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Chapter 476 Solution

"What if there is an order, or a law is passed, that every child of school age must receive education?" Mr. Xue finally understood what Li Fu had been worried about.

"No, introducing laws now will only be counterproductive. Currently, only the Hetao area in Zhao State has established academies in every county and township. If a law is introduced to force school-age children to go to school, it will force some people to leave the Hetao. We have worked hard to do so much before

The work is to keep them in the Hetao, how can we dare to send them back now?" Li Fu shook his head decisively.

The low enrollment rate of school-age children is limited by the factors of the times. The common people have not even solved the problem of not having enough food and clothing. They can only eat two meals a day. Even if you want them to take a long-term view, they cannot take a long-term view.

You are about to starve to death. There is a piece of steamed bun or a mountain of gold in front of you. Which one do you choose?

The answer is obvious.

Why are most of the people who enroll in the school born as soldiers? Because these people have strong men in their families, the backbone of the family is still there, some even have military honors, their families are relatively wealthy, and they are fully able to support their children in school.

In some families, the mainstay of the family has passed away, and the children have not yet reached adulthood. Even if they are free, they cannot afford to go to school because the children have to help the family chop wood, irrigate the land, spring rice, etc.

Of course, part of it is out of necessity, and part of it is really short-sighted.

After all, some people in later generations think reading is useless, let alone this era.

"Then... what about incentives instead?" Mr. Xue said.

"Be specific." Li Fu said.

"After the end of each semester, the college selects outstanding students, and the dean goes to their place of residence to commend them in front of everyone. The village that has cultivated the most outstanding students will also be rewarded. The number of outstanding students will then be used as a measure.

One of the indicators for the promotion of officials at all levels." Mr. Xue said slowly.

Face, everyone wants it.

Aren't you envious? Aren't you jealous when other people's children get good grades in college and make their parents visible in front of everyone and earn enough face?

What should I do? It must be to send the children to the academy and then surpass other people’s children.

In Zhao State, there are only three months of teaching in winter and three months in summer. There is no teaching in spring and autumn. So every three months is a semester.

The main reason is that Zhao State cannot support the annual education expenses, and teachers have to go home to collect grain and cultivate crops when they are busy.

After all, Zhao State is an agricultural country. If the teachers are completely out of work, they will not be able to support so many people.

"I will report to Handan and leave it to the king to make a decision." Li Fu nodded, Xue Gong's method is still feasible to a certain extent.

"To the Governor, Governor Le, and Governor Mao would like to see you." At this time, the guard came in from outside and said with cupped hands.

"Lejian? Mao Gong?" Li Fu was a little surprised. Although he has jurisdiction over the four counties of Hetao, under normal circumstances, except for Jiuyuan where the Governor's Mansion is located, the governors of other counties will not come in person. "

Let them in."

"Governor Li, I wonder if you have seen the recruitment lists of various colleges a few days ago." Mr. Mao, who still had hoarfrost hanging between his brows, said directly without any polite words after entering the mansion.

Li Fu and Xue Gong looked at each other and nodded, "I've already seen it."

"We must find ways to recruit more students," Lejian said.

"That's right. The academy with the fewest enrollment in Shuofang County only has six students. If this continues, this academy will be demolished sooner or later."

Mao Gong also said.

Once the township college is dismantled, it will be absolutely impossible for these children to go to other colleges to study and become literate given the transportation conditions of this era.

And once one college is eliminated, more colleges will continue to be eliminated.

The nobles who originally did not dare to stand up to oppose will inevitably stand up at this time and join forces to push the college and education into the abyss.

"Mr. Xue and I were discussing this issue just now. Do you have any good suggestions?" Li Fu pointed at the chair and motioned for the two of them to sit down.

"My subordinates discovered that the reason why people are unwilling to send their children to study in colleges is not only due to their own factors, but also partly because... there is a force secretly promoting the theory that studying is useless, saying that even if you have gone to school, you can just go home and raise seeds.

"My subordinates didn't pay attention at first... but they realized something was wrong after hearing it more than once. However, this force is very cunning, and my subordinates sent people to look at it twice but failed to find it." Mao Gong said solemnly.

"If you say so, it seems that this situation also exists in Jiuyuan." Xue Gong said suddenly. If Mao Gong hadn't reminded him, he really wouldn't have thought that someone was deliberately promoting it.

Li Fu looked at Le Jian, who shook his head, "Helan is not in this situation."

Helan is a remote place. There is only one river connected to Zhao State. There are deserts on both sides of the river and it is desolate. It is not easy to reach it.

As a result, Helan County has the highest enrollment rate among the counties in Hetao, but it is not much higher, only about 5%. Overall, it is still very low.

"Since Mr. Mao discovered this matter first, then Mr. Mao will be responsible for investigating. I will ask everyone to cooperate with you. In addition, report it to Handan and ask the king to send someone to assist." Li Fu said.

This matter is very important. If someone is really promoting the theory that reading is useless, it means that there are serious hidden dangers in the country of Zhao, and there is a force that is beyond the control of the imperial court.

Zhao must find a way to uproot this force.

"No." Mao Gong said, clasping his fists.

"What other ideas do you have?" Li Fu asked.

"Perhaps we can compile some poems or proverbs to promote the importance of reading and literacy." Lejian said that poems and proverbs are the easiest to spread. Even if people are illiterate, they can still sing along with a few sentences.

"We provide certain financial subsidies to families with severe financial difficulties. Most people cannot afford to go to school because they are too poor," Mao Gong said.

"In this way, the expenditure will be even greater." Li Fu frowned and said, Zhao State's support for education is very large, second only to the military, and even more for road construction and officials' salaries.

Before this, the largest expenditure of each country, besides the military, had always been the salaries of officials.

Unlike other aspects, investment in education cannot see returns in a short period of time, and at the same time it offends the interests of the nobles. It is difficult to guarantee that Lifu will pass.

"We will submit our suggestions and let Handan make the decision," Xue Gong said.

"Okay." Li Fu nodded. Even if they agreed, it would not be implemented without Handan's funding. In this case, it is better to leave the decision-making power to Handan.

At this time, Handan was immersed in joy. Queen Tian Shu had just given birth to a son, and the mother and son were safe.

King Kuo of Zhao named the child Zhao An, rewarded his ministers, pardoned minor criminals, and moved to Monan.

This chapter has been completed!
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