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Chapter 79: The Last Happily Ever After

Shen Shi was carefully watching the reactions on the entire Internet.

This amazing press conference has just ended, but for most of the viewers who saw it to the end, there are still some unfinished things to say.

Because the space elevator is not their focus.

What they are more concerned about is the surreal significance represented by the space elevator, as well as the true identity of the "Returning Emperor", especially where the "Returning Emperor" came back from.

The current speculations on the Internet have begun to move closer to the technological direction of "alien" and "future", especially aliens, which have become the most supported speculations.

After all, this is more realistic than the rest of the speculation.

Although humans have never confirmed the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, they have also never confirmed the non-existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Therefore, in theory, the probability of aliens appearing in reality is not completely zero. This is why, in this field,

Fantasy works in China have been enduring for a long time - although they are all fantasy, aliens can always find certain possibilities.

And this was actually deliberately guided by Shen Shi.

The entire defense project does not require too many people to participate, but this project is also difficult to hide.

He chose to shock the world in this way to give people more buffer time.

In this way, we can build a planetary fortress in a drastic manner without causing panic.

Now it seems that this has been initially realized. At least, most people already have the understanding that "Xinghai technology does not belong to Blue Star", and when they begin to accept and get used to this, the alien invaders

With the coming of war, it will not be too shocking.

As for now.

Let them first spend their last "happy" time in excitement and expectation.

Yes, in Shen Shi's opinion, people at this time are undoubtedly happy.

Because they are beginning to look forward to the future of themselves and the world.

This can also be seen from the feedback online.

Judging from the information collected so far, the most popular topic on the Internet is speculation about his origin, and the second most popular topic is what kind of changes the emergence of Xinghai will bring to this era.

Some people are excitedly looking forward to it. They may soon be able to fly freely, have virtual reality, have robot butlers, have better medical technology, have more technological products that can change their lives, and even get rid of the limitation of life span.


The last item is undoubtedly the most anticipated!

In a modern society with a highly developed entertainment industry, human lifespan has long been unable to keep up with human expectations. If there is not too much pressure in life and they are healthy, they may be forty, fifty, or even six years old.

Even at the age of seventy, he still enjoys various entertainment projects with passion.

However, when Shen Shi saw the third hot topic, he couldn't help but frown slightly.


That's right, among the current discussion topics on the entire Internet, doubt ranks third.

There are still quite a number of people, especially those who don't know much about the origin of the whole incident, haven't finished watching it, or even watched the live broadcast of the press conference, who have expressed great doubts about this kind of popularity across the Internet.

"This is the lie of the century!"

Shen Shi saw such a popular post.

"This lie is so outrageous!

I don't understand why so many people believe this lie.

Yes, Xinghai Company’s achievements in information technology are unquestionable, but in comparison, their attainments in physics are obviously not up to par!

Even a junior high school student who has listened carefully to the class knows that the essence of magnetism is the tilt component of electric power, which is the force of the magnetic field on the moving charges and currents in it! In other words, if that area is really covered with enough energy to make a

The magnetic force of a person flying up will kill him the moment he steps in. And after all, it is outrageous to rely on a magnetic field to directly move the human body! Only ferromagnetic substances can generate and external magnetic fields under the action of a magnetic field.

The same strong additional magnetic field...

Therefore, this is definitely a special effect! It is the biggest lie of this century created by using powerful information technology!"

The entire post uses a fierce tone, strong emotions, and various scientific arguments to prove how scientifically ridiculous the space elevator shown in the press conference is. Finally, it is concluded that it is the lie of the century.



"I never said that the force field channel of the space elevator is the 'magnetic field' that humans now recognize." Shen Shi sighed in a low voice.

This kind of space elevator does not have an instruction manual, but as a commonly used intra-planetary transportation channel in the future world, you can still find some content in the information database.

Unfortunately, among those information, the only thing Shen Shi could understand was "using the planet's magnetic field to fix the position."

That's why he asked Wen Hezhi to make an introduction.

But now it seems that some people have misunderstood.

However, even without this, there will always be some people who are not easy to accept changes and stubbornly reject everything with their firmly believed cognitions.

However, when we have to live in a new world undergoing drastic changes, the most important thing is to be in awe of the unknown and reality.

Shen Shixian is like this now.

As early as when he entered the black market, or even when he owned Shi Ling, he understood that this universe and this reality were far more mysterious than he had known in the past!

Therefore, he will seize the time as much as possible to understand the future and learn knowledge - not because he wants to be a scientist, but just because he wants to re-understand the world.

The existence of Shiling means that time can be controlled; the existence of the jump engine means that space is different from his past understanding; the existence of original energy means that there is power beyond imagination in consciousness...


Facing this reality, he must accept it and then recognize it as soon as possible.

This is the same for everyone.

Shen Shi shook his head helplessly.

But just when he was about to ignore the questioning post and look at the rest of the information, he suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Because of the popularity of that post, it suddenly started to skyrocket.

The author of the post started a live broadcast called "Fighting Counterfeiting on the Star Sea"!


Shen Shi could tell at a glance that the man in the picture was staying on a yacht, and he was very close to Xinghai Island!

Obviously, this post was carefully prepared.

But why was Shen Shi originally prepared to ignore it?

Because no matter how stubborn you are, you can't stop the torrent of great changes! No matter how reasonable your doubts are, you can't question the reality before you!

This chapter has been completed!
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