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Chapter 285: Humans are not Mulder

In the end, after the Qian Alliance people had basically captured the Mulder system and began to take action against the human civilization forces who were looting loot, Shen Shicai issued the final retreat order.

Although this resulted in the sacrifice of some people, it ensured the maximization of interests.

As a leader of civilization for more than three thousand years, Shen Shi naturally would not hesitate in making such a sacrifice.

However, he also knew it very well.

This three thousand years of continuous development and competition may need to come to an end for the time being.

If this round of loot is completely digested, not only will it be able to fight against the two major systems, but at least it will have the strength to fight on the surface. If nothing else, Shen Shi estimates that he will compete with the A-level civilization.

He might even have the strength to fight a tough battle.

However, this is only relying on the power on the surface. At most, it can only reach the limit of world line changes, but it cannot allow human civilization to have a breakthrough development.

Because the technical level is still far behind.

So the next step will be a very long development time.

Shen Shi is not planning to make any big moves anymore. At most, he is paying attention to the changes in this war while making all-out efforts to develop himself.

Apart from anything else, we must at least make the technological level of human civilization in the future line reach the level of the three major A-level civilizations.

"Get ready to return and return directly to the pirate base." Shen Shi ordered.

The so-called Pirate Base actually refers to the place where all the looted products were gathered together. It is also the headquarters of the Pirate Alliance. It is also hidden in a deserted land, but it is connected to the solar system.

Within a certain distance, they can only trade quickly with each other through the Holy Land.

After all, these looted devices contain a large amount of technology that far exceeds cognition. Some of them are difficult to use directly, and it is not known whether there are any hidden dangers.

Therefore, even just digesting the loot will be a huge project.

After Shen Shi returned to the solar system, the Supreme Meeting was held again.

"The purpose of this meeting is two-fold. One is to summarize, and the other is to determine and look forward to the next new stage." Shen Shi did not rush to the main world with these trophies. Even the human civilization in the third world

It is difficult to digest these trophies, let alone the main world, and devices that cannot be used correctly cannot help changes in the world line at all.

Therefore, he plans to digest these technologies directly in Future Line 3 and then bring them to the main world one after another.

He had a premonition.

When the digestion is completed, the main world will once again move towards a completely different future.

Maybe, at that time, Future Line No. 4 will truly be born.

This is the "interstellar social system of human civilization" that Shen Shi longed for!

"We have classified these trophies through captured technical personnel. It has to be said that in terms of technology alone, the technology contained in these devices is at least ten generations ahead of ours. It is equivalent to saying that just thinking about it

To use these devices will be a huge project." Shen Shi continued, "So, I have prepared a five-thousand-year plan. Within five thousand years, we will be able to use the devices correctly and maximize their effectiveness.

The point.”

After five thousand years, it was only possible to use the device perfectly.

It seems to be too loose.

However, only those who truly understand will understand that this is already an extremely difficult goal.

The higher the technical level, the more difficult it is to develop.

In just five thousand years, for the three major A-level civilizations, as long as one or two key technologies can achieve breakthroughs, it is already a major development worthy of cheering.

And Shen Shi requested that all the devices be thoroughly sorted out within this short period of five thousand years.

If he told Emperor Ji this request at this moment, he would definitely think that it was just a daydream.

However, Shen Shi naturally has Shen Shi's confidence.

First of all, human civilization has created a set of procedures specially prepared for digesting technology in the long process of development.

After all, it can be said that human civilization has almost no experience in developing its own technology, and all development processes are assimilating new technologies at full speed.

Perhaps this will have certain drawbacks, that is, when technology cannot be obtained directly, the level of independent research and development of human civilization will drop to a terrifying level.

However, Shen Shi has always been able to come up with more powerful and advanced technologies.

Even if one day, all the available technologies are digested and they have to develop on their own, humans at that time should not be able to find opponents. This shortcoming in the early stage of development can be completely eliminated through a longer period of development.

Time to make up for it.

At that time, time will be the most meaningless time.

Just like the ending of a fairy tale, the prince and princess lived a happy life. As for how this "happy" life is happy, there is no need to think about it now.

As Shen Shi continued to talk and the other members continued to discuss, an extremely grand plan gradually took shape.

In the next long period of time, two-thirds of the human population will become researchers.

Although this is not a ratio for the healthy development of civilization, it is the power of rapid advancement of human civilization at this moment.

As a result, the five-thousand-year rapid development plan was officially launched after this meeting.

As for Shen Shi, he will also have a long and rare rest period.

Yes, rest.

What follows is not a stage that belongs to him, but a stage that belongs to all mankind. Therefore, as an important figure, he can take a back seat and temporarily leave the stage, but only controls the overall situation behind the scenes.

There will also be more time to focus on other future lines.

Of course, it goes without saying that in the main world line, some digestible technologies from the third future line will be gradually brought to the main future line, which is bound to bring significant changes to the third future line, not to mention, Five Thousand

Years have actually covered this fierce war. When the time comes, Shen Shi will create a brand new future with his own hands.

If done well, it may be possible to create the fourth future line in just three thousand years instead of five thousand years at all.

As for Future Line No. 1, there is no need to worry too much at the moment, because Shen Shi had already given them the galaxy migration device in the previous war, so the human civilization of Future Line No. 1 has also been separated from them at this moment.

He broke into the Mulder system, fled into the deserted land, and also used the holy land to create a "Pirate Alliance".

However, the strength Shen Shi invested in Future Line No. 1 is naturally not as good as the main world line. Therefore, the development speed of Future Line No. 1 has slowed down and has been completely surpassed by the main world line.

This is also something that cannot be done.

