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Chapter 315 Complete Human Civilization

Chapter 315 Complete Human Civilization

After listening to Chu Lin's words, Shen Shi frowned deeply.

He had never heard of such a thing.

However, when he thought about those incredible props, especially the bronze sword that could directly wipe out the entire human civilization, it was indeed beyond his understanding of the universe.

It's a completely different field.

"However, since I am here, I will not do nothing." Chu Lin said again, "I am indeed here to help you."

"Just help?" Shen Shi said.

"It has always been our basic philosophy to let humans who are in crisis of annihilation work on their own to save the world." Chu Lin said, "Besides, isn't the biggest help already entrusted to you?"

"." Shen Shi naturally knew what the other party was talking about.

Shi Ling.

This incredible device.

After opening his mouth, Shen Shi still asked that sentence.

"Is there any special reason for choosing me?"

"That is the president's choice." Chu Lin shook his head, but turned to look at Shen Shi and said softly, "But in my opinion, the main reason is probably because you and the president are very similar."

"It's very similar?" Shen Shi didn't understand this sentence, but he still remembered it firmly.

For him, the most important thing at the moment is to get rid of the ranchers and let human civilization become the true overlord of this interstellar world.

As for the Panhuman Guardian Association

That's what happened after this.

"So what kind of help are you providing?" Shen Shi asked.

"Technology, knowledge, and devices." Chu Lin said, "That bronze sword actually has a lot of shortcomings and is not as powerful as you see. Aren't you surprised? Why would the rancher directly use that sword?

Destroy the entire human civilization with a bronze sword? If we only deal with you, human civilization will also fall into destruction sooner or later."

"Of course I noticed this." It was impossible for Shen Shi to miss such an obvious question, but he still shook his head, "But there is insufficient information, so I have no way to bet."

"Then I can tell you the specific information now." Chu Lin said, "That bronze sword was originally made to kill a certain race. During that period of chaotic rules, this universe

There have been some terrible guys, so we made that sword, so it's not that the rancher doesn't want to attack just you, it's that he can't."

Shen Shi's eyes brightened slightly.

This is indeed vital information.

This means that as long as he makes human civilization so powerful that it is impossible for ranchers to destroy it even if they sacrifice everything, the sword will be meaningless.

The problem now is that ranchers obviously maintain a high degree of surveillance on human civilization.

The reason why he appeared at that time in the fourth future line was obviously because he had been prepared for it.

Only take action after making sure that you can clean up human civilization at this time.

In other words, if you want to successfully survive this crisis, you must find a way to influence the rancher's judgment and make him miss the last opportunity.

And the help provided by the man named Chu Lin in front of me is technology and equipment?

"Is the device you provided stronger than the enemy's technology?" Shen Shi asked.

"It's more than a little stronger." Chu Lin gave an affirmative answer. "The Mulder system and the Qianmeng system are actually close to mastering all the truths of this universe, but it's just because they put too much energy on the so-called relic device.

That's why it stagnated in the last few steps. The technology I provided you has reached the limit that this universe can reach. That is a level that absolutely no civilization can surpass. It can be said that as long as you completely digest this

Technology, at least within this universe, you are the absolute overlord."

"Even so, it takes time to develop and apply technology." Shen Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, "It's not reliable enough."

"It's already very safe." Chu Lin shook his head and sighed, "Have you forgotten the power you have? That thing was originally not something that this universe could possess and bear, but it took a trick and shared the pressure with the rest of the world.

The universe, and at the same time, it is gradually integrated into this universe in the process of continuous evolution. It is something that can be used as much as you want. Everything you have paid along the way has not been in vain."

"." Shen Shi understood completely.

He already knows the path in front of him.

Know where absolute victory lies.

It was at this moment that everything around him changed again.

Future Line No. 4, this universe is still empty.

Humanity's fate of extinction has not been prevented.


Even though Shen Shi didn't accept the challenge, the rancher, who consciously thought that if he delayed it any longer, it would be difficult to destroy humans, he still used the sword.

"The only way." Shen Shi's figure slowly disappeared.

He has returned to the main world line.

Then, he stood up.

"Convene a supreme meeting!"

This order was sent to Future Line No. 1, Future Line No. 2, Future Line No. 3, and the Main World Line at the same time.

Four entire universes.

At the same time, he saw the battleships and devices scattered throughout his boundless personal space, which seemed to be boundless!

In the snow-white supreme meeting place, Shen Shi stood alone in front of him, facing everyone.

At the same time, his incarnation is also in the Supreme Council of the remaining three future lines.

At this moment, what Shen Shi faced was the complete human civilization!

"Humanity's road to interstellar supremacy is about to truly begin!"

This was the first sentence he spoke.

"You all understand that I have a secret, a huge secret." This was his second sentence.

Just these two sentences made everyone present feel nervous!

Their sages have secrets.

This is no longer a secret among human civilization.

Because the secret is the sea of ​​stars!

This force, which has only appeared in the narrations of the sages from the beginning, is unknown to anyone except the sages.

But it just exists.

It exists in the powerful devices that were brought here one after another, and in the support that is crucial enough to change the destiny of mankind time and time again!

In fact, for some people, the existence of the sea of ​​stars is not without trace.

They knew that among the support invested by some Xinghai, there was an obvious human design style.

A researcher can see his yet-to-be-implemented research here.

