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Chapter 256: A gift from the unknown

Text Volume In fact, Shen Shi had not thought about whether to send other more trustworthy people there at the beginning, or even go there himself to test, and make some modifications to the basic rules of the trading market.

But in the end I gave up.

Because this matter is really too important.

The benefits are out of proportion to the risks.

What's more, his tentative attempts have not resulted in future changes. In this matter, Shen Shi does not dare to take any risks.

He didn't even choose to tell that person about it, but no one could guarantee whether he would still be qualified to enter that mysterious unknown area if he was mentally prepared, because the three previously known timelines were all

This is done when the first contact person is completely unknown.

For this kind of mysterious ruins that you can't figure out at all, anything can happen.

In short, with the passage of time, Shen Shi has detected the soldier.

He is driving a miniature personal spacecraft that is only about C1 level. This kind of spacecraft can also be regarded as a regular model among the military personal spacecraft of today's human civilization. Under Ewen's gaze, it is naturally extremely clear that it is impossible.

There was no hint of it.

According to past information, although this soldier has not actually experienced a real war, he has performed well in simulated wars. His love and loyalty to human civilization are also at the upper-middle level among the legions, probably as high as

It is precisely for this reason that the trading market completely belongs to humans, and the rules set are completely subordinate to humans.

"It should be almost done." Shen Shi said.

Then, he watched the soldier's spacecraft approaching that area from a distance that was neither far nor close.

Under Yiwen's scan, there was absolutely nothing in that area.

There is no mysterious space, nor any curvature fluctuations.

It is completely nothingness, no different from more than ninety-nine percent of the entire universe.

However, before Shen Shi could marvel at the power of this mysterious relic, he and everyone who was paying attention to this scene couldn't help but suddenly opened their eyes.

Because nothing happened!

"What's going on!" Shen Shi's voice resounded throughout the consciousness communication of the entire battleship at this moment.

His mood became extremely bad almost instantly.

He determined the time and place immediately, and then determined that even though he had not changed anything, there was a deviation at such a crucial time point!

You have to go and see the future.

At this moment, Shen Shi was extremely worried that humans in the future would no longer have a trading market. Once this worst-case scenario happened, the impact on human civilization would be indescribable!

However, at the moment when Shen Shi's consciousness communicated.

Everything seems to have become different.

Shen Shi clearly noticed that the power of time enveloped his whole body. His consciousness seemed to have been extended infinitely, and the time around him and even the entire universe was infinitely delayed! In the end, Shi Ling contained him for the first time.

His entire body, not just part of his consciousness.

In the realm of absolute time that no one knows, Shen Shi came to a mysterious space.

A gray space.

It seemed that the edge was invisible, but right in front of him, there was an extremely huge altar. An indescribable sense of grandeur burst out from the mysterious bronze altar, making people involuntarily feel the vicissitudes and magnificence, as if thousands of

Years, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of years of history are gathered here!

Shen Shi couldn't describe this feeling.

But he knew very well that the changes in time and his arrival here must have everything to do with Shi Ling!

"Yes." Shen Shi murmured to himself. He seemed to have understood the reason for this change. "The biggest difference from that history is that the person standing nearby is me, not my incarnation. The incarnation is not

With the conditions of Shiling, it is obvious that there is some connection between Shiling and the trading market."

When Shen Shi roughly guessed the reason, his uneasy mood quickly calmed down.

Because he believed that Shi Ling included this device and it would not harm him.

If it's critical, then everything in the past will be meaningless.

Shen Shi began to look at the bronze altar in front of him.

The reason why we can recognize this altar is that its shape is almost the same as the altar of worship in the Imperial Palace of the Eastern Kingdom on the Blue Star. They are both circular and upward steps. However, the altar is not made of white jade, but a huge one.


Shen Shi walked up step by step.

He could clearly see patterns drawn on the bronze steps under his feet.

And it's not complicated, not profound, and even very easy to understand.

He saw a man creating a flame with wood among a group of people. He saw an old man eating white grass in the jungle. He saw a man leading many people to dig a river and lead it into the sea.

He also saw two clans fighting fiercely on the edge of the mighty Yellow River.

"The history of mankind, the history of the Eastern Kingdom." Shen Shi murmured to himself.

Yes, everything recorded on this bronze altar couldn't be more clear.

These patterns do not contain any magical power, but they clearly record one after another stories and history that any Dongguo people are familiar with.

Therefore, the existence of Shiling, and even the existence of the trading market, is indeed related to human beings.

Is it a human being who has become extremely powerful after endless years?

No, this would lead to some kind of unanswerable argument.

Human beings in the future created Shiling, but it is precisely because of Shiling that human civilization can be strong and have such a future.

Then, in this cycle of time, there will inevitably be extra Shilings, or Shilings born out of thin air.

With uncertainty and confusion, Shen Shi took the last step up the stairs.

In an instant, a diamond-shaped shadow appeared in front of him, and it seemed to be a diamond-shaped void area, but this area reflected endless stars. It was not even a simple starry sky, but one after another.

The densely packed spiral galaxies are like the entire universe, being included in it.

There is no doubt that this is Shi Ling.

In other words, Shi Ling's reflection.

Its appearance was like a key. Shen Shi could clearly feel that the huge altar under his feet was quickly awakening!

