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Chapter 229: Xu Ruo in the Land of Gus

Shen Shi was talking about that time, but it was actually this time.

He indeed ignored this.

Why can you get special attention or even certain benefits if you defeat the looters? I thought it was some kind of rule before, but now it seems that on the one hand it is because the strength is confirmed, and on the other hand it is naturally because the winner

There is the possibility of escape. Once the existence of the looters is widely spread, it will inevitably affect some invited individual tourists.

But that being the case.

And why should we acquiesce to the existence of looters?

Shen Shi did not ask this question, but the collector had already mentioned this topic in advance.

"Although the Land of Gus relies on constant transactions with other civilizations to accelerate its own development, in fact, their trading subjects are other B-class civilizations, at least powerful civilizations." The collector said, "As for

The transaction volume brought by ordinary spaceships itself does not occupy much at all. Their role is to assist the land of Gus to explore information and find those powerful civilizations."

I see.

In fact, this information can be easily guessed if you think about it carefully.

In this endless sea of ​​stars, the differences between civilizations are huge. Strong civilizations are extremely powerful, while weak civilizations are also extremely weak. They just continue to absorb the surroundings during the voyage like this.

How much help can some scattered spaceships bring by contacting some weak civilizations on the roadside?

However, this allows the land of Gus to quickly understand the civilization of the place it visits.

If a powerful civilization is discovered, there must be other ways of contact.

Let’s look at the land of Gus in the future world. Doesn’t it have connections and transactions with most of the B-level civilizations in the entire Mulder system?

Once he grasped this point, a light seemed to flash in Shen Shi's mind.

What are the advantages he has?

It is a resource for the future world!

With such resources, can he pretend to be an unknown B-class civilization?

This is actually basically consistent with Shen Shi's original idea, but now that he knows the real focus and core system of the land of Gus, he has a clearer direction.

But before that, more information still needs to be known.

"Although the enemy at that time was the Gusi people, they were not very strong. You have stayed in the land of Gusi for such a long time, have you had any more contact with them?" Shen Shi asked.

"Contact with nature is there." The collector said as expected, but his mood was slightly bitter. "I have never given up my intention to take revenge. However, the other party has been getting higher and higher over the years. All I can say is,

No matter which civilization you are in, your own race must have a natural status. It is not easy for outsiders to do what they want."

Shen Shi nodded slightly.

"Give me all the information you collected." Shen Shi ordered.

"Yes!" The collector seemed to have thought of something and was quite surprised.

Shen Shi knew at a glance that he had misunderstood that he wanted to go to the land of Gus again. In fact, this misunderstanding was quite dangerous when it was changed in the past, and it was easy to guess something.

However, since Shi Ling's information was disclosed to a few people in Future Line No. 1, Shen Shi's level of secrecy about Shi Ling, or time travel, was no longer what it was originally.

Future Line No. 2 will sooner or later become a special world like Future Line No. 1. By that time, even if collectors guess the time travel, there will be no problem.

After receiving the information from the collector, Shen Shi also returned to modern society and made a decision on his next action.

"Let's drag it down." Shen Shi said with a chuckle.

"Delay?" The other senior executives were stunned for a moment.

Even Ai Xin'er didn't react.

"That's right, just hang from a distance like this, showing a vigilant but unwilling to leave at will, and then let the land of Gusi come to us on its own initiative." Shen Shi said.

"Will they come?" Everyone was surprised.

In the hearts of everyone, the Land of Gus is an extremely powerful and mysterious civilization.

Even if its strength does not reach A level, it can be independent from Mulder's system. This alone is enough to show its power!

Among all the civilizations currently known to human civilization, it can be called the only one.

However, such a powerful civilization would take the initiative to come to them?

"The Land of Gus is indeed powerful, but since their core interest is friendly cooperation with other civilizations, they must have an attitude, and our strength is just on the edge of the level where the other party shows a friendly attitude, so I understand.

"?" Shen Shi explained with a smile.

This is actually not difficult to understand.

If human civilization is just a weak C-level civilization, or even just a D-level civilization, then it goes without saying that it will be destroyed with the flick of a finger.

The worst case scenario is to use looters to cover it up, such as Onan Civilization.

However, the human civilization at this time is riding a B-class battleship, which means that there is very likely a B-class civilization standing behind it.

No matter how small this possibility is, it means huge benefits.

Friendly transactions with advanced civilizations and the exchange of needed goods are the core interests of the land of Gus, so naturally they will not lose big for small things.

However, what Shen Shi said was simple, but everyone understood that this was ultimately putting the decision-making power in the hands of others. If others really looked down on your demonstrated strength, there would be no room for reasoning. But

The confidence Shen Shi showed at this moment could only mean one thing - he had real intelligence information.

"Congressman Shen is still unfathomable."

"Now I suddenly feel that the land of Gus may not be so scary."

"No matter what, we must be careful and leave the decision-making to Councilor Shen, at least without any random interference."

"Yes, Senator Shen must have information that we don't know."


Many high-level officials were discussing quietly in private, which strengthened Shen Shi's order. To a certain extent, the entire Dongtianhao was already a genuine Shinto civilization.

Everything is based on "God".

All in all, Dongtianhao followed the land of Gusi from a distance, looking aloof.

Of course, it’s not like I didn’t do other things during this period.

The captured plunderers were all imprisoned on the Cave Sky, and specialized personnel conducted relevant interrogations to explore detailed information in the Land of Gus. Although the results of the interrogations were not surprising, most of them were Shen Shen.

