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Chapter 24: Shen Shi's amazing growth

This was the third time they had dinner together, in a Chinese restaurant that was neither particularly luxurious nor particularly ordinary.

Separate private rooms do not count the amount of food wasted.

At this time, Shen Shi no longer wore that sexy and expensive burgundy suit, but just casual clothes worth several thousand yuan, and there were no bodyguards or secretaries around him.

However, compared with him a dozen days ago, he had an unspeakable temperament.

Enough to make it difficult for anyone to ignore him.

Where does this temperament come from?

Ai Xin'er has really carefully observed and studied it.

Mainly the eyes, expressions, and behavior.

There was no emotion in his eyes like when they met for more than ten days, and even the occasional daze and confusion disappeared, replaced by a mountain-like calmness, as if nothing could easily stir up his emotions, and his expression

The same is true, most of the time it's just a slight smile.

As for the behavior, it seems that there is no change, but there is a calmness based on strength.

Everything added up can even give people an involuntary intuitive feeling that "this person is not simple."

Ai Xin'er was not the only one who thought this way. When she came in just now, the manager of this restaurant even greeted her personally. Her attitude was extremely cordial and she even gave him a signature dish for free.

It’s incredible enough to think about it!

Ai Xin'er is somewhat doubtful about life.

How can a person change and grow so much in such a short period of time?

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Shen Shi put down his chopsticks and suddenly turned to look at her, "Although I know I'm handsome, I'm not so handsome that you won't even eat."

If it were before, when Shen Shi said such words, he would definitely have a proud expression.

But at this moment, he just smiled.

There was a slight smile in her deep eyes, as if she could talk. Ai Xin'er's face turned red when she saw it, and she looked away embarrassedly, but she didn't retaliate as usual.

She didn't speak, but Shen Shi smiled and said:

"Are you surprised at my change?"

"Yeah!" Ai Xin'er nodded repeatedly, with some kind of wonder, "How did you do it? Before two weeks, I didn't dare to recognize you."

"I just thought about some things and made some determination." Shen Shi smiled and skipped the topic, "Okay, eat it quickly, it won't taste good after a while."

"Well..." Ai Xin'er didn't hesitate, even when Shen Shi looked at her with unabashed eyes.

Although Shen Shi's temperament is amazing now, when it comes to etiquette and temperament, she is not timid after long-term practice.

However, only he himself knows the actual reason for Shen Shi's change.

The learning during this period is only one aspect.

But learning is more about acquiring knowledge and broadening his horizons. The reason why his external temperament is so outstanding is because he began to experimentally exercise his "original ability".

Now, he has understood that the so-called original energy, understood by modern people's cognition, is a kind of knowledge and level based on "mysticism", "information science", "philosophy", "idealism" and so on.

Special power.

The core is centered around "consciousness".

Of course, Shen Shi at this moment is far from qualified to come into contact with the true power of the original energy. Even humans three thousand years later are actually just walking on the road.

He just exercises his mind through a unique "original energy map".

It's a bit like meditation, but obviously more advanced.

Before that, he had never imagined that there would be such a picture. Just by looking at it, it was immediately engraved in his mind, as if he were alive, changing slowly, but unable to forget it at all.

According to the explanation he could understand, this was a "thinking virus invasion."

Thinking of consciousness as a computer that can process information, participate in calculations, and deepen learning, this picture uses visual effects to implant the unique information it contains into the consciousness for exercise.

This phenomenon is actually very common in modern society.

In Shen Shi's view at this moment, those repeatedly promoted slogans, viral "memes", even pieces of directional news, and even some so-called "hypnosis" methods can, in essence,

Count as a "thinking virus invasion".

Of course, the application aspect is very rudimentary, far inferior to the picture Shen Shi found from an independent information database.

According to future historical records, during the darkest six hundred years of mankind, the invaders used similar methods to continuously stimulate the human spirit to achieve the results they desired.

Even the use of raw energy batteries is also based on a more crude invasion of consciousness.

The spacecraft is equipped with an original energy room, and its larger purpose is to resist and defend against such attacks.

This also gave Shen Shi a higher understanding of the dangerous levels of the interstellar world.

Even consciousness has the possibility of being exploited and attacked.

However, recognizing the cruelty did not prevent Shen Shi from using this power, but rather forced him to master it as quickly as possible and become stronger.

After enjoying the food and giving some good comments, Ai Xin'er looked at Shen Shi and asked, "Are you still going to study later?"

Although she didn't know what kind of knowledge Shen Shi wanted to learn, she could also see that Shen Shi was indeed in a learning state during this period.

The last time I felt like this was when I was in high school.

Shen Shi made up his mind, and in two years, he went from a student who was just wandering around in the undergraduate field to a top student who was qualified to take the top ten exams in the country.

This is not shocking, but it is definitely determined.

"Why, are you lonely?" Shen Shi joked.

"Come on." Ai Xin'er scolded, and then said quite proudly, "My enthusiasm for practicing piano is no less than your enthusiasm for studying. It's never a bad thing to work hard to grow."

Yes, what Ai Xin'er likes originally is the progressive type.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gotten close to Shen Shi when I was studying.

However, Shen Shi shook his head, stood up, and said with a smile: "Then you should marry a scientist who lives in the laboratory 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, I am destined to be a capitalist. Today, it has come to an end. In a few days

I’m ready to give my career a try.”

"What career?" Ai Xin'er's eyes lit up.

The progressive type can also be said to be the ambitious type.

Have ambition in your heart and then work hard for it.

The blood, passion, and struggle that burst out in this process are what Ai Xin'er likes the most.

"You will know when the time comes. I'm afraid you will be shocked." Shen Shi smiled and did not explain.

"It's good to have a goal." Ai Xin'er looked happy, "Yesterday, our dean asked about you. I didn't know what to say. After all, you didn't even tell me where the money came from."

This chapter has been completed!
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