At least, Shen Shi's current requirement for them is to preserve themselves while developing at full speed, and does not expect them to bring anything.

It was Future Line No. 2 that became Shen Shi's biggest concern during this "rest" period.

Future Line No. 2 also went through that crucial battle for the galaxy. Without the intervention of human civilization, the ending was not much different. The rancher still took the bait given by Qianmeng and gave up decisively.

This galaxy gained the victory of the other two galaxies at the cost of losing one galaxy. However, coupled with the imitation relic device he lost, he actually still suffered a loss. In this battle,

Already at a disadvantage.

Under such circumstances.

Emperor Ji was obviously a little anxious.

Obviously, he has regarded the Holy Land as the breakthrough point for the entire Mulder system in this war.

And in fact this is indeed the case.

The Holy Land definitely has this qualification.

It's a pity that although Emperor Ji has successfully obtained the status of standing councilor in these thousands of years, he is still far away from his goal, let alone becoming the only king of human civilization, or even becoming the most powerful one in human civilization.

None of the controllers did it - his influence and power were still under Shen Shi.

If it had not been determined that the rights of the Holy Land were related to the identity of human civilization, Emperor Ji might have given up on his original plan and started thinking about other ways.

The reason why he is still insisting now is naturally because he always feels that he is just a little bit close to pulling Shen Shi down.

In fact, this is indeed the case, especially when Shen Shi focused his main energy on the battlefield of the third future line, the second future line did allow Emperor Ji to advance step by step, and even obtained a large number of original

The recognition of mankind has truly secured his position as a standing member.

It's a pity that what Ji Di doesn't know is that it will be even more difficult for him in the future.

Because at this moment, Shen Shi, who had turned the gun and pointed it at him, was no longer what he used to be.

"I object to your proposal." At this moment, Shen Shi showed his fangs for the first time in a long time at the highest meeting of the second future line. "Our strength is still weak. Even with your help, we can't

The ability to go to the frontline battlefield, not to mention, you know the importance of the number of primitive humans. This is directly related to the number of personal terminals and the power of the Holy Land. How can it be wasted on this meaningless war? "

"A meaningless war? Are you crazy?" Ji Di showed an unbelievable emotion, "This is a war between our Mulder system and the Qianmeng system. It is a life and death for the two systems! How dare you say that this is

A pointless war?”

Ever since Shen Shi exposed his ability to disguise his emotions at the Supreme Council a thousand years ago, Emperor Ji's emotions at the Supreme Council have become more and more obvious.

No more pretending.

This is also one of the main reasons why he has gained the trust of many people.

Emperor Ji is indeed thinking so at this moment. You must know that this war between systems is a life and death battle between the Mulder system and the Qianmeng system. Only one of them can be left, and the huge universe can accommodate it.

There are different civilizations under the next system, but there is no room for two systems!

Therefore, Shen Shi's "meaningless" sentence is almost questioning the decision of the top management of Mulder system, even the rancher!

Even as Emperor Ji, he felt the slightest fear about this.

Ranchers are the terror of the Mudd system.

However, Shen Shi's expression remained extremely calm.

"This is the reason why I have not been able to truly hand over my rights and human civilization to you." Shen Shi's indifferent tone seemed to bring Emperor Ji back to the first supreme meeting he attended, "Your loyalty has always been

They are all placed in the Starlight Civilization and the Mulder System, but not in the human civilization."

"But human civilization is a part of the Mulder system!" Emperor Ji stared at Shen Shi. He had already expected what Shen Shi was going to say, but he couldn't believe it.

"Who said that?" Shen Shi's rhetorical question caused many people at the scene to suddenly become emotionally confused.

There was excitement, tension, fear, and most of all, the same disbelief as Ji Di.

Most of these negative emotions naturally come from the "foreign humans" who came with Emperor Ji.

And more primitive humans are only nervous and excited.

This difference has also made many people realize once again that primitive humans and these alien "human beings" are still different after all.

Shen Shi's words continued.

"If you want one force to truly integrate into another force, the most important thing is strength and recognition. Strength is the basis for determining superiority and inferiority, and identity comes from culture. Obviously, our human civilization has never recognized the Mulder system.

Have you forgotten, Emperor Ji, that the greatest contributor to the development of human civilization so far is not Mu De, but Xinghai, and the biggest enemy of the development of human civilization so far is not Qianmeng, but Mu De!" Shen Shi seemed to be about to say something shocking.


This is indeed an established fact, but it is a fact that no one dares to say directly.

Because human civilization is in Mulder at the moment.

To oppose Mulder is to oppose the present of human civilization, and even directly threaten the future of human civilization.

"I see." Emperor Ji had completely understood. He stared at Shen Shi, "No wonder you look so confident today. If you are not crazy, you must have received further support from Xinghai."

Will Shen Shi go crazy?

That is naturally impossible.

Mental illness in the interstellar world is equally serious, but the power of original energy is the best way to treat all mental illnesses. As Shen Shi, whose original energy attainment is even stronger than that of Emperor Ji, it would be the biggest joke to say that he is crazy.

So, the answer is very obvious.

But even though it was so obvious, Emperor Ji's mood at the moment was still filled with deep disbelief.

He couldn't believe it.

Regarding Xinghai, he has already launched a detailed investigation since he learned about human beings.

However, no one knows the specific information about Xinghai, except Shen Shi.

However, there are various information that can show that Xinghai is not strong. Otherwise, given the value of the Holy Land, Xinghai should have taken action long ago, and it would even be impossible to watch them join in like this.

This is a very simple analysis, so simple that there are no unnecessary possibilities.

This chapter has been completed!
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