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Chapter 467 Making Money

"Are there many people playing Cuju?" Zhao Kuo glanced at the ring.

When the two students saw Zhao Kuo coming, they became even more excited. Their combat effectiveness soared to 120%. They quoted classics and made witty remarks. They were having a great time fighting. However, Zhao Kuo didn't even listen to what they were saying.

"Especially. The simple confrontational form of Cuju is very popular among everyone. After it was introduced in the Qi State, it quickly spread in the Zhao State. Both nobles and commoners loved it. There were even nobles who specially formed Cuju teams to compete with each other."

Zhao Sheng said.

Linzi, the capital of the State of Qi, was once the most prosperous city in the Central Plains. Not only the nobles were wealthy, but the common people were also very wealthy. Its people all played the sheng, drums, harp, walked dogs and fought cocks. Many entertainment items were passed down from Linzi.

Of course, after certain entertainment items spread, they will naturally cause people to gamble and fight. The loser will have to pay a certain amount of wealth to the winner. This wealth can be anything agreed upon.

Zhao Sheng's so-called competition is just a more civilized way of saying it.

"Do other countries also like to play Cuju?" Zhao Kuo's heart moved.

"Qi used to be the best, but now it's about the same as Zhao. Han, Wei, Lu, Wei and other countries were second, Chu and Yan were second, and Qin was second." Zhao Sheng said.

"Linzi is no longer as prosperous as it used to be." Zhan He sighed.

When Linzi was most prosperous, there were more than 70,000 households living in the city, which even Handan could not compare with now. However, everything was like the smoke of the past. After the building collapsed, there was no day for reconstruction.

"It's a pity that I couldn't see Linzi back then." Zhao Kuo also lamented, but what he was thinking in his heart was, if Linzi was the same as before, how could the Zhao country get along, and how could Handan be as prosperous as it is now?

Only when great cities like Linzi and Daliang fail to recover can Handan develop rapidly and surpass them.

"Tell them that they can standardize the Cuju competition, set up certain prizes, and invite private Cuju teams to participate in the competition. When there are more teams participating, I will build a venue for them specifically for them to compete." Zhao

Kuo said.

He originally wanted to invite Cuju teams from various countries to compete in Handan, but he thought that Zhao State was still undergoing reforms and too many outsiders would cause unrest and reduce public security, so he put his mind aside.

You can earn this money later when the time is right.

"I don't recommend this. After all, Cuju is just a plaything and cannot be promoted on the stage. Large-scale promotion will only make everyone lose interest in it, and it will not only bring bad reputation to the king," Zhan He said.

"There are millions of people in Zhao State, but only a few people actually play Cuju? How can we lose our morale by playing with things? Moreover, excessive entertainment will only lead to losing your morale by playing with things. Proper entertainment will not only prevent you from playing Cuju, but it can also improve everyone's living standards." Zhao Kuo said.

Of course, there is another thing he didn’t say: make money!

Ticket money, advertising fees, clothing, other consumption, and gambling...

The dealer will never lose under any circumstances.

Zhao Kuo's goal has always been simple, to make money!

How could Zhao develop rapidly without making money?

Without money, how could Zhao support an army of more than 100,000 people?

Without making money, how could Zhao provide benefits to officials and craftsmen?

As long as you make enough money, many problems will be solved.

"It's good that the king has an idea, but I still think it should be controlled within a certain range. And... I think that the common people should not be treated so favorably. The king is too friendly to them. Lord Shang once said, 'Government is what the people hate, and the people

Weak; if the government is pleasing to the people, the people will be strong. If the people are weak, the country will be strong, and if the people are strong, the country will be weak.' Although I don't agree with it, it still makes sense." Zhan He lowered his head and said.

Although it is not stated explicitly, the meaning is already obvious.

Only by allowing the Guizhou leaders to always struggle on the line of food and clothing and busy every day for their livelihood can they honestly contribute to the country.

If they are fed enough and have nothing to do, they will think about other things, which is not conducive to the government's rule.

Zhao Kuo didn't speak, just stared at Zhan He. Zhan He didn't even raise his head, nor did he even raise his head. After a few breaths, he hurriedly said: "I am guilty."

"If I am right, to me, you are also a citizen, right? What you mean is that I have been too good to you?" Zhao Kuo asked coldly.

"..." Zhan He was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to refute. Did he say that he was not a citizen? Then what is he if he was not a citizen? Did he still want to be a king?

If you say that you are a citizen, that means you are admitting that Zhao Kuo is too kind to you.

Everyone knows that the current King Zhao is different from those in the past. He is too kind to the common people. He was a little unbelievable before, but today he realizes that he is so difficult to deal with.

"I don't mean that... Your Majesty, you need to know that when you win a favor, you lose a favor. Excessive kindness will not bring you gratitude, but hatred. When the welfare is distributed for the second time, everyone will take it for granted. When one day these things

Welfare is no longer implemented. What they think about is not the benefits they have enjoyed for so long, but why these policies are no longer available." Zhan He said with his hands.

Zhao Sheng nodded repeatedly, these situations exist objectively.

"Mr. Zhan He said two things. One is that it is too good to be too good. But in fact, our Zhao State has not been too good to the common people. It only canceled the exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes that originally exploited them, and only retained agricultural taxes and oral taxes to let them

You can support yourself without being forced to destroy your family."

"Those exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes should not have existed in the first place. Now they are just restoring the past. How can we talk about excessiveness? As for some benefits, there are indeed some, but they are insignificant. Since they have been implemented now? Why should they be canceled in the future?" Zhao Kuo asked


"Your Majesty, our Zhao country is always in trouble and has no choice but to..." Zhan He said.

"Difficulty? No matter how difficult it is, can it be as difficult as now? You can raise money now, but you will not be able to raise it in the future? Unless the monarch is incompetent and everyone in the court is corrupt, otherwise it will never happen that even this little money is available

It’s a phenomenon that I can’t afford it.” Zhao Kuo said loudly.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhan He has lived in the academy for a long time and doesn't know much about the affairs of the court. Just now he was concerned about it and was in chaos." Zhao Sheng smoothed things over for Zhan He.

In fact, Zhao Sheng is on Zhan He's side, because what Zhan He said is the reality. Any dynasty that has passed the initial stage of fastest development will face class solidification, reduced administrative efficiency, frequent corruption, financial shortages, etc.

Wait for various situations.

If we talk about national power, the national power at the end of the dynasty is far greater than the national power at the beginning of the dynasty. But if the two fight, the early dynasty can beat the late dynasty. 礳

The reason lies here.

Of course, it is true that Zhao Kuo said that the king is incompetent and the court is full of corrupt officials.

The problem is correct and there is no way to solve it.

No matter how good the system is, it relies on people to implement it. If the people change, how can the system remain exactly the same as before?

It's not that Zhao Kuo didn't know this, but to extend the life of the dynasty by cutting expenditures, or cutting expenditures from the beginning, was tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, and it was impossible for him to use this method.

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