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0055,He is your uncle

Defeat me with one move?

Mizutani Hikaru sneered.

"I admit that your footwork is indeed very powerful, but if you want to defeat me just by relying on footwork, that is simply a fool's errand. I will let you know..."

The words have not yet fallen.

Li Xiaofei's figure moved.

This time, faster.

More elegant.

Even more impossible to capture.

Like a gust of wind.

Like a cloud.

When you feel the coolness of the wind.

When you face the mist of clouds.

You are already in it and cannot extricate yourself.

The straight knife in Shui Guguang's hand moved slightly.

The next moment.

One finger slit her throat.


Mizutani Guang froze.

Her expression was shocked and confused.


The straight knife in his hand fell to the ground helplessly.

At this scene, the huge stadium suddenly fell silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

Every audience member tried their best to open their eyes wide.

They had vaguely anticipated something.

But it was because of the huge pressure brought by Mizutani Hikaru before that they were a little bit hesitant to believe it.

I am afraid that if I am happy too early, something will happen again.

"You...who...are you?"

Mizutani Hikaru's figure has begun to become illusory and blurry.

Li Xiaofei blew his middle finger coolly.

"I am...your uncle."

He said calmly.

Sui Guguang's eyes suddenly burst into anger.

Daxia people are rude.

But in the next moment, her figure uncontrollably turned into a stream of data and dissipated in place.


It was still deathly silent.

It seems like a century has passed.


The entire live broadcast room instantly erupted like a volcano.

In the stands, one hundred thousand spectators stood up from their seats with joy.

The audience, who did not know each other, hugged each other affectionately.

Some men and women who met each other's eyes even started exchanging saliva with each other.

Screams, roars, roars...

Various sounds are mixed together.

Like a torrent flowing through the canyon.

It's like an erupting fire breaking through the earth's crust.

In the end, it all turned into meaningless but represented one word of emotion, starting from the live broadcast room, radiating towards the entire Liuhe base city optical network.

This word is——


After a few minutes of excitement, the audience discovered another thing.

The mysterious genius in black and silver cicada has left.

The cheers gradually died down.

Everyone in the stands, look at me and I look at you.

Unexpectedly, he was not able to find out the identity of the hero.

Being able to pass the default review of the optical network system and launch a challenge in this live broadcast room means that this person must be a member of the high school community in Liuhe Base City and a college participating in this high school God of War League.

But who exactly?

No clues at all.


It's not like there are no clues at all.

"He...you...your uncle."

In the stands, a smart guy suddenly reacted and said loudly.

The bearded man next to him was unhappy: "Your uncle... why are you scolding people?"

"No, I mean, he is your uncle, your uncle."

The person who spoke first explained with a blushing face.

Someone next to me reacted, slapped my thigh and said, "Yes, yes, yes, it's your uncle, it's really your uncle."

"Ah, yes, that's your uncle."

"It's really your uncle."

"I didn't expect it to be your uncle."

The people around him also reacted and blurted out excitedly.


Is this person really my uncle?

"Shocked, the man in black actually did this to the beautiful girl in the ring.


"Your uncle shows up."

"Your uncle, who has seen the dragon but never seen its tail, finally showed his true face in Lushan."

"we won."

"The Jie Peng people are arrogant and domineering, but your uncle is here to turn the tide."

"Your uncle will always be your uncle."

One after another eye-catching news and posts spread crazily in major optical network forums.

One of the posts titled "Your uncle, our hero" was the most popular.

The author of this video is called Langli Xiaobailong.

He is also a professional video producer and a new anchor.

He first edited the scene of Mizutani Hikaru winning all 21 battles in the live broadcast room and ravaging Daxia high school students. The soundtrack was low, exuding a depressed and aggrieved mood.

"There is no one in Daxia."

"The ancient martial arts of Daxia are vulnerable to a single blow."

"The Sick Man of Great Xia."

The video of Mizutani Hikaru saying these words condescendingly was edited and played with emphasis, and every word was like a sharp cold knife that was pierced into the hearts of the viewers.

Emotions were aroused.

The next moment, your uncle appeared.

"Bactria is a country of etiquette."

"You are a guest. I will give you three moves."

"Watch me kill you with one move."

The exciting lines are enough to be provocative.

In addition, at the last moment, your uncle's graceful figure is as graceful as a swimming dragon, and the cool and unrestrained movement of his finger pointing at Shaishui Guguang's throat in absolute slow motion, the emotions of everyone here in the video channel have been completely ignited.

What is a hero?

This is.

A sudden appearance turned the tide.

Everyone who saw this video was ignited with passion in their hearts and wanted to look up to the sky and scream.

In the concluding remarks of the video, Langli Xiaobailong said this in a soothing and calm tone.

He said--

"I don't know your uncle's true identity."

"I have never had any contact with him."
> "I had suspected him of cheating in the trial scene before..."

"Even I was like some arrogant high school students, secretly envious and jealous of your uncle's achievements in the ladder rankings, and maliciously hoped that he would fall from the top soon and disappear into oblivion."

"But after this battle, I became his supporter."

"It's not because of his great strength."

"It's not because of the overwhelming praise."

"It's because as a genius, when the high school community in Liuhe Base City needed him most, he stepped forward without hesitation."

"Finally, I would like to extend applause and respect to Zhang Chao, Long Yuxin and other 21 classmates."

"There will always be a distinction between superior and inferior in a battle in the arena, but what is not superior is the fighting spirit of a warrior and the courage to defend the honor of the nation."

"I have no doubt that one day, if the city wall is broken and the star beasts invade, they will transform into the bravest warriors and fight to the death to protect the city!"

"Salute to the warrior!"

This passage is plain yet passionate, and has a shocking power.

This video went viral and eventually went viral.

Major forums, video websites, and even official TV stations have all reprinted it.

At the end, many big anchors also played the complete video during the live broadcast, expressing their respect to you, the twenty-one contestants, and the producer of the video, Langli Xiaobailong.

It is also because of this video that public opinion's evaluation of the losers such as Bronze Arhat Zhang Chao and Long Yuxin has also changed rapidly. From the beginning, they felt that they lost everyone to Mizugu Guang, and now everyone is praising them for facing

The courage to stand up against a strong enemy.

This change made the parties involved, Zhang Chao, Long Yuxin and others a little confused.

I thought I would be the target of verbal criticism.

Unexpectedly, he has now transformed into a warrior praised by everyone.

This strengthened their bravery.

Of course, what everyone wants to know most nowadays is——

Who is your uncle’s true identity?

Third update.

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