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Chapter 226: surrender to the great heaven

Chapter 226 of the main volume of the opening transaction Space Battleship: Surrender to the Great Heaven. The plundered civilization is called "Onan". Although the relics it controls are not as powerful as the trading market controlled by human civilization, its technical level is

It is still extraordinary. According to the historical information given to Shen Shi by collectors, it is a special "mother plant".

It seems to be just an ordinary flower bone, but the seeds it produces can transform a living planet in a very short period of time.

Including ecological environment, primitive fungi, atmosphere, even oceans, etc.

If it were just like this, it would be miraculous, but not very strange.

After all, slightly more powerful civilizations have the technological level to transform planets.

Some C-class civilizations are even able to create huge planets of planet-sized size, not to mention transforming some asteroids.

But the transformation of this ruin is different, because the life planet it transformed has strong adaptability to the planet's geography.

for example.

Jupiter in the solar system is not suitable for life. This is not only because of Jupiter's nature as a gas giant planet, but also because Jupiter's orbital position in the solar system determines its harsh environment.

If we want to use conventional methods to transform Jupiter into a life-like planet, we not only need to transform it from a gaseous planet into a solid planet, but also need to build a huge temperature system to ensure that its climate changes can support the survival of fragile life.

This often requires additional energy to maintain the system. In the end, even if Jupiter can become a living planet, it will only be based on continuous maintenance. Once maintenance is lost, let alone tens of millions of years or even

In hundreds of millions of years, or only tens of thousands of years, the service life of the device will restore the entire civilization to its original appearance.

Just like a city that has lost human activities, sooner or later it will become a virgin forest again.


If the seeds produced by this relic device were used, it would be completely different.

It will sprout in a very short period of time, and then grow rapidly in the gaseous environment of Jupiter. While regulating the entire gaseous environment of Jupiter, it will achieve energy balance through the natural biological system.

In other words, it will enhance the absorption of cosmic ray energy, including sunlight, through covering vegetation, while limiting the dissipation of energy to achieve a stable climate and a virtuous cycle.

In the end, this new life planet can be maintained for a long time. Even if there are no outsiders, its own intelligent civilization will be born sooner or later.

That's what this relic device does.

Shen Shi didn't know if a B-level civilization could do the same thing, but even if it could, it might not be as powerful as this relic device.

However, the effect is secondary. The greatest value of a relic like this lies in its technical aspect.

This is information that can only be mastered after starting to touch some B-level civilization levels in the second future line.

At the level of interstellar society, not all traces or devices left behind by ancient civilizations can be called "relics."

For example, the things left over from the civilization of the "gods" in the Yuren Civilization are complete relics in the Yuren Civilization, but in terms of the entire Mulder system, they are nothing at all, just some

Things left over from C-class civilization.

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What can be called "relics" in Mudd's system probably refers to legacy devices from 3.2 billion years ago.

The reason why this number is so accurate is naturally because some existing relics have been discovered in the core that has a birth life of more than 3.2 billion years.

Just this number is enough to show how powerful these ruins are!

You must know that even for extremely powerful civilizations like the B-pole civilization, few of the devices they create can last for tens of millions of years without any damage.

However, this "relic" device can do it.

Let’s talk about the technology it contains.

I won't go into details about things like trading space. Shen Shidu wondered if the rancher had ever seen such a device that could ignore space or even time for instant communication and material transmission.

Even the "vegetation" in front of us that can transform the planet has a technological level that is somewhat beyond imagination.

One seed can quickly transform the entire planet!

Is this a technology in the biological field?

Perhaps in terms of practical value, such ruins are not enough to attract B-class civilization to plunder, but in terms of research value, it has exceeded the level that a C-class civilization can control.

Shen Shi even doubted it.

This device is most likely a deal between a certain B-class civilization and the Land of Gus. Even this team of raiders should have a certain connection with the internal forces of the Land of Gus.

If it weren't for the future, and if time could catch up, Shen Shi might not dare to take action on this thing.

But now is the time for human civilization to become famous in the land of Gusi!

"The battle has begun." Shen Shi said.

There was no need for him to say anything more. The detector had already roughly displayed the situation on the battlefield.

Everything naturally happens in the curvature bubble battlefield.

The Marauder team did not hide their status at all, and there was no way to hide it. After all, they had a large number of weak warships in their team.

But even if it is discovered early, Aonan Civilization has no way to avoid or escape.

Their warp engines, including their warp engines, have been directly controlled.

Judging from the results, it seems to be similar to the method used by Shen Shi in Yuren Civilization, but in fact it is completely different. It is not an information intrusion control used, but a powerful curvature control device. This kind of

The device is obviously not only C-level, it can be said to far exceed the expectations of Onan Civilization.

The Onan people at this moment were indeed full of panic.

The Onan people are a relatively rare civilization that has basically abandoned the physical body. Their original energy technology has not yet reached the point where they can completely extract consciousness. However, they still reduce their brains to the smallest part in each life, and continue to

are combined together to form a brand new "brain", which is the central hub of this civilization. It is not only countless independent individuals, but it can also be said to be a unified individual to a certain extent.

This development route naturally has certain advantages, but it also has obvious disadvantages. How the Aonan civilization developed on this path will not stop for the time being, but now, they have indeed experienced the bad situation brought about by this disadvantage.

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——The mastermind is being attacked.

And it was still a crazy attack.

This once again confirmed that the Marauder fleet did not meet them by chance, but was well prepared. They even knew exactly which battleship the Onan battleship, as the core part of the mastermind, was placed on, even though these battleships appeared to be They all look similar.

