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Chapter 234: We will leave here

In fact, the reason why the ancient civilization strictly prohibited white-hot physical attacks was because of the asymmetry of destructive power.

The more advanced the technology, the more powerful the device, and the more destructive it is.

A small anti-matter bomb is enough to destroy an entire city, let alone a phase bomb, and no matter how advanced the detection system is, it is difficult to maintain absolute safety in the face of these endless various assault weapons.

Therefore, the simplest way is to establish rules and strict rules.

This is why in the future that Shen Shi saw, after this attack, the ancient civilization found the entire attack process in the shortest possible time. Even if it could not recover the losses that had already occurred, it could give some relief to the attackers behind it.

Severe punishment as a warning to the rest.

At this level full of interests, there are actually very few civilizations or individuals who do such things with the possibility of losing interests.

As for this time.

It's just because the benefits behind it are greater than the risks.

Of course, if human civilization prevents the incident again, or even digs out all the people behind it, it will be completely different. The benefits will not be obtained but heavy losses will be suffered. Any force will reduce the feasibility of this kind of thing.

At this moment, Laier was already being targeted.

And the person who was eyeing him was none other than Shen Shi.

Yes, in order to reduce interference to the future line and prevent the future direction from being beyond his control, Shen Shi did not change anything. Even himself, his words and deeds during this period were strictly in accordance with the memory of the sage Shen Shi.

, it was not until the moment when the explosion was about to happen that he turned his attention to this key person.

At the same time, observe the future.

If nothing changes in the future, then he will take action.

Thinking like this, Shen Shi took control of Laier's thinking at this moment.

Although Laier's original energy attainments are actually not low, even if he is average in a C-level civilization, he can be considered a little master in a D-level civilization. However, as a master of original energy,

Moreover, Shen Shi, who possesses a B-level device, obviously has no ability to resist at all.

He was immediately controlled.

A surprise bomb like this is not controlled by signals from the outside, which would be too easy to detect. Since it must be kept secret, the best way is to use raw energy to bury established emotions in the consciousness of the "bomb human flesh", and use

Using raw energy to detonate is, to some extent, a combination of raw energy technology.

Therefore, once consciousness is completely suppressed, the bomb loses the possibility of detonating.

But at this moment, Shen Shi's expression changed.

There is still one!

Yes, the explosion still happened!

He activated the protective measures in the entire trading market without hesitation. A large amount of liquid metal rolled out from all over the city and covered the area where the explosion occurred.

It was too late to find out who the second bomb was, but it was possible to know its approximate location and activate the city's protection system.

And then in the next moment - silent annihilation emerged.

The phase bomb's destruction is not energy-based, but curvature-space. It can destroy a certain range of curvature space within a short period of time, causing substantial annihilation. However, it still relies on energy to spread at the beginning of activation.

, so liquid metal is also useful.

After gaining the upper hand, the scope of annihilation was compressed to the extreme.

It's about a few thousand square meters, and the number of deaths is about 3,000.

"Immediately send an application to the review department, seal off the entire area, and don't let anyone go." Shen Shi half-squinted his eyes, and this time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the future has finally changed.

Although he didn't have time to take a closer look, he took less than a second to quickly browse the memory of the sage's death in the second future line. This raid was once again a great victory for human civilization.

Yes, there were still deaths, but this time it was a huge victory.

Because the person behind it has revealed more tricks.

Shen Shi did not expect that there was a master of original energy following the second suicide bomber at a close distance. When the first one had a problem, he would manually activate the second one, and then annihilate himself together, destroying the evidence.

Most of it.

Anyone who can become a master of original energy is undoubtedly the best of a race, and he is also the inheritor of a race's culture. If nothing else, he will not choose it easily just for the culture inherited in the world of consciousness.


It is precisely because of this that the identity of this original master is clear at a glance.

It was similar to the one in the group of raiders we first encountered, Zhu Jing.

I'm afraid it's all because of the destruction of one's own race, and through some technologies in the land of Gus, the original master of the race was forcibly converted.

This kind of technology can only be found in the land of Gus!

"Again and again, and again, this time, I finally got the hang of it." Shen Shi slightly squinted his eyes, finally having time to observe the changed future world in detail.

Who else from the land of Gus could have conflicts with them?

Nothing more than the man behind the looters.

The first action of human civilization was to snatch away the whole piece of fat from this person's mouth, and also cut off a piece of fat from the other person's body.

As long as the other party doesn't want to lose the bet, they can only continue to lose chips.

However, we still lost the second game.

"The expected future explosion did not appear." Shen Shi continued to digest everything that would happen in the future.

After winning this time, it took human civilization twenty years to really get the spoils and catch the opponent's trap. However, according to the future line, the opponent seems to have admitted defeat and is unwilling to continue to lose chips.

, so human civilization does not have the ability to win again. After developing steadily in the land of Gus for more than a hundred years, the sage Shenshi led the team back to human civilization, leaving only some of them in the land of Gus.

Continue to manage.

This will indeed have a profound impact on the future three thousand years later.

After all, if this industry in the Land of Gus is preserved, the development speed of human civilization will inevitably increase again. The Land of Gus is a civilization more powerful than the Ace Civilization, so after three thousand years, the strength of human civilization will continue to increase.

The B-class civilization has once again taken a big step forward.

There are hundreds of technologies that have successfully broken through to the B-pole.


The most important purpose of Shen Shi's coming to the land of Gusi has still not been achieved.