Some politicians can see their thoughts on these devices.

Some combatants can even see their own fighting style on these devices.

The answer, it seems, has always been here.

However, no one dared to say or ask.

This secret is like a secret that has swept all mankind, and all humans who are aware of it have actively closed their memories, rewritten their cognition, and maintained it together!

But now, for the first time in these thousands of years, nearly ten thousand years, it is told from the mouth of a sage!

What does that mean? Lawmakers don't know.

But they know.

Everything is about to change!

"The Star Sea is real!" This is Shen Shi's next sentence, "But at the same time, it does not exist, because the Star Sea has always been ourselves, and only we ourselves can act selflessly like this, regardless of loss.

, and even go out of their way to help us!”

Speak out!

The sage said it!

The emotions in the meeting suddenly reached their peak!

Everyone looked at Shen Shi with great excitement, worry, nervousness, and shock.

But there is not much disbelief.

Even those who didn't notice the increasing traces, even those who didn't guess the truth, could react quickly under the powerful original power after Shen Shi told all this!

And next.

Shen Shi began to tell.

Tell it from beginning to end!

"That was one day in the Earth and Star Period. An ordinary young man received the most precious prize from fate."

Although it happened nearly ten thousand years ago, in Shen Shi's mind, it still seemed like it happened yesterday.

There was also an unspeakable joy in his heart.

He has kept this secret for too long.

Lies again and again, worries again and again, struggles to change destiny alone again and again.

Now, he can finally stand upright, as the sage and savior of mankind, standing here in front of everyone, with no more lies or deceptions, only glory and epics!

Everyone present, even in the second future line where the sages have the lowest prestige, all the congressmen were listening silently.

Their hearts were filled with shock, and they seemed to recognize the man in front of them again.

They also found their place in the story.

But what attracts more attention are the stories from other worlds!

How many people are suffering from the sufferings they have never experienced, the tragedies that have been erased by the sages on their own?

In this short period of time, human civilization has reached what it is today, and the blood and tears it has expended far exceed that of any other civilization!

They deserve to be brilliant!

"Now, everything has come to the final moment." Shen Shi's voice also came to the end in this scene that will be remembered by human civilization forever, "When I failed in the fourth future line, I

Realizing that this may be the last difficulty, the last ditch effort! Therefore, there is nothing to hide, and there is nothing to fear. I will concentrate all my strength, which comes from our history but is independent of us.

All power outside of history! Come and overcome this final difficulty! I start today, no matter which timeline it is, no matter what kind of strength it has, what kind of development it has, all human beings will be concentrated in the main world line

,This is the real human civilization!”

"Yes!" All members of the three future lines stood up.

Even the power of original energy cannot suppress their emotions at this moment.

That was nearly ten thousand years of oppression, liberated in one day!

They can't help but want to run towards the future, and they can't help but want to meet themselves in the long river of time. Even if there is still the biggest crisis on the road ahead, it will not affect their desire for the future at all.

A complete human civilization, a human civilization that condenses all suffering and glory into one body, will be unrivaled!

After the Supreme Council ended, an unprecedented epic began in the entire universe!

Human civilization in the three future lines has begun an unprecedented great migration!

Some of them knew the truth, and some were still ignorant, but all of them followed the instructions of the Supreme Councilor, left their homes in a mighty manner, entered the dormant cabin, and lost their lives.

After all the consciousness, waiting to wake up!

In order to avoid being discovered in advance by the rancher.

Almost at the moment when everything was ready, Shen Shi brought all the human civilizations in the other three future lines to the main world line in one breath through a one-time transaction!

At this moment, he seemed to have felt that the power of the bronze sword had lost any effect in the face of human civilization.

In the entire universe, no one can support the power to wipe out human civilization!

Perhaps at this moment, human civilization can already be called a true overlord!

"The day has finally come." Shen Shi was suspended alone in the vast universe, looking at the boundless universe, "This is the day when human beings show their power!"

He can no longer remember how many times he hid, how many times he worried, and how many times he was helpless due to strength during these nearly ten thousand years.

But he knows that sooner or later, human civilization will be able to ignore strength and not be afraid of any oppression based on strength!

Now, that day has come!

The concentration of human civilization in the three future lines only strengthens the foundation of human civilization and limits the power of the bronze sword. But what can really exert its power in the next battlefield depends on what Chu Lin provides.

Technology and devices.

Some of them, even Shen Shi at this moment, looked a little frightened.

For example, the super-large interstellar portal that the rancher once threatened to own is also owned by humans at this moment.

For another example, Shen Shi can guarantee that even the fantasy army that can distort concepts will never be able to affect these weapons that are deeply embedded in the rules!

The most terrifying one can even wipe out an entire galaxy in one breath!

Even if the original energy required to subdue it once is extremely large, the deterrence brought by this weapon once used is unimaginable!

Especially for a slightly loose alliance like Qianmeng.

In addition, there are various powerful technologies. In terms of space battleships alone, the fleet strength of human civilization at this moment has surpassed the hidden ace of Qianmeng and Mulder!

Under this power, faced with the encirclement of the Thousand Alliance and the Mulder system, the entire human civilization is no longer afraid.


Shen Shi seemed to have thought of something, whispered something, and then went deep into the Shiling again and came to the fourth future line.

As expected.

This place is no longer empty, the human civilization here is extremely powerful!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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