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Chapter 308 Finally Found You

Chapter 308 I finally found you

What Shen Shi needs to do now is to understand the secret behind this unusual interstellar empire.

Time passes quickly.

When Shen Shi really saw the so-called "Imperial Capital" in front of him, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

"This is not the real imperial capital at all, it is just a false disguise."

Although the city suspended in space in front of us does look spectacular, compared to a civilization with B6-level technology, a space city the size of a planet is still too weak.

It does not meet the status of the so-called "imperial capital" at all.

What's more, Shen Shi could understand just by looking at it that the technical level on this spacecraft was too weak.

It's just a crude disguise.

Even if Shen Shi is not a technician, he can easily see this.

For example, something raised like a signal tower is obviously a directional atomic weapon. Its characteristics like a cannon can give its operator a very clear concept of "directionality", allowing its will to move the original energy.

Yes, it can finally produce such an effect.

But the huge "ship" in front of me is different.

The bump on it is really a "signal tower", used to send long-distance signals in a certain direction.

But in fact, a raw signal like this does not need to look like this at all.

"It seems that the emperor of this empire is very worried about whether his true position will be exposed. Maybe he is worried that something else will be exposed." Shen Shi was able to discover the hidden secrets through very simple logical thinking.

After all, a real space city from a B6 civilization must have a powerful armed force, powerful enough to crush this weak galaxy.

However, he hid himself so carefully.

This can only show that in that real space city, the real imperial capital, there is something that may be robbed by others, and this thing is very important, and may even directly threaten the emperor's existence.

Shen Shi began to become more and more interested in the so-called imperial capital of this empire.

Let alone a civilization that only inherited B6-level heritage, even a B6-level civilization in its heyday is not worth mentioning to Shen Shi at this moment. But if it is a relic device, it is different. Shen Shi has something almost

Originating from the intuition of the soul, this relic device will bring him great surprises.

"So, how can we find the empire that has been hiding for so long?" Shen Shi whispered to himself.

Although the current human interstellar empire is powerful, it is still not easy to find an artificial planet or a space base in a galaxy.

The size of the universe is probably the most unrealistic thing in this reality.

Of course, if you explore like a carpet, spend a lot of effort and time, and search without leaving any traces, you will most likely be able to find it, but Shen Shi will naturally not choose such a stupid method.

"The Fantasy Legion is not only useful in fantasy."

Shen Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, and in the corner of the spaceship where no one was paying attention, an illusory figure slowly gathered around him.

It was a young man with a bare upper body and only a white robe on his lower body. His body was shrouded in the glory of divinity. On his shoulders stood a lamb as a symbol of the god of animal husbandry, and only

It was the sandals with flying wings that were enough to confirm his identity - Hermes.

As a god in Greek mythology, Hermes has served as the god of livestock and the protector of shepherds in the long history. However, in the mind of Shen Shi, an Easterner, Hermes is more

It exists as a messenger of Zeus.

He is always able to find everyone accurately at the critical moment.

Now, as a part of Shen Shi's conscious world, when Shen Shi embodied it, this ability was strengthened.

Ignoring concepts and material rules, with such an ability, one can easily find whatever existence Shen Shi wants to find.

That's how it should be.

However, when Shen Shi truly embodied Him, he discovered that it was not that simple.

"My abilities are limited, and my fantasy is not omnipotent. Fortunately, I haven't abandoned my current identity." Shen Shi sighed in his heart.

After Shen Shi strengthened the concept of finding someone, Hermes did have such power, but the prerequisite was to have intelligence information about the person involved. The more intelligence, the more accurate it would be, from voice to identity to appearance.

to character.

Originally, this was very simple among most interstellar civilizations.

Because what Shen Shi is looking for is the ruler of this civilization.

But in this Noah Empire, this has become quite difficult.

The occlusion of information, the emperor's caution, and the closed system.

"Forget it, let's go explore the fake imperial capital and see if we can find anything." Shen Shi still maintained his disguised identity and followed the spaceship into the imperial capital.

As soon as he entered, he noticed that everything here was filled with strict etiquette.

From the way they walk, to the tone they speak, and even the way they communicate, everything respects an ancient, complicated, and even particularly inconvenient etiquette.

Not to mention interstellar civilization, even a civilization in the Earth-Star Era, as long as it liberates its mind and breaks away from the feudal system, will be more efficient than the Noah Empire.

However, Shen Shi still easily guessed the reason for this phenomenon.

"This is the shackles of thinking and the limitation of original energy." Shen Shi whispered in his heart, "No wonder, such a long interstellar civilization cannot have opened up the field of original energy technology. Most intelligent life has survived for more than

After ten times their original lifespan, they will begin to think about the nature of life and thinking, and then discover the mystery of original energy and move towards the field of original energy. However, the Noah Empire has no trace of original energy technology. They are using this

Repressed etiquette suppresses thinking, and the primitive hand-to-hand combat is used to release emotions in a targeted manner. The emperor is consciously suppressing the birth of raw energy technology, and he is indeed panicking."

Shen Shi narrowed his eyes slightly. After realizing this reality, he already knew what to do next.

In the next period of time, Shen Shi behaved like a real noble son.

Except for some minor "violations".

Maybe it's due to non-standard etiquette, maybe it's the loss of control of emotions shown in battle, sometimes he suddenly shows a level far beyond his usual ability. He is deliberately creating a trend, a kind of instability of thinking that brings about

The tendency of spontaneous awakening of original energy.

As expected, some people appeared in front of him in the name of doctors.

