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0875, Chief Priest Qin

That is Sikong Xue's face.

The face is gentle and slightly smiling.

It was as if he was looking at Li Xiaofei with a smile across the well.

Everything is so peaceful.

But Li Xiaofei always felt that there was something wrong with Sikong Xue's face.

For a moment, he couldn't speak.

He took a step back.

Left the wellhead. ??

After regaining consciousness for a while, he probed his head again and looked into the mouth of the well.

When I saw this, I was shocked again.

Because the faces reflected in the well water have changed again.

Still not Li Xiaofei.

But another person.

Tan Qingying.

The eldest lady had bright eyes, obvious dimples, and a charming smile. She looked at Li Xiaofei across the well mouth, as if she wanted to say something.

Li Xiaofei frowned.

There is something wrong with this well.

So he took another step back.

Then he stepped forward and looked into the mouth of the well.

As expected, the faces reflected on the mirror-like water surface changed again this time.

Became Principal Hu.

A beautiful vixen from the nine-tailed sky fox clan.

"Could it be that what is reflected in the mouth of this well is only a woman, and a woman who is related to me?"

Li Xiaofei had calmed down by now.

He thought for a moment and flicked his finger at the well water.


A finger of wind shot out.

Broken the reflection on the water.

The well water seemed like swaying broken silver, creating layers of circles.

Then the roaring sound of the waves became louder, coming from the mouth of the well like thunder, rippling in all directions.

When the well water returned to calm, the water surface, like a round mirror, could no longer reflect anyone's face.

Even Li Xiaofei's face couldn't be reflected.

This well is so weird.

Li Xiaofei stood by the well, looking hesitant.

He holds the Jade of Time in his hand.

This was given to him by Lord Jin when they parted before.

Only by breaking the formation with this object can you enter the doubt formation to find the Sword Immortal Lin Beichen.

Activate the Jade of Time according to the method.

Sure enough, the prison dragon stone pillars around the wellhead began to shimmer.

The chains in their mouths began to vibrate violently.

Bang bang bang.

Amidst the loud noise, the black chain broke.

At this moment, the Dragon Prison Pillar suddenly cracked and turned into rubble, ending its historical mission.

The ground was shaken for a while.

A jet of water spurted out from the well mouth.

That's black water.

It doesn't contain much energy.

The water column exploded.

It turned into pieces of water mist and spread towards the surroundings.

As the water mist dispersed, the surrounding gray-black mist seemed to become lighter.

Li Xiaofei's ears twitched.,

He turned back suddenly.

Pupils shrink suddenly.

I saw white bones and skeletons coming quickly from the deep and thick gray-black funeral aura in the distance. The agitation of the funeral aura was like rolling waves, and in the blink of an eye they were two hundred meters away from the wellhead.

The white bones and the black eye sockets were shining with blue flames.

They stood there silently, looking towards Li Xiaofei.

Indescribable pressure suddenly hit us like an overwhelming mountain.

For a moment, Li Xiaofei felt like his breathing would stop.

"These skeletons that were originally lying sleeping in the sea of ​​burial turned into undead warriors. Are they alive?"

This made Li Xiaofei extremely surprised.

He is not a timid person.

But it still felt a bit scary at this time.

Fortunately, these white skeletons seem to only appear within the gray-black mist and cannot escape from it.

Just like a fish cannot live without water.

So they just stood there, not approaching.

Li Xiaofei turned back and looked towards the well.

Calm has returned inside.

There is no messy reflection anymore.

But the surging sea life also disappeared in this moment.

Li Xiaofei suddenly waved to the army of skeleton warriors in the distance, "Bye bye."



He turned around and jumped directly into the well.

The well water is cold.

But for Li Xiaofei, it did not pose the slightest threat.

He sank rapidly in the water.

The surrounding well walls can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

The rough black rock has no trace of artificial carving.

There seems to be nothing special about the well water here. With Li Xiaofei's eyesight, he can see everything around him clearly.

It sank about 250 meters.

A transparent water barrier appeared.

Pass through the barrier.

Li Xiaofei fell to the ground.

This is an underwater space.

Look around.

What you see is a flat rocky land.

Unlike the black well walls, the rocky ground here is light yellow.

With a hint of warmth.

The well water above is isolated by a barrier, so the ground is quite dry.

There is oxygen in the air.

Even ordinary people can breathe freely here.

Li Xiaofei walked forward along the light yellow ground.

