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Chapter 304 Earn the price difference from the middleman

Chapter 304 Earn the middleman’s price difference

Shen Shi also knew clearly that this display of strength was the right step.

But this alone is not enough to end.

Nowadays, the home star area of ​​the real Lilianya civilization has been controlled by several other civilizations. Faced with the risk that the home star may be destroyed, no matter how much you move closer to Shen Shi in your heart, it is actually difficult to do anything extraordinary.


This is why in the original history, the incarnation of Shen Shi failed to successfully win over the Lilianya civilization this time.

But Shen Shi had already made preparations.

Although the strength of his current fantasy army can directly manifest a fantasy existence in his conscious world into reality, and it has all kinds of incredible powers, there is a limit, and it is not really possible for his wishes to come true.

Being able to understand yourself is the first condition.

This is why the things that Shen Shi embodied are myths and legends in human culture.

I'm afraid that the rancher's space battleships with all kinds of incredible powers are also some kind of cultural fantasy images that have a deep memory for his entire race.

So, here comes the problem.

What is one of the most distinctive characteristics of Monkey King, Monkey King?

Seventy-two changes, somersault clouds, these are all.

But what Shen Shi is manifesting at this moment is some kind of power that is most suitable for this situation!

——Thousands of clones.

Shen Shi didn't even give the others extra time to think. In everyone's sight, the extremely huge Monkey King stretched out his hand and pulled out his head, and then made a "blow" action like this,

In an instant, countless human-sized clones appeared everywhere within sight, whether it was on the home planet of Lilianya civilization, in the surrounding space, or even in space battleships, these were still essentially

It was the monkeys and grandsons who manifested the original energy, all targeting all non-Lillianya people at the scene - Shen Shi had already used his powerful original energy to lock all these intelligent beings that were particularly conspicuous to him!

"Individual strength will indeed appear weak and useless in a huge system war, but as strong as me, it is still easy to dominate a battlefield." Shen Shi's consciousness was passed to everyone's mind at this moment, "

Therefore, you should pay the price for your ignorance and ignorance."

There was no blood or excitement in his consciousness, let alone the will to fight. Compared with the high-spirited Monkey King, it was more of an indifferent coldness.

However, in conjunction with the power he displayed at this moment, coupled with the wailing of countless outsiders.

Such a scene still aroused the enthusiasm of countless Lilianya people.

Even the emperor of the Lilianya people opened his hands, and the terrifying original energy swept over the two strong men from other civilizations around him crazily. That kind of hearty and refreshing feeling of venting was exactly what their culture pursued.


As for Shen Shi?

After finishing what he had done, he directly dived his consciousness into Shi Ling and the Holy Land, and took a look at the future.

no problem.

Lilianya's surrender was once again advanced by two thousand years, and the difficulties faced by the Sisok civilization were solved.

So, Shen Shi didn't say any more unnecessary words.

Instead, let Ewen return directly.

It was as if his arrival this time was just to solve problems for Lilianya's civilization.

However, just like when they came, when they left, countless Lilianya people also shaped a straight "road to the strong", from which any civilization can feel the high respect.

Conquering the Lilianya civilization gave Shen Shi the feeling that it was even easier than conquering the Sisok civilization.

This seemed to provide him with an idea.

——Start with culture.

To be honest, after the entire civilization crossed the threshold of the original master, the importance of culture actually seems to have declined. After all, it no longer plays a decisive role in the future and present of the entire civilization. But obviously, as a

It is an important hub throughout the entire civilization, and its existence itself is a huge benefit. However, in the past interactions and negotiations, this benefit was often easily forgotten.

Only a civilization like Lilianya, whose culture is particularly obvious, can highlight cultural interests.

So, can we use this to increase the development speed of the human interstellar empire?

Of course.

"We don't need to maintain a high degree of cultural consistency." Shen Shi murmured to himself.

Whether it is the Mulder system or the Thousand Alliance system, the cultural attitude toward weak civilizations is to expel, devour, and merge them, because only in this way can they ensure their rapid strength.

At the beginning of the second future line, human civilization was faced with cultural threats, and both the high-level leaders of the Mudd system had established a very obvious "Mudd culture."

The same is true for Qianmeng.

In fact, by now, Shen Shi has almost understood what the Mulder system of animal husbandry is for.

Just like the original energy spore technology in the Thousand Alliance has huge flaws, the fantasy legion power controlled by the rancher also poses a huge threat, because these two technologies from the ruined civilization are not themselves "original energy"

"As for preparation, only Shen Shi's power beyond original energy can truly use these two techniques perfectly and correctly.

Therefore, the flaw of the rancher's fantasy army should be the huge demand for raw energy.

It is so huge that even the powerful A-level civilization with all the intelligent life combined cannot provide it.

Therefore, ranchers need more raw power.

That is, more "original energy batteries".

I'm afraid that the countless raw energy batteries submitted layer by layer by the entire Mulder system will eventually be consumed by the rancher's realization of the fantasy army.

As for Qianmeng, it should be to be able to better produce original energy spores.

However, Shen Shi was different.

Humans are different too.

Neither humans nor Shen Shi need the cultural and original uniformity of other civilizations within their jurisdiction.

"Those who join can preserve their own cultural characteristics." Shen Shi muttered these words, his eyes brightening slightly.

He can be sure that this sentence must have a fatal attraction for some civilizations.

Especially relatively weak civilizations.

The weaker they are, the more they value their own culture rather than their own interests. On the contrary, most of those powerful civilizations have been assimilated, but even if they are assimilated, they may not have the desire to retrieve their own culture.

Among the three major systems in the known universe, only the human interstellar empire can satisfy such cultural pursuits!

"We have to find a way to spread this." Shen Shi thought about the countermeasures, and soon discovered that it was not difficult.