It was some kind of indescribable majestic momentum, which directly hit Shen Shi's consciousness like a vast sea of ​​stars, and also impacted Shen Shi's body. This body that had evolved over and over again seemed to be

This moment was indescribably strengthened - Shen Shi even felt like a monk in a fantasy story who had been enlightened by powerful powers. He could clearly feel that his body was being continuously washed by some warm and powerful force, along with

With his own spirit, his own will is also improving rapidly.

This power is very similar to the original energy, but seems to be much higher than the original energy.

But this is undoubtedly a huge gift!

"There are more and more unknowns." Shen Shi felt that his thoughts were clearer than ever before. He was enjoying but also at a loss amidst this continuous improvement, as if he was completely reborn.

Finally, this unknown strengthening ended.

At the same time, a screen appeared in front of my eyes.

"It has been detected that you possess the complete key of the multi-time dimension trading device. The highest authority is now opened for you. You will have the qualifications to change all settings except the underlying settings. Please use this device effectively to save human civilization from the fate of destruction.

Never stop on the road ahead.”

Highest authority.

Shen Shi clearly felt that the personal terminal of the trading market that he originally owned had changed at this moment.

Becoming more complex and more powerful.

It's like being completely integrated with yourself. There is no need to apply for the terminal system at all. As long as your mind moves, you can use all its functions in an instant.

This feeling is somewhat similar to the original energy device, but it seems to be more powerful.

He couldn't even describe it.

But one thing is clear: this time, it is indeed a huge surprise, a gift from an unknown existence!

Not only his strength has been comprehensively improved, but more importantly, he can now not only control the trading market on the contemporary timeline, but can even control the trading market on other timelines!

what does that mean?

Shen Shi immediately thought of the trading market that had been occupied by the other ten powerful civilizations in the second future line. Now, he could expel all these forces, deprive them of their personal terminals, and even destroy their personal

Everything stored in the space will be confiscated!

The trading market now has a real official and real backend!

"Thankfully I'm here." Shen Shi breathed out slowly, but there was some kind of unspeakable excitement in his mood.

Originally, he planned to launch a clarion call for human civilization to counterattack Mulder's system! But now, his confidence and his chances of winning have gone beyond just improving.

But a completely different level!

"It's time to go back." Shen Shi glanced at the altar again.

Although I still don’t know where this altar came from, and where Shi Ling and the trading market came from, this space at this moment has been bound to his personal space. This is not containment, but integration.

, the biggest feature is that Shen Shi can come here at any time, and his safety is greatly guaranteed.

Maybe, he won't have to stay in civilization in the future?

Such thoughts suddenly appeared in Shen Shi's mind.

But now, he should quickly make plans and announce the opening of a new era of human civilization!

With a flash of consciousness, Shen Shi appeared in the outside world again.

Time flows again at this moment.

No one discovered that Shen Shi had disappeared into the cracks of time and became completely different.

They were still searching in panic for the mysterious space that should have appeared in Shen Shi's mouth.

"No need to look any further." Shen Shi's consciousness spread into everyone's mind in an instant.

Everyone fell silent instantly.

It wasn't until they were quiet that they realized they were quiet.

Some people even felt frightened.

As a master of original energy, Shen Shi indeed has the strength to suppress everyone in terms of original energy, but just now, they did not feel any suppression. Everything seemed to be logical, without any smoke or trace!

Senator Shen Shi, if you don’t lose money, you will be Representative Shen Shi.

Some people sighed in their hearts, but in the end they did not dare to ask any more questions.

It can only return under Shen Shi's order.

But some people could no longer wait to come to Shen Shi.

"Have things changed?"

"Does that soldier need to be recalled?"

"You said that this would be the greatest opportunity for our human civilization, but nothing happened."


In order to find the lucky person with a personal terminal in human civilization as soon as possible, Shen Shi made a lot of preparations before, and even revealed some information to the Supreme Council, telling them that it happened to appear at this time.

The powerful relics in the solar system were detected in advance by the sea of ​​​​stars, but they will still belong to humans.

Now, the situation has obviously changed.

It made these people who were looking forward to it extremely uneasy.

"It is true that some changes have occurred, but I have obtained the relics." Shen Shi said, suppressing everyone's voices, "This relic is of great importance. Even the Supreme Council cannot let everyone know about it. I will

Next, 20 MPs from different fields will be selected to participate.”

Many congressmen stopped saying anything. They were already vaguely aware that this incident was a good thing.

Because before, Shen Shi clearly revealed that he might conduct a secret search of the entire civilization, but now there is no need for it. This can only show that Shen Shi has something to say about the matter that "will subvert the future of human civilization."

The ruins have a deeper control.

If it is in the second future line, this change may cause many people to feel uneasy.

But in today's contemporary timeline, this problem does not exist.

Because Shen Shi's influence has reached a terrifying level on the basis that he has never made any mistakes.

In fact, there is no need to deepen the impact in this way.

Twenty members were quickly elected.

It includes Todd and Yulan, but it is not just members who are close to Shen Shi, but covers all fields. It can even be said to be the epitome of the powers of the highest member of mankind.

"You should know what is the biggest and most common difficulty in the development of civilization in the universe." Shen Shi asked an extremely basic question.

"Returning to Senator Shen, it's the distance!" Everyone responded very simply.

This is a question that even a three-year-old knows.

No currently known civilization can truly solve this difficulty. They can only use different levels of technology to compress and shorten this endless distance to the maximum extent, but they cannot truly erase it.

Even powerful ranchers cannot reach a civilization in an instant.

This chapter has been completed!
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