As the distance gets closer, the Dongtian can even vaguely capture the opponent's original energy communication system.

"Let W-55 lead a team to raid this coordinate point. Don't be afraid of sacrifice. They have no way out. They must either obey or become a raw energy battery."

"Don't worry about the escaping warships who gave up this coordinate for the time being. They can't escape."

"Concentrate fire on this target."

"Those who disobey will be dealt with directly on the battlefield!"


Almost every moment, hundreds of commands are communicated quickly through the original energy communication system, and Shen Shi can clearly feel that this communication system is not only commanding everyone, but also contains powerful original energy. In other words, In other words, the upper level of the communication system can easily control the thoughts of the lower level through its own strength, and even directly destroy it.

After listening to the order for a while, Shen Shi finally understood why such an ambush had been planned for a long time, and it even seemed that such a disparate fleet would be ambushed by a large battlefield.

In addition to letting these people be cannon fodder, another important reason lies in the rules.

Yes, the land of Gus will not attack visitors.

Those who took action were gangsters who could no longer survive in the land of Gus and were about to be turned into raw energy batteries.

However, Shen Shi can already guarantee that there must be a calculation by the Gus people behind this.

So, should we still take action?

Shen Shi glanced at the future again.

"Prepare to gather fire." Shen Shi said.

The next moment, battleships began to take off one after another in the atmosphere of Dongtian. On the other hand, this unabashed behavior was finally detected by both warring parties.

Whether it was the raider team that was actively attacking, or the Onan civilization that was fully defending and trying to evacuate, there was a violent reaction.

The Marauders team shrunk their defense line and began to strengthen their defense in the direction of the humans, while the Onan people also changed from defense to active attack, but the direction of the breakout was the direction of human civilization.

Obviously, the emergence of human civilization has brought different variables to both sides.

The plunderers were worried that this sudden appearance of a force would destroy their goals, while the Onan people believed that this sudden appearance of a force might be able to change their inevitable fate.

At the same time, humans also received communications from both sides.

What is used is conscious communication.

As long as the original energy attainments are good, they can do it. This also reduces the invariance brought about by communication. After all, there is no universal language in the universe.

And this kind of exchange of consciousness can also be regarded as part of showing strength.

At least at this moment, the consciousness transmitted by the marauders undoubtedly belongs to the original energy master, and it is also an original energy master who has gathered a large amount of racial consciousness. Obviously, the messy but very large fleet of the marauders is not just using To be used as cannon fodder.

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——It is also used to accommodate enough clan members.

"Completely treat the tribe as consumables and an increase in strength." Shen Shi looked at the battlefield in front of him and could easily judge his attitude.

In other words, a unique culture.

As for the content of the consciousness transmitted by the other party...

It is nothing more than threatening the humans with the Land of Gus to make the human side retreat, and promising to introduce them to the Land of Gus, and then bragging about his identity and status in the Land of Gus.

All I can say is, old-fashioned, but useful.

If you encounter not a well-prepared human civilization, but a civilization with good strength that happens to meet you, you may not be able to obey.

In contrast, the communications sent by the Onan Civilization were much more urgent.

"Any reward! Everything you can see!"

Aonan Civilization has obviously known the crisis situation it is in, and has completely abandoned any illusions. It only wants to allow one Civilization Fire battleship to escape. In addition, any other battleships, and even the people on the battleship, can

Give it all away!

That's at least tens of thousands of spaceships and tens of billions of people!

It is also the last asset of a C-level civilization.

But it's also obvious.

The battleship they requested to escape from was the "Brain".

Even without replying, Shen Shi could guess the reason why Aonan Civilization was so desperate just by relying on future information.

They have realized that their information has been well known by these robbers, so the other party will not let go of their "brain" under any circumstances, let alone the "life" they placed in the middle of the "brain".


Therefore, instead of expecting mercy from these looters, it is better to hope that the person in front of you may be a third party passing by.

Faced with the communication from both parties, Shen Shi quickly responded.

And, the same response is given to both parties at the same time.

"In front of our heavenly court, you have no choice but to surrender!"

Implementing the consciousness of one billion humans, coupled with Shen Shi, a powerful man who has been a master of original energy for more than 130 years, plus the original energy device on the Dongtian, Shen Shi's magnificent consciousness

The domineering spirit and motherly doubtful will clearly covered the entire battlefield.

At that moment, the commander-in-chief of the looters couldn't help but become angry.

"It's a stupid Shinto civilization!"

Just with this consciousness, one can clearly feel the cultural essence of Shinto civilization.

The so-called Shinto civilization refers to a civilization that attaches great importance to things like "dominance", "confidence", and "dignity".

In the face of Shinto civilization, there is usually no possibility of compromise at all.

It’s not that Shinto civilization doesn’t care about interests, it’s just that for Shinto civilization, the beliefs of believers and people are part of the culture and the core interest of development. Even if it is for this benefit, the choices made by Shinto civilization will never be

Weak, let alone compromise.

Therefore, if they say that they want them to surrender, it is unlikely that they will be forced to retreat through communication, intimidation and other means.

However, contrary to the anger of the looters, the Onan civilization felt a huge surprise.

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They may not know the specific definition of Shinto civilization, but they have seen similar civilizations, and they clearly know how to get support or help in the current situation.

That is surrender.

Yes, Shinto civilization mostly enjoys the submission of others.

Therefore, after Shen Shi's consciousness came out, the core brain of Aonan civilization made almost no hesitation and made the most correct choice based on the situation at hand.

Changxiang Chinese website

"The great heaven, we are willing to surrender as a whole family and surrender..."

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