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Chapter 409 Li Fus request

It is said that Han Fei also knew part of Zhao Kuo's plan. Han Fei also understood Zhao Kuo's goal of unifying the world. As a prince of South Korea, he could also feel Wei Wuji's inner struggle.

But he was more open-minded than Wei Wuji because he had no choice.

Han Fei now is not the Han Feizi who later became famous all over the world. His status in South Korea is not as good as Wei Wuji's status in Wei State, and his status in Zhao State is also not as good as Wei Wuji's status in Zhao State.

Wei Wuji couldn't change Zhao and Wei, so how could he change Zhao and South Korea.

Moreover, Korea is weaker than Wei, and the king of Han is still far behind the king of Wei. Although the king of Wei is sometimes fatuous, he can sometimes stand up, while the king of Han does not even stand up.

"Just one sacrifice can establish a common belief in everyone's hearts and integrate a country into a whole. Why not do it." Li Si also said.

Although they studied under Xunzi, they studied Legalism, and Legalism itself emphasized advancing with the times.

"What should we do about the loopholes in this?" Kong Chuan asked. This matter is not as simple as erecting a statue and offering sacrifices. If you want to truly be deeply rooted in people's hearts, you must make it foolproof, at least not allow others to find loopholes.

"As long as it's within the borders of the State of Zhao, I have the final say. As for outside the borders of the State of Zhao, I will have the final say from now on." Zhao Kuo said in a deep voice.

He originally planned to wait until he unified the world before taking out the big killer weapon, but now he hastily taken it out. How could there be no loopholes? As long as someone with a heart will investigate, they will definitely find the problems.

The simplest question is, what is the relationship between Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang? You, Zhao State, say they are brothers. Where is the evidence?

The State of Zhao did not have it and had not yet had time to build it.

If it were to be taken out after unifying the world, Zhao Guo could prepare everything and be invulnerable to anyone who came, but now there is not enough time.

But these are not problems, because everyone's focus will not be on this in the future. By the time everyone reacts, Zhao Guo has already found the evidence.

Zhao Kuo took a look at the place where the notice was posted under the city. After a period of catalysis, the crowd of onlookers not only did not decrease, but became more, and there were voices of discussion everywhere.

However, most of them talk about the cancellation of taxes and curfews on goods entering the city during the four-day festival. This is the first time that a country has canceled taxes and curfews on goods entering the city.

Businessmen, in particular, rushed to tell each other that the largest part of the commercial tax was the tax on passes and city gates. Zhao State's cancellation of taxes on goods entering the city was equivalent to a reduction of commercial taxes. Although it was only four days a year, with the cancellation of the curfew,

The money earned can at least cover three to five days of work.

"Your Majesty, Governor Lifu of Hetao and Shoulejian of Helan County are asking for an audience." At this time, a fast horse rushed from the direction of the palace. When the knight saw Zhao Kuo, he immediately got off his horse and reported.

"Let them wait for a while." Zhao Kuo walked towards the city.

"I, Li Fu, Lejian, pay my respects to the king." Li Fu and Lejian saw Zhao Guo coming from outside and hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Sit down." Zhao Kuo looked at Li Fu's unkempt appearance, pointed at the chair casually and said, "The Loop has been developed from scratch. Thank you for your hard work."

"I should share your worries for you." Li Fu said, taking out a thick booklet from his sleeve and handing it to Zhao Kuo, "Your Majesty, please see, this is the plan I made. In ten years, as long as you give me ten years,

I am confident that I can turn Hetao into a fertile land no less fertile than Hebei."

"Tell me, how much do you want?" Zhao Kuo asked directly without opening the booklet.

The book, which was as thick as the little finger, could not be read in a short time, and even without reading it, Zhao Kuo knew that it was filled with six words: The court needed to allocate money.

There was no trace of embarrassment on Li Fu's face. He sat up straight and said, "No money. I need the king to allocate another 100,000 prisoners to me."

"Didn't I already give you one hundred thousand?" Zhao Kuo said, these are all young and strong, not the old, weak, sick and disabled. They can rebel if put in the hands of caring people. Li Fu actually wants another hundred thousand.

"Your Majesty, one hundred thousand is not enough. The people who immigrated to the past need to build houses and cultivate farmland. The government cannot recruit people from them. But digging ditches, dredging rivers, building cities, building roads, building factories, mining coal, etc.

We need to employ people. I also want to send some prisoners to cultivate the land and achieve self-sufficiency as soon as possible. One hundred thousand people is too few." Li Fu said with a sad face.

"Your Majesty, what the Governor said is true." Lejian agreed.

"I will find a way to transfer 100,000 people from the coal mine and construction team." Zhao Kuo thought for a while and agreed, "What else do you need?"

"Cement factory." Li Fu said immediately.

"Okay." Zhao Kuo nodded.

"The Hetao can be transported by water, but my men can only make small boats, not big ships, so I need shipwrights who can make big ships." Li Fu said.

"I, the State of Zhao, don't have many shipwrights to build big ships. I will find a way to allocate twenty of them to you, and you can think of the rest by yourself," Zhao Kuo said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Li Fu was overjoyed and continued, "There are still talents for building water conservancy projects. The Hetao is rich in water resources, suitable for farming and grazing. As long as canals are dug and water conservancy projects are built, the Central Plains will surely become a fortress."

Li Fu himself also knows about water conservancy, but not much. Until now, he has not completed the water conservancy planning for a county in Helan. As for Lejian, he doesn't understand water conservancy at all, and Li Fu can't count on him.

He can count on Zhao Kuo to send a few people to help him.

"Talents in water conservancy." Zhao Kuo frowned. The most powerful water conservancy master these days is Li Bing who lives in Bashu, but he has no intention of coming to Zhao at all.

Although every time Zhao Kuo sent someone to deliver a letter, Li Bing responded kindly, and there was no lack of praise for Zhao Kuo and the State of Zhao in the letter, but he did not mention a word about joining the State of Zhao.

As for another water conservancy master, Zheng Guo, Zhao Kuo sent people to search for him, but they only knew one name and that he was Korean, and nothing else was known. He didn't even know his age or where to find him.

"There is no water conservancy master, but there are a few water conservancy apprentices. You can take them with you if necessary. In addition, there is also "Instructions for Water Control" sent by Li Bing, the governor of Shu County in Qin State. You can also take it back with you." After a while,

Only then did Zhao Kuo speak.

In the past two years, Zhao State has been building water conservancy projects, but it has not trained any water conservancy masters, but it has trained many water conservancy apprentices. It is time for them to work in big jobs.

After all, Li Bing and Zheng Guo were not masters of water conservancy before they built Dujiangyan and Zheng Guo Canal.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Li Fu said happily. He thought he would return without success, but he didn't expect that Zhao Guolian had talents in water conservancy.

"Is there any more?" Zhao Kuo asked.

"Your Majesty, our Hetao has a vast land and sparsely populated area, which is most suitable for cotton cultivation. Moreover, cotton was first discovered in our Hetao. It can be seen that the soil in the Hetao is very suitable for cotton growth..."

Before Li Fu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Kuo, "Cotton farmers are still cultivating seeds, and it's not time to promote them."

"And..." Li Fu continued.

"Okay, if we continue, other regions should have opinions." Zhao Kuo waved his hand and said. Except for the 100,000 prisoners, Zhao Kuo had originally planned to give Lifu the rest, but he could only give so much.

After all, other places also need to develop.

"Nuo." Li Fu bowed and bowed, then accepted it.

He was actually very satisfied to get so much.

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