"Doctor, am I sick?" Shen Shi's deep voice also contained half-hearted etiquette.

"Yes, you are sick." The doctor in front of him was wearing a black uniform. According to Blue Star's custom, he looked more like a priest than a doctor.

"But I think I feel better than ever." Shen Shi's voice became deeper and deeper.

"This is an illusion and is dangerous," the doctor said.

"you sure?"

"I am sure."

"That's because you haven't really experienced this feeling." Shen Shi suddenly raised his head, and his eyes began to spin like a mist. His body seemed to be divided into two parts, one half was Standard Benefit, and the other was

Half of them are laughing wantonly and joyfully, as if their shackles have been released.

——Thought invasion!

Such a simple thought invasion allowed Shen Shi, who was probably the most powerful man in the entire known universe, to execute it himself. The doctor in front of him, and even the entire civilization, could be proud of himself.

And the results are so clear.

The doctor who was invaded finally experienced the feeling that Shen Shi said, which was a kind of liberating pleasure. Everything he had done in the past and everything he believed in seemed so ignorant to him now. He was so ignorant that no matter what

There is no way to go back to the previous level.


The doctor's eyes seemed to have turned into mist, and he seemed to be divided into two parts just like Shen Shi.

But these two parts said at the same time:

"I see."

Shen Shi smiled and said no more.

A very simple thought invasion, but it has a virus-like effect. In this world where raw energy technology is extremely weak and almost non-existent, no one can avoid it, can resist it, maybe resist it, because this is the evolution of thinking, it is

The rebirth of consciousness.

The essence of original energy is the deep understanding of self, which is a reality that cannot be changed no matter what.

Shen Shi returned to his place with ease. He now wants to know what the emperor will do when he discovers that this disguised space city has turned into the reality that he fears most.

But no matter what you do, as long as you do it, your information will be exposed.

Every time a part of it is exposed, it will bring Shen Shi closer to him.

This is the crushing of low-level civilization by high-level civilization. Even Shen Shi can easily change everything in the Noah Empire.

Next, it's all about waiting.

He didn't wait too long. One day, Shen Shi was walking on the street and noticed that some people were walking with slight and slightly unethical movements. He knew that it was almost done.

On the same day, piercing sirens rang throughout the entire pseudo-imperial capital. Everyone was asked by automated armed machinery to stay in their homes. The emperor's voice kept ringing along with the sirens. It was the emperor issuing the highest instructions.

A mysterious and terrifying virus is spreading in the imperial capital, so much so that they have to use the most primitive methods to stop it.

This is undoubtedly ridiculous but correct.

Thinking viruses are also viruses, and even such a powerful civilization cannot prevent the destruction of thinking viruses, or in other words forced evolution.

Even with the spread of the thinking virus, Shen Shi has been able to easily guide some people's cognition and emotions.

More and more voices are heard that are dissatisfied with the empire, the emperor, and etiquette.

"The Emperor has been lying to us!"

"Those redundant and useless etiquettes are erasing our power and limiting our thinking!"

"Thinking is so powerful, hand-to-hand fighting is so ridiculous!"

"The emperor is just a thief who stole the power of our ancestors!"

"Kill him, kill this so-called emperor!"


Even if this kind of voice is just in the mind at first, or just a person talking to himself in a deserted corner, as time goes by, and as more and more people do this, the resonance of consciousness will

As the original energy emerges, everyone will realize that they are not the only ones who have this idea, but everyone. Their powers will be connected as never before under the influence of the thinking virus, and finally form a sweeping

A planet-wide storm.

If Shen Shi's prediction was correct, the emperor at this moment was panicking, fearful, and furious.

"I'm going to destroy that place! That place has to be destroyed!"

This is a man who looks no different from the other Noahs. He is not wearing complicated clothes full of aristocratic rules and etiquette at all, but simple and comfortable tights.

However, if someone comes here, they will find that in this real imperial capital, the real palace of Noah, there is no intelligent life in the true sense except the emperor.

Some are just countless densely packed intelligent machines, with everything from thinking logic to consciousness under absolute control.

Yes, the emperor does not allow anyone to come here.

Only robots with weak consciousness and almost no original energy, which can be easily controlled even if they are born, are qualified to exist here.

But at this moment, the emperor's anger has followed his emotions, spanning countless light-years, and arrived at the pseudo-imperial capital where Shen Shi is!

He wants to destroy this place.

Activate the destructive weapon that was originally set up, and with just one click, you can completely destroy this existence that has inexplicably awakened countless original energy controllers.

——This is how it should be.

But the reality is that even though the emperor has pressed the button and made a decision, there is no change in this planet-sized space palace.

This is also natural.

How could Shen Shi not even discover a self-destruct device here? Even if he simply relied on the device on the Yiwen, he could easily discover and control everything here.

Whatever it is, technology products in any field!

the most important is.

"Finally I found you."

The corners of Shen Shi's mouth curled up, and the soft voice was transmitted back along the link formed by the original energy, with a hint of surprise, but it brought infinite fear to the emperor.

"Who are you?" he yelled like crazy, but got no response.

To be honest, Shen Shi's mood at this moment was indeed one of surprise.

Although he still didn't know what kind of relic device the emperor controlled, he had already seen its effects.

That's thousands, even nearly ten thousand light years!

With such a long distance, even someone as powerful as Shen Shi can only rely on the Holy Land to communicate instantly. However, the emperor controls more than one "pseudo-imperial capital" and can easily transmit his voice and consciousness.

I am preparing a new book during this period. It is difficult to update steadily, but it is almost finished. Thank you everyone for your support until now.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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