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Chapter 209: The goal is to survive

Therefore, these people may not seem to be too many in the entire Yuren civilization, but in fact they are enough to shake the entire civilization.

Especially after all the spaceships lost control, the Yuren civilization was actually trapped and dead in various space cities and bases.

The crushing power level has been exquisitely displayed in this action.

But this is just the beginning.


Feixi has been in a state of panic for a while.

She actually has quite a lot of original abilities, but because of this, she can feel her fear more clearly.

As the most famous and loudest singer in Yuren civilization, Feixi enjoys a very high status. Even King Yu once said that he loves her singing voice.

So she loves her life and the civilization that gives her this kind of life.

It was precisely because of this that after the people in the royal court asked her to join the mission, even though she knew it might be dangerous, she still agreed without hesitation.

But the result afterwards was different from what she had imagined.

This unknown force that suddenly appeared in their civilization had no intention of communicating with the mission. Instead, it directly controlled the entire mission, and even went further to control all the spacecraft.

How arrogant.

Yes, Feixi has a unique sensitivity to emotions. When most people in the world don't know the other person's purpose, she can feel an unabashed arrogance from them.

No communication or exchange is required, whatever you want to do, you can do it directly.

All Feixi is afraid of is that she is afraid of her own powerlessness and the unknown future of Yuren civilization.

But she still struggled.

"This is the latest song I wrote." Phishi said to the captain, "I poured strong emotions into it, the emotion of seeking peace."

"It's useless." The captain is the person in charge of the mission. He looked at Feixi with a trace of pity and regret. "Your previous songs have already expressed this meaning, but in the end you also

Already seen it."

"This time is different." Feixi was very stubborn. "This time, I will sing the live broadcast in person and try to incorporate psychic powers into it."

"Integrating spiritual energy into it?" The captain was surprised.

"Yes, psionic energy is actually a power that can be used for spiritual communication. I have been studying changes in this area and have made some achievements. Although it is not complete, I want to give it a try."

At this time, Shen Shi also received a reminder from Sebastian. He has now asked Sebastian to pay attention to the voices in the entire Yuren civilization for a long time, screen out the meaningful content, and then notify him.

This is the moment.

When Shen Shi understood what Feixi meant, he was also surprised.

Because this is indeed one of the areas where raw energy technology is widely used.

Just like the original energy device he prepared for Ai Xin'er is a musical instrument.

It is not strange for Feixi to research in this direction. Many civilizations will start to contact this stage very early and make such attempts. This can be regarded as a relatively clear general direction in the field of original energy, but

, Feixi said that she has achieved a little bit, which is very rare.

If she is given enough time, she may really be able to start this direction and accelerate the development of the entire civilization in the field of raw energy.

But among the information Shen Shi obtained in the future world, there was no reason for Feixi at all.

There is only one possibility.

Phishi's name has been completely erased by the Dyke civilization.

"The growth of the Mulder system is based on the sacrifice of countless civilizations." Shen Shi murmured.

In fact, he has always been curious about the efficiency of the establishment of the Mulder system. The more he understands, the more strange it becomes, because this is not a sound development system at all, even if it can make ranchers profit in a short period of time by exploiting low-level civilization.

But in the long run, this will definitely do more harm than good to the overall development of the entire Mulder system.

However, the rancher level is still too far gone.

At this moment, Shen Shi didn't put much thought into this.

He thought about it and made a decision.

"Start the next step early." He ordered.

It cannot make Yuren feel that "singing" is useful.

Once you feel like this, Yuren will still have hope and room for struggle.

But Shen Shi hopes to make Yuren accept this reality quickly and without any hesitation.

So, when Feixi still didn't get a reply from the captain, they suddenly realized that their spacecraft started to move.

This change did not bring greater fear, but instead brought surprise.

"We're finally going to take action!" Feixi didn't even care about her original plan, and her bright fire hair began to stir, which was a nervous and excited reaction.

No matter how bad the current situation is, it won't be too bad, but what is worse than bad is the fear of the unknown.

at this moment.

Some people even have a feeling of "even if it means destruction, it will come sooner."

And such news quickly spread to the rest of the Yuren.

King Yu, the Pope, and many others suddenly became concerned.

They soon saw that all the spaceships were heading towards the mysterious planet.

"Are you finally going in?" King Yu murmured to himself, and then quickly ordered, "Picture, connect all the pictures on the spacecraft! At the same time, keep in touch with the people above. As long as the signal is not cut off, we will contact you.

Keep it up!”

As soon as the words fell, the picture that had been prepared for a long time suddenly came in.

Even King Yu was nervous at this time.

And this is even more true for everyone on the spaceship.

Their interiors also transmitted images from the outside of the spacecraft, and everyone could clearly see that they were slowly approaching the huge planet.

The closer you get, the more you can intuitively feel the power of this planet.

"The atmosphere, temperature, humidity... everything is perfectly in line with the survival conditions of most carbon-based life. The Pope is right. This planet is indeed a spaceship, a spacecraft specially designed to travel in the universe.

A spaceship that can survive and sail for a long time!" King Yu could see a lot of things.

Until the picture finally fell into the planet, it quickly passed through the thick atmosphere, showing them the inner appearance of the planet.

There were not a large number of warships, weapons, or even any industrial production factories as expected.

There are just huge oceans, huge land, huge forests, and countless non-intelligent creatures.

