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Chapter 261: Just to take advantage of the fire

There must have been a major change in Mulder's system!

Although there had been such speculations for a long time, Shen Shi was now completely certain of this.

After all, it is almost unimaginable for a powerful civilization like Ace Civilization to have its protective power weakened to this extent.

How strong is the Ace civilization?

Their sphere of influence covers almost the entire galaxy! And they don’t just exist. More power is concentrated in the phase space like a curvature bubble. They are like the monitors of the universe, and any ordinary person can do it.

It can easily become the ruler of a cosmic civilization at the level of star domain overlord, and after tens of thousands of years of growth on top of this powerful position, even if technology is not taken into account, the size alone will be beyond imagination.

What kind of changes could make the Ace civilization abandon its home planet and its foundation?

You must know that unless it is a civilization like the ancient civilization that developed as a navigation civilization, even a civilization as strong as the Ace civilization will not be able to take away everything in the mother planet. They will inevitably be forced to leave it behind, and even

Destroy a large number of devices.

This is also a huge loss for a civilization like Ace.

Moreover, the power they left was to migrate or be destroyed?

Shen Shi cannot know the truth for the time being.

However, what he can know is that the opportunity for human civilization has come!

He did not rush to investigate, but first went through the trading market and convened the highest meeting of mankind.

It is worth mentioning that the trading market at this time is no longer a trading market.

No matter the name, nature, or definition, it is far from the black market trading market in the original Future Line 1.

Humans respectfully refer to it as "Holy Land".

Yes, there is no extra title or prefix, just the word Holy Land.

After all, since Shen Shi took over the highest authority of the Holy Land, he has canceled the rule of autonomously and randomly dispersing it to any human individual in the entire human civilization, and instead changed it to all personal terminals controlled by Shen Shi.

Distribute this personally.

This will certainly cause many people to lose the opportunity to change their own destiny, but at the same time it will greatly concentrate the power of human civilization.

Top members, expatriate senior cadres, scientific research elites, military generals...

Every human being who enters the Holy Land has been carefully screened. Whether it is personal ability, loyalty to human civilization, or needs for the Holy Land, they have all gone through strict review.

The result of this is that the Holy Land has become the center of power and power of human civilization.

And maximize the role that the holy land should have.

Such as right now.

Shen Shi was clearly deep within the Mulder system, but he was able to gather the top leaders of human civilization far away in the desolate land without any delay, share frontline intelligence, and make major decisions related to the entire human civilization in the shortest possible time.


"From the above, the Ace civilization is constantly weakening the protective power of the area where its home star is located, and there are currently no signs of being attacked. The cause of this phenomenon does not lie in this star field." Shen Shi was brief.

to announce the situation to everyone

At this moment, they did not use the consciousness link method to communicate consciously, but were meeting face to face in a huge meeting.

This type of meeting has not appeared in human civilization for a long time.

Although it is not as advanced and convenient as the consciousness link, it can be used once in a while to reminisce. Moreover, although communication is not hindered in the Holy Land and it seems that everything can be embodied, many devices can actually only be viewed and cannot be used.

, so the style became more and more ancient, and over time, a "retro" trend emerged among the upper echelons of mankind.

At this moment, someone followed the past rules and deliberately raised their hands to speak.

"If the news can be confirmed, can we conduct a targeted invasion and find a way to plunder all the devices and data left by the Ace civilization?" Although this sentence is straightforward, it speaks to the core of this meeting.


Shen Shi, or what human civilization needs to do now, is not to discover what happened in Mulder's system.

They are still far from qualified to participate in this kind of thing.

Making yourself stronger is what you need to do.

And it is obvious that the biggest opportunity brought about by the decline in the protection of the Ace Civilization's home star area is to obtain a large number of Ace Civilization devices!

Not relying on transactions, not relying on gifts in the name of "support", but grabbing it yourself!

That's right, we just want to take advantage of the situation!

"I do have such thoughts." Shen Shi also made no secret of it, "But this obviously cannot be accomplished overnight. The biggest problem at present is that the Ace civilization may rather destroy everything that cannot be taken away.

It can't be left to us."

Shen Shi said it more euphemistically.

This is not maybe, but definitely!

It is impossible for the Ace civilization to "regret" the devices that it cannot take away, and it is even less likely that it will give these things to other civilizations. They will never increase the possibility of threatening itself to any weak civilization.

Shen Shi can guarantee that as long as he shows even a little bit of interest in these things, Ace Civilization will destroy them neatly.

It is always easier to destroy than to create.

This is the biggest problem to be solved at this meeting.

Some MPs have already started discussing in hushed tones.

"How about concentrating all the strength of the Pirate Alliance and rushing in at once to steal as much as we can?"

"It's difficult. The defense of the Ace civilization may indeed have dropped a lot, but no matter how much it drops, it is not to the point where it can be easily urgent."

"Critical time, how much time do we have to charge?"

"Yes, I suspect that the Ace civilization has already made plans and placed bombs on all devices that cannot be taken away. In that case, it will be almost impossible to obtain these devices."

"It is possible, but not necessarily. The Ace civilization does not seem to be evacuating in an orderly manner. In fact, it is a bit panicked. If the reasons behind it change rapidly, it may not be possible to make the plan you mentioned."


As the discussion continues to advance, things seem to be becoming clearer and clearer, but instead of bringing more hope, it brings more difficulties.

Each of these congressmen frowned slightly and did not hide their emotions.

They once again realized the power of this eighteenth-level civilization.

Even during the panic-like evacuation, there was still no opportunity for the other weaklings to pick up the pieces.

