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 In Hua Qinglian's life, there was once a man who was very important.

That's his brother.


They came from the same sect, practiced together, traveled around the world together, joined the government together, made common aspirations when they were young, completed them together as adults, fought side by side on the battlefield time and time again, and trusted each other with their backs...

They once shared the same bed and slept together.

Music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and wine.

Even the hobbies are the same.

They were all extremely talented and brilliant, and were called the Twins of Great Xia, shining for an era.

It is difficult to find a close friend in life.

Hua Qinglian feels that she is lucky enough to have such a friend since she was a child. She knows and supports each other and will defend Daxia until death.

The two of them cooperated seamlessly.

Kill the star beast and defeat the thieves.


Hua Qinglian, who stood in the light, moved step by step to the highest level of light and became one of the great leaders of Daxia.

But standing in the dark, he has never appeared in the spotlight, and has only appeared in public opinion zero times.

He said, "Little Hua'er, I am your shadow."

He said, "If only one person can enjoy Xia Min's cheers, then I hope that person is you."

He said, "There must always be someone carrying the burden forward in the darkness."

He said, "Being the commander-in-chief is very boring. I have no interest at all. I have to be a hands-off shopkeeper, but if you need me, I will be here at any time."

He said……

He said many things.

All have been fulfilled.

He is always a man of his word.

Until he went to Yi Gesi to perform a secret mission, he never came back and completely disappeared from this world.

He never stepped on it again

The beloved territory of Daxia.

It will no longer be like a shadow that will always be by Hua Qinglian's side.

In order to find him, as the supreme commander, Hua Qinglian violated her principles twice and sneaked into the United States of Igos alone to investigate for clues, but found nothing.

As a result, a secret document named "Dark Glory 1" has since been sealed in the top-secret filing cabinet No. 1 of the Daxia National Archives, which is at the same level as all previous great commanders.

His name is Xie Yuxiao.

Hua Qinglian's best friend in life.

But now, this one should be dead
A man who had lived for hundreds of years appeared in this strange space.

Xie Yuxiao, who was supposed to be old, was now as young as the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning.

What made Hua Qinglian's heart ache the most was that Xie Yuxiao was wearing the moon-white uniform of the Eden God Warrior.

He comes from the Garden of Eden.

"Little flower."

Xie Yuxiao smiled, slowly approached, and said, "Long time no see."

Hua Qinglian's breathing was trembling slightly.

This man, who had already stood at the pinnacle of power and martial arts in one of the largest countries on earth, had a rare hint of weakness and sadness in his eyes.

"Why is that you?"

Hua Qinglian's voice was as light as a fragile cloud.

Painful and confused.

Xie Yuxiao tilted his head, smiled, and said, "Why do you seem very unhappy when you see me alive?"

"If I can, I am willing to use my own life and everything I have in exchange for your resurrection, but it is a pity that the you in front of me is not you."

The veins on Hua Qinglian's forehead were slightly raised.

As strong as he was, it seemed like he had spent his whole life trying to get rid of the eruption in his heart that was like the eruption of the Mauna Loa volcano.

Emotional suppression.

"Little Hua'er, why should you deceive yourself? You should be able to feel that I am still me, without any changes."

Xie Yuxiao stepped closer again and said, "Do you remember what I have done for you? Come on, we will always be like-minded partners, the closest comrades-in-arms. This time, you also believe in me, give up resistance, and truly appreciate the world outside the world."

The scenery, and its everlasting beauty that shines through the ages.”

Hua Qinglian shook her head.

He didn't know whether, after more than five hundred years of struggle, fate had really become impatient and began to tilt against humanity.

When a teleportation array appears in the city that ignores barriers, and when I can be instantly trapped within this barrier formation...

When this power that surpasses earth civilization comes violently, perhaps Daxia's fate may have been doomed.

But he still wanted to try one last time.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu."

