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Chapter 97: Selection of Star Forces

From another perspective.

If all the human beings in the world were masters.

Then the entire civilization can truly unite into a whole.

There is no need to worry about internal chaos happening first in the face of a huge crisis.

This is undoubtedly another level of progress, just like any person in modern society who has received quality education comes to ancient times, and his own vision can make this person surpass most ancient people in ability - three thousand years later

In the future, it seems that it has reached this level. At least Shen Shi has not seen too much information in his information database that is as smoky as the modern network.

The rest of the people looked at Willard and nodded solemnly.

Obviously, they also realize the importance of the original energy field.

Not talking about the entire civilization, just talking about themselves, I am afraid that if they do not have this ability, they will soon lose their current rights and status. After all, who would let a person who can be easily controlled be in a high position?


At this moment, Shen Shi once again looked at Willard, who still maintained a sad expression, as if he was completely immersed in his own consciousness and knew nothing about the outside world.

He didn't ask any more questions, but said calmly: "Get rid of control and let your consciousness return to reality."

The rest of the people were a little stunned.

Command the controlled person to break free from control?

But after saying these words, Willard's expression began to become ferocious, but strangely, apart from his expression, his body parts were still in a relaxed state, his arms naturally drooped, and his hands were naturally clasped.

It’s as if the body and consciousness are separated!

After about a few dozen seconds, Willard's expression suddenly returned to normal. He looked at Shen Shi in front of him with a slightly dazed look in his eyes.

"It took a total of thirty-four points and seventy-eight seconds, a good result. With your talent in consciousness control, you have the potential to become an interstellar commander." Shen Shi said.

"..." Willard immediately came to his senses and responded, "If necessary, I can change my career at any time."

But in fact, he didn't know what happened just now. In his feeling, he was just in a daze.

"Then you need to work hard. Consciousness talent is only one of the mandatory requirements, and there are many other requirements as well." Shen Shi shook his head.

This is not about cultivating immortals. The original talent is very important, but it is not absolute.

An excellent interstellar soldier, or even an interstellar commander, requires other conditions, especially combat command capabilities. Sometimes, differences in the commander's decision-making can even directly determine the outcome of an interstellar war.

Shen Shi looked at the others again and added:

"I just gave a demonstration. The actual process is much simpler. It only requires one picture, and it contains two complete commands from consciousness invasion to commanding to break free. If you break free within sixty seconds, you have reached the minimum requirement.

You can participate in other regular quality assessments."

"A picture." Some people were stunned for a moment, as if it was a bit unbelievable.

"That's right." Shen Shi glanced at the person who spoke, "Pictures, sounds, these are the basic carriers of original energy weapons."


Everyone was silent.

Until one person speaks out the hearts of everyone.

"This is indeed an area where there is no room for shortcomings."

Just imagine, during a space war, someone else would enlarge and project such a picture to the scene. As long as you saw it, you would be dead.

No matter how powerful the device is, it has no meaning.

Of course, this idea is still a sign of insufficient understanding.

Where there is a spear, there will be a shield.

The original energy room on Shen Shi's battleship was prepared for this purpose.

It is both a weapon and armor.

"We still have a lot to learn." Shen Shi looked at these human elites and said slowly, "In the field of original energy, weapons and equipment, and the command experience and ability of interstellar warfare are not enough, even if there are more powerful weapons and equipment in front of us,

It cannot be used, so we must improve our capabilities as soon as possible."

The "we" in Shen Shi's words seemed to represent human beings, but in fact, this also included himself.

Why isn't he like this?

In the "history" of failure that he saw not long ago, there is certainly an influence brought about by the fate of fate, but his lack of ability cannot be denied.

As the top space battleship of the D-class civilization in the Mulder system, the Vogt is certainly an immigrant spaceship, but since it has the word "battleship" in it, it is enough to show that the military technology it carries is more advanced than that of the Vogt fleet.

