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Chapter 242: The Limits of Human Development

Because by the time the Ace civilization received the news and took action, such a group of interstellar pirates had already fled to no one knows where.

"Retreat at full speed!" Ma Jiao once again emphasized the core command.

One is one who can run.

If they are really interstellar pirates, then the other party will not seek to kill them all, because destruction is not the purpose, plunder is. As long as they can plunder most of the population, a small number of people will not care at all, and there must be people left to guard the loot.

Only under certain factors can they be given a chance to escape partially.

And Shen Shi indeed had no intention of killing them all.

The reason is also very simple.

Once the Dyke fleet is completely wiped out on the way to Blue Star, the follow-up attention will inevitably focus on Blue Star. After all, compared with encountering B-class fleet-level interstellar pirates on the way, it will be originally

The Blue Star civilization, which has shown an unexpected development speed, has a greater probability of being annihilated.

Destroying the Daik people and even the Daik civilization is no longer Shen Shi's primary goal at the moment, but delaying the appearance of the Ace civilization is.

Under this consciousness, the human fleet can be said to have perfectly acted out the style of an interstellar pirate, controlling more than 90% of the Dyke fleet intact, but there are still about 10% of the fleet.

Escaped, and humans symbolically sent some warships to chase them, but in the end they still allowed a small part of them to escape.

It would take at least one or two hundred years for these battleships to bring the news back to the Dyke civilization, and then the Dyke civilization would pass the news to the Ace civilization, and then start the investigation and so on.

When the battle calmed down, Shen Shi ordered the others to collect the loot, but he himself couldn't wait to enter the future line.

I want to see what kind of changes have occurred in the future line this time.

And the result was exactly what he expected!

The development progress of human civilization has ushered in a huge setback!

After the success of Shen Shi's Gusi trip, the development process of human civilization has been further improved, and thousands of key B-level technologies have been achieved. It can be said that it has already half-stepped into B-level.

The level of civilization, but at this moment, this number has dropped to about a thousand, which is almost back to the level where human civilization won its first victory in the land of Gus.

The reason for the regression is simple. The history of the visit of the "support" mission from the Ace civilization was delayed by almost four hundred years!

It took longer than Shen Shi expected!

Because he mistakenly overestimated the status of the Dyke civilization among the Ace civilization. At this time, the Dyke civilization was still far away from the top of the C-level. Their experiences were not paid attention to by the Ace civilization, and here

After being plundered by interstellar pirates, the development speed of the Dyke civilization was further slowed down. For a long time, they no longer had the energy to target human civilization, and even entered the decline zone early in the future.

The strength is far weaker than the original Daik civilization.

"Although the strength has regressed, it is a good thing." Shen Shi's eyes seemed to be shining with a strange color, and he seemed to have found the right way to open it.

That is to slow down the participation of Ace civilization as much as possible and at the same time speed up the development of human civilization as much as possible.

This is not a contradiction.

Just digesting this harvest from the Land of Gus, plus the "fire" traded from the previous No. 2 Future Line, is enough for mankind to take thousands of years.

In other words, in a thousand years, one foot has reached B level?

If it can really be done, then the cultural invasion of the Ace civilization will be nothing. No matter how powerful they are, they will never be able to devour the human civilization that created such a miracle!

At this moment, Shen Shi felt excited that he could suddenly see the way forward!

"Don't keep these battleships and Dyke people. I will take them all away and sell them to Xinghai Company to repay part of the loan." At the end, Shen Shi took away all the spoils of war and the sleeping Dykes.


He plans to hand over the battleship to the future world of Line 1.

As for those Dyke people, let's make it impossible to dismantle and release the original energy battery, and then enhance the strength of human civilization in Future Line 1.

After all this was resolved, Shen Shi once again embarked on his return journey.

At this moment, the memories of the humans they took away have been unsealed. Everyone understands the energy of more than a hundred years, and the new generation of humans also understands their identities and understands that they are about to return to the motherland of human civilization.


This caused the entire spacecraft, and even the human civilization on the Blue Star, to fall into some kind of excitement.

In just one hundred years, human civilization will not forget it.

All the relatives of those who left were finally able to reunite with their families.

Even Shen Shi still misses his parents and family a little at this moment.

Of course, there are also my own children and granddaughter.

Perhaps great-granddaughters were also born.

However, it has to be said that at this moment, Shen Shi has become very indifferent to these emotions. The only thing he cares about is already by his side. The long time and unique mission have finally changed him.

This is the 324th year of the Starry Sky Era, and Shen Shi has returned to Blue Star once again.

After several months of being reunited with his family, Shen Shi also quickly got into the mood.

"The development of human civilization over the past hundred years has lived up to my expectations." He said this in the supreme meeting, and the emotion he exuded clearly told everyone of his satisfaction, "Our success this time

The harvest is equally rich. In terms of quality and ability, the 3.6 billion people brought back have reached a level above C5. This is a development that can only be achieved in more advanced civilizations, and its effect even exceeds

The world of raw energy cultivates talents, but at the same time, I also discovered new threats, originating from more advanced civilizations and threats from culture."

Yes, Shen Shi is ready to tell everyone about the threat of Class B civilization directly.

This is also a dangerous move.

It is bound to bring unknown changes to the future.

However, after careful consideration, Shen Shi still decided to do this.

To be honest, the help of Future Line No. 2 to human civilization at this moment has been reduced to an extreme, not only because of the regression in the strength of Future Line No. 2, but also because everything that human civilization has obtained in the land of Gus can be completely recovered within a certain period of time.

Time replaces the role of Future Line 2 in physical support.

On this basis, Shen Shi can take greater risks.

