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Chapter 310

Shen Shi would not be so naive as to believe that the human interstellar empire would have spent these ten thousand years smoothly, and then become the strongest that could surpass them when neither the Mulder System nor the Thousand Alliance System could react.

Interstellar system.

In fact, just in the past, the Mulder System and the Thousand Alliance's attention to the human interstellar empire has not diminished at all.

All actions are based on interests, and all interest analysis is based on intelligence.

In the absence of sufficient intelligence, two such powerful systems will naturally not underestimate the strength of human beings.

The reason why we didn't take action directly was that doing so might allow the other party to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain greater benefits.

However, according to the current situation of the fourth future line, the speed of development of the human interstellar empire is enough to threaten the security of these two systems.

The results of Shen Shi's review of history were also as expected.

In today's fourth future line, there is an almost complete truce between the Mulder system and the Qianmeng system.

The contact between the two systems also became closer.

At the same time, more and more unknown warships began to appear in the deserted areas, searching for and blocking the location of the solar system.

Clearly, someone within humanity is being controlled.

It may not be an intentional betrayal, but with Mulder and Qianmeng's attainments in raw energy technology, they only need to quietly bury the influence, and then spread and disperse it quietly, even Shen Shi would be hard-pressed to find it in a short time.

Coupled with the addition of some civilizations that had taken refuge with humans, various problems began to arise at the same time.

Either there is an internal crisis of destruction, or they are trying to seek help from the human interstellar empire due to various problems.

All signs are enough to show that the Mulder System and the Qian Alliance have set their sights on the human interstellar empire, and may even join hands in secret and start to do some testing.

Only three thousand years have passed!

If it continues like this, it is almost impossible to think too much to know that the human interstellar empire will probably not be able to have the planned ten thousand years from now.

The more Shen Shi watched, the more frightened he became.

Behind these seemingly small attempts, a more powerful technical foundation has been revealed, and there are even traces of many relic devices!

"After all, it is a system that is hundreds of thousands of years old. The information we have in our hands cannot be judged by common sense." Shen Shi said to himself in a low voice.

He knows that the most critical ten thousand years are about to come!

"First of all, some technologies obtained from the expanding known universe can already be brought out three thousand years in advance." Shen Shi quickly began to make some basic arrangements, "Also, in the next three thousand years, the human interstellar empire will explore a lot of things.

Unknown galaxies, some of which are helpful in establishing friendly contacts, can be dealt with as soon as possible, and some civilizations that are not handled well can also be prepared in advance. Of course, the most important thing is the spread speed of the Holy Land, which directly determines the development of the human interstellar empire.


Shen Shixian listed all the things that could be taken advantage of in advance with the help of future information, and then announced them.

After doing all this, he clearly saw that the human interstellar empire in the fourth future line had become more powerful, but the oppression of the two major systems also began to become more and more obvious, even to the point where even some relative

To the point where even a weak B-class civilization can detect it.

This made Shen Shi realize that in addition to accelerating the development of the human interstellar empire, finding ways to delay the oppression of the two major systems was the most important thing.

"Perhaps, the whole family can migrate!" Shen Shi thought of this method again.

When it is difficult to host a front and there is potential for rapid development, temporarily retreating is indeed an obvious way out.

Especially after humans have created a new system.

However, with today's human scale, it is not that easy to migrate the entire solar system away.

After all, the scope of one-time transportation in the Holy Land is limited.

Even relocating a Sisok civilization took hundreds of years. It would be difficult to relocate the current headquarters of human civilization without thousands of years.

These thousands of years will seriously hinder the development of human civilization.

"Perhaps, it can be done simultaneously?" Shen Shi frowned.

However, things like this need to be kept highly confidential, and even the members of the Supreme Council cannot tell them.

In the fourth future line, the incarnation of Shen Shi once suspected that some members of the Supreme Council had been invaded by consciousness and lurked. Therefore, even the Supreme Council was difficult to detect, but it would regularly transmit vital information.

information out.

In the end, it was Shen Shi who used clumsy methods to test and target several suspects, and then controlled them one by one and used a high-intensity search consciousness to solve the crisis of intelligence leakage.

However, no one can guarantee that there will not be a second lurker.

After all, the problem is not the members themselves, but their subconscious minds.

Therefore, the best way is to reduce the number of people involved in this aspect to the minimum.

"Are there such undercover agents among humans today?" Shen Shi suddenly thought of this.

If the bronze mirror wants to truly play its role, it is impossible not to use it on a large scale. Once used in this way, if the problem of undercover agents is not solved, there will be a high probability of leakage. As long as the Qianmeng and Mulder systems know about the bronze mirror.

If it exists, it will raise the threat level of the human interstellar empire to the highest level. How can it allow the human interstellar empire to leave?

An endless loop.

But fortunately, Shen Shi finally knew the key to the problem.

Once you've found the key, all that's left is to find a solution.

"In short, let's create an absolutely safe team first." Shen Shi said in his heart.

His original strength has finally surpassed this universe and reached the level of ruin civilization. If he spends enough time, he can guarantee fairness to a small number of people.

So the next step is to select the number of people.

Shen Shi chose Gongchu, Gongmo and other direct lineages for him.

Because he can be sure that these people are absolutely willing to cooperate with him and let him scan the depths of their consciousness.

Moreover, these people are capable enough to use bronze mirrors to establish contact with some powerful civilizations.

After all these people were confirmed to be safe, Shen Shi targeted some children.

After all, in this project that is bound to last for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, it is completely sufficient to cultivate it from scratch.

One advantage is that those who are selected to assist this project only need to use the bronze mirror to descend to all realms in their incarnations. If nothing else, at least they can avoid being influenced and secretly controlled by the enemy again without having to go out in person.

