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Chapter 399 The right to speak

At this time, Zhao Kuo had no idea that Gan De and Shi Shen were actually trying to calculate the distance from the earth to the sun. If he knew... well, he would have to bear not to tell them.

There was no way, the numbers came out right away, but it was too troublesome to explain. Of course, some help was indispensable.

However, until theoretical physics and science and technology reach a certain level, it is impossible to accurately calculate the distance between the Earth and the Sun. No matter how you do it, there will be considerable errors.

In the palace, people were drinking wine and chatting with each other. In addition to the indispensable bronze tripod, there was stew in an iron pot.

Iron is difficult to smelt these days, the output is low, and it is much more expensive than copper. Using iron to make pots is somewhat of a luxury.

However, this aspect certainly cannot limit Zhao Kuo, who is the King of Zhao.

As for the minister, he must have chosen to sit with Zhao Kuo and eat meat.

Admonishment? Zhao Kuo did not seize iron on a large scale, but only made a few pots.

Those who stop the monarch from doing something wrong are called remonstrators. Those who stop the monarch from doing anything are not remonstrators. They find that something is wrong and plan to run away.

And...it's unclear whether some of these people secretly cast iron pots at home.

"It will be great when the production of iron can be greatly increased, so that we can have excess iron for making pots." Zhao Mu sighed.

"It depends on the craftsmen. We people can't count on it." Xunzi shook his head and asked him to preach, make laws, govern the country, and even lead troops to fight. Xunzi thought he could give it a try


As for technology research and development, forget it.

"Suddenly I discovered that their technical talents are no less important than us. The strength of the country and victory or defeat on the battlefield not only depend on us, but also on them," Han Fei said.

In the past, he only saw the role of famous generals, and at most the contribution of soldiers and ministers who governed the country and raised food and grass. It was not until today that he discovered that these craftsmen, who had always been unknown, also determined the outcome of a war.

"This is also the reason why the king has repeatedly improved the treatment of craftsmen and rewarded inventions and creations, and even earned titles just like military merit." Liu Ping said. He had been following Zhao Kuo and knew what Zhao Kuo had done in order to improve Zhao's technological level.

How much effort it took.

He has granted three ministerial titles alone, which is unprecedented in any country. He has also twice improved the treatment of ordinary craftsmen, vigorously reorganized the workshops, and used technology to prevent laymen from commanding experts.

In the past two years, the hardest worker in Zhao State was not the soldiers, nor the civil and military ministers, nor the officials from various places, but a famous craftsman in the workshop.

Not only did they have to ensure the production of armor, crossbows, farm tools, cement, paper, etc., they also had to find ways to build blast furnaces, degreasing down, repeating crossbows, and colorless glass.

Colored glass has long been available in the Zhao State. To be precise, it comes from the Chu State. The Chu State came up with this thing hundreds of years ago.

In terms of science and technology, Chu State is still very advanced.

These glass products are "smooth and lustrous, surpassing all jade". Although they are not very valuable locally, they are sold at the same price as jade in other places, or even more expensive than jade.

In order to seek peace, the State of Chu once gave the luminous jade to the State of Qin. After the State of Qin took it, it sent troops to beat up the State of Chu without saying a word.

If the pillars of the Wei State were the salt ponds in Hedong, then the pillars of the Chu State were these glasses.

However, since most of the western region was lost, Chu State's glass output has dropped significantly, and it can no longer support the entire Chu State.

Relatively speaking, the technology of Zhao State was very backward in this area. Although it could make it, it was far inferior to that of Chu State. It could not sell at a high price, so it later stopped making it.

After Zhao Kuo learned about it, he reopened the kiln and asked everyone to develop colorless glass. As for the cost, he was naturally responsible for it.

Since Zhao Kuo became King of Zhao, these craftsmen have worked harder than before. They have to rush to the workshop before dawn every day and can only go home after dark.

However, they are happier than before, because the money they get is several times more than before, there will be bonuses after breakthroughs, and if they are lucky, there will be titles for improvements and inventions.

One person can support the whole family, and with the addition of land, there can be a lot of surplus every year.

They have never complained about the long working hours. They just hope that it will continue like this and not be like before. Although the working hours are short, the family cannot afford to support them. There is no such thing as resignation these days, so they can only work in the office for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, what everyone hates is actually not Jiujiu Liu, but Jiujiu Liu who does not pay enough, or even refuses to pay, and still insists on insisting on it, saying it is a blessing.

It's so upright and upright.

If you give me enough money, don't say 996, just let me live in the company.

"The right to speak is in the hands of the upper class. These craftsmen don't even have a pen in their hands. Where do they have the right to speak? They are so bullied that they don't even dare to curse. They can only swallow it in their stomachs." Zhao Kuo said.


Fortunately, the nobles of this era have not yet become extremely bad, and most of them can be saved. The scholars of this era have not yet looked down upon witch doctors, musicians, and people who are skilled in various industries.

There are even many nobles and scholars who study these.

Everyone looked embarrassed. They were the people who "held the pen" in Zhao Kuo's words. To be fair, as long as they unified their caliber, black could become white and white could become black.

However, they still have moral integrity and would not do such a thing. Moreover, it is very difficult for a group of people, even the top group of people in the world, to agree on the same tone.

"I saw the classification of the merit levels of craftsmen in the reform documents. I never paid attention to it before. Now that I think about it, I am being ridiculous. I will definitely formulate it after I go back." Kong Bin said that he had previously seen that the parts he was responsible for were:

This content, but he had always ignored the craftsman, so he threw it aside casually. Fortunately, he discovered the mistake in time.

"Not only these, but also other places, there are also things that I can't think of. If you have any ideas, you can put them forward. One person can think about shortcomings, and two people can think about strengths." Zhao Kuo raised his glass and said.

Everyone also raised their glasses, and the hall was filled with a peaceful scene of kings, saints and ministers.

However, Qin Wangji was not in such a good mood at this time. The reason was very simple. The newly built library pavilion was burned down.

Even though the Qin State responded quickly and rescued the people in time, most of the library was burned down, and half of the books copied day and night by nearly a hundred scholars of the Qin State were destroyed.

What makes Qin Wangji even more angry is that the assassin who set the fire has not been caught yet.

Even if he guessed that it was someone sent by Zhao Guo who did it.

No one in Qin or the other five countries dared to do such a thing, and burning down the library would do them no good. If Qin could build one, it could build a second one.

Only the State of Zhao...

Qin Wangji clenched his hands into fists, and his sharp nails pierced into his palms. Blood dripped down his sleeves and fell to the ground. The eunuch next to him was hunched over, trembling and did not dare to remind him.

Only Zhao Guoguo would do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit oneself!

But Qin Wangji still had no way to deal with Zhao State, and he couldn't even accuse him, because it was his Qin State who was unkind in this matter, and... he didn't even catch the assassin, and there was no evidence, so where could he blame him?

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