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Chapter 677: The Eighth Army Soul Legion

Under the protection of a group of guards, King Qin Wangji and Fan Ju finally escaped back to the military camp. After seeing the two men, the army doctor who had been waiting here hurriedly came forward to diagnose and treat them.

Qin Wangji's condition was slightly better, but his arm was hit by a crossbow arrow, his back was affected by air waves, and his skin was damaged.

Fan Ju's injuries were more serious. Four arrows originally shot into his back, but the aftermath of the collision between Long Yuan Sword and Yan Ju's arrows pushed the arrows inward a bit, and his back was already covered in blood and flesh.

"Your Majesty, please bear with the pain for a while. I need to cut the wound with a knife, take out the arrowhead, clean it with alcohol, suture the wound, apply medicine and bandage it." The doctor said to Qin Wangji.

"Just come." Qin Wangji said very forcefully.

"You four, hold the king down." The doctor said to the guards.

The guard remained motionless, but looked at Qin Wangji.

"Listen to sir." Qin Wangji said.


Among the four guards, two held Qin Wangji's arm, and two controlled Qin Wangji's body.

"Hiss~ah!" When the doctor pierced Qin Wangji's arm with the dagger, Qin Wangji's veins suddenly popped out, his face turned red, his whole body trembled slightly, and big drops of sweat kept rolling down his forehead.

However, Qin Wangji was really stubborn. No matter how much he shouted, he never asked the doctor to stop.

At the same time, Fan Ju's even more pitiful screams came from the tent next to him. Hearing Fan Ju's screams, Qin Wangji felt that the pain on his arm seemed to have eased a lot, and even his screams had subsided.

"Okay!" Qin Wangji felt that hundreds of years had passed. Just when he was about to bear it no longer, the doctor's voice came to his ears.

Qin Wangji had never felt the voice of the old doctor sound so beautiful.

"The arrow has been taken out, but fortunately it is not poisonous." The doctor checked the arrow and saw that the blood flowing out of the wound had not turned black, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

It is winter now, and with alcohol disinfection, the probability of wound inflammation is very low.

As long as there is no poison on the arrow, the possibility of King Qin's recovery is still very high.

It's just that Qin Wangji is already over seventy after all. Even if he can recover, his body will be severely damaged.

"Your Majesty, it's time to clean the wound." The doctor said.

"Come on." Qin Wangji said arrogantly. Fan Ju's screams from beside him made him feel a lot better. The so-called pain did not seem to be so unbearable.

The doctor looked at Qin Wangji with admiration. He had been practicing medicine for many years and had used arrow blades for many soldiers, but it was extremely rare to be as tough as Qin Wangji.

As expected of the King of Qin, he is just different from ordinary people.

"Enemy attack!"

At this moment, an extremely shrill cry suddenly came from outside.

Whoosh whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, dense arrows fell from the sky like raindrops, passed through the roofs and tent roofs, and fell into the Qin army's camp.


An arrow just missed Qin Wangji's ear. The arrow was deeply inserted into the wooden board of the bed, and the tail of the arrow was still buzzing and vibrating.

At this moment, Qin Wangji really felt the breath of death, which was so close to him. As long as the arrow missed another inch, he would be dead now.

The guards next to him were not so lucky. One of the unlucky guys was shot directly in the head. He didn't even react and lay straight on the ground.

All the guards, as if facing a formidable enemy, drew their weapons and looked around in panic.

"It's the Korean crossbowmen!" Qin Wangji said in a deep voice. It was impossible for the Qin army to be defeated so quickly. Even if it was really defeated, it was impossible for the Zhao army to reach here without someone reporting it.

The only explanation is the crossbowmen!

"Send an order to the whole army to be more vigilant and just be on guard for one or two things." Qin Wangji said to the doctor, "Let's continue."

"Okay." The doctor was a little shocked. Hearing Qin Wangji's words, he nodded quickly, took alcohol and a small piece of silk, and wiped Qin Wangji's wound.

Qin Wangji endured the pain and remained silent until the wound was cleaned.

The doctor took another needle and thread and sutured Qin Wangji's wound. Without anesthetic, Qin Wangji could only hold on.

A quarter of an hour later, the doctor sutured the wound, applied medicine, and bandaged it, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then wash the back, apply medicine, and bandage it.

"Your Majesty, it's healed now. Don't touch the water until the wound heals." The doctor warned.

"I know." Qin Wangji nodded.

In the tent next to him, another doctor was still suturing Fan Ju's wounds. Fan Ju was hit by more arrows than Qin Wangji, and his injuries were more serious. Sometimes he screamed in pain, roaring for revenge, and sometimes he was in pain until he fell into coma.

"What's going on outside now?" Qin Wangji asked.

