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Chapter 246: Rebellion against the rancher

Either break through limitations and crises and become stronger, or be destroyed.

After ignoring the comparison of strength, human civilization has actually made this choice once at the end of the Earth Star Era.

So this time, they actually still have only one choice.

However, Shen Shi also knew very well that some things had changed after all. He should give mankind more time to prepare for this war, and the decisive point of the war was actually three thousand years ago.

Therefore, after giving all the members a heavy blow at the meeting and once again assuming the supreme power of human civilization, Shen Shi's methods began to soften.

He did drive Ken out of the standing membership and occupied his position, but he did not attack another fusionist member.

Even sending this congressman to discuss with the Ace civilization shows that humans are not completely resistant to integration.

"At this time, the Ace civilization has become more powerful due to unknown reasons. It is impossible to fight head-on with the Ace civilization. We do not have the strength and conditions." Shen Shi said in a small meeting of standing members.

This point was clearly emphasized, "Therefore, we must be mentally prepared to surrender temporarily."

"Once you give in, it's hard to change," one congressman couldn't help but say.

Ace civilization is not stupid.

In the world, it is no longer possible for civilizations at this level to rely on some so-called strategies to change the outcome of confrontation.

Not to mention it is as powerful as the Ace civilization.

Even an intelligent super brain possessed by an ordinary human being can make the most reasonable analysis under the existing conditions.

It is impossible for the Ace civilization to fail to see the intentions of human civilization, nor to give human civilization any chance to "pretend to surrender."

However, Shen Shi couldn't tell the trump card that changed the timeline.

So he can still only leave everything to the "Xinghai System".

"Don't worry, I have already communicated with the Xinghai System." Shen Shi said, "As long as those of us who hold power stick to our bottom line and protect our culture, even the vast majority of people in human civilization will have integrated into it.

Once you get in, all this can be changed.”

The other people, including Gongchu, all looked at each other in confusion.

This sounds incredible and completely unsafe.

However, Xinghai Company has always been like this!

Since Shen Shi, as a sage and an expert of the anti-integration faction, has such confidence, they can't say anything.

Because if all the sages had surrendered, mankind would have surrendered long ago, and there would be no need to come to this fate.

"In this case, we must strive for the greatest benefit!" Gongchu said suddenly.

"Yes, this is the theme of this meeting." Shen Shi nodded, "So next, our main task will be on negotiation, and we have a very obvious capital, which is what we have


Yes, human civilization is representative.

The human civilization at this time is not the human civilization of three thousand years ago. The strength of human beings has firmly stood on the front line of B-level civilization. Not to mention the entire Mulder system, at least the entire galaxy, in B-level civilization

Under this circumstance, there are simply few civilizations that can compare with human civilization.

Not only that.

Human civilization is still the civilization with the strongest resistance to B-level civilization.

It is also the B-level civilization with the lowest influence.

This all depends on the sage Shen Shi.

Because of the existence of Shen Shi, human civilization has reached this stage in a short period of time. Looking at the entire Mulder system, it is also unique. Its recognition and pride in its own culture should have reached its peak. In addition, Shen Shi

Due to the long-term firm attitude of this sage who had a profound influence on the entire civilization, human civilization has not actually been invaded too much by the culture of the Ace civilization.

Otherwise, there is no right to choose.

Therefore, human civilization is one of the most important and hardest bones for Ace civilization.

According to Shen Shi, there are even some powerful civilizations that also vaguely know the inside story. They hope that human civilization can stand up and form an alliance together, which can achieve the capital to confront the Ace civilization to a certain extent.

These factors are also one of the reasons why the Ace civilization suddenly became tough on human civilization.

Therefore, if humans really want to surrender, they can definitely sell it at a good price.

"The focus is on technology. We need more technical support, powerful weapons and equipment, and relative independence! It is best to liberalize business transaction quotas and restrictions..." Shen Shi

A series of requirements were put forward.

In the ancient times of human civilization, at this time, they had given up being emperors, but they wanted to be a prince, and they also wanted beneficial trade. They were obviously unwilling to give up the possibility of rebelling and becoming emperor again.

This condition may sound excessive, but it is perfectly appropriate to put it forward now.

Not just because Ace civilization needs it.

What's more, at this moment, the supreme power of human civilization has changed. When the sages, who are staunch opponents, come back to power, if the price is higher and the price is higher, it is difficult for Ace Civilization to believe that the sages will surrender.

All in all, Shen Shi has made up his mind to make a lot of money, and then use the profits to replenish supplies three thousand years ago, and then change the future, and then use more powerful capital to try to get rid of the Ace civilization.

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For Shen Shi, who has Shi Ling, there has always been only one most beneficial and correct way to develop - using time to make infinite nesting dolls.

Even when facing a powerful civilization like Ace Civilization, it is no exception.

Of course, there is still a big difference from when we first faced the Wo people. The core is easy to determine, but the actual execution process must be full of various changes and accidents.

All this is a great test for Shen Shi.

As expected.

Faced with the demands put forward by human civilization, Ace Civilization expressed its rejection without hesitation.

And further tearing apart the past.

"It is impossible to agree to this request. We have another option, which is to completely destroy you to shock the rest of the civilizations!" The attitude of the Ace Civilization was very domineering and resolute.

It's not a bargaining tactic.

Shen Shi also understood the reason.

They worry that other civilizations will follow suit.

"This undoubtedly proves that after integrating into the Ace civilization, we will not receive equal treatment." Shen Shi was not surprised by this result. "Integration is just us giving up everything unilaterally, but the Ace civilization treats us very well with them."