Go forward a thousand meters.

Encountered a coral jungle.

It's strange to say that there is obviously no water here, and the water that is there is only well water, but this piece of sea coral grows very luxuriantly, shining with colorful lights, illuminating the entire space in a mysterious and dreamy way.

Li Xiaofei walked in and observed carefully.

"These corals contain the energy needed for cultivation."

A look of surprise appeared on his face.

Just like the jade leaves of the Green Continent, these corals can be used for human cultivation.

And the energy contained in it is more pure.

Corals of different colors contain different energies.

Metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

The basic five elements energy is fully present.

"Isn't it specially cultivated by someone?"

Li Xiaofei looked at this large coral forest and suddenly felt that they were not naturally generated.

It is cultivated artificially.

There should be someone here.

Could it be that Sword Immortal Lin Beichen is really here?

The more Li Xiaofei thought about it, the more he thought it was possible.

He was a little excited.

As a human race, what an honor it is to be able to meet one of the legendary five immortal emperors?

He didn't touch the corals.

Instead, move forward faster.

Suddenly, a bell sounded from ahead.


Long and solemn.

Li Xiaofei looked up.

But he saw a towering temple appearing in the distance.

He was shocked.

This is the first time among all the doubt formations that I have seen such a magnificent building. Before, there were only stone wall caves and sword jungles on the top of the mountain.

Since there is a palace here, it is definitely different from before.

The key is that Li Xiaofei felt that there was an extremely powerful aura sitting in the palace.

That is the breath of the living.

There must be someone alive.

call out.

His figure broke through the air and arrived in an instant.

When looking carefully.

But they saw another more lush coral forest, forming the outer wall of the palace, surrounding a palace complex.

The ground is paved forward with colorful shells, shining brightly.

A dragon-shaped arch.

There are still four ancient characters faintly visible on it——

Jinghai Dragon Palace.

Is this the Dragon Palace?

Li Xiaofei was slightly surprised.

It's not the same as I thought before.

Pass through the dragon-shaped arch and enter the coral wall.

The surroundings are extremely luxurious, with rock sculptures of various marine creatures, all made of precious gems and crystals, shining with an alluring brilliance.

Gold and silver have become commonplace here.

This place is exactly the same as the Dragon Palace in Li Xiaofei's imagination.

He kept walking forward.

You can see the Dragon Palace in the distance.

The colorful avenue of shells leads all the way to the palace.

But as they walked, Li Xiaofei's face showed doubts.

Because the surrounding marine life sculptures began to collapse and be damaged, their preservation integrity was actually far inferior to those on the periphery.

The huge statue tens of meters high hit the ground and its head was broken.

There are signs of fighting around.

Everything within a kilometer radius was destroyed.

Li Xiaofei's nose twitched.

He felt a hint of the Reaper's breath.

That is definitely the residual energy fluctuation left by the ultra-high-level reapers.

The other breath is filled with holiness and holiness.

"There are people with great supernatural powers fighting super high-level reapers here."

Li Xiaofei made a judgment.

This made him wary.

Didn't it mean that even if the reapers gave up the Blade Ruins, they would not be able to enter the Burial Sea?

The blood-drinking sword was activated.

The protective heart also jumped between Li Xiaofei's palms.

Going further, he saw a huge, gorgeous palace thousands of meters high - but it had collapsed.

Li Xiaofei stood in front of the broken rocks of the palace, as small as an ant.

Even though this palace is dilapidated, it still cannot conceal its original magnificence.

The architectural style is obviously filled with the preferences of the dragon clan.

Colorful shells, crystals, corals, and other precious seabed minerals, etc., are inlaid together in a rather artistic way to form the outer walls of the palace.

The color is bright and beautiful.

It's a pity that it has been destroyed by the battle.

Li Xiaofei jumped over the giant rock more than ten meters high and walked towards the depths of the hall.

The sound of the bell just now came from the main hall.

Various treasures are scattered on the floor of the hall.

The big night pearl shines with light color.

Various colorful treasures can be seen everywhere like dirt.

There are also some broken weapons.


Li Xiaofei's eyes suddenly condensed.

After passing a huge pile of rocks, I saw the flat ground of the hall.

There are a bunch of graves there.

There are about a thousand graves.

There is also a monument erected in front of the first grave.

Li Xiaofei quickly came closer.

"The Tomb of the Jinghai Dragon Clan."