Because of the injury on his back, he could only lie down on the couch. Unbearable pain came from his arms and back, making him grin from time to time.

He originally thought that he could successfully kill Zhao Kuo and the Qin army would take advantage of the situation to cover up the attack and defeat the coalition forces. For this reason, he even secretly transferred Sima Cuo and Wang Lu from Yuzhong and Deng counties.

Unexpectedly, I still fell short in the end.

But he didn't regret his plan.

He only regretted that his plan was not perfect enough, which led to the failure of the attack on Zhao Kuo. If everyone was equipped with a crossbow, and six hand crossbows fired in volley, Zhao Kuo could be shot into a sieve.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Wu An is at war with the Zhao army, and our army is temporarily at a disadvantage." A young general replied.

Qin Wangji opened his mouth slightly and wanted to give an order, but finally gave up the idea of ​​remote control command. Although he had some doubts about Bai Qi, the only one he could rely on at this time was Bai Qi.

On the other side, the Qiang cavalry who were the first to rush forward and prepare to take advantage were defeated by Le Cheng's six thousand Youyun cavalry, who were killing them.

Logically speaking, although the Youyun Iron Cavalry is strong, it is not that strong. Even if the Qiang Cavalry exerts half of its strength, it can still defeat the Youyun Iron Cavalry with its numerical advantage.

But in fact, after the Qiang Cavalry was hit by a hail of arrows, their fighting spirit had long since been completely lost. When they saw the Youyun Cavalry rushing towards them, they had no time to hide and they would rush forward to fight with all their might.

When the Qin State borrowed troops from the Qiang people, they were very excited because the Qiang people had always spread the legend about the prosperity of the Central Plains. As long as they walked around the Central Plains, they could make a lot of money.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After they arrived in Guanzhong, the Qin they saw was indeed much richer than the Qiang people.

However, the Qin State monitored them very strictly and did not allow them to move around at will, let alone rob the Qin people. Several Qiang cavalry violated Qin's regulations and broke into the Qin people's houses to rob them. They were killed on the spot by the Qin army.

, and threw the head in front of their military camp.

The State of Qin told them that if they dared to bully and rob the Qin people again, they would be slaughtered ten times.

The Qiang cavalry had fought with the Qin army and knew the strength of the Qin army, so they did not dare to violate Qin's regulations.

However, Qin told them that when they got to the battlefield, all the spoils would belong to them, and the six countries were richer than Qin.

After hearing Qin Guo's words, all the previous unhappiness disappeared, and the Qiang cavalry gathered their energy and prepared to go to the battlefield to fight.

However, ideals and reality are not the same thing. Only when they arrived on the battlefield did the Qiangqi know what kind of opponents they were facing.

They couldn't even defeat the Qin army, but the Qin army was suppressed by the Zhao army. How could they defeat the Zhao army?

As for desperate efforts, that is impossible.

Once they die in battle, it means that their wives will be snatched away by others, their children will be beaten and scolded by other men, and all their property will belong to others.

This is absolutely unacceptable to them.

They would rather be defeated and flee back.

You may not be able to get enough benefits in the Central Plains, but if your companions die in battle and you return to the mountains alive and receive your companions' property and women, you can still get great benefits.

No one is a fool, and there are many who hold such thoughts.

This resulted in the current situation. A total of 50,000 Qiang cavalry, facing the attack of 6,000 Youyun cavalry, were beaten to the point where they were unable to fight back.

Bai Qi has now completely given up on the Qiang cavalry. They are just a bunch of mud that can't hold up the wall. In order to prevent the Qiang cavalry from affecting the Qin army after their defeat, Bai Qi ordered Duke He to lead a legion to be on guard against the Qiang cavalry at all times.

Once the Qiang cavalry showed a tendency to charge against the Qin army, they would be killed directly.

Fortunately, apart from the Qiang cavalry, the Qin army itself is still very powerful. Even though it is at a disadvantage in most battlefields, it is still fighting with the Zhao army and shows no signs of collapse.

Le Yi stood on the chariot and had a panoramic view of the entire battlefield. All the flaws of the Qin army were clearly visible. Le Yi could even guess what the Qin army's next move would be and respond in advance.

Military orders were issued one after another from Le Yi's mouth, the cavalry ran back and forth, passing military orders, and legions joined the battlefield in an orderly manner, attacking the weakest key points of the Qin army.

"You are getting more and more comfortable in commanding the army. In terms of command alone, I'm afraid Bai Qi is no match for you." Tian Dan couldn't help but admire.

Although he can command so many armies, he cannot do it as easily as Le Yi, who can arrange each legion to the most suitable place as he pleases without causing any chaos.

As far as he knew, the only two people in the world who could do this were Le Yi and Bai Qi, and the others were far behind.

