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Chapter 215: The first day of the second future

Yes, Shen Shi said it directly.

This is also one of the experiments.

He wanted to see to what extent the original steel seal could be trusted.

On the other hand, since you have decided to take some risks in the No. 1 future line, there is no need to be cautious to this extent - if you cannot even trust the original energy seal engraved with absolute obedience, then in the other worlds

, and we must be more careful.

After saying these words, Shen Shi also paid attention to Gongchu's reaction.

"Indeed." Gongchu looked quite approving. He obviously understood what Shen Shi meant. "The first important thing is the past, and the second important thing is the future that can be changed. As long as we are sure that we here will not be able to influence it no matter what.

If you reach these two points, you can be bolder... Even so, the sacrifice must be meaningful and worthy of sacrifice."

If there was no last sentence, then Shen Shi might not completely believe it. After all, Gongchu could speak insincerely in front of him without him giving an order.

However, with the last sentence, it can be trusted a little bit.

"Don't worry." Shen Shidan said calmly.

"..." Gongchu seemed to hesitate for a while, and then asked, "Since you exist, Commander, then the hero..."

"Haha." Shen Shi chuckled twice.

He knew that Gongchu's biggest idol in Future Line No. 1 was the hero who existed in this future line.

If there is a choice.

Gongchu would definitely choose to engrave the original steel seal of obeying Shen Li instead of him.

After all, in this future line, there are no saints and sages, only fathers of heroes.

"Only you have heroes here." He smiled, but Shen Shi still replied seriously.

"...I understand." Gongchu understood Shen Shi's words.

To such an extent, people can even perform high-intensity calculations in their own brains that are no less than high-powered computers. Therefore, many things can be understood through simple communication. This tacit understanding is particularly prominent among original energy masters.

Seeing this, Shen Shi ignored the information about his identity and time.

He asked directly: "How is the current situation of the war?"

"It's not good." Gongchu's mood and consciousness suddenly became serious. "Although we will be on the absolutely defensive side for at least three hundred years, under the current situation, it is difficult to defend against such a situation.

Over a long period of time, if no changes occur, human civilization will begin to collapse and fail around the year 234."

The so-called collapse defeat means that the foundation of the resistance has suffered huge losses.

For example, the only original master in Gongchu died.

For example, the human military industry has been severely damaged.

Once such a situation occurs, the outcome of this war is already determined.

But Shen Shi's brows frowned.

"Why is this happening?" he asked, "We are the defenders, and we have sent you such powerful civilization-level devices, and even many advanced warships and weapons and equipment."

You know, the comprehensive strength of human civilization in this world is many times stronger than the original version of Future Line 2.

A population of hundreds of billions, C9-level civilization-level devices, and a galaxy fortress that has been formed...

Even if their enemies are more powerful, according to Shen Shi's prediction, human civilization should be in a situation of victory in danger.

"It is precisely because of our relationship with these weapons and equipment...Dike civilization suspects that we have the support of other powerful civilizations." Gongchu said.

"Isn't this a normal phenomenon?" Shen Shi still frowned, "The essence of this war is a war between C-level civilizations in the Mulder system. Under the protection and support of the Mulder system, humans are qualified to seek other civilizations.

With help, doesn’t the Dyke civilization also have allies from other C-level civilizations?”

You must know that the node No. 1 is currently at in the future is that human civilization has entered a C-level civilization before entering into a formal war with the Dyke civilization.

Why is this node so important?

Isn’t it because wars between C-level civilizations are equally supported in the Mulder system.

This is why Shen Shi can help human civilization arbitrarily. In this case, no one is qualified to force human civilization to hand over "secrets", and secrets of this level will not be spied on by B-class civilization.

However, Dai Ke Wenming's next words made Shen Shi a little confused.

"Dike Civilization suspects that the one supporting us is a B-class civilization, and it may also be the land of Gus."

"It is true that many of these devices were obtained from the Land of Gus. However, the Land of Gus will not participate in the war within the Mulder system. They only make transactions...I understand.

This level of support goes beyond the scope of a transaction." Shen Shi really understood.

The position of the Land of Guth in the Mulder system is actually quite embarrassing.

The reason why it is just a "legend" and not stated openly is precisely because the existence of the land of Guth represents a certain "powerlessness" of Mulder's system.

This is a powerful civilization that does not belong to the Mulder system.

Even if there is no absolute evidence that human civilization has received support from the land of Gus, mere suspicion is enough to give human civilization a certain degree of "disgust" in the Mulder system.

This is one of the reasons why the war scene is still pessimistic despite Shen Shi providing such support.

This also gave Shen Shi a reminder.

In modern society, he has come up with more powerful devices. At this moment, human civilization has not yet received the attention of the Mulder system. However, when human civilization directly joins the Mulder system as a C-level civilization, will it

Already in the midst of some intense attention?

Is it also because of this reason that human civilization in the future world can receive "friendly support" from the Ace civilization?

At this moment, Shen Shi even had the urge to immediately go to Future Line No. 2 and search for answers from the memory of the sage Shen Shi.

But he still held it down.

Don't be in a hurry.

Future Line 1, the "testing ground", seems to have come to the right place.

After thinking for a while, he said: "What is the most useful support for you at this moment?"

Shen Shi had a lot of power and resources in his hands, but since he had already spoken out, it would be easier to ask Gong Chu.

And Gongchu was not polite either.

To a certain extent, this is also a big reward for their world becoming Shen Shi's "testing ground". After all, they can no longer give Shen Shi too much and rely on the so-called "human feelings" to obtain resources.

It is the weakest and most useless way.