He read out the words on the inscription and his heart moved.

I saw the dragon-shaped arch on the outside with the words "Jinghai Dragon Palace" written on it.

It shows that there was indeed a sea here.

And there are also dragons in the sea.

Jinghai Dragon Clan.

Judging from the size of this palace, the Jinghai Dragon Clan was definitely an extremely powerful race, at least a quasi-emperor-level force.

But now, it has become history.

In the tomb of the Jinghai Dragon Clan, the entire Jinghai Dragon Clan should be buried.

But, who built this tomb and who erected this tombstone?

Li Xiaofei's heart was filled with curiosity.

He felt that the answer should lie ahead.

He kept flying and jumping over huge pieces of gravel.

The collapsed dome pillars are like hills.

The falling dome looks like a huge rock.

Keep going forward.

Traces of the battle can be seen everywhere.

"It's the breath of the super reaper again."

"Moreover, there is more than one super reaper."

"It seems that the original Jinghai Dragon Clan was probably destroyed by the Reapers."

"Generally speaking, after a reaper kills an enemy, he will hand it over to members of the Brutalists to devour it, thereby absorbing the evolutionary advantages of the opponent's DNA and turning it into his own evolutionary power."

"But in this battle, the Jinghai Dragon Clan still has graveyards and tombstones, which shows that these super-level reapers did not completely gain the upper hand and were defeated in the end."

Li Xiaofei's brain quickly analyzed the information.


The bell rang again.

Solemn and sacred.

It seems like praying for the dead of the Jinghai Dragon Clan.

Li Xiaofei flew directly at low altitude.

The space inside the Dragon Palace is extremely huge.

The depth is even more amazing.

After a while, Li Xiaofei arrived at the center of the hall.

This is a wide 'square' several kilometers in diameter.

The four thousand-meter-high dome pillars are like sharp swords piercing the sky.

Li Xiaofei was in a state of shock.

Because he saw four ferocious beasts hanging on these four dome pillars.

It's the reaper.

And he is a super high-level reaper.

The shapes of the two ends are quite familiar to Li Xiaofei.

She is the mother of all animals.

Even though they have been dead for countless years, the bodies of these two mothers of animals still seem to be alive.

The other two reapers are smaller.

One of them has the head of a lizard with a human body.

A man with a human body and the head of a rat.

They are all wearing armor.

It should be a super-high-level reaper of the wisdom sect.

Li Xiaofei's eyelids twitched wildly.

The two-headed super-high-level beasts, the two-headed super-high-level intellectuals.

Such a lineup of reapers, placed anywhere in the universe, would be enough to sweep invincible.

But he actually fell here.

Who killed them?

Sword Fairy Lin Beichen?

Li Xiaofei looked past the four huge 'punishment pillars' and toward the center of the square.

There, there is a temple.

Yes, a temple built within the Dragon Palace.

Because the Jinghai Dragon Palace is too large, the height of the temple is only about ten meters. It is as small as a building block toy that a child builds when playing house.

White palace wall.

Square shape.

There is a serious and peaceful atmosphere exuding.

Li Xiaofei's figure moved.

The next moment, he teleported to the main hall.

"It's this breath..."

A strange color appeared on Li Xiaofei's face.

Around the main hall, there is a sacred and holy atmosphere.

It was exactly the same as the aura of the mysterious strong man he felt on the distant battlefield before.

Li Xiaofei stood at the door of the main hall.

Observe carefully.

There are a lot of elements about swords here.

Sword pattern.

Sword shaped statue.

There are also portraits of various characters dancing swords.


Sword Fairy Lin Beichen.

This must be the residence built by Lin Beichen.

Li Xiaofei was even more certain.

He stood at the door of the main hall, cupped his hands and clasped his fists, and said, "Li Xiaofei, a junior from the human race, would like to see my senior."

The sound echoed in the hall.

There was silence in response to him.

Li Xiaofei was about to ask again.

Suddenly a voice floated out from inside.

"come in."

It is human language.

But unlike what Li Xiaofei imagined, it was a female voice.

The voice was majestic and cold.

People can immediately think of the image of a noble and glamorous goddess.

Li Xiaofei took a deep breath and then entered slowly.

It was quite cold in the main hall.

The white palace walls emit soft light.

Unlike the luxurious and magnificent Dragon Palace, this temple reveals a simple and simple style both inside and outside.

The main hall is not deep either.

There are no statues of gods enshrined inside.


