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Chapter 221: Speculation on the Rancher

However, in addition to borrowing systems from other civilizations to rapidly cultivate talents in the original energy world and cultivate human civilization's own technological system, Shen Shi also felt that it was time to further advance the actual production system in the real world.

In the past, people's personal qualities were far inferior to the advanced equipment brought by Shen Shi, so it was necessary to rely on Yuren's support to quickly build an industrial system or even a galaxy fortress.

However, after ten years of cultivation in the original energy world, the production technology level in some fields has caught up with the D-class production line that Shen Shi transferred from the No. 1 Future Line.

Therefore, it is time for people in this field to return to reality and return to human civilization.

In this way, another five years passed.

The originally deserted real world has begun to move. In addition to Yuren who have been put into production at the edge of the galaxy, some factories around Blue Star have also begun to carry out production and research, and this phenomenon is still going on.

It keeps increasing one after another.

This does not mean that these people can no longer go to the original energy world.

It just requires completing certain realistic tasks.

Shen Shi has united the core AI of human civilization, that is, the protoss, with the original energy world, directly connecting every human being through a conscious link, and providing precise guidance and task instructions.

Nature will not completely veto human beings' self-selection, but will make suggestions based on their own abilities and development directions, and use task rewards to provide instructions.

For example, Chen Feng's parents.

This pair of ordinary human representatives, from the identity of the original farmers in the Earth-Star Era, to the identity of production technical workers in the Interstellar Era, and now, after fifteen years of efficient learning in the original energy world,

Now he is an expert in materials production. He has moved to the Mars production base and continuously processes the raw materials mined fully automatically to produce materials needed for other types of production. Even liquid metal has achieved a certain scale of industrial production.

Production can be said to have become a real technician and researcher.

And this is not the outstanding performance of the two of them, but the current status of human civilization.

In today's human civilization, there are basically no manual workers.

All monotonous and even complex manual labor is completed by automated machinery, and all human beings are technicians responsible for the continuous transformation and optimization of the automation industry and core technologies.

In the case where the technological reserves of human civilization are extremely high-end, this kind of optimization and transformation is actually just learning and understanding.

This greatly reduces the talent requirements for researchers.

Of course, when technology develops to the point where it is really necessary to tackle difficult problems, it is not so easy to learn and digest it just by relying on such personnel, even with ready-made technology and learning from the original world. After all, the technology is getting better and better.

The development becomes more profound, and some special technologies even have extremely high requirements for original energy attainments.

But it doesn't matter.

Human civilization also does not lack elites.

The ranking list launched five years ago has now become an important part of human civilization. The number of people on some lists has even reached 100,000. Even so, those who can make the list are still among the elite.

Among the elites, the list is the best academic qualifications, the best status, and the best glory!

Encouraged by rankings on the list, human civilization began to emerge with a steady stream of geniuses.

This is an era that has truly entered a period of rapid development and healthy development!

As a response to the changing times, Shen Shi's own work gradually became idle.

Now, he can already announce that human civilization will soon reach the D-level level in all aspects.

Although it can't be compared with the humans from Future Line No. 1 when they first met, it is not much worse than Yu Ren - this is the strength except for the various super-standard devices brought by Shen Shi.

"Problems that arise in places of development have been avoided as much as they can be avoided, and accelerated if they can be accelerated. At least within a hundred years, there is no need to do anything special." Shen Shi looked at the entire civilization in the world of raw energy, and felt in his heart

There is also a sense of satisfaction.

In fact, when the original energy world began to absorb all human beings, he had a sense of being a "god on earth".

It doesn't mean inner expansion or anything like that, but actual strength.

He can observe the status and actions of every human being, and assign tasks to each person. At the same time, he can also observe the development level of the entire human civilization at a macro level, and includes all aspects. Even with the help of the stars, he can easily

Calculate future development, including each person's possible potential.

It’s almost similar to “destiny”.

Of course, with Shen Shi's current level of original energy, he is not unable to withstand even this temptation. If he wants to become a god, just relying on the Dongtian Number is enough, and he can even become a good one.

What Shen Shi was thinking about at this moment was the rancher.

With the continuous attention to the No. 2 future line and the careful observation of Ace civilization in the past ten years, Shen Shi's understanding of Mulder's system is different from the past.

The entire Mulder system is actually not just the Milky Way. After all, a C-level civilization can have a star field with a diameter of nearly a thousand light years, and the diameter of the Milky Way is only 30,000 to 50,000 light years. According to this distribution, the entire Milky Way is

It is probably the domain of a B-level civilization.

Of course, there's actually not just one, but two.

The Mulder system has a total of eighteen B-class civilizations, three A-class civilizations, plus an unknown rancher, occupying about thirteen galaxies, basically near the Milky Way.

So, is the rancher a person who absorbs his entire civilization into his own world of consciousness and achieves a "self and civilization" model?

It might have seemed unbelievable in the past, but now it seems entirely possible.

The biggest difference between today's original energy world and the "Lord God Space" is that people cannot use their own bodies to enter the conscious world. Everything in the conscious world can only be at the level of consciousness. But since B-level civilization already has the original

It is not impossible to realize the technology that can turn the actual material into energy and consciousness. In this case, it seems that the rancher can override the entire Mulder system as a single living body.

Got it.

Of course, ranchers are still far away from today's human civilization. Even the human civilization in the second future line is actually far from reaching that level.

What Shen Shi is doing is just following this conjecture to make a guess about the Ace civilization supporting C-class civilization.

If this conjecture is correct...

That rancher may have the ability to integrate B-level and above civilization into himself!

