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Chapter 86: This is Planet Fortress

After saying this, there was silence among all the people.

If anyone else said this, it could only be regarded as a guess about interstellar navigation.

But when Shen Shi said it, it was the truth.

What's more, there are some contents that they can understand and imagine.

For example, space cabin fever and cosmic prison theory.

Another example is the captain's status on the spaceship.

Some people had boarded Shen Shi's spaceship, and the two aliens they had met had obvious respect for the captain Shen Shi.

Now that I think about it, maybe it was still fear.

If humanity is defeated, even if Shen Shi is willing to take them, or some humans, to leave, what status will these people have on the spaceship?

Will there be conflicts with other aliens? Will they want to fight for more rights? Will there be internal fighting?

The answer lies in everyone's heart.

Some people, such as Curtis, who were originally extremely eager to obtain a "ship ticket" and a guarantee of a way out in the war, were already vaguely afraid of such an outcome.

In Blue Star, their status is high, they are free and enjoy themselves.

But on the spaceship, in this dark and dangerous universe, they were just a group of poor people protected and controlled by Shen Shi.

"Is there no solution to this situation?" Someone finally couldn't help but ask, "Is this the case for more powerful civilizations?"

"That's a good question." Shen Shi looked at the person who spoke.

It's Willard.

This Western League elite, who gave Shen Shi the impression of "shameless", "shameless", and "shrewd", had a somewhat heavy expression on his face at this time.

Obviously, the cruelty and danger of interstellar navigation far exceeded his imagination.

"Science, knowledge, technology, and such terms only exist in intelligent life. In essence, they are all to make life more powerful." Shen Shi's tone changed significantly, "So, another one about the universe

My understanding is that there is a solution to any danger, and being unable to solve it only shows that you are weak."

"Is psychological danger included?" someone asked.

"Of course." Shen Shi responded affirmatively, "We all know that human psychology is extremely fragile. There are a large number of mentally ill patients on Blue Star, and many of them are just because of some ridiculous and simple reasons.

It led to psychological problems, but it also led to the development of psychology, and in the endless sea of ​​stars, similar subjects are far more important than in the Blue Star!"

With these words, the originally dead atmosphere seemed to suddenly become more lively.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, even Blue Star has a field of psychology, and even Blue Star’s ships are equipped with psychiatrists and even related drugs. How could there be no such research in the interstellar world and among those more powerful civilizations?


Even, judging from what Shen Shi said, this kind of crisis should be faced by most civilizations.

Even Curtis was inspired.

But what Shen Shi said next brought their mood down again.

"The problem is that I don't have so many resources to provide to a group of people who are not strong enough in willpower and can even be said to be extremely weak." Shen Shi said.

This made many people's expressions freeze again.

"The subject of will is an important and powerful field in the universe, which also makes the related costs high."

Shen Shi seemed to have not seen their reactions, but continued in an almost cold tone: "So, in the interstellar world, most people actually have only one path, and that is to hone their will and make themselves

The mind becomes strong, but this requires talent and ability. This is easy to understand, isn't it? After you go back, you only need to look up information in related fields and you will understand the psychological quality between people.

How big is the gap? So - if mankind is ultimately defeated, I will take away only the most determined and powerful group of people among mankind. Unfortunately, not all of you meet the requirements."

See you in the picture!

Yes, now, everyone understands the true purpose of Shen Shi's lesson.

Let them understand the common sense of interstellar navigation?

Maybe there is this purpose, but the more purpose is in this passage!

This is some kind of warning!

The man in front of him who held the "ship ticket" did not even intend to give them a chance to use their own methods. He directly cut off some people's desires and desires in an almost cold way.

Curtis's face was already a little gray.

Is his will strong?

Although he wanted to give himself a confident and affirmative answer, unfortunately, the reality told him so clearly that his willpower might not even be as good as that of an ordinary person.

Depression, insomnia, and irritability make it difficult to control your emotions when alone, but you have to suppress yourself in public places.

He has experienced many psychological problems, and for a long time he had to rely on medication to fall asleep.

But if this is the case, if this is the reality

There is no place for him to survive on Shen Shi's spaceship!

There was silence once again.

Everyone was trying hard to digest everything Shen Shi said.

There are also some people who don’t pay much attention to whether they can get a boat ticket.

Such as Todd.

He just raised his head and looked at Shen Shi.

Many doubts in my mind were finally answered.

For example, why is Shen Shi in such a state of indifference.

You can imagine, how could a captain, the absolute ruler of a spaceship, be easily influenced by other people?

If that's the case, I'm afraid I won't be able to take the captain's position at all.

——Those alien crew members would not be so in awe of Shen Shi.

He couldn't help but feel lucky that Liang Xin's reminder was correct.

He casually glanced at Curtis, whose face was still gray and seemed to have been greatly shocked.

Honey trap?

Sure enough, it backfired

Many people have similar thoughts to Todd at this moment, and have a new understanding of the stars and Shenshi. For example, Willard, he is also glad that he is not so reckless, and also understands that when he waits for this "lesson"

"After bringing back the content, I don't know how many people will be extremely disappointed, but they also have to adjust the direction.

Because, for most of them, the escape route they originally hoped for has become elusive.

Shen Shi had a clear view of these people's reactions.

With the help of the original energy battery, he could more easily see the true emotions of these people, almost like mind-reading, so he understood that this small "warning" should have worked.