In the center of the hall, there is a figure.

She sat cross-legged.

Wearing a moon-white dress, she exudes a holy atmosphere.

Lower your head slightly.

Thick and shiny black long hair pours down from the temples and shoulders like a waterfall, and every hair strand seems to be shining with light.

Although he couldn't see the face clearly, Li Xiaofei was immediately sure that she was a holy, flawless and beautiful goddess.

Unparalleled youthfulness.

Unparalleled in the world.

For someone as narcissistic as Li Xiaofei, he couldn't help but feel ashamed of himself without seeing her face clearly.


Li Xiaofei saluted respectfully.

In the next moment, an overwhelming divine power swept up Li Xiaofei's entire body.

This kind of power has no oppressive and murderous spirit.

He just surrounded Li Xiaofei, as if he was surveying and inspecting something.

After a while.

The goddess slowly raised her head.

What a peerlessly beautiful face that is.

Along the way, Li Xiaofei had many confidantes around him.

Pure like Tan Qingying, charming like Principal Hu, and cold and charming like Sikong Xue, these women each have their own characteristics, and they are all stunning beauties that are unique among thousands.

However, compared to the goddess in front of her, she was much inferior.

The face in front of me has a stunning appearance, beautiful facial features, and crystal-clear skin. There are no flaws at all. It also has a noble and holy temperament, which makes the whole person seem as if it should not belong to the earthly world, but should belong to the fairy world.

The boundary is general.

She sits here quietly.

Even if a speck of dust falls on her, it is the sin of this world.

But Li Xiaofei couldn't bear any blasphemy.

There is only respect in my heart.

"You descendant of the human race, where did you come from?"

The goddess spoke.

Her voice became softer, like a gentle sister.

The sacred aura rippled in the hall.

"This junior is here to look for senior Sword Immortal Lin Beichen."

Li Xiaofei explained his origin and purpose, and said, "There are still a few companions waiting outside the sea of ​​burial. May I ask who the senior is? Why are he here?"

He was still wary in his heart.

I am afraid that the perfect and unreal goddess in front of me will transform into a super high-level reaper.

"Are you looking for Brother Chen?"

A smile appeared on the goddess's face, and she said slowly, "He has indeed been here before, but he has left... As for me? My surname is Qin, and I am the chief priest of this temple."

Your surname is Qin?

Li Xiaofei was startled.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his mind.

I remember Liu Shaji once again talked about the romantic affair of Sword Immortal Lin Beichen. It is said that this human immortal emperor has many confidantes around him. Among them is a peerless strong man named Chief Priest Qin. He is a priest with a holy heart and possesses

The fighting power is unparalleled in the world.

This chief priest of Qin was once considered to be the strongest human being who is closest to the realm of the Immortal Emperor besides the five Immortal Emperors.

Could it be the person in front of me?

"You seem to have heard of me?"

Chief Priest Qin's tone became much softer.

Li Xiaofei said, "This junior has been fortunate enough to hear the name of my senior."

Qin officiated

His eyes are pure, like a holy spring.

She examined Li Xiaofei's body and immediately said, "You have Brother Chen's aura on your body, as well as the skills of the other four. It seems that you are the chosen sixth person."

The sixth human race.

Li Xiaofei didn't know what to say.

This ranking is completely inconsistent with my image of a super muscular tyrant who has bravely improved after my transformation. ??

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

Chief Qin offered sacrifices.

"Senior, are you waiting for me?"

Li Xiaofei said, "But is there anything that the juniors need to do?"

Chief Qin said, "Please send me a message for Brother Chen."

"What words?"

Li Xiaofei said.

Buried overseas.

Liu Shaji and others waited anxiously.

Two hours have passed since Li Xiaofei entered the Burial Sea.

But has not returned yet.

I don't know if I'm in danger.

Among the Five Little Strongmen, Xiong Gang and Jin Ye were impatient and couldn't help it. They wanted to take the risk and break in to take a look, but they were stopped by Liu Shaji.

"Brother Ji, waiting like this is not the way to go."

Xiong Gang discussed, "Why don't you let me carry this scapegoat and go in and take a look. Maybe I can help Senior Li. I am the culprit, contaminated with imperial aura, and I can withstand the funeral aura."

Liu Shaji curled his lips and said, "The black pot can hold up, but this little loser like you can't. Don't make trouble and cause trouble. It will only hold you back."

