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Chapter 6: Ancient Information Carriers

"Big business."

The collector's golden lips slowly raised, and the amplitude was completely incomparable to that just now. It was like a clown's smile, filled with inexplicable emotions.

He raised his white jade-like fingers and tapped lightly.

A completely black object appeared in front of Shen Shi.

"This is the best battleship I have. If you have the ability, please feel free to take it!"

Shen Shi saw that there was unprecedented heat in the depths of those eyes that were blooming with azure light!

Too careless.

Shen Shi knew that he was still anxious.

In this kind of barter-for-barter transaction, there is no specific price, and demand occupies a large value. If he says what he wants first, he actually loses part of the initiative.

Just like the customer just now, he had to trade at a higher price.


Battleships are the most important thing!

Shen Shi's attention has been completely attracted by the spaceship in front of him.

It is somewhat different from the shape of the space battleship that people imagine in movies. This spaceship is not flat or long, but spherical.

Yes, it is the image of a round ball.

The surface is completely black, and most of the area is extremely smooth. No general material can be seen. There are only a few bulges in a few places, and the corresponding information has been input into his mind through the platform.

[1.365 kilometers in diameter, equipped with an ecological circulation system, and equipped with a top-notch intelligent central control system.]

[Equipped with ** type annihilation reactor.]

[Equipped with *** curvature drive engine, power is ***58*4 level. 】

[Equipped with maintenance system, the highest maintenance loss ratio is 32.486745%]

[Equipped with Level III original energy chamber.]

[Equipped with ***** hidden system.]

[The main weapon is the star-killing plasma cannon.]

[Sub-weapons include ***pulse shot, gamma laser transmitter, ***cannon...]


The long pages that follow are filled with a large number of mounting devices and performance parameters. If you just click on the weapon item, it will take up to four or five pages. If you click on each single item, there will be a huge amount of space, and there are a lot of

* text.

According to the platform's translation system, the meaning of the * sign is that it cannot be translated in the common language he uses.

All in all, Shen Shi gave up on judging the quality of this immigrant space battleship from this description.

After all, even to buy a computer, you need to master the corresponding knowledge to know whether it is good or bad, let alone a space battleship.

He simply focused on the battleship itself.

With just a thought, Shen Shi, who had gained control of the projection, easily enlarged the projection of the battleship in front of him.

And this store, which was originally only an ordinary size, actually continued to expand.

It wasn't until a truly huge space battleship appeared in front of him that Shen Shi could truly feel this shock!

This is a sphere with a diameter of 1,300 meters! The surface area is more than 6 million square meters! It is equivalent to the area of ​​almost a thousand football fields!

The largest aircraft carrier in the world is only over 300 meters long!

Shen Shi once watched the country's aircraft carrier from a distance, and he still remembers the shock of human beings facing such a movable behemoth. However, that aircraft carrier was so "small" compared with the space battleship in front of him.

!If this space battleship is brought to Blue Star, it will immediately become the largest means of transportation on Blue Star! There is no one like it!

Not to mention, this is a space battleship!

Thinking that this space battleship might belong to him, Shen Shi felt unspeakably excited.

Like most men, he likes big and domineering things.


The space battleship that almost covered the entire sky that he saw in the image suddenly appeared in his mind, and Shen Shi's originally excited heart cooled down again.

From a modern perspective, this space battleship is domineering enough.

But what about looking at it from a future and interstellar perspective?

Shen Shi didn't know.

He only knew that if he wanted to escape, the space battleship in front of him could only take away tens of thousands of people at most.

"Not enough." He looked at the collector, "Is there anything better?"

If the alien invaders arrive as scheduled, this space battleship will become the last home for him and his family, and their biggest support in the vast universe. Just thinking about it, no matter how powerful it is, there will be no need for him.

Words are not enough!

Unless you are strong enough to defeat the invaders!

"Dear distinguished guest." The collector's tone was translated with obvious regret, "This was originally a battleship I prepared for myself. I can guarantee that you will never get a better immigration battleship here.

You know, we humans are not qualified to build immigration warships above the *** type."

The last sentence made Shen Shi stunned.

Having no qualifications does not mean that you have no ability?

Speaking of which...

After three years of disastrous defeat, mankind has lost everything and is just trying to survive. What will be the situation of mankind in the interstellar society three thousand years later?

It would be nice if you knew the history.

Shen Shi once again realized his mistake. The huge sense of crisis drove his strong desire for space battleships. But in fact, he should have more information about the future before trading battleships. This way the possibility of being exposed is greatly reduced.

, and also be able to obtain more powerful battleships as much as possible.

After all, he is just an ordinary college student, how can he be so calm and wise.

Shen Shi laughed at himself in his heart.

However, a decision has also been made.

No matter what, you must get the space battleship! Not to mention the immigrant battleship that seems pretty good in front of you, no matter how small it is, as long as you can escape from Blue Star, you must get it!

As for more powerful battleships, as long as it is possible, there is always a chance.

The rhombus of time and the value of antiques in the future are his confidence!

"In that case, let's take this one." He said softly, then hesitated and threw out a USB flash drive.

Yes, it was the USB flash drive that he copied some things on his computer before he came.

Three thousand years of time have been applied to this USB flash drive, but it was in an inert environment for three thousand years, so there are no rust spots, no corrosion, and only slight deformation. These are traces that are difficult to erase over a long period of time.

But the moment the projection of this USB flash drive appeared.

The collector's entire head was shrouded in a rich halo!

His eyes were not only shining, but also rolling violently, filled with intense emotions that even Shen Shi could easily see!

"This is...an ancient information storage carrier from the Earth Star Era?" His voice became very soft, and his translated words even contained the slightest tremor.

Shen Shi didn't expect that the other party's reaction would be such an exaggeration if he just took out a USB flash drive.

This chapter has been completed!
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