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Chapter 272: The Answer I Always Wanted

This is why Shen Shi said that all confrontations will eventually return to strength itself.

Shi Ling is his greatest strength.

Although Shi Ling cannot express it directly, it can become a kind of external strength in many other ways. This is the case with the existence of Xinghai.

After all, no one would question the existence of Xinghai for a power that has both knowledge and ability, and can even come up with various devices.

And with Shen Shi observing the future in advance, and even under deliberate guidance, he has successfully deflected the current situation to the result he hopes to see.

——Ji Di has admitted his failure this time.

And reaffirmed the status of Xinghai, or Shenshi.

Don't say anything else.

With this extremely powerful raw energy technology alone, coupled with Shen Shi's status, Xinghai is already qualified to confront Emperor Ji head-on on the limited battlefield of human civilization.

Therefore, this failure is not unforgivable for Emperor Ji. Although he lost, not only did he fail to obtain the status of a standing councilor, but it also added many obstacles to himself, but he discovered the enemy in front of him.

, for him, this is still acceptable compared to a bigger failure.

"Okay, I admit it." Ji Di said again, "I did think before that it would be enough to bring some benefits to human beings. After all, human beings are too weak. The development of the past five thousand years has not been enough.

I only need to pay some trivial things to completely surpass the growth brought about by you. However, since you exist now, human beings will indeed become a vital battlefield, and I will truly integrate into human civilization.

and do our best to maximize the benefits for human civilization."

"You should understand." Shen Shi's mood also returned to calmness at this time, "Your credibility has been ruined. At least at this moment, no one will easily believe what you say."

"I know, so I will use actual actions to prove it, starting from the next topic - I will integrate all the battleships, all the population, all the equipment, and even all the knowledge that I can control into human beings

Within civilization, and respecting the rules and rights of human civilization, I think this kind of action should be enough to prove what I said." Ji Di proposed an action that no one could refuse.

At this point, he really only has two choices.

Jump out and give up your identity as a human being, but according to the current situation, it will be difficult to obtain the recognition of the ruins device, let alone further unearth the secrets of the ruins civilization.

So he was left with only one choice.

That is to truly integrate into human beings.

nothing left!

At least before he gets everything he wants, he must have no reservations. Only in this way can he obtain an equal status with Shen Shi. Just like before, he thought that he could easily get the status he wanted by giving him something casually.

Things are no longer possible.

In response to this, the other congressmen were also quite excited and even a little bit in an uproar.

To be honest, although they were angry at Emperor Ji for not taking human beings seriously, they had never imagined that Emperor Ji and the power he possessed would truly join human civilization.

Isn't the difference between annexation and before being annexed just depending on which party is dominant?

According to what Emperor Ji is saying now, it means that they, the councilors, will also be qualified to mobilize the extremely powerful forces that Emperor Ji has joined!

This is the true meaning of helping the entire human civilization, rather than controlling the entire human civilization - just like Shen Shi has done for thousands of years.

As for Shen Shi?

Naturally, he has no objections because his goal has been achieved.

Under the current situation, they have not only obtained all the power behind Emperor Ji, but they are also truly capable of using it and qualified to mobilize it. Only by achieving this goal can Shen Shi use Emperor Ji's things to help others.

world line!

"If you had done this earlier, you would be qualified to become a standing member today." Shen Shi said calmly, "However, considering you

Your credibility has been ruined, and now you have to wait until you actually do everything you said before you can be qualified."

"It's just that there is insufficient information." Ji Di behaved very freely.

It was as if he didn't even take today's major mistake to heart.

Shen Shi believed that this was not a disguise.

This being from an A-level civilization is by no means an incompetent character. For him, as long as his purpose can be achieved, he doesn't care about anything else. Even if he didn't take these out before, it was just because he was the one before.

It seems that this is not necessary.

However, there are still many more confrontations to come.

Sitting on several world lines and possessing a trump card like Shi Ling, the emergence of Emperor Ji is simply an unprecedented opportunity for Shen Shi, and Shen Shi is also confident that he can fully seize this opportunity!

"Let's move on to the next topic." Shen Shi skipped this topic, as if that was the end of it.

And then, Emperor Ji and the outsider MPs all acted as if they were real human MPs, actively participating in various issues raised at the meeting, even when faced with issues related to their past interests.

When there is a conflict, they choose the interests of mankind without hesitation.

For example, the handling of conflicts that occurred in the past.

According to human laws and regulations, all those who maliciously harm others will be severely punished. Those who harm other people's lives will even receive cruel punishments ranging from the death penalty to being turned into a primary battery for a period of time before being sentenced to death.

According to these people's own interests, even short-term immediate interests, they should actively exonerate these people.

Only in this way can you gain greater support from your own people.

And the reason is easy to find.

Just a "special period that has just been integrated into the country should be treated with special treatment" is enough reason. Or even a sentence of "for the longer-term unity of human civilization" is enough to convince a considerable number of parliamentarians.

However, these people did not do this.

Quite the opposite.

They vigorously promoted the punishment and tried their best to safeguard the existing laws and regulations of human civilization. Their attitude was not only to serve human civilization, but to serve "primitive mankind"!

I have to say that after such a move, the senses of many members of Congress were indeed changed.

Even if it's just pretending.

But if you can maintain this attitude forever, then you are a human councilor worthy of respect!

Therefore, Future Line No. 2 took on a completely new look after this meeting.

