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Chapter 708 Surrender

"General, shall we go around?" Li Qian looked at Yan Ju.

Yan Ju frowned slightly. With Zhao Feiqi's speed, it would be too late to go around him, but he would inevitably lose touch with the army behind him.

In fact, Zhao Feiqi is now out of touch with the army. With Zhao Feiqi's thousands of men alone, he can only cause limited damage to the Qin army.

As for informing Pang Nuan to ambush the Qin army along the way, it was impossible.

Zhao Jun was not familiar with the terrain between Rangcheng and Yuzhong, and could not deduce which way the Qin army would take. Even informing Pang Nuan would be of no use.

Yan Ju thought about it but couldn't think of a good way. He looked towards the rear and couldn't see even the ghosts of other legions, and there were no advisers around him to discuss.

"Alas!" Yan Ju sighed deeply. He usually didn't feel that his brain was of much use. Every time he needed to use his brain, he realized how important it was.

He has a very clear understanding of himself. His military power can only be considered mediocre in the extraordinary realm, his ability to command troops is average, his strategy is almost non-existent, and he has never realized his talent until now.

Although his ability is not bad and he is more than enough to serve as a deputy general or an ordinary legion commander, it is somewhat beyond his ability to let him serve as a legion commander like Zhao Feiqi, who has the power to send troops alone and make decisions on the fly.

In fact, Yan Ju had discovered his shortcomings long ago and proposed to Zhao Kuo more than once to hand over Zhao Feiqi to someone else to lead him, but Zhao Kuo refused because there was no suitable candidate.

After being rejected, Yan Ju felt extremely happy.

Zhao Feiqi's status in the Zhao Kingdom is unique. Just by virtue of his position as the commander-in-chief of Zhao Feiqi, he can stand in front of most generals when holding court meetings.

But every time he led troops to fight alone, Yan Ju would get entangled in his heart and feel annoyed that he was not firm enough.

"We only have a few thousand people. Even if we go around, we can't keep all the Qin troops behind. It's better to charge here and kill the Qin troops as much as possible to suppress their morale." Huo said.

In the Battle of Changping that year, he took advantage of the situation and captured Qin general Sima Jin alive. He was promoted to Zhao Feiqi's 500-man commander. Afterwards, after meritorious service, he has now become Zhao Feiqi's thousand-man general. If he were placed in an ordinary army, , enough to serve as deputy commander.

"Then let's do it." Yan Ju didn't have a good idea and decided to listen to Huo.

The Yanyue Formation unfolded, Yan Ju pointed his long sword at the Qin army, and directly led Zhao Feiqi to kill the Qin army.

"Form up!" Wang Jian did not lead the Longxi cavalry to fight, but led the sword and shield soldiers to fight.

Although the number of Longxi cavalry is greater than that of Zhao Feiqi, they will be defeated by Zhao Feiqi in at most a few charges. On the contrary, the sword and shield soldiers can last longer.

"I really thought that I, Zhao Feiqi, didn't have the ability to fight in close combat!" Yan Ju said coldly. He was not good at using his brain, but he was very good at leading a charge.

The blade cut through the void, and a dazzling golden crescent moon seemed to split the world into two. The first row of Qin soldiers seemed to have been hit hard, their bodies flew backwards, and they vomited blood and died.


Two huge light wings extended from both sides of Zhao Feiqi. The light wings were crystal clear and flapped gently, causing light to fall.

Zhao Feiqi did not rush into the Qin army like Youyun Iron Cavalry, but flew directly over the Qin army's heads and attacked the Qin army from mid-air.

At this moment, Qin Jun was stunned.

They can beat those running on the ground, but they can't beat those flying in the sky!

The morale of the Longxi cavalry has dropped to the extreme. They have always regarded Zhao Feiqi as their opponent before and vowed to defeat Zhao Feiqi one day. Now they know how big the gap is between them and Zhao Feiqi.

They... probably couldn't even touch the tail of Zhao Fei's horse.

"Hey, hey, Qin thief, just wait to die." Zhao Feiqi made an extremely arrogant voice, took out a bow and arrow from behind and shot at the Qin army.

Boom boom boom!

Explosions sounded one after another, and the Qin army fell to the ground after being hit by arrows.

A small number of Qin troops fired arrows to counterattack, but Zhao Feiqi's speed was too fast. By the time their arrows took off, Zhao Feiqi had already run far away. When the arrows fell, the sound of a series of arrow hits was heard again in the Qin army.

Wang Jian was very calm and did not have any psychological fluctuations because of the Qin army's setback.

The Military Soul Legion is very powerful, but it is by no means invincible. A true commander, even if he leads an ordinary army, can defeat the Military Soul Legion.

This battle was just an insignificant battle on his way to becoming the commander-in-chief.