"The most important thing is the device that can assist Zuo to break through the original energy master, because original energy technology is the easiest field to level the technological gap between civilizations, and after we have gone through cultural destruction, we have actually accumulated a lot of distance between original energy

The master is just one step away from being a powerful master. Now that we have recovered our cultural heritage, if we can have a device to assist Zuo's breakthrough, there is a chance that hundreds or even hundreds of original masters will be born in a short period of time. By that time

At this time, we can not only simply defend, but can even attack to a certain extent." Gongchu said.

Shen Shi nodded.

He could completely understand what Gongchu meant.

At this time, Shen Shi may still be unable to compare with Gong Chu in terms of command experience, but his vision and cognition are not much different.

After all, he has spent thirty years studying in the more powerful No. 2 Future Line.

"I will look for a solution when I go back. However, the level of this device has probably reached B level. Isn't this a problem?" This is Shen Shi's worry.

"There may be risks, but not only do you need to take risks, we can only take risks." Gongchu's consciousness was not depressed.

He can clearly recognize the pros and cons brought by Shen Shi's identity. There is no doubt that the pros far outweigh the cons - without Shen Shi's experiments and adventures, would the possibility of the destruction of human civilization be smaller?

"In that case, let's just go one step further." Shen Shi half-squinted his eyes, "I'll get two B-class battleships over, which can be used as one of my trump cards."

Previously, Shen Shi had been restrained from giving the No. 1 Future Line B-class weapons battleship.

It's not that it can't be obtained.

Especially in today's No. 2 future line, it is even easier to get it by virtue of his status as a sage.

In the past, he was only worried about the emergence of B-class civilization products. Human civilization has received too much attention.

But now, it's time to test what the consequences will be - the modern world has already produced a B3-class immigration warship!

"Also, my true identity is currently only allowed to be known to you, not even Gongmo. After all, he is not a master of original energy, and he is in the land of Gus." Shen Shi instructed.

"Actually, Gongmo and I's memories will be protected by the black market terminal, but the promotion of the group leader is right." Gongchu also agreed.

"Adventures are not without scruples. I will test and test step by step. In the next step, I will become the 'king' of your civilization. This incarnation will always stay with you." Shen Shi said again.

He wanted to try to attract some attention to himself.

Especially the eyes of Ace Civilization.

Becoming a king is just the first step.

In fact, although Shen Shi is named "Sage" in the second future line and has a huge reputation, he is also quite low-key. He always lives on Blue Star and rarely appears. This is why "Sage Supplies" are in

In the future line where this sage is still alive, there is still extremely high value.

Shen Shi initially thought that this low profile was due to his personality, but now looking at it, it may not be because of the attention from the Ace Civilization or even the Mulder System.

Naturally, there was no problem in Gongchu.

This may not have been possible for him in the past, but it is easy for Gongchu now.

Having received a lot of support from Shen Shi, he is already the uncrowned king to a certain extent.

After explaining some things at the end, Shen Shi did not stay in the world of Future Line 1 any longer. He originally wanted to have a good stroll, but in the end he still chose to leave.

Anyway, there is an incarnation.

This avatar is not too strong. He can easily integrate into all memories. If he wanders around in his avatar, it means he is wandering around.

After the main consciousness returned to modern times, Shen Shi went directly to the second future line without any further delay and became the sage Shen Shi.

And based on the memory of the sage's death, he carefully searched for the attention of the Ace civilization to himself.

I have to say that Ace Civilization was very friendly.

As a powerful B-class civilization that can easily destroy human civilization, the Ace civilization is indeed too friendly to human civilization. They wanted to contact Shen Shi several times, but after Shen Shi showed a low-key attitude, they never did.

Instead of retreating much, they provided a lot of critical support to human civilization, especially at the technical level of some design B-level fields. This is also the main reason why human civilization can vaguely touch the level of B-level civilization.

It is precisely because of this.

In the past three years, Shen Shi only had an instinctive doubt about this kind of friendship, which was probably equivalent to the reason of "pie in the sky will not fall into the sky", but he did not find any substantive evidence.

But at this moment, when I focused my attention on myself, I still discovered something.

"After the emergence of the Ace civilization, some people's attention to the 'Star Sea' has increased significantly... The increase is not much, but there are finally traces." After Shen Shi thought for a moment,

Suddenly he ordered, "Let Gongchu come and see me."

That's right, it's the beginning of this world.

After all, the sage Shen Shi has all the memories of Shen Shi before the world's divergence point appeared, so he has a certain degree of concern for Gongchu.

Even Gong Chu of Future Line No. 2 is also engraved with the original energy seal of absolute obedience.

And only Shen Shi and Gongchu knew this.

After all, with Shen Shi's status in this future line, he is qualified to order Gongchu, so no one would think that Gongchu would be willing to take the initiative to engrave the original energy seal - he is a high-ranking original energy master.


That's why.

Due to deliberate maintenance, Gongchu was not even considered a direct descendant of Shen Shi.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to leave some things to Gongchu.

Shen Shi did not wait too long. As one of the most powerful original energy masters in human civilization, Gongchu also had a powerful life evolution device, which could even be said to be second only to Shen Shi. He jumped all the way and came to

Arriving at Blue Star, I waited respectfully in front of Shen Shi's villa.

This kind of efficiency can also show the high status of the sage.

You know, Gongchu is not a direct descendant on the surface.

"Come in." Shen Shi ordered.


A slender, tall and thin man with an extremely delicate face, long black hair, and a very imposing manner walked in.

Just like the Collector, the Duke of this future line also did not undergo any inhuman appearance modifications, but retained his original appearance.

But even so, the gender is still unclear.

Thinking of this, even Shen Shi had the urge to complain.

Even if the appearance is androgynous, the figure is also androgynous, coupled with the self-transformation ability of the life evolution device... it is really Schrödinger's gender.

This chapter has been completed!
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