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0906,Secret Paradise

The years are quiet and peaceful.

The weather is harmonious.

For more than ten days, Li Xiaofei experienced rare leisure.

Accompanied by his wife and daughter, he found unprecedented peace in his heart.

In the past ten days, he didn't think about the disturbances from the outside world.

Cook for Sikong Xue, use the ingredients in the Secret Palace of Time to cook various delicacies, walk with her, chat, plant vegetables in the fields, and pick fruits and vegetables together.

Just like a rural couple.

Li Anyi still rides wild animals roaring every day.

She is almost becoming the king of beasts.

Li Xiaofei also accompanied her, riding wild beasts in the vast world outside the valley, playing with her on the rivers, freely, coming and going like the wind.

Since he has had almost no contact with human society since he can remember, even with Sikong Xue's painstaking teachings and training, Li Anyi's behavior, habits and thinking that he revealed inadvertently often carried a trace of the aura of a beast.

She is used to living with the Beast of Nirvana as a partner.

Li Xiaofei did not blame him at all for this.

Instead, he followed the little girl's own habits and played along with her.

The little girl became closer and closer to Li Xiaofei and trusted him more and more.

This day.

"Dad, let me take you to a fun place."

Li Anyi was riding on the back of a giant lion and said with great interest.


Li Xiaofei came out of the mud field, wiped his hands, changed his shoes, and jumped on the back of a wind-winged green wolf.

"Oh, let's go."

Li Anyi urged the giant lion to shout and scream, very happy.

Li Xiaofei waved his hand to Sikong Xue and then caught up with him.

The valley is located in a mountainous area with beautiful scenery.

The mountains here are not majestic, but the scenery is pleasant, but there are beasts of annihilation entrenched here. Most people dare not explore here at all - of course, there is no one else in this territory of the Ascended Clan, which contains almost secrets.


For some special reason, Li Anyi was not attacked by the beasts of annihilation, but could become one with them.

As for Li Xiaofei himself, he didn't know whether it was because he had lived under the stone statues in the valley for a period of time and was contaminated by the aura of the statues, so the Beast of Annihilation had a very high tolerance for him.

The giant lion stopped under a mountain wall thousands of meters high.

This is a thousand-meter mountain.

The shady slopes have lush vegetation, greenery, and flowing waterfalls.

The sunny side seemed to have been cut away by some force, revealing a large white mountain wall, which looked like a blurred bronze mirror from a distance.

Li Anyi came to the mountain wall with ease and reached out to touch it.

The small palms seemed to be painting on the mountain wall.

Follow the texture of the stone wall and rub it for a while.

Suddenly, without any warning, a gap quietly opened in the stone wall.

"Dad, come on."

Li Anyi waved to Li Xiaofei, and then got in first.

Li Xiaofei was greatly surprised.

This operation did not allow him to see any clues.

Especially since there was another dimension hidden behind the stone wall. He had not been able to notice it before.

But when Li Anyi opened a space on the stone wall just now, there was no energy fluctuation...

That doesn't seem to be a formation.

He jumped off the Phoenix-winged Green Wolf and walked in along the gap in the stone wall.

Go forward a few hundred steps.

The light gradually dims.

But you can still see clearly.

"here it is……"

Li Xiaofei's eyes showed surprise.

He expected the space at the center of the mountain, but the scene inside surprised him.

This seems to be a playground


In other words, it is an entertainment place.

You can see some facilities such as carousels, ladders, small swimming pools, and sand pits.

All are made of stone.

It looks a bit old.

There are also some rock sculptures of flora and fauna.

It looks very vivid, with bright colors painted on it, and it looks like it is alive at first glance.

This is a space in the middle of the mountain that was carved out entirely with pure force.

It is not a small formation world.

"You made this?"

Li Xiaofei asked curiously.

Li Anyi shook his head and said, "No, I discovered it accidentally. This is my secret paradise. Hehe, daddy, you play with me."

Discovered by accident?

Li Xiaofei was greatly surprised.

"The mechanism on the stone wall is very hidden. How did you discover it?"

He recalled Li Anyi's previous process of opening the cracks in the stone wall and groping for the texture on the stone wall with his palms. The whole process was quite complicated. Such a method of opening the mechanism was difficult to discover accidentally.

Li Anyi said, "When I was bored, I liked to write and draw on this stone wall. One day, while I was drawing, this gap suddenly appeared. When I came in, I saw that it was actually a playground. Hehe, from now on

From then on, when I was happy or unhappy, I would come here to play... Dad, this is a secret between the two of us, and I didn’t tell mom."

Li Xiaofei has become accustomed to calling his daughter "dad" and "mom".

He asked curiously, "Why didn't you tell mom?"

Li Anyi said, "This place is fun, but also a bit weird. I'm afraid my mother will be worried if she finds out. You know, she can't leave that valley, so she always tells me not to go to some weird places."

Li Xiaofei heard this and gently stroked his daughter's hair.

A well-behaved and sensible little guy.

Sikong Xue’s hard work was not in vain


This little girl who looks like she is full of wildness has a crystal clear and gentle heart.

She is very sensible.

Li Anyi was very excited to introduce his secret paradise to his father.

This is the first time she has brought people here, and she has a strong desire to share.

Li Xiaofei also turned into a child, playing childish games with his daughter and having a great time.

"Dad, look here."

Li Anyi took him to the depths of the stone statue forest, pointed to the rock wall above, and said, "There are many murals here. They are very interesting. They seem to be telling a story. Can you understand them?"

Li Xiaofei looked along what she pointed at.

There are indeed some murals painted on the rough stone walls.


To be precise, it should be some graffiti.

Because the mural is not very delicate and is painted with a white powder, it looks more like the work of a naughty child.

But it expressed strong feelings.

If you look carefully, you will also find that several graffiti paintings are actually coherent and seem to be telling some story.

Li Xiaofei's heart moved.

This is the territory of the ancient tribe where the reaper ascended.

Therefore, everything in this space in the belly of the mountain is most likely left behind by the ascended ancient clan back then.

The outside world has long had no clues about this ascended ancient clan.

These graffiti must be related to it.

He looked up carefully.

On the first painting, a lot of things similar to clouds or water vapor were scrawled with white powder, swirling in a counterclockwise manner. There was a luminous point similar to an eyeball in the center, which was continuously moving outward.

Radiate light...

In the second painting, the vortex of luck turned clockwise, and the glowing 'eyeball' actually cracked!

It, split.

This chapter has been completed!
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