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Chapter 95: Build an Interstellar Army

"It's actually like this."

Shen Shi closed his eyes again.

This is undoubtedly good news, and it tells him that there is still hope for everything.

But it was also bad news, telling him that everything was so difficult.

But he has no choice.

[The savior who once brought hope, the founder of Xinghai Company, has disappeared.]

This sentence deeply hurt Shen Shi's heart.

He created the Star Sea, changed the world, took out the planet fortress, and brought hope. But all of this, in the future history of mankind, only this sentence "missing a trace" is left.

So, he understood.

This is a war in which everything is meaningless as long as it fails!

What I once said to others, I now say to myself.

——It’s too early to talk about victory!

Shen Shi once again looked at this brand new information database. There was a lot of information on it. Although some of it required money to purchase, considering the financial resources of the public, there wasn't much of a problem.

First, let’s compare the previous history.

The time of mankind's defeat was pushed back two years. It was previously 2026, and now it is 2028. During this period, the war lasted for two years. However, the records of mankind were destroyed after the defeat.

Only hundreds of years later, when humans defeated the Wo fleet, did they find relevant information about this war from the information records of the Wo fleet.

Shen Shi read the information word for word and read it carefully.

This is a record of the war told from the perspective of the War Fleet.

When they entered the solar system and were still two years away from the blue star at sublight speed, the Wo people discovered that the reconnaissance troops ahead were losing their echo one after another.

They began to collectively slow down and stop moving forward.

Increase the number of reconnaissance troops dispatched.

After that, the reconnaissance forces became more careful. They soon discovered the "black box" released by a certain missing reconnaissance unit before it was destroyed. The black box showed that it was a small warship equipped with advanced weapons, which destroyed these reconnaissance units.


After a special evaluation of this information, it was determined that the small warship possessed Mulder D-class or above warship technology.

It has faster acceleration, is more stealthy, has fierce firepower, and is even equipped with original energy weapons.

This last point made the leader of the Wo fleet highly alert.

The target planet is likely to have been discovered by other civilizations, or it may have developed a D-level or above civilization.

The leader of the Wo people asked for instructions from the space base deployed by the Dyke civilization at the nearest node. Subsequently, the Dyke base used powerful jump technology to send a secret weapon - a curvature oscillation device, which can pass through the space curvature in a special area.

Vibration can completely destroy most existences in that area. If the power is reduced and the range is adjusted, it can even be used to limit the use of curvature engines within a certain range, and even the use of jump engines.

There is analysis in the information database that this device cannot be regarded as a weapon in the Dyke civilization, but is like an adjuster of the node curvature. This also shows that the Dyke base in this node three thousand years ago,

Most likely it is not a military base.

But even the adjuster cannot be blocked by a planet fortress of Blue Star's level.

However, according to the records of the Wo people, the original purpose of sending this device from the Dyke base was not to help the Wo people's civilization defeat humans, but to capture Shen Shi's battleship in order to investigate the origin of this unknown battleship.

They did not find the supply information of this warship at the supply points of dozens of nearby nodes, and suspected that it was an illegal immigrant warship.

So, the War fleet moved forward again.

The war has begun.

Under the influence of the planet fortress, the Wo fleet faced many attacks and traps, and it was not an easy journey. However, they also noticed that the planet fortress was Blue Star's greatest protective force.

So they changed their war strategy and tried their best to escort the curvature oscillation device to Blue Star.

Start the device.

Next, there was the scene recorded in the image.

The sky falls and the blue star falls!

After Shen Shi read all the information, he was silent for a long time.

From his current perspective, there were too many unexpected things in this war.

More than just a secret weapon.

There is also the vigilance of the Wo fleet, the connection between the Wo fleet and the Dyke civilization, the existence of the node base of the Dyke civilization, and the support of the Dyke civilization to the Wo fleet.

Very ironic.

It was obviously the Dyke civilization that destroyed the Wo civilization. However, in his original impression, the War fleet, whose civilization had been destroyed and could only wander forever in the endless sea of ​​stars, was unambiguous when asking for help from the Dyke civilization.


And the response of Daike Civilization was actually so quick.

The two are like masters and servants who trust each other and are close to each other.

This information did not mention what happened to the space battleship, but Shen Shi could roughly guess that apart from the fact that it was used to destroy the reconnaissance troops, it was probably hidden by him as a last resort.

So did he manage to escape?


He took his family and Ai Xin'er and fled far away, just as he had planned at the beginning.

It's just that this future is not the future he wants now!

"This future looks like I have never conducted any other transactions through Shi Ling since then, and I have not even obtained the current information through Shi Ling." Shen Shi looked at the back of his hand again, thinking in his mind.

"What exactly is it? Some kind of speculation about the future? Some parallel world line? But I did change the history of the future world. Forget it, I will observe it later. All I need to know now is not to let it become a problem between me and human beings."

s future!"

Shen Shi has adjusted his mentality again. He knows that it is far from despair yet.

Facing this history, he has been more prepared.

The Space Fleet is one, and more importantly, is this information!

Yes, Shen Shi has already seen another huge trump card brought to him by the future world. This kind of intelligence obtained directly from the enemy's perspective can play an extremely huge role!


He has already seen the shortcomings of the planetary fortress from this "future". As long as the Wo fleet, regardless of sacrifice and cost, can still come to the Blue Star.

After all, the defense on Blue Star should be the strongest defense!

Realized this.

The most urgent task is to form a qualified interstellar force!

He thought for a moment and sent a message directly to Todd and others.

"Come to the island and prepare to start military preparations."