It was something that Shi had already known, but it was also a communication of attitude. Shen Shi found that there were some special devices in the consciousness of some looters, just like the "

Like "willow leaves", it is conceivable that there must be someone in the land of Gusi who is paying attention to the fate of these people.

It can also be used to convey Dongtian's vigilance towards the land of Gus.

As for the Onan people.

Shen Shi also took the time to contact the brains of the Onan people. After showing a certain degree of strength and sharing some of the dangers in the land of Gus, the Onan people firmly stood on the side of human civilization.


However, Shen Shi also knew clearly that the people of Aonan could not be trusted.

This race has become detached from personal emotions to some extent.

And they don't have a leader who can control them like Yuren.

A single collective brain cannot be engraved with the original energy seal.

Once a greater benefit emerges, the Onan people's betrayal will happen in the blink of an eye.

However, it doesn't matter.

Shen Shi prepared to strip away their various devices bit by bit, including battleships, and gradually transform the entire civilization into technical workers, responsible for assisting human civilization to climb the technological scale and develop heavy industry. In short, it was to directly remove their force and control

their brains.

This takes time, but it's not difficult to do.

Finally, when the next jump to the land of Gus was about to come, their connection was finally found.

It is not using raw energy communication, nor is it using information intrusion technology, nor is it sending a mission.

But at a certain moment, the leader of the plunderers, the original energy master named Shu Jing, escaped from the prison directly by an unknown method.

At that moment, Shen Shi already understood that the Shu Jing was no longer the Shu Jing.

In his consciousness, there is actually a clone of Gus' consciousness, and this clone can also receive information from the main body?

You must know that in Shen Shi's understanding so far, the message transmission of the conscious clone is one-time and one-way. Only when the subject takes back the conscious clone, can the information be obtained from the clone.

Just this move somewhat broke Shen Shi's understanding.

The land of Gusi is indeed the land of Gusi!

Obviously, this is also some kind of swagger, a trivial and convenient swoop!

"On behalf of the Gus civilization, I invite you to go to the land of Gus." The Gus man who occupied the body of Shujing was extremely polite. After he escaped from the prison, he directly spread his consciousness across the world.

"As compensation and reward, you will have a permanent residence status in the land of Gus, and can have a trading market on the fifth floor. The Emperor of Heaven will have fifth-level authority. If you are willing to trade that relic,

, the land of Gus can be recycled at five times the price.”

Just these words made Shen Shi's eyes narrow.

Level 5 authority! Trading market!

What is the concept?

What the collectors of Future Line No. 2 have is level five authority! And they don’t have their own trading market!

As mentioned before, the core of the Land of Gus is trading. There are also strict rules in the Land of Gus. The most attractive thing for outsiders is naturally the trading authority.

There are eight levels in total.

Although there is no so-called B-level in the Mulder system in the land of Gus, at level four, you can already trade some technologies and devices that are new to B-level fields, and at level five,

Just like the collectors in line 2, you can trade some technologies and devices around B3 and B4.

As for the trading market, it is a representative who has settled down in the land of Gus and has its own power.

As mentioned before, for the vast majority of outsiders who come to the Land of Gus, they just trade all the things they bring with them at once, and then leave. Will they be able to find the Land of Gus next time?

It depends on luck.

Unless you are like the collectors of Future Line No. 1, who rely on the convenience of the black market trading terminal to be able to stay there for a long time and continue to trade cautiously.

However, if you have your own trading market, it is completely different.

This means that even if your trading items are empty, you can still have a fixed income and truly be able to settle permanently in the land of Gus.

The fifth-level trading market, according to the collector, has been able to regularly know the navigation trajectory of the Land of Gus! And it has actively attracted some outsiders for transactions.

It can be said that this one can be regarded as a small boss in the land of Gus.

This is the temptation of Chiguoguo!

Even if Shen Shi didn't know the meaning of authority and trading place at the beginning, after imprisoning and interrogating Shu Jing and others for such a long time, he should have mastered this information, so he could clearly understand the meaning of the land of Gus.

There are huge benefits contained in this promise.

You know, even the collectors of Line 2 only gained such a status eight hundred years after joining the land of Gus, but Shen Shi now only got it as soon as he entered!

And this is something that has never happened before in the future line.

Sure enough, the benefits brought by opportunities always outweigh the steps taken.

Therefore, the first dividing line of the future line has arrived!

"I agreed." Shen Shi's consciousness came in forcefully, with boundless majesty, and he didn't even need to hesitate at all. This huge self-confidence is exactly the characteristic of Shinto civilization.

"The land of Gusi welcomes you all." After saying these last words, Shu Jing's body suddenly began to fade away inch by inch.

Just like that, it turned into nothingness in front of everyone and disappeared completely.

In fact, as early as when Shu Jing came out, Shen Shi had already noticed that his body no longer existed. This seemed to be the field where the original energy was transformed into virtual reality, and it was also where Shu Jing was able to escape from the land of Gus.

s reason.

I just don’t know if the Shu Realm will disappear or if it can be resurrected in the land of Gus.

If it is the latter, then this kind of technology is indeed a bit incredible, but if it is the former, it is nothing more than that. Even the future world of Line 2 will only need about another thousand years of normal development to be possible.

Shen Shi said nothing more.

"Set off."

After giving the order calmly, he once again looked at the development of the future world.

As expected, fate has not changed and the crisis has not been resolved.

However, the more it is like this, the more powerful it is that the world has returned this time.

When the crisis is resolved, the accumulated changes will explode in an instant.

This chapter has been completed!
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