Even if human civilization in Future Line No. 2 is directly destroyed or even annihilated during such an adventure, Shen Shi still has enough time and ability to change the future.

Now is no longer the time to promote the development of the future line, but to focus more on the present until a brand new future line is created, a future line that is extremely powerful for human civilization.

And when he devoured these advanced civilizations, including the entire Mudd system, on the original energy system, the entire Supreme Council fell silent.

From the consciousness link, Shen Shi could easily perceive their emotions.

It was shock, panic, and thinking.

Based on the quality of the people present, they can easily understand the danger involved. It can be said that the danger is no less dangerous than an invasion war.

After all, when human civilization is truly completely annexed from the roots of culture and consciousness, everything about them will be controlled by advanced civilizations, and this comes from ideological control. Just look at the influence of the original masters on the people of the tribe.

If you also control, you will know how terrible this kind of control is.

Maybe it's slightly better than the original battery, but it's also more miserable.

the most important is.

When the new generation of humans is completely captured, it is already clear what fate will await these "old people" who still retain the cultural consciousness of human civilization.

While the senior members present were digesting this content, Shen Shi was also watching the changes in the world in the future.

To be honest, he is already prepared to use the power of the original energy master and his control over the original energy world to erase these people's memories of this part.

Yes, he can do this.

This is the dominant power of an original energy master who has mastered a civilization-level original energy device over the entire civilization, and it is also the right that advanced civilizations want to plunder.

However, when Shen Shi saw the future, he was faintly surprised.

Because unlike what he worried about, even though human civilization already knew the purpose of Ace civilization, it still failed to reject the invasion of Ace civilization in the end.

the reason is simple.

Without the help of Ace civilization, the development process of human civilization has been greatly delayed.

It is simply no match for other C-level civilizations.

In the field of B-level technology, whether there is support and the intensity of support are decisive factors.

Therefore, the Ace civilization did nothing because of the vigilance and rejection of human civilization. They left generously. But as time went by, the civilizations surrounding human civilization began to develop rapidly at a speed far exceeding that of human civilization.

The C-level war posed a great threat to human civilization, which directly led to the growing call for Ace civilization in human civilization, until it reached a point where even the sages could not suppress it. Ace civilization,

Once again, we have arrived at human civilization.

All it does is set back a part of the development process of human civilization.

Obviously, the purpose of Ace civilization has still been achieved.

"Civilization itself has the instinct to pursue progress... so the Ace civilization doesn't care about human rejection at all, because as long as it wants progress, it will take the initiative sooner or later." Shen Shi said that this kind of instinct is based on

The result is very clear.

Civilizations such as the Dyke civilization have reached their limits after reaching a certain level. Such a civilization will not hesitate much when faced with the absorption of the Ace civilization.

Instead of falling into self-destruction amid decadence, it is better to embrace a more advanced and powerful culture...

Shen Shi once again looked at the senior councilors in front of him.

Through the control of consciousness in the original energy world, he clearly saw that a few people were really thinking about the feasibility of joining the Ace civilization.

Although there are very few, this is just the beginning, and some people are thinking of surrendering.

It is enough to show how different this war is.

By joining Ace and becoming an Ace person, you may lose some of your freedom, but you will also have the opportunity to enter a bigger stage and gain greater freedom, especially for those who can become masters of original energy, even if Shen Shi deliberately did not explain it.

, they can also imagine that joining it as a master of original energy is unlikely to have the status of a "battery", because at the beginning of the integration, these masters of original energy are still needed to complete the leadership of this civilization, and when it is fully

At the time of fusion, I am afraid that these original masters have already achieved a higher status in the Ace civilization.

This is really...

If Shen Shi didn't have Shi Ling and his unparalleled vision, even he wouldn't be able to guarantee that he wouldn't be tempted.

Even according to Shen Shi's initial self-understanding, if human civilization had made a different choice from his, then he would have taken his family away with peace of mind and wandered freely among the stars - it seemed that he was right in front of him.

There is a trend of this scene emerging.

"The obstacles to the development of civilization are not only simple obstacles of force, technology, and culture, but also various seemingly beautiful temptations. It depends on whether you want to be content with yourself, or whether you want to go further and stronger."

Shen Shi's consciousness suddenly slowly entered the minds of every senior councillor, "I can tell you clearly that my expectations for the future of human civilization are not just self-preservation and self-security, but a never-ending path.

The road ahead, beyond B-level, beyond A-level, and even beyond the galaxy - we have passed the time of struggling for survival. Please think carefully, as long as you are satisfied with survival, you still have to keep moving forward."

After leaving these last words, Shen Shi declared the end of the meeting.

Not only did he bring the issue to light, he also made his attitude clear.

In fact, Shen Shi knew very well that this test was inevitable.

The same is true even in the second future line.

Establishing a clan model and encouraging the development of separate families at all levels. Although this is a model to stimulate the vitality of civilization development, to a certain extent, adopting such a model to encourage it can also show that the development vitality of civilization has been reduced to a certain level.

To the extent that I have to find a way to struggle.

At this moment, Shen Shi had already somewhat felt what the Daik civilization in Future Line No. 1 felt like.

Facing the stagnation of development, we feel resentful, regretful and helpless.

Shen Shi also began to realize.

Perhaps the racial characteristics and cultural potential of human civilization are stronger than those of the Dyke people, enough to support them to surpass C level and develop to B level. However, I am afraid that is all. If no changes are made, the ultimate fate of human civilization will be

, the best result is to become one of the nineteen B-level civilizations in the Mulder system.

However, this result is obviously not the limit of Shi Ling's great power!

This chapter has been completed!
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