If nothing else, isn't Lilianya civilization a model that can be pushed out?

Shen Shi quickly went to the fourth future line and retrieved historical information records. As expected, when the Lilianya civilization took refuge with humans, it carefully put forward its own cultural needs. Humans at that time were naturally very happy.

He agreed, and Lilianya Civilization was also very satisfied. However, the incarnation of Shen Shi did not think of setting up a model for publicity, or in other words, he was not aware of the importance of this.

Including the next three thousand years, it was the same.

"It seems that a mere three thousand years is not enough for humans to find all the mistakes they have made." Shen Shi once again felt the shortness of three thousand years.

But it doesn't matter. After the Lilianya civilization took refuge, the strength of the humans in the fourth future line has improved again.

Unfortunately, the stronger the strength, the more attention it receives from the Thousand Alliance and Mulder systems.

The number of galaxies under control has been reduced to two and a half.

A galaxy that was previously controlled has fallen into a three-way war with the Thousand Alliance and Mulder, and half of its area has been lost.

Coupled with the increase in the number of refuge civilizations, human civilization in the fourth future line can be said to have fallen into some kind of resource crisis.

You must know that even the most powerful civilization cannot create things out of thin air. Whether it is warship production, people's lives, or technology development, material resources are indispensable. This is why there is such a harsh atmosphere in Qianmeng and Mulder.

Under the circumstances, not many civilizations have escaped into desolate areas. Entering a place that lacks materials is equivalent to giving up the development of civilization and choosing a path of survival that will inevitably lead to destruction.

Even humans would not flee into the deserted areas if they did not own a holy land.

But now, with the establishment of the human interstellar empire, the system continues to expand, and it is no longer enough to just secretly transfer a few supplies from the galaxy.

We must truly occupy the galaxy!

Therefore, after understanding the current situation of Future Line No. 4, Shen Shi understood that this problem was urgent.

"It has become unrealistic to solve the problem from the fourth future line itself." Shen Shi continued to stare at the various intelligence information flowing in front of him, becoming more and more certain about this, "Qianmeng and Mulder systems

Their purpose is obvious. None of them is willing to fight us to the death to gain the other side's strength, but they are also unwilling to see us grow rapidly and threaten their future. Therefore, restricting human development has become their first choice. In the face of insufficient frontal strength,

Under the circumstances, there is indeed no way to obtain new galaxies in the fourth future line."

So, what about the rest of the world lines.

Shen Shi set his sights on the remaining four world lines.

Needless to say, the main world line needs to be cautious at every step, and it is the foundation of the fourth future line. Not to mention that the main world line also requires a lot of resources, even if they can be obtained, to support the fourth future line.

Lines are also impossible.

Therefore, we can only focus on the remaining three future lines.

In fact, since the birth of the fourth future line, Shen Shi's attention to the other three future lines has begun to plummet.

After all, Future Line 4 has just been born, and it still has huge potential for change. In addition, Future Line 4 is the future line where humans have successfully established a system. Both strength and technology have undergone earth-shaking changes, far beyond

The rest of the future lines.

Of course, although the attention has decreased, Shen Shi does not have no attention at all.

He also invested a lot of resources to support human civilization in the other three future lines.

The human civilization in Future Line No. 1 has completely fled into the deserted area.

However, because it is not huge enough, through the support invested by the Holy Land and Shen Shi, human civilization in Future Line 1 is in a stage of rapid development, and all the materials it needs are snatched from other galaxies through the Holy Land.

Yes, human civilization in this future line is still in the "Pirate Alliance" stage.

However, it is indeed possible to easily cope with its own development by just relying on robbery, but it is almost impossible to reach the stage where it can support the fourth future line.

Must change.

Each world line is a brand new universe with countless materials, and Shen Shi, who is the only one who controls the transmission channels between these universes, is equivalent to controlling huge interests. Failure to make good use of it will be a great loss in itself.

Shen Shi also quickly came up with an idea.

"Just robbing is neither stable nor capable of grabbing much. The most important thing is that I have found an important channel for mankind - using a large amount of cheap materials in exchange for powerful technological devices, including technology." Shen Shi

At this moment, we arrived at Future Line No. 1, and a supreme meeting was held.

"Xinghai, have you started to lack supplies recently?" The collector keenly discovered something in Shen Shi's words.

But Shen Shi had no intention of hiding it from the beginning.

"That's right." He responded directly and happily, "So you should know how precious this opportunity is. Interstellar systems like Xinghai rarely have a shortage of conventional supplies, let alone high-tech equipment. This is actually

It is also a semi-investment in us. Under normal circumstances, no matter how much the demand is, high-tech devices will inevitably be squeezed into their hands, because this is the power that may really threaten them."

Shen Shi also gave a detailed list.

As soon as this list was brought out, the meeting place became noisy.

People do have reasons to be excited.

Because there are even A-level devices in this list!

It has been thousands of years since they escaped from the Milky Way, so they naturally know how powerful the A-class device is. The reason why they can remain undetected and undetected now is that the galaxy migration device plays a huge role!

But now, you only need to exchange some conventional materials that can be seen everywhere in the galaxy!

If it weren't for the powerful original energy attainments that kept calm, I'm afraid that at this time, some members would have proposed to directly use some of the accumulation in their own systems to exchange for some good things first.

Saturn in their galaxy has not yet been mined out.

"Don't be too happy too early. The demand for these resources is not low. If we just rely on us to grab it, we won't be able to get much anyway. After all, our size is only so small." Shen Shijian has laid the groundwork and directly

He put forward his own plan, "So, the most suitable way for us is actually to refer to the land of Gus and earn the middleman's price difference through transactions!"

(End of chapter)

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