This is a primitive ecological planet!

"Did we think wrong?" King Yu frowned slightly, not that he was shocked by everything in front of him, but that there was something he couldn't understand.

At the beginning, they actually guessed that this planet contained the entire civilization.

But now there is almost no trace of civilization.

All that can be seen is a perfect, original planet with life.

"Keep reading," the Pope whispered.

"Yeah." King Yu said nothing more.

Then they clearly saw that all the Yuren spaceships had arrived in the sky above the earth.

And in the next moment.

Urgent information was input to the ears of King Yu and others.

"Contact lost?" King Yu couldn't even control his stunned expression at this moment.

"Yes, the contact channel still exists, and the picture also exists, but all the liaison officers stopped talking at the same time. Some of them, even those who were communicating, suddenly stopped talking." The liaison officer's voice was full of traces.

Silk fear.

He was fearing the worst.

"Cut in the interior of the spacecraft." King Yu ordered.

The scene quickly cuts to the original Fire spaceship.

And when they saw the situation inside, a slight chill also emerged from their hearts.

They saw everyone on the entire spaceship, whether they were old people or children, whether they were in high positions or low status, all of them lined up neatly and walked out of their homes step by step, walking in a certain direction with expressionless faces.


Then in the outside screen.

They could clearly see that the people on each spacecraft got off the spacecraft step by step and silently, stood in the open space below, and lined up one by one. There were more and more people, and the number was getting higher and higher.

More and more are coming, as motionless as robots, and the entire team of Yuren's "phalanx" is getting bigger and bigger!

King Yu and the Pope looked at each other in the same way.

Each other can feel the chill and fear in each other's hearts.

"Is this...spiritual energy?" King Yu's voice was filled with unspeakable despair at this moment.

"It could be..." The same goes for the Pope.

Because of the relics left by the civilization of the gods, the development of Yuren civilization's original energy technology has actually always exceeded the development of other technologies. They know how to train their own original energy and how to use it superficially.

However, it is very superficial after all.

They simply can't imagine that there is such a power that can quietly and easily control everyone!

What if the other party can control everyone in the entire Yuren civilization?

Although King Yu and the others had already known about the huge gap, it was not until this moment that they fell into true despair.

"Your Majesty," the liaison officer's voice came, "There is already some chaos on the information platform. Does it need to be controlled?"

"..." King Yu didn't speak for a long time.

He just continued to look at the scene in front of him.

Under this order, nearly 100 million spacemen quickly landed on the ground. But at the moment when the spacecraft took off, those machine-like spacemen suddenly woke up.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are we here?"

"I, I just seemed like I couldn't control my thinking!"

"What exactly are you planning to do?"


Feixi was also one of these people. She did not panic like some others, but raised her head and silently looked at the sky.

However, she was quickly spotted by the rest of the crowd as she stood like this.

"Is it Fessy Diva?"

"It's really Fessy!"

“I didn’t expect to be able to see Feixi in person!”


More and more people began to flock towards Feixi's direction with excitement. Although everyone was in a situation that they could not understand, since their lives were not damaged and the danger was not seen, they could still be saved by Feixi.

Attracted by this extremely popular singer.

But before Feixi secretly shouted the word "bad", those people in the crowd seemed to lose control all of a sudden.

Everyone became expressionless, dispersed, and then regained consciousness. Thunder seemed to emerge from the void, and many people couldn't help but scream.

"Order!" This word came to Fexi's mind.

Here, all of them are under a compulsory order!

And that's exactly what happened.

Everyone soon discovered that they could not have excessive physical contact with other Yuren, they could not attack, and they could not be crowded, otherwise they would soon lose their consciousness and even accept punishments that appeared out of thin air - not just Thunder, but also

It is conscious pain.

And this scene was unabashedly captured by some spaceships that had not yet evacuated and transmitted to King Yu.

At this moment, King Yu finally understood.

"What they want is our people!"

None of the opponents destroyed any spacecraft or killed anyone from beginning to end.

The other party is coming for their population.

Maybe it's because they want to enslave, maybe there are other reasons, but this is the other party's purpose.

I don't know why, but when he knew this purpose, instead of being angry, King Yu felt relieved.

After realizing this, King Yu himself felt deeply helpless.

"If that's the case... it would be great." The Pope also whispered.

The scene where those people were directly controlled really made them lose the courage to resist. After all, they couldn't even resist. What else could they do?

When watching their spaceships leave the Dongtian and begin to disperse, flying towards Yuren's city, King Yu suddenly made a decision.

"Your Majesty the Pope, I have a request." King Yu said.

"I will go." The Pope did not wait for King Yu to finish speaking.

When King Yu said the word "request", he knew what King Yu wanted to say.

On that planet, there is indeed a need for someone with enough status for everyone to listen.

King Yu is Yuren's biggest belief at the moment, so he can't just leave like this.

But the Pope can.

"Survive...this is our biggest goal now." King Yu said at the end.

Shen Shi, who had been paying attention to them, understood that the previous preparations had come to fruition.

From mysterious and sudden appearances, to controlling spaceships, to controlling people.

Step by step, all hopes of Yuren Civilization were suppressed.

Let them completely despair and accept the reality. The core purpose of everything is to survive and avoid fierce conflict and death.

In this situation.

Freedom is not something that cannot be lost.

Of course, that doesn't mean it's done.

This chapter has been completed!
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