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Chapter 252: No. 2 Future Line Crisis

As a B-class civilization in the true sense, the human civilization of Future Line Three has stagnated in development under the pressure of Mulder's system, but its accumulated strength cannot be underestimated.

If Shen Shilai were to set a standard for B-class civilization, it would definitely be a mass-produced B-class battleship.

A battleship that can be called a B-class battleship does not just have one or two devices that reach B-class.

But a breakthrough in all aspects!

From outer armor to engines, from weapons to raw energy.

A battleship that can be rated as B-class, even if it is only B1-class, can easily come and go among the C-class fleet and become a terrifying "ghost assassin".

Although the human civilization in Future Line 3 has only reached B-level in a short period of time, it has already begun to produce B-level battleships with all its strength.

Quantity is not hindered by technology, but is simply determined by resources.

This is why, after reaching this level, the resources of civilization begin to become extremely important.

With the abundant resources from the second future line, the crisis faced by the third future line has been alleviated to a certain extent. Under the order of Shen Shi, the supreme human leader,

Work at full speed!

The B-class fleet has become extremely large, and there are countless powerful devices. Shen Shi is preparing to take all these devices to the second future line for full arming!

Even Future Line No. 1 can also provide some help in terms of resources.

Although Future Line No. 1 lacks strength, it can open up trading channels for Future Line No. 3. With a B-level civilization and the convenience of the trading market, they can easily obtain a large amount of money from other civilizations.

As long as the resources are controlled in form and quantity, there is no need to worry about being overly concerned in a short period of time. Not to mention, there are still channels from the Land of Gus here.

The existence of several parallel universes standing at different levels gives human civilization extremely powerful soft power.

This state of full operation lasted for more than two hundred years.

At this moment, Shen Shi is staying in the real world, at Lan Xing's home.

It was rare for him to gather all his acquaintances, friends, and a large group of people at home and prepare a dinner party that lasted for half a month.

The reason is also very simple.

This year is the thousandth year of the Starry Sky Era.

"Unknowingly, the Starry Sky Era has already reached a thousand years." Shen Shi picked up the wine glass, stared at the scarlet wine, and then looked through the balcony at the brightly lit Xinghai Island around him, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"Yes, in the past Earth and Star period, it would have been enough time for several dynasties to change." Ai Xin'er stood behind Shen Shi, wearing a simple long dress, leaning lightly on him, "

But we are all ancestors, grandparents, and grandparents."

"." Shen Shi was also quite speechless, but in the end he just laughed and said, "The descendants have the blessings of the descendants. According to the laws of current human civilization, kinship relationships will be automatically separated after four generations."

Over the past thousand years, human civilization has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

For a person who lived more than a thousand years ago to come to this time, he would definitely not be able to adapt.

Many places, including moral customs, are completely different from the past.

For example, although some people are very old, their appearance and mentality are very young, and the new partner they meet is their descendant. This kind of thing will undoubtedly be affected by the morality of the past, but in today's human civilization,

But it has been accepted by the public.

Nothing else, just because there are indeed many such things.

And this gradually affected the legal aspect.

In the end, it became what Shen Shi said, a law that breaks away from kinship relationships after four generations.

This is just a trivial example.

There are countless other aspects.

After all, the development speed of human civilization is too fast. It is developing at a high speed almost all the time. While such a speed of development brings advantages, it will also inevitably bring many disadvantages, some of which are even in the

It caused social chaos to a certain extent.

Today's human civilization is not peaceful to some extent.

More than seventy years ago, there was even an assassination incident targeting Shen Shi.

Of course, such extreme things are still very rare, and they are completely under the control of the Supreme Council, or Shen Shi.

Overall, it remains stable.

As for these chaos, they are actually just the consequences of Shen Shi's laissez-faire. After all, this is an inevitable problem caused by rapid development. Forcibly suppressing it is actually more gain than gain. Human civilization also needs a certain amount of pressure and crisis to continuously adapt to development and continue to develop.


And he just needs to grasp the overall situation and the general trend.

"There are still many people who are not very adaptable to this kind of life far away from other civilizations." Ai Xin'er suddenly sighed softly, "I talked to a little girl at home yesterday, and the younger generation wanted to stay in the world more.

The Mulder system will stay in this wonderful place with countless civilizations."

"I know that this is also the result of my letting go, because these people will have a chance." Shen Shi said.

At this time, human civilization is staying in a huge curvature bubble, in a state of escaping from the Mulder system, and has been escaping for more than two hundred years. As it gets closer to the desolate area, some news is also indicated by Shen Shi.

Then release them selectively.

This also includes the dissatisfaction of some people.

Because according to the trend of the times, when the base camp of human civilization escapes from the Mulder system and ensures its own safety, some people will still be sent to various civilizations in the Mulder system to obtain the missing resources in the desolate land through the trading market.

Of course, the prerequisite is access to the trading market.

Shen Shi has realized through the changing future lines that the trading market will inevitably be acquired by humans at a certain time.

And he had already expected and prepared for this.

After all, from Future Line No. 1 to Future Line No. 3, the destiny of human civilization has already undergone earth-shaking changes. Especially Future Line No. 3, it can be said that it has completely escaped from its original position, but even so

, this still does not affect Future Line 3’s access to the trading market.

It's as if this extremely powerful relic device has actually been bound to human civilization for a long time.

This couldn't help but make Shen Shi think of Shi Ling in himself.

As early as the launch of Future Line No. 2, Shen Shi realized that Shi Ling was probably a supporting device integrated with the trading market, and the binding nature of the trading market made Shen Shi guess that these two items

The device that is extremely powerful and has completely changed the destiny of human civilization is indeed specially prepared for himself.