A new level!

But throughout the war, it seemed that he did not fully utilize the performance of this battleship.

Even when dealing with enemy reconnaissance troops, they left traces to alert the enemy.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it indirectly led to the failure of this war.

Shen Shi has now gritted his teeth and is determined to correct this.

The others also nodded.

The excitement I felt when I first heard about the space battleship has completely faded away.

Instead, there was heavy pressure.

"Go on." Shen Shi said, "Now that we have the space battleship, we have a lot to do. We must speed up. If there is anything else you want to ask or discuss, please put it forward."

Everyone, raise your hands again.

Under heavy pressure, they did not dare to relax at all. It could even be said that they were eager to learn everything about interstellar wars, wishing that they could immediately become a qualified and powerful interstellar commander.

In the end, the meeting lasted for a whole day.

It mainly revolves around screening space soldiers.

The final decision was to start from the military camp, giving priority to active-duty soldiers, and then gradually expand to civilians, with the rest serving as reserves. In short, it is necessary to select the best soldiers for training and training in the shortest possible time.

Maximize the role of the space battleship that Shen Shi will bring!

After the meeting ended, everyone rested on Xinghai Island for the time being.

They still have many things to discuss in detail in the follow-up.

As for Shen Shi, he was floating alone under the night sky, looking at the mysterious and vast sea of ​​stars in the sky, and trying his best to adjust his emotions.

On the mobile phone in his hand, a beautiful piano music was wrapping him up.

This was a gift Ai Xin'er gave him two days ago.

The name of the piano music is "Ai Xin'er's Gift".

The whole piano music is based on majestic and majestic music, but it is blended with delicate and graceful emotions at the turning points. Shen Shi doesn't know much about music, but he can still hear Ai Xin'er's wishes from this piano music.


That is the happiness in the great era, the tenderness behind the heroic ambitions.

Shen Shi liked this gift very much.

Because what it tells and conveys is also his wish.

What he wanted has always been simple.

A magnificent legendary career, a happy and wonderful life.

"Even fate can't stop me from getting all this." Shen Shi's low murmur drifted in the wind surrounded by music and could not be dispersed for a long time.

Then, his figure rose from the ground and flew towards the spacecraft again.

The learning device has not arrived yet, but there is a new information database in the spacecraft, which also contains a lot of new knowledge.

Especially, he had to find out all the information about the future war and then remember it verbatim.

Time flies by while studying hard.

One day later, Gongchu sent the first batch of materials, including some light industries, construction-related industries, and a complete production line from raw material processing to final products.

After he knew that Shen Shi planned to support the indigenous people on that living planet, he also specially designed these production lines.

So that those natives, with a little training, can complete the production of all production lines.

And Shen Shi handed all these over to Wen Hezhi and asked him to arrange production as soon as possible.

These light industrial products will become the cornerstone of mankind's new order. At the same time, they will inspire and mobilize the general public to learn new knowledge and accelerate their investment in the construction of space cities.

But Shen Shi didn't care about the specific situation of this part.

He only looks at the results.

At this moment, Shen Shi was more focused on military preparations.

On the third day, Gongchu finally sent the first batch of learning devices. The production line of this device was more complicated and could only be produced in the future world. Then it was sent in large batches, and the number of this batch was not large.

, is only used for experiments and awaits subsequent adjustments.

On the same day, the Human Federation finalized all details of the Star Soldier screening plan.

While most ordinary people are reveling in the new era, many people are beginning to carry the new era on their shoulders.

On the border of the Eastern Kingdom, in a forest, a carefully planned siege battle was underway.

Two heavily armed soldiers were lying on a high ground with a clear view. Even in this hot weather, which was like a furnace, they still wore full camouflage and remained motionless.

Because this is a sniper spot.

"Attention Group B, an enemy truck is entering your sniper range. Approval to attack."

The voice of the command center came from the communicator.

