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Chapter 42: I need an anti-satellite ball

In the interstellar world, this is undoubtedly extremely clumsy and slow.

During the war when the Wo people's civilization perished, the exploration team they sent out could not even send back any news, thus losing their own civilization.

But even civilizations that have initially mastered space jump technology cannot jump anytime and anywhere. They must first reach the weak point of space, which is the "node".

The universe is not flat, but has a certain curvature. It can be imagined as a large membrane with curvature. This is the basic principle of curvature navigation.

However, this "membrane" does not have only one arc shape.

It has continuous, irregular ups and downs.

Once a certain arc is too large, it may come into contact with another space with the same arc that is too large.

This point of contact is a "node".

This is the unit of distance used in interstellar society.

Countless nodes divide the entire universe into a huge "grid", and the shape and size of each grid are irregular and completely different.

For civilizations that have not mastered space jump technology, the distance from one node to another may be close at hand, or it may be as far away as hundreds or even thousands of light years. However, for civilizations that have space jump technology, as long as

Once you reach the node, you can jump and directly cross this possibly extremely long distance.

But this is still the most basic space jump technology.

Powerful technology can directly jump within a certain distance close to the node.

This distance is called the "jump distance".

It is an important criterion for judging the quality of space jump engines.

Shen Shi's current ship, the "Vogt", has a jump distance of about thirteen light years.

Don't underestimate these thirteen light years.

Even among human civilization three thousand years in the future, it will still be the top engine!

The closest node to Blue Star is only about sixteen light years away. This also means that Shen Shi driving the Vogt only needs to sail in the universe at sub-light speed for about three years.

Can make a jump and reach another node dozens of light years away.

Next, when going to another node, thirteen years of time are also saved.

If the War fleet that is about to invade Blue Star has such technology, instead of paying a high price to achieve a zero-jump distance node jump through the public "jump channel" in the "Mudd System", they will be able to do so in these dozen

During the voyage to each node, you can reach Blue Star at least two hundred years in advance.

In addition, it is obvious that whether escaping or pursuing, a higher jump distance undoubtedly has a greater advantage!

It can be seen from this.

How powerful is the transmission of transactions in this black market trading market!

Although I don’t know how human beings obtained it with their status and power three thousand years later? However, Shen Shi now also understands why transactions must be carried out in the form of "black market" and "barter for goods", and it should be returned

There are other ways to ensure that it will not be leaked, otherwise, future mankind will be finished long ago.

You know, within a short distance of twenty-one nodes from Blue Star, there is a C-class civilization that easily destroyed the Wo people civilization.

If this civilization hadn't been watching...human civilization three thousand years later wouldn't be able to get even a medium-sized immigration ship!

Many speculations emerged in Shen Shi's mind, but his eyes continued to scan the shops on both sides of the street.

Whether it's the black market or Shi Ling, the secrets behind it are too far away from him now.

He only needs to focus on the current matter.

Suddenly, Shen Shi's eyes lit up.

The signboard of a store had words he couldn't understand, but the translation clearly read - Security Services!

The number of shops in the black market is actually not that many. There are only about a hundred or so, which is extremely rare for a civilization with a population of hundreds of billions.

However, this also means that it is so rare to have a store in this magical and powerful black market!

The collector who can take out the "Vogt" is absolutely extraordinary in human civilization three thousand years later.

Shen Shi hopes that this store will be the same!

He walked straight in.

This is a shop built in a Western style. Naturally, it is not as "ancient" as a collector's shop. Instead, it has a strange smell. But as soon as he walked in, Shen Shicai discovered that the style inside was completely futuristic.


On the walls and on the counter, there are many shrunken products, many of which look like weapons!

Shen Shi even saw a "cannon" surging with dark red light, which had an intimidating aura.

You've come to the right place!

Shen Shi quickly glanced around the store and soon saw a person standing in front of the counter.

His eyes brightened slightly.

Similar to the Collector, this "person" does not look like a modern human being at all, and appears to have undergone an overall transformation. However, unlike the Collector, his limbs and torso are mechanical structures dominated by jet black.

It was wrapped in armor that exuded a cold aura, and its head was also covered by armor that completely covered its eyes and nasal cavity, leaving only the lower half of its face exposed, which looked similar to a human's.

The overall look, even with a modern aesthetic, is definitely cool!


Shen Shi focused his attention on the exposed, rather delicate lips and softly curved chin.

Male Female?

"what do you want?"

While Shen Shi was observing, a voice suddenly appeared.

The other party's lips did not move, but Shen Shi could clearly feel that the other party's eyes were on him, and even...

A chilling, heavy emotion came oncoming.

Let Shen Shi look slightly solemn.

He is no longer the novice who came here twice before and didn't understand anything. He also has a certain understanding of the original energy, so he can better understand what the other party is doing.

It stimulates the original energy, but it is subtly stuck on the black market's judgment line of "consciousness attack"!

This control...

An aura of master.

"I need to defend a planet against a fleet." Shen Shi said.

In an instant, he could clearly feel that the other party's attitude had changed.

"The strength of the enemy."

The shop owner actually said these words.

With a neutral tone that is difficult to distinguish between male and female.

Even the translator's voice could not distinguish the male or female.

Moreover, the chilling aura that originally surged around his body was also fading away like a tide.

Instead, there is some kind of attention.

Shen Shi was not surprised by this.

He now knows that this change in attitude is not only because of the "big deal" he gave, but also because of the language he used!

This is a real "old saying"!

Judging from the information obtained from the information database, this "ancient saying" itself is quite precious and belongs to expensive information. In other words, every word he said is actually a "gift"


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