However, no matter how difficult the problem is, as long as there is a possibility, it will definitely be found.

"Can we seek help from other civilizations? In other words, cooperation?" The person who stood up to speak was a congressman named Ye Dai.

Ye Dai is a mixed-race man who became one of the members of the parliament 1,400 years ago. His success today relies on the rise of the Pirate Alliance, which has unique abilities in foreign negotiation projects.

, many non-human civilizations in the Pirate Alliance all rely on Ye Dai's department for intelligence analysis and negotiation control.

Therefore, it is reasonable for him to think of third-party factors first at this moment.

"It sounds good, but there is no suitable goal." Others said similarly, "Civilizations that are capable of helping us may not care about these things, and civilizations that care may not be able to do it even if they call us all.

What, in the final analysis, the cultural fault lines within Mulder’s system are too serious.”

The congressman's last words can be said to reveal the biggest difficulty in finding a partner.

Because of the continuous annexation of B-level civilizations for a long time, the civilization gap in the Mulder system is extremely large between C-level and B-level. In addition to these B9-level civilizations, there are only C9-level civilizations left. Therefore, Hai

Only the Thieves Alliance can make all the difference in the Mulder system, which is like a legend.

In this case, it is indeed impossible to find a suitable third party.

But it’s impossible for Ye Dai not to understand this. Since he raised it, he naturally has his own ideas.

"We think so, and the Ace civilization most likely thinks so too." Ye Dai said, "So, even if we summon a third party to invade and plunder, the Ace civilization will not be alert to take the rest.

Everything is destroyed, but if we can hide the civilization that is truly qualified to help us, there may be a chance - Have you forgotten that there are a lot of people in the land of Gus who are not powerful enough, but they are

Civilizations that have some high-level battleships and devices are just like us."

With one sentence, the scene suddenly fell into silence.

Many people's eyes were slightly bright and they were not thinking enough.

Ye Dai's words seemed to have indeed found a third party that met the requirements.

Even in the Land of Gus, there is no true B-level civilization. After all, those with this strength are either senior partners of the Land of Gus, or have been annexed by the Land of Gus.

However, this does not mean that these civilizations really pose no threat to the Ace civilization.

In other words, if a certain civilization is taken out alone, it does not pose a threat.

However, every civilization has some good things hidden in its hands.

If all the power of these civilizations could be summoned...

"In this case, the number of participating civilizations will be very, very large, and the possibility of the news leaking is very high."

"Yes, there is also a trading market for the Ace civilization in the land of Gus."

"It's not entirely impossible..."

"The trading market in the core area generally does not control the trading market in the outer domain. The most important thing is that we don't need those Shi Ling to summon the troops. We can directly use the Holy Land to teleport, which can catch the Ace Civilization off guard!"

"The rest of the C-class civilizations must also be summoned, using the name of the Pirate Alliance, which is just a cover."

"Even Ace Civilization will not give up until the end. We do have a chance to give it a try. Even if we don't completely succeed, we can at least grab it hard!"


As the discussion progressed, a rough plan finally took shape.

Shen Shi sat in the main seat and rarely spoke, but the slight smile on his lips was enough to show how happy he was.

Because it did allow them to find a plan that could potentially make a lot of money.

"I thought it would take at least six thousand years for human civilization to be able to compete head-on with these old B-class civilizations, but if it succeeds, there may be a chance to shorten this time significantly." Shen Shi thought in his mind.


Indeed, it can be said that the development speed of human civilization has almost reached its limit.

Technical reserves, population development, resource growth...

All aspects have been achieved to the extreme.

However, just because the speed of one's own development has reached its limit, does not mean that the growth of one's own strength has also reached its limit.

There is no way to design and manufacture a warship production line by yourself, but if you can get a complete production line, wouldn't you be able to start producing high-end warships?

If enough weapons and equipment are obtained, can't we equip a truly powerful fleet?

In any case, once the plunder of the Ace civilization's home star area is successful, it will bring valuable wealth to human civilization!

"This action is not only a great opportunity to enhance our strength, but also a great opportunity to establish the prestige of the Pirate Alliance!" Shen Shizai looked at everyone at the end and said concluding words, "So, please don't

Think of this as a simple opportunity to make a fortune, but also as a major turning point, the beginning of our human civilization truly stepping onto the high-level stage of the Mulder system! I hope to see a sufficiently complete,

A plan that is detailed enough and powerful enough.”

"Yes!" All the congressmen stood up, their expressions either calm, or fanatical, or calm with suppressed fanaticism.

Especially senior congressmen like Todd and Chen Feng who have come all the way from the Earth Star Era!

Once upon a time, when humans faced the Mulder system and the Ace civilization, they were like ants looking up at the stars, like fish staring at the sea. It was a gap that was unimaginable, let alone crossed.

And now, humans are also qualified to invade the home planet of the Ace Civilization and trample under their feet this galactic hegemon that has been in power for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years!

Even if this is just taking advantage of the situation, its significance is still infinite.

What's more, if there are already people taking advantage of the situation, can frontal robbery be far away?

At least they haven't encountered anything like this in thousands of years that excites them and makes their entire conscious world tremble.

In the following period, the entire high-level human civilization of Future Line 3 began targeted actions.

Although it may sound simple at the meeting, something like this cannot be accomplished overnight.

Just deciding on a good plan may take hundreds of years!

This is because the existence of holy places saves humans a lot of time.

Otherwise, it may not be possible to complete it even if it takes thousands of years. Just transmitting information and running back and forth to arrange it will require a lot of energy.

This chapter has been completed!
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