"Group B received it." Crouching non-stop for three consecutive days made the observer's voice extremely hoarse.

Together with the sniper, both of them had chapped lips, bloodshot eyes, and their faces were covered with tiny particles of dried sweat.

But after hearing that the target had appeared, they were not at all happy.

He was so calm that he seemed not to be a living person at all, but a machine.

"Old Chen, I saw the target." Observer Liao Ding held a telescope and a truck appeared in his sight. "There are three people, a driver, a co-pilot, and one sitting on the carriage, controlling a truck with ammunition.

Chain of heavy machine guns.”

"Give me the coordinates." Chen Feng, a sniper, also had a hoarse voice.

Liao Ding looked at the terrain map he had drawn in advance and quickly reported a series of parameters.

"Eight hundred and seventy yards, approaching, three-quarters wind, two minutes ahead of target, 900 yards, constant wind, unobstructed view."

"Understood, I'm locked." Chen Feng's tone was calm, with obvious confidence.


After a dull gunshot, you could clearly see through the telescope that the head of the criminal sitting on the carriage exploded with a cloud of blood mist and exploded.


There was another gunshot, and blood exploded from the driver's seat again. The truck spun and crashed into a ravine on the side of the road. The man in the passenger seat fled in terror, but then there was another gunshot.

"Report to the headquarters, all three were shot dead, hit in the head, confirmed dead." Liao Ding reported.

"The headquarters has received it and is preparing to transfer."

After receiving the instructions from the headquarters, Liao Ding also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you hear that? Old Chen, please move." He maintained his disguise, moved his body little by little while maintaining observation, and whispered at the same time, "I don't know what kind of crazy these criminals are going on recently, the human lifespan is...

Wouldn't it be nice to live if we could double our life?"

Since the emergence of Xinghai Company, international criminal organizations on the border have suddenly become active, and various actions have taken place one after another.

This is already the fourth special operation conducted by their Xuefeng Special Forces Team during this period of time.

"Perhaps, this is the final madness." Chen Feng was also moving his body, backing up while vigilant, with a dull tone, "These people probably also realized that the difficulty and cost of crime will be different from the past, so they thought

Make a few bucks at the end.”

"Tsk, do we think we are just living for a living?" Liao Ding seemed to have thought of something and said expectantly, "I don't know if Xinghai Company will provide military equipment. There should be. Maybe we will be much more relaxed in the future.

It's hard to say that just training in the use of new equipment can kill people. I finally became proficient in the use of these equipments. The equipment of Xinghai Company is alien. Tsk, if it falls into the hands of criminals, it will be troublesome enough.


After the mission was completed, Liao Ding became obviously more talkative.

Chen Feng, on the other hand, remained silent.

As one of the ace snipers of the East Kingdom, he has enough confidence to face all changes.

At this moment, new instructions suddenly came from the headquarters.

"All members of the Yukikaze Special Forces, return to the main base immediately. Repeat, all members of the Yukikaze Special Forces, return to the main base immediately!"

"Return to the main base?" Liao Ding and Chen Feng were both stunned.

Their main base is not at the border, but somewhere further away. Why do they need to return to the main base in such a fierce battle?

They already had a vague guess as to what might have happened.

And when they arrived at the meeting place, they were even more sure of this, because there were several military helicopters parked here.

Don't think that all special operations forces travel by helicopter. This type of armed helicopters will only be dispatched during emergency missions.

It can't be that the main base has been breached.

Everyone, including Chen Feng, was a little surprised, but no one said anything. They boarded the plane in an orderly manner and arrived directly at one of the general bases of Xuefeng Special Operations Forces in the shortest possible time.

When they arrived here, they discovered that Xuefeng was not the only one who came back!

"Dragon Tooth, Sweat Blood, and the special operations troops trained by Red Wolf from here have all been recalled." Chen Feng looked serious, "What happened?"

This chapter has been completed!
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