"Bai Qi is entangled by the king and cannot concentrate on his command. Moreover, our army is at an advantage in strength. Even if it is Dui Zi, our army will not lose." Le Yi said calmly, and at the same time ordered a Qi army and

A Korean army attacked from the side.

When issuing orders, Le Yi often issued slightly more complicated military orders to Zhao Jun. He was confident of Zhao Jun's strength and knew they could do it.

But for the armies of Wei, Han and Qi, Le Yi's military orders were as simple as possible, and the opponents assigned to them were relatively weak.

Le Yi still doesn't have enough understanding of the strength of the Three Kingdoms Army. He needs a little test to have a better grasp.

"However, the Qin army is very resilient. It may not be easy to defeat them," Tian Dan said.

"It's really not easy if you keep standing around and making sarcastic remarks." Le Yi glanced at Tian Dan and said angrily.

From the beginning of the war to now, Tian Dan has been the calmest. Except when Qin Wangji attacked and killed Zhao Kuo, Tian Dan took action with powerful crossbowmen. At other times, he stood aside and remained motionless.

"Have I not been taking action? Without me, the crossbowmen would not be so majestic." Tian Dan said, "Forget it, let me show you my skills. Have you seen the Shesheng camp? Although you established it,

I’m afraid you haven’t seen the true strength of Shesheng Camp yet.”

Through the ages!

A vast and mysterious aura emanated from Tian Dandan's body and fell into the Shesheng camp. The momentum of the Shesheng camp standing beside the two people began to rise steadily, and soon reached its peak, and then continued to rise until a certain critical point.



An extremely subtle cracking sound that could not be heard without listening carefully came from the Shesheng Camp. Immediately afterwards, a terrifying, vast, turbulent, and sharp-edged momentum burst out from the Shesheng Camp, with the Shesheng Camp as its center.

center, sweeping towards the surrounding areas.

At this moment, no matter it is the enemy or friendly forces, all eyes are focused on the Shesheng Battalion!

The breath of the military soul army!

"This is... the future power of Shesheng Camp?" Even Le Yi couldn't help but asked excitedly.

"That's right." Tian Dan said proudly, "Although it's only temporary, with this realization, it will be greatly reduced for the Shesheng Battalion to become a real military soul army in the future. How are you going to thank me?"

"After you return to Handan, you come directly to my house and move out if you like anything." Le Yi waved his hand and said.

"How stingy." Tian Dan snorted coldly.

"Try a new power." Le Yi ignored Tian Dan and turned to Yan Zhou.

"Okay." Yan Zhou took a deep breath, and all the soldiers in the Shesheng Camp slowly pulled their long bows. Light arrows emerged from the bows and arrows, gradually condensing into entities. The tails of the arrows were engraved with exquisite patterns, "Explosion"


Whoosh whoosh!

There were sounds of piercing the sky, and arrows of light pierced the sky with a deafening roar, almost covering the sky above the Qin army, leaving bright tail lights in the air, and falling towards the Qin army.


As the light arrows disappeared, dense explosions came from the Qin army, like firecrackers. After the light arrows exploded, in addition to their own impact, the attached will attack would attack the enemy at the same time, even if they were both

The Army Soul Legion will also have a brief pause, unable to dodge, and can only fully withstand the impact of the light arrow explosion.

The Qin army kept falling to the ground like wheat. With just a wave of arrows, the Shesheng camp took away thousands of Qin soldiers, including many elites!

"So strong!" Tian Dan looked at the scene in front of him in shock. It was hard to imagine that this was caused by him.

Not only him, but also Bai Qi was stunned for a moment.

In addition to the powerful crossbowmen, the Three Jin Dynasties actually hide such a powerful crossbow army?

Why haven't I received any news before?

Bai Qi attaches great importance to intelligence when leading troops in battle. He has always believed that knowing oneself and the enemy will lead to victory in any battle.

But in recent years, there were more and more things that Zhao did not understand for him. Even if Zhao Jun's intelligence was collected as completely as possible before the war, many unexpected situations would still occur on the battlefield.

"Five military spirit legions, there are already five military spirit legions in Sanjin!" Sima Cuo looked in the direction of Shesheng Camp in horror.

Including the Qin Army's three military soul legions, eight military soul legions have appeared in this battle. This is a grand scene that has never appeared in history.

But for the Qin army, it was an unprecedented blow.

This means that it is almost impossible for the Qin army to defeat the four-nation coalition led by Zhao.

The Army Soul Legion is not invincible. For famous generals, even if they only rely on ordinary legions, they can defeat the Army Soul Legion.

But that was when there was a huge gap in strength between the two commanders.

If the commanders of both sides are about the same strength, in a sense, the military spirit army is invincible.

This chapter has been completed!
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