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Chapter 412: Improving the Treatment of Soldiers

"Article 4, the corvee policy, will be effective from January 1 next year. The age for starting military service will be raised from 18 to 20 years old. The age for ending service will be lowered from 50 to 40 years old. Service members will be exempted from military service every year.

In addition, the service period shall not exceed one month and the number of times shall not exceed two. After each service, the responsible person shall issue a service certificate to avoid multiple recruitments. The military service shall serve one month every two years and shall be the responsibility of each county captain. During the war

You can call for service at any time and you are not allowed to resist." Zhao Kuo continued.

Corvee service, including labor service and military service, helping the government build roads, build palaces, open rivers and canals, as well as garrison and guard duty, etc. are all corvee services, and they have many names and are countless.

From the origin, corvee is not to squeeze the people and obtain unpaid labor force. At the beginning of the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, the people and the monarch shared the country. The country was strong and the people were prosperous with it. If the monarch was fatuous, the people could also expel the monarch and reestablish the monarch.


Not to mention things like building roads and digging rivers, even if foreign enemies invade, the Chinese people will rush forward with weapons and chariots, without any need for coercion from the king.

Times have changed, and now the concepts of countrymen and savages have long been diluted, the power of the monarchy has been strengthened step by step, and corvee has gradually become a heavy burden that the country imposes on the people.

If the reason why corvee was used in the beginning was because the country had no money, then later on, even if the country had money, it would not spend money to recruit workers.

After all, who would choose to spend money if they could get it for free?

Once the ancient monarchs built palaces and carried out large-scale construction projects, they would cause dissatisfaction among the people and be scolded by everyone. Isn't it just because they didn't give money? If wages were paid every day, the people would be dissatisfied? Even if they carried out large-scale construction projects 365 days a year, the people would only

I would praise him as a holy king and come to work happily every day.

In an era when people don't have enough to eat, it is very happy to have a place to make money, even if it is a bit hard and tiring.

Zhao Kuo did not directly abolish the corvee. On the one hand, the current social productivity does not allow it. Although Zhao Guo makes money quickly, he spends money faster. Zhao Guo needs a part of the labor force that does not spend money.

On the other hand, free prostitution can indeed make people addicted. Especially after Zhao Kuo only sent out one month of corvee work this year, but was praised as a benevolent king, Zhao Kuo deeply felt the differences of the times.

For the common people, happiness is just a few less days of corvee service, it's that simple.

In the end, Zhao Kuo chose to set the service time to one month per year to avoid excessive recruitment of corvees. As for no more than two times, it was because in this era, in addition to working, corvees also spent part of their time on the road. If the distance was long,

He was sent back one day after the conscription, but was delayed for three to five days on the way. In the end, he served ostensibly for a month, but actually served for half a year.

As for the garrison, the northern grassland has become Zhao's horse ranch, and there is no need for garrison troops to be stationed. Daijun has the Li Mu Corps, Hexi Juxin, and Helan Lejian all have troops under their command, which are enough to defend various places during non-war periods.

One month of training every two years is to let everyone know basic common sense and be able to help defend the city when war comes. As for charging on the battlefield, it must be done by regular soldiers.

"Article 5: Soldiers' treatment. Starting from January 1 next year, soldiers who reach the age of 45 will be discharged from the army by the government. Those who have internal energy can apply for a deferment to the age of 50. Those who are at the Gangyuan realm and above are not subject to restrictions.


Now the soldiers are well fed and can eat meat every few days. It is not a problem to maintain combat effectiveness until about forty years old. If there is internal energy, it can be maintained until nearly fifty years old.

"After he retires, the government will pay him a five-year salary, which is 60% of what he paid before he was discharged. He will also be given a job in his place of residence, which the soldier can refuse. Disabled soldiers can receive an additional pension.


"Families of soldiers who died in the war will be exempted from agricultural tax for five years. If the eldest son has not reached the age of 18 after five years, the agricultural tax will be exempted until the eldest son reaches the age of 18. In addition, in the next five years, except for the Hetao area, the agricultural tax will be exempted.

In addition to education, all counties will build colleges. Families of soldiers who died in the war can send their children to study in local colleges, and everything will be free for five years."

In five years, as long as you are willing to learn, it is absolutely not a problem to elevate yourself and your entire family to a higher level in this era where literacy is a luxury.

"In addition, the families of soldiers who died in the war can receive a ten-year pension in the amount of the soldier.

If the eldest son is under the age of 18 after ten years, the 60% will be paid until the eldest son reaches the age of 18."

"This amount is paid to the soldier's wife. If the wife remarries with children, the payment will continue. If the wife remarries without children, it will be paid to the child's caregiver. If an accident occurs to the wife and other people in the family, and the child is left unsupported, the amount will be paid by

The local government sent him to Handan, where he was raised by the widow."

He just wants all the soldiers to have no worries.

"All retired soldiers supervise those who have not paid enough or have been embezzled. They can report directly to the Taiwei's Mansion or the General's Mansion, or they can meet with me directly."

Zhao Kuo glanced around, and when he said the last sentence, his voice was a little cold.

Obviously, if the matter is reported to him, the outcome of the matter will not be so simple. It is very likely that even the lieutenant and the general will be left with nothing to eat.

Never underestimate the bloody nature of people in this era, especially the old soldiers. They will never allow the people they protect to suck their blood, insult their families, and enslave their descendants after they die.

If so, they would rather die together.

Only such a large sword that cannot be controlled can make those officials touch their necks when they reach out and think about whether it is worth it.

"All soldiers must be sent to the Hall of Heroes after they die in battle. After three years of sacrifice, they will return to their hometown with honor. Their names will always be engraved on the Hall of Heroes. Those with special military merits can be buried in the Hall of Heroes forever. During the four solar terms, I will lead all the people in the country to offer sacrifices, and the ceremony will be the same.

Sacrifice to heaven. The living will benefit from it, and the dead will enjoy its glory." Zhao Kuo put his hands on the table, stood up slowly, and said in a loud voice.

Everyone stood up and bowed slightly, not only to Zhao Kuo but also to the soldiers who died in the battle.

No one raised any objections. This was not the Song and Ming Dynasties. No one looked down on the soldiers.

The martial spirit of any country in the pre-Qin period far surpassed that of later dynasties, and each country fought its way through troubled times step by step.

As for the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, this is not a problem. Although it is a bit excessive, Zhao Kuo has no objection. Who dares to have an objection?

The Qin State's military merit system can still allow its soldiers to fight to the death, but the Zhao State has given its soldiers all the glory and benefits, which in this era of faith is enough to make all the people at the bottom risk their lives.

"In addition, whether new recruits join the army or veterans retire, they all come to the Hall of Heroes to burn a stick of incense before going back. The Zhao Kingdom will never be destroyed, and the incense will never end!"


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