"Shrink the defense line and replace the scale armor formation!" Wang Jian ordered. An ordinary defensive formation cannot stop Zhao Feiqi's attack, but the scale armor formation has a weakening effect.


The entire Qin army moved. At the same time, the khaki war clouds above the Qin army rolled into silvery white, clinging to the sky like fish scales.

This was the first time for Wang Jian to command such a large army in battle, and he had no one around him to help him. He was a bit unskilled at first, but Zhao Feiqi took advantage of this and lost many soldiers.

But soon, Wang Jian's command became more and more skillful, and his eyes radiated excitement. The entire battlefield seemed to turn into a chessboard. Zhao Jun was the rampaging dragon, and he wanted to kill this dragon on the chessboard.


"The left and right armies gather together, and the central army retreats. Point the tip of your spear upward and don't release the arrow! When Zhao Feiqi is about to step down, immediately squat down and let the surrounding soldiers attack." Wang Jian kept giving orders.

Zhao Feiqi cannot fly forever, and when Zhao Feiqi falls, the Qin army will attack.

At the same time, Wang Jian carefully observed Zhao Feiqi, calculated their flight time and distance, and deduced the time and place of their fall.

To defeat the Army Soul Legion, you cannot rely on head-on confrontation. You must rely on other abilities.


Zhao Feiqi fell from the sky and slashed at the Qin army with his sword.

Zhao Feiqi's attack power was very terrifying. Even with just one casual blow, he chopped the Qin army's shield into pieces. Then he added another blow and a human head fell to the ground.

Zhao Feiqi smiled, not to mention these ordinary Qin troops, even the Army Soul Legion, few of them could be their opponents.

Just when they were about to step on Qin Jun's head and fly up again, they suddenly realized that they had stepped on nothing and lost their balance. When they lowered their heads, they saw that Qin Jun had squatted down without knowing when.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! At the same time, several Qin troops around them attacked them.

Zhao Feiqi did not panic, and quickly adjusted his body. His horse hoof stepped on the tip of Qin Jun's sword, spread his wings, and flew into the sky again.

The Qin army took out their bows and arrows and wanted to shoot Zhao Feiqi to death, but in the end they had no choice but to put them down.

There are Qin troops everywhere around. It is not certain whether they can hit Zhao Feiqi when they shoot arrows in the air, but when the arrow falls, it will definitely hit a Qin soldier at random.

After fighting once, both sides had experience. The Qin army waited for Zhao Feiqi to fall again, while Zhao Feiqi looked at the Qin army warily.

The impact of missing the target was not great for them, but with the Qin army eyeing them, the impact would be greater.

That is to say, the Qin army did not react quickly enough. If the Qin army were all replaced by the Guanzhong Jingjia Army, or the top Guanzhong Army, Zhao Feiqi would have lost at least hundreds of people just now.

"This man named Wang Jian is not simple. No wonder the king values ​​him so much." Yan Ju said in a deep voice. He could think of a solution so quickly, and could mobilize tens of thousands of troops with his arms. This ability has surpassed that of most famous generals.


"General, should we arrest him?" Li Qian said eagerly.

"Even if the thousand personal guards around him are no match for the Army Soul Legion, they won't be too far behind. It will be difficult for us to kill him." Huo shook his head.

"Forget it, I'll give Qin Jun a surprise later." Yan Ju looked away from Wang Jian.

"Okay." Everyone said with a smile, as if they had already guessed what Yan Ju was planning to do.

After Zhao Feiqi flew a certain distance, he fell towards the Qin army again.

The Qin army below had a ferocious smile on their faces, waiting for Zhao Feiqi to throw himself into the trap.

According to their general's calculations, Zhao Feiqi's flight time was about to end and he would inevitably be missing.

However, just when Zhao Feiqi fell to less than half a meter away from the Qin army's head, all Zhao Feiqi attacked the Qin army at the same time, then spread their wings, stepped into the void, and flew away again.

Wang Jian's face instantly turned pale. His previous calculation of Zhao Feiqi's flight time and distance was wrong. Zhao Feiqi's flight time and distance were much longer than that, and might not even be fixed.

From now on, the difficulty of defeating Zhao Feiqi will be greatly increased.

"Why can Zhao Feiqi still fly even though Zhan Yun is suppressing him?" Wang Jian stared at Zhao Feiqi angrily, his face full of confusion.

Even the extraordinary generals cannot fly under the suppression of Zhan Yun. Is Zhao Feiqi even more powerful than the extraordinary generals?

"General, the crossbow machine is ready." At this moment, the deputy general rushed over with five hundred crossbowmen, each of whom was holding a crossbow machine.

Wang Jian waved his hand, Zhao Feiqi had already run away, what's the use of bringing the crossbow at this time.