After all this was done, decades had passed since Shen Shi obtained the bronze mirror.

A mysterious organization code-named "Bronze Shadow" appeared in the human interstellar empire.

The external view is that the Bronze Shadow is an official organization that specializes in assisting in secretly examining those civilizations that have joined the human interstellar empire to determine whether there are undercover agents or traitors among them. Shen Shi is personally responsible for this.

If it were not clear that Shen Shi had no plans to be a dictator, many people would think that this was the prototype of a dictatorship.

Therefore, before it can truly play a role externally, this organization has first caused uneasiness within the human interstellar empire.

But what Shen Shi wanted was this effect.

There is no way to hide the structure itself, but it can confuse its effect.

After this organization began official operations, Shen Shi once again looked at the fourth future line.

Since the development of human civilization, observing and correcting one's actions through the future has long been Shen Shi's biggest trump card, and its importance has even gradually surpassed that of cross-border transactions, which further highlights the importance of intelligence.

But this time, Shen Shi discovered that the reaction of Mulder System and Qianmeng was really slow.

The proof is that there is no real truce between them!

However, facing such results, Shen Shi was not too surprised.

"You've already reached this level, and you've still found out a few?"

Although there is no truce between the Mulder System and the Thousand Alliance System, they still have plans to intensify their investigation into the human interstellar empire.

This means that they still found something.

Once there are signs of this, it will become almost impossible for humans to survive these ten thousand years.

Shen Shi soon discovered the reason.

It turned out to be someone from the Bronze Shadow who discovered traces when they were operating within the Thousand Alliance and Mulder systems, and used this to increase speculation about the trump card of the human interstellar empire.

Yes, guess.

They don't have enough evidence, but the unknown is the biggest evidence.

Shen Shi realized that under the seemingly careless surface of the Qianmeng and Mulder systems, they had actually already maintained a high degree of concern for the human interstellar empire!

"There really can't be any luck." Shen Shiwei frowned and decisively ordered the "Bronze Shadow" department not to perform any tasks in the known universe, and all avatar projections were placed in the unknown universe.

After this order was issued, the situation in Future Line No. 4 returned to its original state.

While the Mulder System and the Thousand Alliance System maintain a high level of concern for the human interstellar empire, no one is willing to take action.

This will bring an extremely important period of development time to the human interstellar empire!

"It seems that three thousand years can survive." Shen Shi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

For ten thousand years, three thousand years is just the beginning, but this beginning is the goal that Shen Shi can currently determine.

Next, he maintained a strong focus on the fourth future line, while constantly promoting the development of the human interstellar empire, improving the framework of the entire system, and ensuring that his superiority would not be lost.

The passage of time seems to have begun to speed up.

Seven hundred and thirty-two years after mastering the Bronze Mirror, a new crisis appears in the fourth future line.

The Mulder System and the Thousand Alliance System did not even have to stop fighting this time. Instead, they had a tacit understanding and sent their troops to the Human Interstellar Empire. They began to launch a devastating campaign against all civilizations that were relocating to the Human Interstellar Empire.

attack, and launched a more intense invasion war against the two known galaxies controlled by the human interstellar empire.

"This is forcing us to resist and involving us in this dangerous system war." Shen Shi narrowed his eyes slightly and easily judged the purpose of the two systems.

Obviously, even though Shen Shi blocked the matter of the Bronze Mirror, the speed of development of the human interstellar empire still aroused their vigilance.

These two major systems do not want to allow the human interstellar empire to develop rapidly as a bystander in this war.

Although they have not relaxed their vigilance against each other, they have all chosen to regard the human interstellar empire as their enemy, hoping to consume the strength of the human interstellar empire.

"There is no way we can avoid being drawn into the war."

In the Supreme Council of Human Civilization in Future Line No. 4, human councilors unanimously determined this basic judgment.

With both major systems determined to attack them, they can no longer stay aloof from this war.

Once there is a retreat, the two major systems will absolutely ruthlessly destroy and divide everything owned by the human interstellar empire.

Faced with this situation, Shen Shi did not hesitate for too long.

Because there was actually only one road left in front of him.

"Since we have to fight, let's fight." He said, "Even the two major systems will never be able to see our hidden strength, otherwise they should have taken action long ago. In this case, we will show part of it and use force

To gain balance."

In today's fourth future line, the human interstellar empire only nominally controls two galaxies and one A8-level civilization.

But in fact, they control thirty-two galaxies, one A9-level civilization, and two A8-level civilizations!

There is a huge difference. Even if the two major systems can predict part of it, they can never predict all of it.

The reason why it has such huge strength depends entirely on the bronze mirror and the intelligence information provided by Shen Shi in the main world line three thousand years ago.

It lists in detail which unknown galaxies have powerful problems that can be quickly controlled.

The A9-class civilization currently controlled by humans is a civilization that controls more than a dozen galaxies and has already shown the prototype of the system, but is threatened by the fifth interstellar system currently discovered by humans.

In the face of the strength displayed by mankind and the external threats, they quickly seized this only opportunity after the arrival of the personal terminal mission sent by the human interstellar empire, and became the most powerful force in the hands of the human interstellar empire.

In other words, the difference between the human interstellar empire at this time and the Mulder system is actually only in size and a few backgrounds.

Even in terms of size, it has reached about one-third of the level of Mulder's system!

This is the speed of development brought about by institutional advantages!

"This should be a big surprise to the Mulder system and the Qianmeng system." Shen Shi silently calculated in his heart the power he had in his hands, the purpose of this war, and how to maximize his own advantages.


After all, this is a future line that can be changed, so Shen Shi doesn't have much pressure.

New book has been released!

This chapter has been completed!
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