Hua Qinglian sacrificed her most powerful spiritual treasure ‘Nine Spirits Lotus Lantern’ without hesitation.

The flying lotus petals turned into nine deadly paths

The stream of light shoots out.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu."

"If it were at any other time, even if I knew that you in front of me were just a resurrected body that had lost its soul, I would have listened to every word you said tenderly and would have been willing to have a good talk with you.

Talk as if the figure standing in the shadow has never left."

"But now, it can't be done."

"Daxia is already in danger."

"The last bloodline of the dragon's descendants is on the verge of extinction."

"That was the real you that you once regarded as something more important than your own life."

"I don't dare to waste a minute or a second."


Therefore, I will try my best."

There were tears in the corners of Hua Qinglian's eyes, and there was killing intent in her eyes.

The tears are so hot.

The killing intent is so intense.

"Little coconut?"

Li Donglou looked at the girl standing on the white beach of the isolated island in front of him, and the shock in his eyes could not dissipate for a long time.

When a beam of light falls.

While he was fighting desperately on the battlefield, he was transported to this inexplicable desert island, surrounded by sea water, seagulls, shells and beaches.

And standing opposite him was the girl named Ye Zhichen.

Lovers who stayed together until death.

In the past 41,245 days and nights, the regret of being unable to love and being unable to bear the weight of life has come to mind countless times.

She is dead.

He died in a battle to counterattack the landing of an ocean star beast. His body was torn apart by a level seven beast king octopus with its tentacles and his head was devoured...

"Brother Donglou."

The dead girl was wearing a blue split bikini, smiling and waving.

Her medium-long, straight black hair hangs down her shoulders and floats in the sea breeze. Her bright and charming eyes are shining like gold, and her fair skin is slightly red under the direct sunlight.

She stood there smiling quietly, as fascinating as a world-famous painting.

Li Donglou trembled all over.

Everyone has their most cherished person.

She is his only one.

Even the high-ranking commander-in-chief has come step by step from a young and immature boy.

Taste the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the world, sip
After enduring all the love and hatred in the world of mortals, he now looks aloof and devoid of joy and sorrow.

"I heard that the Garden of Eden conducted an evil experiment to kill the strongest men who died in the war between humans and beasts.

Excellent gene replication clones are used to cultivate warriors who ignore life and death and have no weaknesses."

"Or directly resurrect them with evil magic, so that the dead heroes forget their past glory, succumb to the temptation of eternal life, and become evil accomplices..."

"So, Little Coconut, they resurrected you too, right?"

As Li Donglou spoke, he slowly approached the girl with an obsessed look on his face.

"If this is a dream, I hope it never wakes up again."

He dropped all his defenses, opened his arms, and walked towards the girl.

"Brother Donglou."

Ye Zhichen responded enthusiastically.

Li Donglou hugged the girl with his arms and burst into tears instantly.

Real, warm and fragrant.

Memories of the past surged out, trying to drown him.

"I have to thank Eden."

Li Donglou deeply smelled the fragrance of the girl's hair, "Otherwise, I may never see such a real you again until I die!"

"Brother Donglou...eh?"

The smile on Ye Zhichen's face quickly faded, revealing a hint of shock.

Li Donglou's arms were so strong that they broke her arms and spine in an instant.

"sorry Sorry."

Li Donglou cried loudly, but his strength became stronger and stronger.

His whole body burned with bright flames, completely wrapping himself and the girl in his arms.

For Daxia.

Outside Xia Jing City.

Among the endless packs of star beasts.

A smile appeared on the angel's face.

The so-called Galactic Holy War is just his delaying strategy.

Reinforcements have now arrived.

Just attack the city.

No more holy wars.

The only thing he's worried about is...

The direction his eyes were looking at was the direction of the cemetery on the back hill of White Deer College.

This time, I was forced to do this

, will those monsters show up to stop it?

It would be great if they showed up.

This chapter has been completed!
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