Brother Ji is famous for his sharp tongue.

Xiong Gang's face turned dark immediately.

Suddenly, the man with the Chinese character's face twitched his nose, his face changed slightly, and he said, "Something is coming."

Liu Shaji looked at the Bladexu wilderness behind him.

"The Sky Eye Guard is coming."

His eyes flashed with crazy fighting spirit, "You hide, and leave the rest to me."

The White Lotus Killing Sword is originally about killing and fighting.

After every crazy battle, Liu Shaji's strength would soar, approaching the quasi-emperor realm in his previous life.

Although the Sky Eye Guard is a terrifying existence that everyone in the Reaper's ancestral court has heard of, Liu Shaji decided to challenge him today.

Zhu Zhixun and others looked at each other and were no longer stubborn.

Jin Ye carefully took out a small handful of ashes from his storage bag, raised his hand and scattered it, covering himself and the other four companions.

This ashes was originally collected from the bonfire at the Immortal Burial Ice Cliff.

Subsequent attempts and research found that it has the function of hiding people's whereabouts, and the ashes raised can perfectly isolate the reapers from prying eyes, making it impossible for them to detect the presence of several people.

Zhu Zhixun and others hid aside.


Then he saw ten streaks of red light from the depths of the Blade Ruins, like thunder, piercing the air and arriving at extremely fast speeds.

Boom boom boom.

Ten streams of light fell.

The metal dust disperses.

Ten tall little giants appeared.

They are roughly humanoid, wearing red metal armor.

This is the standard armor of the Sky Eye Guard.

The seemingly thick metal armor wrapped them like metal cans.

It is said that it was designed by Zhizu himself and made of the best materials. It not only has amazing defensive capabilities, but can also improve the speed, strength and reaction ability of the Sky Eye Guard.

Ten people are like ten fierce beasts.

Their whole bodies exude the power of extreme oppression, killing and violence, forming an invisible field of power.

The corners of Liu Shaji's mouth raised slightly.

not bad.

The peak of the eighth level!

There is also a half-step ninth level.

Should be the captain.

Only enemies like this can really put pressure on him.

Only then can he feel the passion of fighting.


Under the armor, the voice of the half-step ninth-level reaper was as cold and ruthless as a machine, saying, "How dare you trespass into the domain of the Gods, and you will be captured without mercy."

Liu Shaji smiled and said, "Bah. A group of incompletely evolved hybrids dare to call themselves gods."

How to anger the reaper with just five words in one sentence?

Answer: Evolution is incomplete.

The Reapers, who have always regarded themselves as the most perfectly evolved creatures in the universe, cannot bear to be scolded for not being fully evolved.

It was not a big deal at first, but since Zhizu tried the 'human transformation' evolution plan, there are indeed many high-level reapers who cannot fully transform into humans, which really means that the evolution is incomplete.

So these five words immediately hit the pain points and negative scales of many reapers.

Liu Shaji's venomous tongue is not just aimed at his own people.

More poisonous to the enemy.

But the Heavenly Eye Guard in front of him was not angered.

They are as calm as ice and as cold as sharp blades.

The leader made a tactical gesture.

The other nine Heavenly Eye Guards instantly changed their positions and were distributed in all directions, trying to directly surround Liu Shaji.

But how rich is Liu Shaji’s combat experience?

In just a short moment of conversation, he had already captured enough information.

Bai Lian takes action with his killing sword.

The murderous intent fills the sky.

The sword light was like mercury pouring down the ground, and it instantly attacked and killed the fourth Sky Eye Guard on the left.

This is the weakest among the ten Heavenly Eye Guards.

The sword light flashed.

The figures intertwined.

The crimson helmet soared into the sky.

The head in the helmet spurted out a stream of blood.

White lotuses sprouted from the headless corpse, and the lotus petals flew away in the wind.

Death and flowers each bloomed at this moment.

Instant kill.

Seeing this scene, the Five Xiaoqiang hiding in the distance almost cheered.

This is the first time they have seen Brother Ji take action with all his strength.

I didn't expect it to be so strong.

No matter when and where, being able to kill a Sky-Eye Guard instantly by a single target is an achievement worth remembering for the human resistance.

The Heavenly Eye Guard of the Reaper Ancestral Court was established by Zhizu himself.

It is said that the highly evolved reapers of noble blood and royal family are selected, trained, and have to pass numerous tests. In the end, the pass rate is only 5 to become true Sky Eye Guards.