Nowadays, in order to prepare for global war efficiently and uniformly, the world has gradually begun unified actions according to the system of the Human Federation, and has even set up a Blue Star Military Unified Command, a Blue Star Unified Liaison Department, and a Blue Star Unified Commercial Department.

Naturally, there is a lot of friction and a lot of incoordination.

But no one would show such incongruity to Shen Shi.

So Shen Shi's message was sent out, and the liaison officers who had already been prepared, as well as the relevant commanders of military mobilization, began to act efficiently and converged towards Xinghai Island.

Now Xinghai Island has become a center point of human civilization.

Mobilized by all parties, the central base is being built at an incredible speed.

And Shen Shi didn't waste time. After sending this message, he came to Xinghai Island first. In a newly built conference room, he saw a series of people arriving one after another.

Except for the liaison officers such as Todd and Willard, who he was already quite familiar with, most of the other people who came this time had upright postures, and a few were older and had a very distinct military temperament.

They are all commanders with representative status promoted by the global military.

However, after Shen Shi glanced at it roughly, he frowned slightly in his heart.

But nothing was said.

After everyone sat down and looked at him seriously, Shen Shicai slowly spoke: "Without further ado, there are two things that need to be announced. First, I have rented a batch of space battleships."

Just the first words he spoke made everyone look moved.

Fortunately, everyone here was a soldier, so no one made any noise.

But just by looking at their expressions, you can see their inner agitation.

Space battleship!

The arrival of Shen Shi brought mankind to the Starry Sky Era, but it also brought great pain to the people in front of him.

Because the military they were proud of, whether it was the navy, army, or air force, all had no meaning.

In the Starry Sky Era, only the Star Legion can be considered an army!

I thought it would take a long time, but I didn't expect that Mr. Shen has so many magical powers that he can even rent a space battleship?

No matter what the reason is, this is great news for them!

Seeing that everyone gradually calmed down, Shen Shi nodded slightly and continued: "The second thing is, I need to select soldiers of the interstellar legion from the entire human civilization! Cultivate and train them in order to form them in the shortest possible time.

Create a qualified interstellar army!"

This incident made everyone feel moved again.

But still no one spoke.

Until Shen Shi said: "If you have anything to ask, just raise your hand. Although you are all first-class commanders of the Human Federation, in this war, you are still just students, so you need to pay close attention to everything."


This sentence is also true, so next, I raised my hands.

Looks very active.

Shen Shi looked at a Dongguo man sitting on his right-hand side. Mo was about forty years old, with a Chinese character face, a resolute expression and a strong body.

Today's human federation army no longer considers their respective military ranks, but unifies the military rank system. At the same time, there are also ranks one to nine to make the system more concise.

So no one here wears any past military rank.

But Shen Shi guessed that his status in the past was definitely not low.

Looking at the command order on his chest, Shen Shi said: "Commander Lu Jianming."

Lu Jianming stood up with standard movements, his posture was straight, and his voice was loud and clear: "I hope Mr. Shen can introduce the specific requirements for soldiers in interstellar operations."

This is also what many people want to ask.

According to their initial thoughts, even if they were to form an interstellar army, they should select the most powerful soldiers from the army, but Shen Shi said that they would select from the entire human civilization.

If it wasn't said casually, it might mean that the requirements for soldiers in interstellar warfare are different from what they think.

"This is also the focus of what I want to talk about today." Shen Shi nodded and looked at the rest of the people, "Individual soldiers in interstellar wars are still dominated by intelligent life individuals. AI technology and unmanned technology cannot be the main ones.

Combat technology can only be used as an auxiliary technology because there are too many weaknesses and they can be targeted. Therefore, whether it is a space battleship or other interstellar combat devices, including even drone corps, they also need soldiers.

to control or make decisions.”

This is also common sense in interstellar warfare.

The AI ​​technology in the interstellar world has developed to a very advanced level. For example, the AI ​​steward Sebas on his battleship is no different from any intelligent life in terms of conversation or command.

However, there are actually essential differences.

This is also the domain of raw energy technology.

Original energy comes from consciousness. As long as you have self-awareness, you will definitely have original energy. This naturally includes AI that has reached the evaluation of "intelligent life" and human cloning.

However, most of this kind of life is extremely fragile in the field of original energy.

This stems from a vague sense of self.

Even the use of lies, false memories, and false cognitions cannot support this kind of life's exploration of original energy. Only a very small number of individuals have the possibility of creating miracles, but since it is a miracle, it is determined that it is not universal.

sexual value.

Otherwise, ranchers would no longer need to breed and just develop cloning technology.

This is why the Space Legion still has to rely on the Space Marines.

All of a sudden, everyone below picked up their pens and scribbled in their notebooks.

It was obviously well prepared.

They themselves also know very well that regardless of their status, experience, and achievements in the past, these will all be erased in the upcoming interstellar war.

As Shen Shi said, learning and training is the first thing they have to face.

"And the individual strength of an individual is also very different in an interstellar war." Shen Shi continued, "For a powerful person, the threat of one person can even be comparable to that of an entire powerful interstellar fleet!"


Some people looked up suddenly.

With an expression of disbelief.

Some people actually realize that interstellar warfare, or the individual strength of other civilizations, will be very powerful.

After all, among the list of technologies that Shen Shi has come up with now, there is human body modification technology.

Coupled with the almost "superpower" mysterious power that Shen Shi once displayed, it seems to confirm this.


Can one person pose as much of a threat as an entire Starfleet?

This is too exaggerated!

With such strength, wouldn't one person be able to easily conquer a civilization like theirs?

This chapter has been completed!
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