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Chapter 516 A group of idealists

"I haven't finished speaking yet...Fan Tong sold these three thousand troops to another tribe in exchange for larger pastures, a large number of war horses, and slaves...In order to avoid this tribe, he sold these

The pastures, war horses, and slaves were sold to another tribe and an 8,000-strong army was borrowed. Finally, the 8,000-strong army was sold to the Baishan Tribe, one of the two most powerful tribes in Donghu, and replaced with a tribe with a population of about 10,000.

Became the leader of the tribe..."

Liu Ping's words were over, and everyone was still thinking about it. At this time, everyone had only one thought in their minds: Can we still play like this?

It was like a knife pulling my butt, which opened my eyes!

"Isn't he afraid of being discovered by Dong Hu and quartered?" Zhao Mu murmured. He thought he knew a lot about business, but now he realized that he knew nothing.

Making one million with one million is not a skill, but making one million with nothing is a skill.

"I was afraid, so I ran to Dai County and told Li Mu, the governor of Dai County, hoping to get assistance from the State of Zhao when necessary. I, the State of Zhao, only learned about this matter," Liu Ping said.

If Fan Tong hadn't said it himself, it would have been impossible for Zhao Guo to know about it.

"What a genius." Lin Xiangru said with emotion after a long time.

"Tell Li Mu that we can provide all support except iron tools. We can provide military assistance when necessary." Zhao Kuo ordered decisively.

Originally, Dong Hu's strength was far inferior to that of Zhao State. Now with this nail, Zhao State has greater confidence in dealing with Dong Hu.

"Other merchants can trade freely as long as they do not involve iron or grain."

There has always been trade between the Central Plains and the grasslands. The Central Plains exchanged salt, ironware, bronzeware, and grain for war horses, cattle, sheep, and leather on the grasslands.

Because there is more than one power in the Central Plains, and there is more than one power in the grasslands, everyone's exchanges are fair and everyone has what they need.

Until someone unified the Central Plains, connected all the Great Walls in the north, and stationed a large army...

The prairie people are crazy...

Zhao State also had trade with Donghu and Xiongnu in the past, but private smuggling was prohibited. Now it has been relaxed. Except that no grain of grain is allowed to flow out, and advanced iron tools cannot flow out, other things are free.

A few days later, Zhao Kuo bid farewell to many doctors who were leaving Zhao State outside the city of Handan.

They will travel to various countries in the world to study local medicinal materials and contribute to the cause of medical doctors.

Zhao Kuo's expectation was good. The countries did not refuse the entry of these doctors. Not only that, they were very happy and said that they would protect the safety of these doctors. King Zhao could rest assured.

In fact, doctors have always been out of the spotlight, and no one realizes the importance of doctors.

Over the years, doctors have appeared in front of all countries as harmless to humans and animals. They treat diseases and collect medicines when nothing happens, which has no impact on the struggle for hegemony among countries.

It wasn't until all the doctors came to Zhao that other countries realized the importance of doctors.

There are only a few hundred people who can really be called doctors in the world today, and half of them are in Zhao State. It is impossible for other countries to say that they have no objections. They are just afraid of Zhao State's strength and have been enduring it.

These doctors left Zhao State and came to their own country, which also weakened Zhao State in disguise. In addition, they could also enjoy the research results of the doctors, and even kept these doctors in the country.

Of course, according to the ethics of various countries, it is impossible to force them to stay, but they have a hundred ways to make these doctors stay "voluntarily".

"It's been a difficult journey, and life or death is uncertain. Why don't you wait a few more years?" Zhao Kuo slowly glanced at the more than 20 doctors in front of him. Each of them is a leader in the world. The death of any one is a loss for the medical family.

If there were only one or two people, Zhao Kuo could still send strong men to protect them, but with so many people... Zhao Kuo's strong men would not be able to protect them.

As for ordinary soldiers, if there are less, they are useless; if there are more, Zhao will not be able to send them, and it is impossible for all countries to agree.

In addition to medical kits, pens, inks, paper, inkstones and other necessities, each doctor only brings one or two students with him. If nothing else, these are their direct disciples.

"Your Majesty, we have made up our mind, let's do it today." The leader Bi Ming said firmly. His teachers Song Zhong and Xiangzi are both old and not suitable for long distances, so he can only take the initiative this time.

Immediately they will be divided into three teams and go to Qin, Yan and Qi, and Han, Wei, Chu and Yue.

Among them, the climate environment of Han and Wei was almost the same as that of Handan. They only stayed for a short time before heading south to Chu and Yue.

"I am waiting for you to come back in Handan." Zhao Kuo saw that Bi Ming and others insisted and did not say anything more. He leaned over and gave a slow salute.

There is always a group of people who always adhere to their ideals, even if they are surrounded by thorns...

"I will definitely come back." Bi Ming and others returned the salute, turned around and boarded the carriage, and with the sound of driving, the carriage drove in three directions: north, south, and west.

"Go back." Zhao Kuo sighed, turned around and walked towards Handan City.

"How are the farmers prepared?" Zhao Kuo asked on the way back.

"It's been sorted out." Chen Xin said, stroking his beard.

While doctors were traveling across mountains and rivers, learning from Shen Nong, tasting herbs, and compiling medical books, farmers were not idle either.

In the past few years, they have traveled to all parts of Zhao State to study local soil, climate, hydrology, rainfall and other conditions, determine which crops are most suitable for planting, and collect all farming methods that can increase yields and compile them into a book.

In addition, new progress has been made in wheat and soybeans studied by farmers, but there is still a long way to go before popularization.

The reason why millet progressed so quickly in the past was because farmers had accumulated a hundred years of accumulation. Wheat and soybeans had a lower status than millet, and farmers did not focus on them before.

It was not until Zhao asked people to give people and gave money to them that they began to study.

"I will arrange for people to print and distribute one copy to each township. Your farm family's contribution will be recorded in the history books and will be remembered for generations to come." Zhao Kuo said solemnly.

Everyone also came forward to congratulate him.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and all Chinese dynasties have attached the highest importance to food. Given the current achievements of farmers, it is normal for them to build temples and shrines.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Chen Xin said.

"I would like to thank you all. If it weren't for your help, the Zhao Kingdom would not be what it is now." Zhao Kuo said.

No matter how clever his methods are, the development of Zhao State must be supported by food. Without food, it will return to its original shape in an instant.

For every increase in grain output, more people in Zhao will be able to leave the farmland and invest in other industries, and the development speed will also increase by one point.

Agriculture is the foundation of all industries in Zhao.

This chapter has been completed!
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