here.

This chapter has been completed!
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