Of course, he doesn't expect this to suppress everyone's little thoughts, but as long as it has some effect.

In the upcoming interstellar war, Shen Shi was really in no mood to deal with the various methods of these people.

"In this way, the second point of cognition I just mentioned is easy to understand." Shen Shi continued, "For individuals, as long as their will, technology, and equipment are strong enough, they can survive for a long time even in the interstellar space.

survival, but for civilization, newborns with fragile wills can only have the most suitable growth environment on a living planet. The nature of Blue Star is a world that is sufficient for most lives to grow up safely, and it is also a world for human beings.

The best cradle, without it, it will be difficult for most people to survive in the cruel interstellar world, so - this war has no retreat for the entire civilization."

This seems to be a concluding statement.

After saying this, Shen Shi stopped, as if to give them enough time to digest.

to be honest.

For some people who had boarded Shen Shi's spaceship, this lesson was no less shocking than the last one.

Last time, I just felt the power and terror of alien civilization and the weakness of human beings.

But this time, they felt the horror of the universe, and once again felt the weakness of human beings.

Most human beings are like babies living in the cradle of Blue Star. Once they are thrown into this dark and dead universe, you can imagine the result that awaits them.

"Do we really have any hope of winning?" A hoarse and sobbing voice sounded.

It's Tracy.

This princess who shines so brightly on the Blue Star has been sobbing and shaking since she came here. This is the first time she has spoken out, with deep fear.

After this lesson from Shen Shi, let alone the beauty trap, she almost felt like she was suffering from cosmic claustrophobia and was full of fear of where she was.

She wants to return to Blue Star and never come here again.

However, the premise of this wish is that mankind wins the war.

"Then, this class is over." Shen Shi did not answer her words because there was no need to answer. He just raised his voice slightly, "Next, I will briefly introduce the entire defense project and arrange your tasks.

, this will be a battle related to the fate of human civilization, I hope you will give up your meaningless fantasies and extravagant hopes, and do whatever it takes to complete it!"

Perhaps the rising tone had an effect, and many people were slightly shaken, freeing themselves from the fear of the universe they had just experienced.

Some people even clenched their fists subconsciously.

Of course they knew why Shen Shi didn't answer Tracy's words.

Because of this question, Shen Shi had already given the answer last time.

--has hope!

Now it seems that the man who brings hope in front of him already has a project to resist the invaders.

Don’t be afraid that the project will be difficult, but be afraid that there is nothing you can do!

"Mr. Shen, please make arrangements." Todd spoke at this time and expressed his attitude, "We have long understood that in this dangerous universe, the fate of every human being is bound to the fate of the entire civilization. We

There was no retreat from the beginning, and naturally there will be no retreat in the face of hope!"

As a representative of one of the largest forces in the entire human civilization, Todd's words obviously carry a high weight.

Willard was a little annoyed, being one step ahead again, but he also said: "Mr. Tao is right, the word human has a new meaning in this era, we are no longer fighting each other for interests,

Rather, we are fighting for freedom and the right to survival, and for the common destiny of all mankind! I am absolutely certain that this will be the greatest war in human history!"

Although Curtis was in an extremely depressed mood at this time, he still remembered that he represented the Nia Empire and one of the three major forces of mankind.

At this moment, he said briefly and powerfully: "For the sake of all mankind, the Nia Empire will do whatever it takes!"

Yes, including himself, it seems that he has also been bound to the fate of all mankind.

With the speeches of these three people, the rest of the people also expressed their opinions on behalf of their respective forces.

It looks like they are really united and passionate about fighting.

But Shen Shi's expression didn't change much. He just nodded slightly and said: "It seems that we have reached a consensus. Next, I will introduce to you the project that we need to complete within three years - Planet Fortress


This is the first time he has spoken out the official name of the project.

With his open hands, like magic, a shrunken blue star appeared in front of everyone.

It is completely consistent with the real blue star under their feet!

Everyone's eyes were attracted.

Planet Fortress!

Just by hearing this name, you can vaguely imagine what kind of plan this is.

What a huge project it is.

"Because of the importance of living planets, interstellar wars often involve offensive and defensive battles against planets. In this case, turning the entire planet, or even the entire galaxy, into an indestructible war weapon! is the most commonly used method.

A means of defense! This is the meaning of Planet Fortress!" Shen Shi's voice also became powerful.

After passing a class and cutting off some people's illusions about retreat, it will naturally give them more confidence.

At this moment, many people's eyes were indeed slightly bright.

Even Tracy stopped sobbing and stared blankly at the miniature planet formed by consciousness information in front of her.

An indestructible weapon of war!

"In planetary offensive and defensive battles, there are often two very different stages." Shen Shi has supplemented some relevant basic knowledge in the past few days, "One of them is the space war stage.

In the war, the planetary fortress, which is often the defender, has more advantages, because in most cases the enemy can only use the fleet as the main equipment to launch attacks, and in this war mode, their investment in fleet mobility is very important.

There are limitations in the equipment that can be carried, so the defender can often produce greater effects with less investment and less cost."

This of course refers to the case where there is no absolute gap on the technical level.

For example, the extinction of the Wo people civilization.

There was no planetary offensive and defensive war in the conventional sense at all. The Dyke civilization used some kind of powerful raw energy weapon to roughly invade the consciousness of all the Wo people in the entire Wo civilization - the Wo people at that time had no regard for the original energy.

Research is still in its infancy and there is no resistance at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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