They have been isolated, so they rejected our request. I'm afraid they originally planned to use us as raw energy batteries and war cannon fodder."

"Indeed." The only remaining integrationist among the standing members was in a very gloomy mood at the moment.

He was the one to talk about this first confrontation, so he could more clearly feel the true attitude of Ace Civilization.

In the past, they, the integrationists, believed that human civilization could really be integrated into the Ace civilization and become part of the powerful B-class civilization. But now, this dream is somewhat shattered. The Ace civilization will never integrate it into the Ace civilization.

They are regarded as "real Ace people".

Even though it is possible for them to become culturally the same as the Aces on the original world.

"Bringing out our trump cards is the suggestion of other civilizations on establishing an alliance." Shen Shi said, acting very calmly. "This kind of negotiation is difficult to say and easy to say. Both sides have their own trump cards.

Just let everyone show it out together. After all, our purpose is not to start a war, let alone solve civilization through negotiation, but to obtain as many benefits as possible."

"Understood!" The rest of the people nodded.

"Also, we are not in a hurry regarding time, they are in a hurry, understand?" Shen Shi said again.

During this period of time, he has also begun to get used to not relying on the false "prophet" ability to cheat, but truly relying on various information to grasp the direction of the situation.

Not to mention, he did discover something.

There was anxiety in Esvin's movements.

It has even begun to lean towards the threat of force.

Some relatively weak C-class civilizations have even been forcibly taken away, or controlled by the Ace civilization with absolute force.

This should not have happened to the Ace civilization, because in this level of civilizational confrontation, force is the most ineffective behavior and the last resort.

At least, in the tens of thousands of years of known history, we have never seen such a crude Ace civilization.

But it also made Shen Shi see their impatience.

I believe it’s not just humans who see it.

From the perspective of interests, the other powerful C-class civilizations in the galaxy at this moment all stand with human civilization.

"We still have to find ways to get more information..." After the others left, Shen Shi left Gong Chu behind and said, "Send a message to Gong Mo and ask him to come before Gu Si."

I want to collect information on the rest of the B-class civilization. I want to know whether it is only our place that has changed, or whether the entire Mulder system has changed."

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"Yes!" Gongchu replied.

Another trump card of human civilization at this moment is undoubtedly the foreshadowing left by Shen Shi in the Land of Gus more than three thousand years ago.

In this future line, the Gus have actually discovered the hidden truth of mankind.

We even know where Blue Star is.

But it did not affect the existing status of human civilization in the land of Gus.

Because the strength of human civilization at this moment is actually not weaker than some so-called B-level civilizations, and the land of Gus will not be completely based on the grade standards of the Mulder system, so in their view, human civilization itself

He is barely qualified to join the core area of ​​the Land of Gus. If you add in the "Star Sea System" which is a short-lived flash in the pan in human civilization but shows mysterious and extraordinary strength, then the word "barely" can be completely removed.

In other words, the current human civilization in the land of Gus has obtained the sixth-level authority and the sixth-level trading market in the core area, not by deception as in the beginning, but by true strength.

Of course, the Ace civilization also has power in the land of Gus.

And it is far more powerful than humans.

But this was originally a "clear-card" negotiation.

When Shen Shi asked the collector to start collecting information from the land of Gus, he was already showing the Ace civilization his trump card.

He wants to delay time again and again, while gaining greater benefits bit by bit.

It took thirty years for the results of this meeting to be applied.

In the past thirty years, the relationship between human civilization and Ace civilization has gradually become subtle.

On the one hand, it seems to everyone outside the Supreme Council that the relationship is getting closer.

The Ace civilization's support for humans began to expand rapidly.

Every year, more and more Ace scientists bring advanced technologies and advanced devices to human civilization, accelerating the pace of human civilization towards a B-class civilization. At the same time, the Human Federation is also constantly promoting Ace

The "friendship" of Sri Lankan civilization.

If you were to randomly select a human who was not a member of Parliament to ask at this moment, there would be at least a 90% chance that the relationship between humans and Ace was becoming extremely close.

However, in areas unknown to ordinary people, the confrontation is equally fierce.

In the past thirty years, mankind has continued to emphasize its own culture. A large number of antiques have flowed into the market. At the same time, cultural reforms have been carried out subtly. It has begun to emphasize that "it is better to seek others than to seek yourself", "man can conquer nature", and "the future of mankind can only be controlled by

Various cultures such as "In the hands of humans", "Lying under the fence of others will end in desolation", etc., on the contrary, continuously undermined the cultural invasion plan of the Ace civilization, making the integration between the two extremely slow.

This is the impact of Shen Shi's control of power.

But at the same time, the Ace civilization is not helpless.

A large number of weapons and equipment have flowed into human civilization in the name of "technical support", and there is a steady stream of Ace people using various means to win over and transform some high-level leaders of human civilization, even in the land of Gus.

The overt and covert suppression of human forces...

Therefore, in the eyes of the members of the Supreme Council, this is the thirty years of confrontation between human civilization and Ace civilization.

However, neither side broke through to the last step.

Human civilization still hopes to obtain greater benefits, and Ace civilization still hopes to devour human civilization as a model or a breakthrough.

All this has already put an end to the current complicated situation.

But as Shen Shi said.

Time is on the side of mankind, and the Ace civilization is in a hurry!

After thirty years of stalemate, Shen Shi finally found a breakthrough in negotiations.

That's the message the collector got.

After all, the land of Gus is not the territory of the Ace civilization. Even if they block the channels for humans to obtain information at all costs, after such a long time, the collectors still found some scattered information.

"This is most likely a rebellion! A rebellion against the ranchers!"

This chapter has been completed!
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