In other words, it is prepared for humans.

Is this a gift from the past or a destiny from the future?

Shen Shi didn't know.

He only knows that without this thing, human civilization would have been destroyed long ago.

"We'd better talk less about business during this period." Shen Shi shook his head, and finally interrupted what Ai Xin'er wanted to say. He put his arms around his wife's waist and said with a smile, "It's okay to relax appropriately.

It’s very important not to forget our original intention.”

original intention

Ai Xin'er's body gradually softened.

A thousand years is enough time to change a lot of things. It is not easy to find your original intention in such a long time, and it can even be said to be very difficult.

Many of her friends are no longer their original selves.

Even my best friend, Qin Lan, no longer sings.

However, staying by Shen Shi's side, even though such a long time has passed, and even though many things have changed, Ai Xin'er can still regain her original feelings from time to time.

This can be considered a kind of happiness for her, or for everyone in this era who has an almost endless life span.

However, the time to relax is short-lived after all.

When time passed the threshold of a thousand years, Shen Shi also began his mission again.

Today's real world is actually very safe, and there is not much to do. It has been slowly accelerating its development speed with help from the future, and then slowly improving the strength of human civilization in the third future line.

Future Line No. 1 also does not need to pay too much attention. After acquiring the resources of Future Line No. 3, the human civilization of Future Line No. 1 is equivalent to a B-class civilization standing behind it. Not only did it obtain the resources in the Land of Gus

The fifth-level authority and the fifth-level trading market have completely crushed the Daik civilization. Its own strength and technical level have also developed rapidly, and it has been firmly developing towards a C9-level civilization.

, the development speed is not weaker than that of contemporary human civilization.

As for the No. 3 Future Line, thanks to the resource transactions of the No. 1 and No. 2 Future Lines, development has resumed. Under the constant changes in the Future Line, it has steadily moved closer to around B2 level strength.

You know, the Dyke civilization in the real world at this time has still not been solved.

In order to avoid problems, Shen Shi only ambushed a B-class fleet around the Dyke civilization. After human civilization truly broke away from the Mulder system, he disguised himself as an interstellar island and completely destroyed the Dyke civilization, along with the Daike civilization.

Together with the storage data of human civilization by Gram civilization, this change can at least accelerate the development of human civilization for five hundred years in the third future line. By then, it will surely be able to steadily move towards B2 level and break away from the status of B-level rookie civilization.

But right now, the real serious issue of civilization is Future Line No. 2!

At this time, human civilization has been completely controlled by many powerful civilizations.

There are more than ten B-class civilization bases and fleets in the entire solar system. Although human civilization retains a certain degree of autonomy, as a sovereign civilization, this is still an extremely humiliating status quo.

In the Earth and Star Era, it was equivalent to being divided by various countries.

If Shen Shi had not continuously brought some B-class battleships over the past two hundred years, proving that he had an unknown B-class civilization that strongly supported him, the current situation of human civilization would undoubtedly be even more miserable.

A weak B-level civilization is nothing compared to the powerful civilizations in the Mulder system, but it is just enough to allow human civilization to maintain a certain say in this balanced state.

In other words, keep your trump cards in check.

After all, the trading market that many civilizations long for still belongs to humans.

Just with the help of this trading market, human civilization can escape to that mysterious and unknown B-class civilization with fire in a short period of time. In that case, the trading market will have no chance to have a relationship with the Mulder system.

However, it is still not a problem if this continues.

Shen Shi could already vaguely feel that the major civilizations were eating away at human civilization bit by bit, constantly reducing the number of individuals in human civilization, and at the same time, on the other hand, they continued to increase their integration into human civilization.

Everything has been laid out clearly.

These civilizations must have reached some kind of alliance, and then in this slow but effective way, they will replace humans bit by bit, establish their own "new humans", and use this to completely control the remains of the trading market.

Although the entire process may take thousands of years.

But for these civilizations, it's all worth it.

The trading market is definitely worth the effort.

"A soft knife can still hurt a person." After Shen Shi understood the current situation, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although the importance of the independent future lines in the past seems to have declined rapidly after the emergence of new future lines, the current situation is different.

From the perspective of future line No. 3, and even the development of modern society, resources will inevitably become extremely valuable.

If the supply of human civilization in the second future line is lost, the development of both modern civilization and the third future line will slow down or even come to some kind of stagnation.

Therefore, this status quo must change.

"How to do it and where is the breakthrough?" Shen Shi's mind began to think crazily.

Since the remaining ten civilizations reached some kind of agreement, the rate of assimilation of human civilization has increased dramatically, and even "waves of immigration" have begun to occur in some areas where the situation was already serious.

Every day, a large number of people rush to immigrate to these powerful civilizations, enjoying the advantages of early immigration, and their own cultural identity is changing rapidly. It will not take long for the opportunity to change their identity as a human being from the root of original consciousness.

Although there are still a large number of people, especially those who have pioneered outside and are now called back, they are still holding on.

But it's conceivable.

If there is no hope, this persistence will not last too long.

"In this semi-separated state, my rights have been greatly restricted. If I want to start with human civilization in the second future line, the possibility has become very slim." Shen Shi quickly analyzed the current situation.

"Therefore, opportunities can only come from the No. 3 Future Line that has the opportunity to develop rapidly. However, the strength of the No. 3 Future Line is not enough to allow Hyundai's development to break through historical development. There are too many final problems. It still returns to modern times. How can we

Let modern society gain enough power to change the development speed of the existing future line!"

(End of chapter)

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