It is true that the original energy master can only absorb the consciousness of his own people, but no one stipulates that when the original energy technology reaches a certain level, it cannot absorb the consciousness of other civilizations.

The significance of this speculation for the current development of human civilization is that at least human civilization is still safe until it becomes a true B-class civilization.

"Future Line No. 1 is still far away from Class B, so we may not be able to detect anything." Shen Shi muttered to himself.

Even if Future Line No. 1 defeated the Dyke Civilization and attracted the attention of the Ace Civilization, it would still be impossible to surpass Future Line No. 2 and enter the B-class civilization first.

Although these are all speculations based on the existing situation, Shen Shi is not without confidence. At least, it is very likely that B-class civilizations have some common secrets.

In fact, Shen Shi had already issued an order to Future Line No. 2 as early as seven or eight years ago.

Let them send spaceships and people with market terminals to investigate the territories of other B-class civilizations to see if other B-class civilizations are like the Ace civilization, and they do not expect anything in return for civilizations that have broken through the C9 technology.


At the same time, let the Collector conduct an investigation in the land of Gus.

Although the Land of Gus does not belong to the Mulder system, as a person who is likely to have an A-level civilization level, it is impossible for the Land of Gus to know something.

If the guess is correct.

That would be troublesome.

Humanity will fall into a contradictory position: "If we become strong, we may face unknown dangers; if we are not strong, we may lose the future."

Fortunately, within a hundred years at least, human civilization will be at a point where rapid development will not lead to a dramatic breakthrough in the future world.

The investigation of Future Line No. 2 and the war of Future Line No. 1 also require this period of time.

So, in the end, Shen Shi slowly closed his eyes.

"In the next hundred years, I will mainly focus on improving my original energy attainments, and may not have so much time to manage other things." Shen Shi gave a message to his wife Ai Xin'er, Tao De, Chen Feng, and

Many others have sent notifications.

This means that he will reduce his presence in the future.

After all, as the center of the timeline, every move he makes may change the future, and within these hundred years, he only needs to follow the steps.

Of course, reducing the sense of presence does not mean closing oneself off.

The training of original energy attainments is not about cultivating immortals. There is no such thing as seclusion for thousands of years. It just takes a hundred years to settle down.

Except for Ai Xin'er who was a little reluctant to give up, the rest of the people responded positively. Even for civilization, it will take some time to settle and digest everything brought about by Shenshi.

Time started to fly at this moment.


One hundred and fifty-three years of the Starry Sky Era.

The population of human civilization has reached 70 billion, which is nearly ten times more than the population in the Earth and Star period. This is the result of extreme expansion. In fact, it is not impossible to have more people. However, today's human beings

The individual is completely different from the individual of human beings in the past.

Educational resources, accommodation resources, transportation resources, energy training resources, scientific research resources...

And the high-level resources required by such a huge population are also extremely huge and astronomical.

Even with the efforts of Yuren Civilization and the continuous expansion of production lines by human civilization, the number of 70 billion has reached its limit.

Even if Shen Shi continues to provide assistance to civilization through transactions with Future Line, the resources needed to assist the more than 10 billion people in the past are completely different from the resources needed to assist the 70 billion people today.

Don't say anything else.

The advanced personal modification devices and original energy training devices alone are so huge that it is unimaginable.

So at this point, under the strong momentum of human civilization, many contradictions have actually accumulated and hidden.

For example, there is a contradiction between the needs brought about by people's vision and the actual backward technological level of civilization.

Another example is the contradiction between the technical level, life status, and contribution of the older generation, and the powerful talents and abilities of the new generation.

Another example is the contradiction between entertainmentism, stagnation, and the core requirements of high-level arduous development.

There are many other issues.

The super-efficient development scene a hundred years ago, which allowed Shen Shi to avoid almost all detours, no longer exists. Although civilization is still developing at a certain speed, it is far from the same.

Do it to the best of your ability.

Of course, it is not that Shen Shi is unaware of the emergence of these problems, nor is it that there are no solutions.

But he did nothing.

On the one hand, it is because of the advanced devices he continuously brings. Advanced technology is also an internal problem of civilization, and it is even an extremely important and influential one. On the other hand, it is because of the uncertainty about the actual situation of Ace civilization.

Under the circumstances of the purpose, we cannot presume to advance the future world three thousand years later to the level of B-level civilization.

In fact, during the past hundred years, human civilization in Future Line 2 has still made great progress towards a B-level civilization.

This civilization shaped by the sage Chen Shi indeed has extremely high potential.

The core driving force of crazy expansion coupled with the system of subordinate races has turned the entire human civilization into a behemoth. Its sphere of influence has even included most of the star field managed by the Ace Civilization, even a small part of it alone.

Taking it out would be enough to destroy a civilization like Dyke.

And this naturally requires the acquiescence of the Ace civilization, and even its unreserved support.

In this case, quantity finally gradually led to qualitative changes.

In just one hundred years, human civilization has a total of seven key technologies and forty-two secondary technologies that have successfully broken through to B-level, especially in the field of raw energy. It has even been able to independently produce B-level shipborne raw energy.


Don't underestimate this quantity.

The Dyke civilization of Future Line No. 1, with the support of the Ace civilization, spent hundreds of years and failed to achieve even a small technological breakthrough.

Although it is said that human civilization has such development, Shen Shi is indeed happy.

However, with the unknown information about the Ace civilization and the Mulder system unresolved, this growth rate also made Shen Shi feel uneasy.

It's like seeing a fat pig growing vigorously under careful care.

This chapter has been completed!
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