"It shouldn't just be like this." Shen Shi frowned, "After a hundred years, we have established a firm footing. Three thousand years later, we are still only at level six. We still don't know why the Ace Civilization has invested so much in support. In addition, like this

The big results have only increased from dozens of B-level key technologies to hundreds..."

Shen Shi did not expect that after he changed the outcome of Gusi's trip, the results would be far less than expected.

According to his prediction, when human civilization successfully enters the B-class civilization three thousand years later, a new future line will be born.

But looking at it now, even if we don't count the threat of Ace civilization, it will take thousands of years for human civilization to truly reach Class B.

The gap is far larger than expected.

"It's not enough to just defeat the crisis." Shen Shi has already realized this. "You have to develop faster than the normal future development..."

There are many opportunities in the land of Gus. Since the enemy does not lose its chips, only human civilization can continue to increase its chips.

You have to plan well.

Shen Shi was also quite tired in his heart. Now he occupies an unparalleled position in human civilization, but he is also under tremendous pressure. Like this time, if he is not careful, it will be a big failure. Although he won in the end

, but there is not much joy of victory, because the future is not at a level where we can breathe a sigh of relief.

Winning once is not enough.

And while Shen Shi was further checking the future information, trying to find the next turning point of fate, the trading planet was also quite lively at this time.

Everyone on the planet already knows what happened.

But most people were not frightened by the deaths of these three thousand people.

On the contrary, I am quite amazed by the reaction of human civilization.

The reason is also very simple.

The people living in the land of Gus may not be strong in strength, technology, or equipment, but their vision is basically B-level, so they know very well what kind of technical level a miniature phase bomb like this contains.

, being able to discover in advance and compress the damage to such a level means that human detection capabilities are definitely higher than the technology of micro phase bombs, and not just a little higher.

This kind of technology is considered excellent even in a place like the Land of Gus.

At least in the peripheral trading market, most forces cannot own it.

Even the power of the people of Gus.

More importantly, everyone knows that human civilization will make a lot of money this time.

Coupled with the excitement of the trade fair, the emotions on the entire trading planet were ignited.

Countless people are sharing information fiercely.

"It's been a long time since we've seen an attack like this in the peripheral trading markets."

"The last time it happened was four hundred and thirty years ago."

"That's right. At that time, more than a billion intelligent beings were wiped out at once, and the people behind it also escaped early, causing heavy losses."

“Latest news! Cheap price!”

"No need to buy it, I'll share it for free. There are two bombs in this attack. One has been controlled long ago. The one to detonate is an alternative. It will be detonated by an original energy master who has changed his race. The key is that the original energy master

The master is not dead yet."

“Hiss—this is really going to make a lot of money!”

"I'll call someone over right away. This newly opened trading market is going to be booming!"


Laier had recovered himself. He did not realize that he had been controlled for a moment, nor did he realize that there was a phase bomb in his body. He just watched the whole incident in amazement and made a decision quickly.

Take a loan, bet everything you have, and this trading market will become completely lively!

As Shen Shi knew from the beginning, the death of just 3,000 people was definitely a great victory! It would even be more profitable than if no one died. Anyone with a bit of vision would understand that such a thing happened.

The compensation alone is enough to make this trading market rich and prosperous in a short period of time, and this means opportunities and benefits everywhere!

Lai'er already has a good character and ability, so he won't miss this moment!

Even his whole heart was agitated.

The original plan to get a C7-level medium-sized battleship has changed again. He wants to get a C9-level battleship, and he needs to get all kinds of advanced and powerful technologies! He even has to pull together a team. After returning to civilization, he will directly

Become one of the most noble people in the entire civilization!

The opportunity is right in front of you!


Laier's interests that should have been within reach were shattered when two Gus appeared in front of him.

The investigation team from the Gusi censorship department arrived much faster than Shen Shi expected.

"Betting on the honor of the Land of Gus, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer! Those who violate the rules will surely pay a heavy price!" This person comes from the core area of ​​the Land of Gus and holds a high position.

, the powerful Gus original master, when facing Curtis, who was responsible for contacting the human side about this incident, he expressed his attitude again and again.

In fact, his status is much higher than that of the Gusi man Shen Shi summoned, and even comparing the two is an insult to him.

However, Shen Shi did not see him.

This is a way of expressing dissatisfaction.

But this Gus man didn't have the slightest dissatisfaction, and even kept expressing his apologies in his words.

I have to say that this gave Shen Shi a deeper understanding of the rules of the Land of Gus.

No matter how they acquiesce to the rules behind it and the dark order, when everything is brought under the light, they will definitely not mind making the light shine a little brighter.

Even Curtis, who was in charge of this matter, was a little surprised.

In fact, Curtis was absolutely sure that the people in front of him had already had a rough understanding of the incident long before it happened. It was impossible for them not to know about the conflict of interests between the Gus people and humans behind it, and it was impossible not to keep a close eye on it.

However, he clearly acquiesced in all this happening, but at the moment of human victory, he adopted such an attitude.

Curtis can guarantee that if this explosion occurs, human transactions will be directly destroyed, and the reaction of the person in front of him will definitely be different.


No, it's not contradictory at all.

It can only be said that the other party's behavior has a logic unique to the land of Gus.

However, after realizing this, Curtis quickly adapted.

"There is no need to say more about such meaningless words." He kept his attitude in mind, his mood was indifferent, even cold, "I can tell you clearly that if His Majesty's anger cannot be calmed this time, we will leave


After saying these words, the mood of the person in charge of the Gus investigation also changed unnoticed.


This civilization is rapidly adapting to the rules of the land of Guth.

This chapter has been completed!
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