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Chapter 206: Coping with Yuren Civilization

Everyone on this spaceship probably could not have imagined that Shen Shi, the culprit who caused all this, was also witnessing everything that was happening in this spaceship at this moment.

Including the reactions of these people, as well as the captain's reaction.

This made him clearly realize that even such an inconspicuous civilization in this universe actually has its own history, its own culture, and its own dazzling everything.

Speaking of these alone, they may not be any worse than those powerful civilizations.

For example, now.

If previous humans had encountered the same thing, to be honest, Shen Shi couldn't guarantee that he would have accepted everything so quickly.

Of course, today's humans should be able to do it.

Moreover, this kind of psychological quality is obviously related to the development of original energy technology.

At this moment, Shen Shi also had a better understanding of the development of civilization. No matter how different life races and civilizations are, they all maintain a certain degree of consistency at the level of consciousness. This is why

Raw energy technology can be used as one of the three development directions of the technology tree common to the entire universe.

In short.

Shen Shi and the rest of humanity were silently witnessing all this and the rest of civilization.

And the people on this spacecraft also calmed down in a kind of despair at this moment.

They are no longer panicking. Even those powerful people, those in power who consider interests first in most situations, seem to have returned to the most primitive desires in their hearts at this moment. Some of them stay with their families, and some of them are alone savoring this sound.

Some people are still struggling as much as possible.

Until their spaceship completely exited the curvature space.

Under the control of the captain, a huge projection fell into the interior of the spacecraft, allowing them to know the current situation of the spacecraft.

But at the next moment, the dead silence in the spacecraft was completely broken.

Because they saw an extremely huge planet! And it was obviously a living planet, a living planet several times larger than the universe!

"When did our galaxy have such a planet?"

"No! This is an outsider!"

"When did it appear? Such a planet has arrived in our galaxy, and we didn't notice it at all?"

"Are we heading towards this planet now?"

"Everyone, I don't think this is necessarily to destroy us! If it is to destroy us, then we have no power to resist at all and have already been destroyed!"

"Your Excellency, Captain, can you still contact my king?"


If it was despair just now, now it is a huge shock, to the point where despair and fear are almost forgotten.

Although the Yuren civilization has developed a curvature engine, has been able to conduct space navigation at sub-light speed, and has even conquered the entire galaxy, they are still extremely weak in the entire universe, especially in the Mulder system.


Ordinary people don't even know the existence of the jump engine.

They can only feel disbelief at this incomprehensible reality.

Such a huge living planet suddenly appeared in their galaxy!

But ordinary people don't expect that during the space jump, Liwa, as a high-level member of civilization, is already sweating profusely at this moment. Even powerful spiritual energy cannot stop his emotions at this moment.

Yes, Leva knows about the jump drive.

However, there have been records among the civilizations of the gods that the location of their stars is in a situation where it is extremely difficult to jump, so the civilizations of the gods chose to take refuge here, and they took refuge here for hundreds of years before they were discovered by pursuers.

But could the planet in front of us be directly jumped over?

what does that mean?

This means that what the civilizations of the gods and the unknown terrorist forces chasing the civilizations of the gods cannot do, this planet at this moment has done it!

Levi's mood and expression were agitated for a long time, but in the end, he became depressed.

Whether it is the arrival of the gods, the arrival of the beings chasing the gods, or the arrival of this completely unknown existence in front of them, for them, there is actually not much difference - their lives, their future, their

Everything can only be left to the other party.

"Tell everything that happens here to the mother planet and pass it on to my king...but my king should already know it." Liwa could only say this in the end, and he seemed to be lost.

With all his strength, he sat in the captain's exclusive seat and gazed at this huge and beautiful planet.

Leva was actually right.

The place where Shen Shi jumped is actually very close to Yuxing.

There are a total of sixteen major planets in this galaxy, which is much more than in the solar system. It is probably related to the stars, and Yuxing is the fifth planet. At this moment, Winter is staying on the sixth planet.

On the orbit, it also maintains its revolution, but it is tightly aimed at the stars.

Under such undisguised circumstances, Yu Ren naturally discovered this huge planet easily.

It can be easily detected even on the stars.

Unlike before when only a few people knew about the arrival of alien beings, at this moment the entire universe was shaken!

Various sounds sounded one after another.

"A new life planet has appeared in our galaxy!"

"Someone was lucky enough to witness its sudden appearance. Yes, it appeared suddenly! Silently!"

"Is it the new ruins of the gods?"

"This is a miracle, the return of the temple of the gods!"

"We'd better be careful!"


At this moment, Shen Shi and a group of high-level human beings are also paying attention to the reaction within Yuren Civilization.

This is not difficult for them.

The Yuren civilization has naturally entered the information age, and their information technology has no resistance at all under the Dongtian information invasion system. Just like before, Shen Shi easily invaded Blue Star with the help of the Vogt.

And it’s as simple as taking control of the entire network.

Previously, Shen Shi was able to directly control everything on Yuren's immigration ship, also relying on the information intrusion technology on the Dongtian.

But at this moment, I was just checking, not doing anything specifically.

"Yuren Wenming's reaction gave me a very familiar feeling." Todd looked at the compiled information and couldn't help but said, "Except for some differences in customs, culture, and qualities, they are not much different from us humans.


"After all, they are all intelligent life." The rest of the people were not surprised.

Even before arriving, they had already comprehensively understood and analyzed the Yuren civilization through the information given by Shen Shi.

There are naturally some speculations about such a reaction.

"What we are going to do next is to see King Yu's reaction." Shen Shi said at this time, "Since the reactions of these ordinary people are not much different from the predictions, there is no need to pay too much attention to the current culture of Yuren Civilization.