The Sky Eye Guard is not only powerful, but also has a high status and power.

In the Reaper world and the Ancestral Galaxy, the Sky Eye Guard represents authority and power.

Liu Shaji, on the other hand, was able to instantly kill a Sky Eye Guard with one move while being besieged.

What kind of strength is this?

Wu Xiaoqiang was shocked.

The leader of the Sky Eye Guard was even more shocked.

He realized that he had misjudged his opponent's strength.

"Be careful, attack together."

He said loudly.

A shocking battle began.

Buried in a seawater well.

Inside the Dragon Palace Temple.

"It turns out that Burial in the Sea was actually the work of Senior Sword Immortal Lin."

Li Xiaofei's expression was extremely shocked as he listened to Chief Priest Qin's story.


Chief Priest Qin told in detail, "Lin Jianxian's single-handed sword attack into the Ancestral Galaxy, sweeping across the invincible, caused huge losses to the Reaper clan, and had to delay the offensive on the Galaxy battlefield, which eventually led to the birth of Zhizu, one of the twin ancestors of the Reapers, and the battle

Entering the Holy Ruins, the sky is dark and the earth is dark..."

According to what Chief Priest Qin said, Lin Beichen was an invincible existence when he came to the Ancestral Galaxy, and the reapers he killed fled.

Countless super-high-level reapers have died.

Finally, Zhizu, one of the two ancestors, was brought out of seclusion.

But Zhizu could not suppress Lin Beichen.

In the end, in order to avoid heavy losses in the Zuting Galaxy, Zhizu invited Lin Beichen to enter the Holy Ruins. After several battles, Zhizu was defeated.

However, Zhizu took advantage of his familiarity with the terrain and laws of the Holy Ruins to trap Li Xiaofei inside the Holy Ruins.

These descriptions reminded Li Xiaofei of the sword mark he saw when he first arrived in the Zuting Galaxy.

The sword mark was tens of millions of miles long and almost chopped into pieces a quarter of the Ancestral Galaxy.

The sword marks are immortal, just like the Milky Way.

As expected, it was the handiwork of the sword fairy Lin Beichen.

Within the Holy Ruins, the clues left in places such as the Immortal Burial Ice Cliff, Endless Flame, and Wanren Mountain were probably Lin Beichen's temporary residence after being temporarily trapped in the Holy Ruins.

Especially those two cave dwellings.

I think Lin Beichen lived there for a long time.

The Reaper Ancestral Court announced to the outside world that Lin Beichen was defeated and imprisoned in the Holy Ruins by Zhizu.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

According to the introduction of Chief Priest Qin, the place where Lin Beichen finally settled for the longest time was Blade Ruins.

He had been planning in the Blade Ruins for a long time.

Wanren Mountain and Burial Sea were built.

The sword is hidden in Wanren Mountain.

Bury the sea and hide the soldiers.

"The burial aura in the Burial Sea is the aura of chaos and annihilation collected from the land of annihilation deep in the Holy Ruins."

"The Land of Nirvana is the deepest part of the Holy Ruins, hiding the secret of the origin of all things."

"It is also the birthplace of the twin ancestors of the Reapers."

"The two ancestors walked out of the Land of Nirvana, stepped out of the Holy Ruins, and then created the Reaper clan."

"They always want to return to the place of their birth and find the mystery of their origins."

"But it seems they can't get into it either."

"The land of Nirvana has long since changed. Even the two ancestors are afraid of the aura of Nirvana and Chaos. They no longer adapt to their original homeland and must complete the final evolution before they can return."

"Brother Chen collected this kind of energy of death and chaos that even the two ancestors were afraid of, and created the gray mist and created the Burial Sea."

"The aura of the Burial Sea has terrible pollution power. Once it is

Pollution will lead to eternal incarnation."

"The Reapers believe that by throwing the self-polluted corpses of human heroes into the sea, they can avoid their resurrection or completely annihilate their will to resist."

"But they don't know that this is the place where the human race hides its troops."

Chief Priest Qin came slowly.

Li Xiaofei became more and more confused after hearing this.

"No living thing can enter the Burial Sea, so how can we hide our troops?"

Li Xiaofei couldn't help but ask.

Chief Qin said, "The living souls are not allowed to enter, but the dead are allowed to enter."

Li Xiaofei's mind flashed with lightning.

Immediately, he thought of the scene where he saw thousands of skeletons and the undead army gathering before entering the well.

