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Chapter 429: Before fighting the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside

"Don't be anxious, Mr. Duwu. There will be many opportunities to fight Qin in the future." Zhao Kuo said with a smile. As the two most powerful countries in the world, Qin and Zhao regarded each other as a thorn in each other's side and a thorn in their flesh. If there was any pain, they would be cruel.

I will never let go of the opportunity.

Now is just the calm before the storm.

"The general just said it casually," Lian Po said.

"Go and bring out all the beef and mutton." Zhao Kuo said to the guards behind him. The breeding of chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs has just begun and has not yet reached a large scale. Everyone has long been tired of eating fish.

Only beef and mutton can be rewarded. Zhao State still prohibits killing cattle, but herding cattle does not matter. Not all cattle can become cattle after being pierced. There are always some resolute and unyielding warriors who would rather die.

Don't want to be enslaved by humans.

Such food is usually sent to the palace, and if it is not finished, it is rewarded to ministers or sent to the army.

Moreover, in order to save forage in winter, a group of cattle and sheep must be killed in the pasture. Except for the nobles who will buy some, the rest will be sent to the army.

Soon, a carload of half-dried beef and mutton was pulled up. In the middle of winter, there was no need to worry about spoilage.

The soldiers also became excited. Even if Zhao Jun improved their treatment several times, and even if Zhao Feiqi's treatment was the best among Zhao Jun, except for the time in Hetao, it was difficult for them to eat beef and mutton.

"These are all rewards for you. All you have to do is train well and improve your combat effectiveness." Zhao Kuo said loudly.

"Long live, long live." the soldiers shouted.

"The whole army is listening to the order and will continue to carry out actual combat training. The team that wins the first place will have an extra bowl of meat in the evening and will get a day off tomorrow and can enter the city." Zhao Kuo said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The soldiers shouted, and under the leadership of generals at all levels, they quickly dispersed into small teams and began actual combat training.

"Is there any news from Qin recently?" Zhao Kuo asked while watching Zhao Feiqi's training.

"No." Liu Ping shook his head. Although Zhao State poached some talents from Qin State last time, although Qin Wangji was furious, Qin Wangji did not take any measures.

The number of grassroots officials in Qin is unmatched by any of the other six countries, and even though Liu Ping spent a lot of time and money, only a few talents were poached in the end.

Qin's household registration system makes it very, very difficult for people to leave Qin. The neighbors will stare at you like a thief, and any trouble will be noticed.

If he escapes and is caught, he will be beheaded and his whole family will be demoted as slaves.

Therefore, almost no one would leave Qin unless they were forced into a desperate situation.

"What are Bai Qi, Sima Cuo, Wei Ran, and Wang Lu doing?" Zhao Kuo asked.

Apart from Qin Wangji and Fan Ju, these are the four people who need the most attention in the Qin State. As long as they stay safely in the Qin State, it means that the Qin State has not launched a war, or at least has no intention of launching a war.

"Bai Qi has been staying in the manor outside the city without showing up. He is said to be studying. Wei Ran has also been staying in the mansion and rarely goes out unless summoned by the King of Qin. Sima Cuo is in his hometown of Xia Yang, but spies can often see him

He is growing vegetables at the door, and Wang Hao is training the new army," Liu Ping said.

"It seems that Qin has no intention of launching a war." Zhao Kuo breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Qin stayed honest, it would not be difficult for Zhao to survive the chaotic period of the reform. Even if Qin turned a blind eye to the domestic mess, it would be disgusting.

Let’s go to Zhao State.

"To fight foreign affairs, we must first pacify our country. If the Qin State ignores the chaos at home and forcibly attacks our Zhao State, when the front line is defeated, the Qin State will be destroyed." Zhao Sheng said.

The Qin State suffered repeated defeats in the past few years, losing several counties, losing troops and generals, and the military merit system was severely affected. King Ji of Qin barely managed to survive by destroying the newly acquired Zhangye County of the Yueshi.

In the past, some people among the old nobles even stood up to oppose the military honors and demanded a return to the era of Shiqing Shilu.

As well as the economic crisis, food crisis, etc. caused by the defeat, it will take time to resolve.

In addition, Qin Wangji is getting older and may collapse at some point, and the officials below also start to invest in the prince or the prince's grandson.

Others invested in Qin Wangji’s other sons.

Prince Zhu's health is not good. If he dies in front of Qin Wangji, it is difficult to say whether Qin Wangji will pass the throne to his other sons or his grandson.

High risk means high reward, and there is no shortage of people who dare to take risks.

These are the places where Qin Wangji throws caution to the wind. Although a great victory can suppress all crises, a great defeat will also detonate all conflicts. He would rather spend several years to resolve these crises bit by bit.

After watching Zhao Feiqi's training, it was already approaching evening. Zhao Kuo and the others took the car back to Handan, and the rest of the army waited until tomorrow to continue the reward.

During the Chinese New Year, there was basically nothing else to do except to reward the troops. Things were distributed. Although the textbooks were not finished yet, it was not too late in the next few days. The students had all gone home and it would be a while before they came back.

Zhao Kuo also took this opportunity to relax.

During this period, Zhao Kuo's biggest headache was the compilation of teaching materials. It was difficult enough when he first learned it, but now it is even more difficult to teach others. The most disgusting thing is that he has to explain the principles of certain things.

Some things Zhao Kuo could barely explain, and some things couldn't be explained at all. In the end, he could only delete, delete, and delete again. In the end, all the basic physics combined left only a thin booklet.

Physics is pretty good, but chemistry is even worse. All the things that cannot be explained now have become questions, leaving it to future generations to solve.

Anyway, Zhao Kuo is only responsible for opening up the road. As for how to go, that is a matter for future generations!

The textbook for the first grade of basic education has been compiled. In addition to simple arithmetic, it only contains some simple words, sentences, and stories.

Including the entire five years of basic education, only literacy and arithmetic are taught.

I started learning at the age of six. In five years, I will be able to learn all the common words and basic arithmetic. With this ability, it is not a problem to support myself. I can also borrow books from the library to study on my own.

Zhao Kuo could not pave a smooth road for them. All he could forge was a path full of thorns and requiring wading through mountains and rivers. Whether they could pass it or not depends on them individually.

Moreover, civilian families have to bear some family responsibilities by the age of eleven, and they can even start a family and start a business in two or three years. Even if they don't need money, it is difficult to continue studying.

Because of the shortage of scholars, the best among them could still get the qualification to stay in the school and teach other students.

The printing factory outside the city is printing textbooks, and it has not stopped during the Chinese New Year. By the beginning of next spring, schools will be built in Hetao and other places, and the first step in the popularization of education in Zhao has officially taken place.

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