It is a standard semi-feudal society. King Yu, who has been in power for more than a thousand years, has unparalleled influence. According to the plan, our core focus should still be on King Yu."

Everyone nodded.

This is also the result of their research on Yuren culture.

King Yu is indeed a very special existence in Yuren civilization, and he himself is also very legendary.

According to the history of Yuren, King Yu was just an ordinary person at the beginning. The civilization of Yuren at that time was still under the system of divine right of kings, but King Yu found a ruins of the gods with his good luck.

, inherited a powerful personal device, and used it to rise step by step in the troubled times, create the Royal Court, unify the human civilization, and become the first king in history to overpower the Divine Court, and lead the entire civilization

Entering the era of interstellar civilization.

This kind of history, this kind of achievement.

If the influence of Shenting had not penetrated deeply into Yuren's culture, it would be logical for King Yu to become the only god of the entire civilization.

It can be said that if King Yu and Shenting can solve it, then taking away the entire civilization will be a stress-free matter.

So at this moment, Shen Shi and others are waiting for King Yu's reaction.

And King Yu's response came quickly.

"No one is allowed to approach that planet! That is a distinguished guest from the deep space of the universe!"

This was an order issued by King Yu himself, and what is worth noting is that when he issued the order, the Pope of the Divine Court was standing behind him.

In this situation, not to mention Shen Shi and others, even Yu Ren realized something.

You must know that although the Royal Court is now vaguely stronger than the Divine Court, the Pope, who actually represents the gods and faith, is still higher in status, so in the past, even if the two occasionally shared the stage

Sometimes, they also stand together. When has there ever been a situation where the Pope stood behind King Yu?

Some ordinary people are probably just amazed and surprised.

But for the senior management, this is no less than an earth-shaking and huge change.

Because this means that there is finally a priority between the Divine Court and the Royal Court!

It also means that Yuren civilization will finally move towards further integration!

It’s still a fusion with King Yu as the main focus!

This is definitely a ground-breaking event in Yuren civilization and history - it marks that the Divine Court, which has carried out the entire Yuren history and culture, will finally lose its unique status.

It can even be said that the era of gods is ending at this moment!

However, everyone also knows that the unimaginable decision made by Shenting at this time can only explain one point.

The pressure is too much!

It’s so big that even Shenting’s dominance of thousands or even tens of thousands of years is not important!

There is no doubt that this pressure can only come from the sudden appearance of this life planet!

It is precisely because of this that the atmosphere of tension and fear began to spread.

Even ordinary people are aware of it.

At least, the voices on the other party's information platform began to become less and less, and it seemed that there was some kind of control, and the few voices that existed had also faintly revealed a deep uneasiness.

However, Shen Shi didn't do anything special. At this distance, with the help of the detection system on the Dongtian, he could easily locate King Yu and even monitor everything about King Yu.

At this moment, King Yu is constantly issuing orders.

"Senior generals are always ready to create a completely independent military information system in the shortest time. All weapons and equipment are not allowed to lock on that planet, but they must be able to lock on the planet in the shortest time. In addition, all weapons and equipment must be able to lock on the planet in the shortest time.

All the warships are under unified management and will gather here in the shortest possible time..."

King Yu's instruction is a very simple sentence in human terms.

——Tight inside and loose outside.

He obviously did not dare to provoke this obviously extremely powerful force. Just like when he used the term "distinguished guest" when speaking publicly, he was also using this to express Yuren's intentions to the existence on that planet.

He has a friendly attitude, but at the same time he does not intend to give up the struggle completely and is constantly preparing for the worst.

However, Shen Shi can naturally feel it.

Beneath King Yu's seemingly well-organized and confident performance, hidden was a deep uneasiness in his heart.

Obviously, the sudden arrival of Dongtianhao also frightened King Yu.

After making these arrangements, King Yu once again came to a high-level meeting. This place was no different than before. It was even in the ruins of the gods. It also used a lot of preparations. It can be said that it has achieved the success of the entire civilization.

Do everything you can to keep it confidential.

If Shen Shi hadn't already approached the level of a master of raw energy, and if Shen Shi hadn't owned B-level spaceships and battleships like the Dongtian and Yin Wen, it would have been impossible to detect a secret meeting of this size.

But at this moment, he still had a clear view of the meeting.

King Yu no longer pretended to be indifferent here.

But he had a heavy look on his face.

"This is indeed the planet that Gith saw, exactly the same... If it weren't for the confusion of consciousness caused by the powerful spiritual energy, it can only mean that this planet jumped here directly from outside the black screen.

"Come." The language of Yuren civilization has particularly unique cultural characteristics. When translated into human language, many of its meanings are actually difficult to completely agree with.

For example, they translate their name for original energy into spiritual energy, just because they believe that all things have animism, and original energy is born from this spirituality.

However, the translation of the word "leap" at this moment is extremely accurate.

Because this is not Yuren’s language, but a transliterated language.

It is even recorded in the language translators of many civilizations in the Mulder system owned by Shen Shi - that was a civilization that collapsed tens of thousands of years ago.

Shen Shi did not expect that he would discover the origin of the other party's "civilization of the gods" in such a simple way.

I don’t know if I have the opportunity to make good use of it.

Many thoughts emerged in Shen Shi's mind at this moment.

However, he was still concentrating on "peeping" at this high-level meeting of Yuren Civilization.

"According to the records of the gods, the galaxy we are in should not be able to jump." The Pope sat next to King Yu. Although he voluntarily took half a step back, his status was still superior to everyone else under King Yu.

This chapter has been completed!
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