That is the undead.

Could it be that the so-called hidden soldiers are hiding these undead armies?

Chief Qin said, "Humans are human because they have life and death, and six reincarnations. Therefore, the dead can be reincarnated into the living, and the living can also enter reincarnation. When the Sword God Emperor perfected the six reincarnations and rebuilt the Ten Halls of Hell,

All living things, including humans, can reincarnate in the six realms. Unfortunately, the appearance of reapers destroys all this. Reapers lack souls and cannot enter reincarnation, destroying the world..."

The emergence of the reapers once again destroyed the six paths of reincarnation.

The army of undead in the Burial Sea therefore cannot enter the six realms and sleeps forever. The heroes’ spirits of the martyrs are rising and falling in the Burial Sea, trapped in the gray mist and suffering.

"If this army of undead can get out of the gray fog..."

The moment this thought appeared, Li Xiaofei's heart suddenly started beating violently.

Because he suddenly realized that the undead were a natural and deadly enemy for the reapers.

The body of the undead has only bones, and the marrow has dried up. It uses the burial energy of the undead as energy to propel itself. Both of these are poisonous substances that are not conducive to evolution for the reaper.

They cannot absorb it.

And once it is contaminated by the burial gas of the undead, it will die completely.

There is no point in fighting such an enemy.

Priest Qin looked at Li Xiaofei's expression and knew what he was thinking.

"In fact, the human race has long mastered the art of necromancy."

"Whether it is the Necromancer lineage of Holy Emperor Sun Fei or Lin Beichen's secret technique of Pluto, they can control the undead in battle."

"But it is difficult to mass-produce undead warriors that can pose a fatal threat to the Reapers."

"Especially for the undead warriors who have adapted to funeral qi and use funeral qi as their energy core, it is very difficult to produce them in large quantities and control them by the human race."

"Being buried in the sea is finally a success."

Chief Priest Qin was very patient.

Without waiting for Li Xiaofei to ask questions, he explained the cause and effect clearly.

The Sea Burial Necromancer Plan is one of the human race's plans to fight against the Reapers.

There is also a Nantianmen resurrection plan.

In addition, the other immortal emperors also have their own plans.

Whenever the race is in danger, there are always heroic human beings who are not afraid of sacrifice and come forward.

For example, the Ling family.

"Only when the body dies and the lamp goes out can the spirit of death be achieved."

"The great military gods of the human race all took the initiative to die and turned into undead souls, so that they can control the army in the sea."

Chief Qin offered sacrifices.

Li Xiaofei understood something immediately.

"I saw the old and new generations of military gods Senior Ling Taixu and Senior Ling Chi in the Blade Ruins. Could it be that they are also..."

Chief Priest Qin nodded and said, "Yes, at this time of race's survival, if I don't go to hell, who will?"

Li Xiaofei was immediately shocked.

Goosebumps appeared all over my body.

"But Senior Ling Taixu did not die in the sea."

Li Xiaofei subconsciously asked, "Should the younger generation come forward to take the old man's body into the sea for burial?"

"Need not."

Chief Priest Qin shook his head and said, "Everything has its own fate. Grandpa Ling is where he should be."

Li Xiaofei said, "Well, so to speak, the army of undead in the Burial Sea is now led by senior Ling Chi?"

"Ling Chi is just the commander-in-chief along the way."

Chief Qin said, "The real commander-in-chief is Han Fuhua."

Does Han live up to it?

Li Xiaofei thought about it carefully and found that he had never heard of this name.

But since he can become the president of the Burial Army, compared to his status and status, his level of ability is still above Lingchi.

These heroes of the human race each went to die.

Just to die for myself so that my people can be reborn in the next life.

What a great spirit!

"However, if the funerary energy cannot escape, then the undead army will not be able to march to other places. Once the funerary energy escapes, it will cause irreversible pollution to the universe... The contradiction between the two cannot be reconciled, and the plan will not work.

Wouldn’t it be all in vain in the end?”

Li Xiaofei thought of another contradiction and asked in confusion.

Chief Qin said, "Yes, Lin Jianxian has been looking for the answer to this problem. Maybe he has found it now."

Li Xiaofei was thoughtful.

He changed his mind and asked, "Senior, why do you appear here?"

Chief Qin said: "Sit in Burial Sea to defend against foreign enemies."

Li Xiaofei said, "Foreign enemy?"

