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Chapter 70: I Created a Company

"Sister, you are really..." Qin Lan rolled her eyes and was completely convinced, "People say that you are stupid for three years after being pregnant. How come you have been stupid since you fell in love?"

However, she soon discovered that Ai Xin'er did not tease her anymore, but just looked at her phone blankly.

Is there really any news?

When Qin Lan recalled the mysterious man she saw that day, she felt a little faint in her heart.

"What are you looking at, so fascinated?" she asked quickly.

"Xiao Lanzi..." Ai Xin'er hesitated and was a little confused, then handed the phone to her, "Is this situation... normal?"

Qin Lan glanced at it and was stunned.

Above is the interface of a search engine. It was originally a link she found when she searched for the three words "Xinghai Island".

But now... there are still links, but the words on them have changed!

All become one line of identical words!

【I founded a company called Xinghai!】

Yes, at a glance, everything turned into a line of words like this!

This situation also happened once a few days ago.

"Ah!" Qin Lan suddenly screamed and clicked her fingers quickly, "It's that one! It's that one!"

Sure enough, when you click on any website or any interface, this line will appear in various forms!

It’s exactly the same as the “I’m back” incident a few days ago!

It wasn't until she clicked on a medical interface and then a banking interface that it didn't appear.

Just like what has been discussed on the Internet during this period of time.

The person who did this selectively avoided some important areas, so there was no excessive financial loss or even personal crisis.

But it’s definitely not impossible!

Hacking these sites couldn't be easier!

Therefore, there is no doubt that this time it is still the existence that claims "I am back", once again announcing the news to the world in such an incredible and imagination-challenging way!

As a "following fan" of this incident, Qin Lan was extremely excited.


She suddenly reacted and looked at the phone again.

Now all web pages have returned to normal again, as usual, as if nothing happened.

Obviously, thirty seconds have passed.

However, Qin Lan's memory has not completely disappeared.

She raised her head, her eyes widened, and said to Ai Xin'er with a bit of fear, a bit of hesitation, and a bit of pause: "Sister Xin'er... just now... that one

The company the information talks about...is created...is it...named Xinghai?"

Ai Xin'er didn't speak, but from just now, her eyes have been blooming with some kind of suppressed excitement.

Sea of ​​Stars——!

At this moment, no matter what the reaction of the two beauties, the older one and the younger one, the entire Dongguo network, no, it should be said the world's network, was completely boiling.

People vent their shock in various places.

"Damn it! It's here again!"

“There’s actually a follow-up!”

"Where did this 'returning emperor' come back from?"

"The last time, including this one, couldn't have been just an advertising campaign! This is definitely the most awesome advertisement ever!"

“I actually founded a company, now it’s interesting!”

"I have a hunch! This time it will definitely be a big event beyond imagination! I bet on a big boss returning from another world!"

"Can't they be people from the future? Coming back can also mean going back to ancient times!"


The reason why this incident has attracted such great attention is not only because of the thirty seconds of mandatory publicity, but also because the incident itself carries a mystery that even exceeds people's cognition.


Countless experts have already explained in the past few days how incredible it is to be able to do this kind of thing, and what it means.

That's the God of the Internet!

Since the birth of the Internet, all the famous hackers, computer experts, and even teams cannot compare with the existence behind this incident!

The other party seems to be able to do whatever they want on the entire network!

This also means that all Internet companies! All communication companies! Mobile phone, computer and other companies! Whether you are a large company with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars or a small business that has just started, as long as you are involved in this field, you can only

, we must also bow to this “god”!

This is the significance of this incident!

It announces the coming of "God"!

And in this information age, the influence of this "god" goes far beyond the Internet!

Countless people have already speculated that the three major human forces that have remained silent about this incident will definitely find the "Returning Emperor" behind it at all costs. There are even rumors that they have already been found!

However, this time, the reappearance of the "Returning Emperor" undoubtedly completely shattered this rumor.

Therefore, at this moment, there are already a large number of people shouting crazily on the network of the Western Alliance and even the Nia Empire.

"Aliens are coming!"

"Prehistoric civilization returns!"

"find him!"

"An alien spacecraft crashed in the Eastern Kingdom!"

Some people even started shouting "the end of the world is coming".

They should be even more excited about this kind of mysterious thing!

Even crazier!

It was at this time that another piece of news began to spread wildly on the Internet!

That’s a video from a web page!

The entire web page is like a promotion page for a certain game. There are no rows of text, only a huge animated picture! It is the vast starry sky and the endless sea of ​​​​stars. It is obviously an animated picture on the page, but it seems to make people...

Being in a spaceship, sailing in this sea of ​​stars, you can even involuntarily sink in and immerse yourself in it.

Until a certain moment, a cross-star-shaped pattern slowly emerged from a star shining with dazzling light until it was completely wrapped! It turned into a badge full of mystery and technology!

Accompanied by four Dongguo characters appearing at the top.

——Xinghai Technology!

And a countdown with only two hours left.

In normal times, such a video, which is obviously a promotional advertisement, would at best make people marvel at the reality of the sea of ​​stars and the coolness of this badge.

But now, everyone who sees this video is frantically asking how to enter this webpage!

And the method is not difficult at all.

Some people even figured out how to open it without asking at all.

You only need to enter the two Dongguo characters "Xinghai" or its pinyin on any terminal in the world that can connect to the Internet, and you will automatically enter the official website of Xinghai Company.

You don’t even need to prefix the URL!

This chapter has been completed!
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