Powerful devices that originally belonged to various B9-level civilizations gradually belonged to human civilization in a very short period of time. Some tyrannical individuals even had to accept their own human civilization leaders. Under the treatment of killing chickens to scare monkeys, each of these outsiders

They can only compromise, or even submit. The status of primitive humans is growing crazily all the time.

Those primitive humans who surrendered to other civilizations in the past regretted it one by one.

They never thought of it.

I have gone through all the trouble to leave human civilization, but in the end I have to return to human civilization, and I return in a significantly lower level. Every time I go back and forth, everyone suffers heavy losses.

As for Shen Shi.

The complete benefits have not actually been seen, but he has already obtained huge benefits from it - information.

Information from Xinghui Civilization!

Not long after Ji Di announced that he would truly join human civilization, he happily released the information library he had brought.

It not only contains a lot of intelligence information about Xinghui Civilization, but also contains a variety of technical materials beyond imagination, and many of them are not so profound that human civilization cannot use them.

Even other civilizations that have joined human civilization have benefited greatly.

And Shen Shi, who has the highest authority in human civilization, can naturally obtain these as a matter of course.

He copied them all.


For the first time, you are brought into the modern world three thousand years ago!

"Convene the supreme meeting, and our development direction will be further accelerated!" Shen Shi directly convened the supreme meeting of human civilization in the modern world three thousand years ago.

The purpose of the meeting is simple, but also important.

That is to use the technical information of Class A civilization to re-plan the development route of human civilization.

"I have obtained a batch of important information about A-level civilization. Of course, it comes from Xinghai." Shen Shi just spoke, and everyone in the meeting was completely stunned.

You know, for a long time in the past, Shen Shi has been committed to shaping the Xinghai system into a powerful force that can compete with the Mulder system, but he has not shown it.

Although support for human civilization is constantly being upgraded, in recent years, especially after human civilization left the galaxy, the intensity of support has slowed down.

But now, what did they hear?

Technical information for Class A civilization?

In the Mulder system, there are only three A-level civilizations?

"We haven't done anything." Some congressmen were even frightened, "Why did they suddenly provide so much support?"

"It's not that nothing has been done." Shen Shi's mood was filled with unabashed joy, "Have you forgotten the effect of the establishment of the Pirate Alliance and the Holy Land? Although it is still weak, it is already

A prototype of an interstellar social system with unlimited potential. In other words, for Xinghai, we have gradually evolved from previous investors to collaborators, and it is natural for us to increase our support."

This explanation was barely acceptable to the human councilors present.

But only barely.

It has been more than two thousand years since the Starry Sky Era. As they continue to understand the stars, their attitude towards the star sea has become more and more complicated.

Because it's too bold.

Everything Xinghai controls can be done in a way that is more efficient and more beneficial to the other party, instead of the current situation where there is almost no need for constant support.

Not to mention, the sage Shen Shi was deeply involved in it.

The more you get, the more joy you get and the more you feel uneasy.

This kind of uneasiness has gradually reached the point where it is difficult to hide even in the Supreme Council.

Shen Shi naturally felt it.

He thought for a moment and suddenly said: "Actually, as our strength increases, I also understand a little bit about Xinghai's purpose."

When this realization came out, the venue suddenly fell into a commotion.

Everyone's emotions have unusual fluctuations.

Is Xinghai’s purpose finally coming out?

To be honest, their feelings and positions towards the mysterious Xinghai are extremely complicated. After all, if it were not for Xinghai and the support brought by Xinghai to Shenshi, human civilization would have been destroyed long before the initial crisis, and even more so later.

With the continuous support of Xinghai, it became more and more powerful at an incredible speed, and even successfully escaped from the Milky Way and the Mulder system with the help of the A-class galaxy jump engine invested by Xinghai.

Too much.

I have gained too much from the sea of ​​stars.

And what did they give Xinghai?

almost none!

Not many people believe the reason Shen Shi gave for the loan at the beginning, because they have never seen him repay the loan.

If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't live without Xinghai, and if it wasn't Shen Shi who was the intermediary, someone would have raised this issue long ago.

But just because you don’t mention it doesn’t mean you don’t care!

Now, are they going to know the answer?

With the initial excitement of emotions, everyone's emotions gradually calmed down under Shen Shi's special time. Everyone's consciousness was focused on Shen Shi. No matter what the answer was, at least at this moment, knowing

The answer is what they want!

"This answer is related to the Holy Land.

"Chen Shi used the honest skills he learned from the A-level civilization, "Actually, after I first learned about the Holy Land's information from Xinghai, I was equally surprised. You should all understand how powerful the Holy Land is, even to the level of Mu.

A powerful interstellar social system such as the German system cannot be ignored, and why do you tell us to get such a relic device?"

Some congressmen who knew the inside story even had a primitive urge to hold their breath.

Obviously, they have wanted to ask this question for a long time.


"Because, the holy land can only be obtained by us humans." Shen Shi's consciousness spread into everyone's heart, "Our human civilization is not like ants like dust in this endless universe. Perhaps in terms of strength, it is indeed

That's true, but culturally speaking, we are the most special one. This specialness has been determined since the Earth and Star period!"


This time, Shen Shi did not leave the rest of the world in uproar and shock. He directly threw out the information he also received from the A-level civilization, Emperor Ji, and Xinghui Civilization.

"Our culture and our appearance are very likely to be consistent with the mysterious ruin civilization! Our birth may be related to them! And Xinghai has known all this from me for a long time. This is what you have always wanted.


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