Chief Priest Qin looked at him.

Li Xiaofei asked, "Isn't it said that this place is a Jedi Reaper, and even super-level Reapers cannot enter?"

After saying this, Li Xiaofei suddenly realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.


Ordinary ultra-high-level reapers may not be able to enter.

But for the ancestral reapers standing at the top, it is not an insurmountable chasm.

Chief Priest Qin also said, "What if one of the two ancestors comes in person?"

Li Xiaofei’s pupils were shaking.

What's the meaning.

Could it be that Chief Priest Qin meant that she could fight against the two reaper ancestors even if they came in person?

This shocked him extremely.

Could it be that Chief Priest Qin has advanced to the realm of Immortal Emperor?

Seemingly sensing the shock in Li Xiaofei's heart, Master Qin said, "With the help of the aura of chaos and annihilation in this well and the power of the Dragon Palace, I can fight against the two ancestors."

But Li Xiaofei was still shocked.

Can fight against both ancestors.

These six words are simple to say, but the meaning contained in them is so shocking.

The human race has so many heroes and unparalleled talents that they can definitely defeat the Reaper tribe.

Li Xiaofei's confidence soared extremely.

"It is an opportunity for you to come here today."

Chief Qin said, "I don't have any imperial weapons to give you. I only have two small gifts for you. The first one is the four super-high-level reaper corpses outside the main hall. You can take any of them."

The corpses of the four ultra-high-level reapers contain the original power of the reapers, which has not been refined and taken away.

With Li Xiaofei's current strength, it would be difficult to refine it.

But in his hand, there is a blood-drinking sword.

Things become much simpler.

"Thank you, senior."

Li Xiaofei was overjoyed.

He knew very well how precious this gift was.

I remember that in the Heavenly Court, when I, my aunt and others had almost exhausted all their cards and almost wiped out the entire army, we barely managed to kill the mother of all animals.

However, the energy of the Mother of All Animals has allowed the Blood-Drinking Sword to reach its peak, and it has also provided the raw materials for refining the Sanqing Dahua Pill, which can resurrect the heroic spirits in Hua Xiangrong's tomb.

This shows how precious the corpse of a super-high-level reaper with complete original power is.

Moreover, the mother of all animals was killed only after Heaven tried its best to plan the situation.

Li Xiaofei felt happy and asked, "Senior, what is the second gift?"

Chief Priest Qin smiled slightly and spread his palms.

A small and exquisite short jade whistle glowed with light fluorescence, floated, and slowly came to Li Xiaofei's face.

"When you get to the Jinghai Dragon Clan's cemetery, you will know if you blow this short whistle."

"Go ahead."

When Chief Priest Qin said this, he waved his hand and said, "Remember, bring my words to Lin Beichen."

Li Xiaofei took the short jade whistle, saluted respectfully, and said, "Junior, please remember this."

After saying that, he saluted again.

Then he slowly backed out of the temple.

Then salute again.

Then he looked at the four huge dome pillars around him.

In the end, he chose the corpse of the mother of all animals, activated his blood-drinking sword, and pierced through the air in an instant.

The next moment, countless extremely pure flesh and blood energy was absorbed by the blood-drinking sword.

Buzz buzz.

The blood-drinking sword vibrated slightly.

The sword suddenly turned as red as blood.

There seemed to be blood flowing.

Then very quickly, an extremely pure energy was transmitted into Li Xiaofei's body out of thin air using the blood-drinking sword as a medium.

This was within Li Xiaofei's expectation.

The blood-drinking sword cannot fully contain the energy of refining the mother of all animals, so it must be passed on.

The last time, Li Xiaofei was almost exploded by this magical energy.

But this time, it won't be so dangerous.

Li Xiaofei's strength is no longer what it used to be, and he can withstand more energy.

After a while.

This mother of all beasts was completely sucked dry, leaving only a piece of skin.

For some reason, Li Xiaofei suddenly felt that he should keep the skin instead of taking it away.

"Senior, junior has left."

Li Xiaofei saluted the temple again.

His eyes passed over the bell at the entrance of the temple, and then he turned and left.

A few minutes later.

Li Xiaofei came to the cemetery of the Jinghai Dragon Clan.

Standing in front of the huge tombstone, Li Xiaofei took out a short jade whistle and blew it gently.

A melodious and soothing note rippled in the air.

Soon, strange changes occurred.

This chapter has been completed!
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