"The King of Qin is dead. Surrender without killing him!" Yan Ju suddenly shouted loudly as he fought from one end of the Qin army to the other.

"The King of Qin is dead. Surrender without killing him!" All Zhao Feiqi shouted.

When Wang Jian heard this, his expression changed instantly.

Sure enough, there was a loud noise from the Qin army.

Qin Wangji had not appeared in the army for several days. Even when they evacuated Rangcheng, no one saw Qin Wangji.

The soldiers did not know that King Qin Ji had secretly returned to Xicheng.

"Don't listen to Zhao Jun's rumors. The king has returned to Xicheng." Wang Jian said loudly.

The noisy voices among the Qin army decreased, but the morale did not recover.

King Qin had promised to stay with the soldiers before, but now he secretly returned to Xicheng. Although the soldiers did not dare to say anything, they must be dissatisfied in their hearts.

"Hahahahaha, even if King Qin doesn't die now, he will die sooner or later. Surrender earlier to avoid death in battle." Yan Ju laughed loudly and led Zhao Feiqi away.

On the other side, Wei Ran led five thousand Qin troops to firmly guard the mouth of the valley.

"Marquis Rang should understand that your five thousand troops alone cannot stop us." Tian Dan came from behind.

"I know, but I want to give it a try." Wei Ran said calmly.

The five thousand Qin troops behind them all showed their determination to die. When they chose to stay behind, they never thought about returning alive.

"In that case, I won't be polite." Tian Dan said solemnly, preparing to attack.

At this moment, Wei Ran suddenly said: "How about we make a deal."

"What deal?" Tian Dan asked.

"I promised Lord Wu An that I will hold you back for an hour. As long as you don't launch an attack within an hour, I will order the entire army to surrender. Otherwise, we will definitely fight to the last man. Jiujiao Lao Qin has no one who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Wei Ran said loudly.

"General, Qin is cunning and cannot be trusted," Le Cheng said urgently.

"Yes, general, the Qin army can't believe it." Meng Wu and Tou Man also said as they came.

"Marquis Rang must have also seen it. It's not that I don't want to agree, but the promise made by you Qin people is like fart. No one will believe it." Tian Dan said.

If Wei Ran can keep his promise, it will not be a loss for Zhao Jun.

Even if five thousand soldiers with death aspirations cannot stop Zhao Jun for an hour, it is definitely possible to stop Zhao Jun for half an hour, and they will also cause considerable casualties to Zhao Jun.

If the Qin army could surrender, although the Zhao army would lose the best time to pursue the Qin army, it would not be unacceptable to lose five thousand prisoners and top civil servants like Wei Ran.

The most important thing is that Tian Dan has no hope of leaving all the Qin troops behind. Not to mention that the Qin army still has combat effectiveness. Even if it does not have combat effectiveness, the Qin army is chased all the way. There is still one last way to go, and that is to transform.

The whole army was broken into pieces, and the whole army went into the mountains and forests.

Although some soldiers will be lost, most of the soldiers will definitely reach Xicheng.

However, it is impossible for the Qin army to take this step unless forced to do so.

"Can't you believe my word Wei Ran?" Wei Ran said in a deep voice, his gray hair flying in the wind.

There were sneers in the Zhao army, and Le Cheng even burst out laughing.

The word "Wei Ran" does carry a lot of weight in the Qin State, but it means nothing in the Zhao State.

"Not enough." Tian Dan said.

"I have sent my grandson to your Kingdom of Zhao. Both King Zhao and your Prime Minister know about this. Is that enough now? No matter what, I will never joke with my grandson's life." Wei Ran said coldly.

He originally did not want to tell this matter, but if it reached the ears of Qin Wangji, it would definitely arouse his dissatisfaction.

"That's enough." Tian Dan suddenly smiled, "I will wait for Marquis Rang for just one hour, and I also ask Marquis Rang not to break his promise."

"You..." Wei Ran's expression froze, and he suddenly realized that Tian Dan already knew about this and had just forced him to say it.

Tian Dan's prestige among the Zhao army was very high. Although everyone was dissatisfied, Tian Dan had already agreed, and the Zhao army could only wait silently.

Soon, an hour passed.

"One hour has come. Marquis Rang gives the order to surrender." Tian Dan opened his eyes and looked at Wei Ran.

At this moment, both the Zhao army and the Qin army all looked towards Wei Ran.

"General, fight them."

"Yes, general, we are not afraid of death if we fight with them." Qin Jun said one after another.

Zhao Jun looked at Qin Jun warily and prepared for battle.

"If you die, what will happen to your parents? What will happen to your wives and children? Who will take care of them?" Wei Ran turned around, looked at everyone, and asked slowly.

Qin Jun lowered his head and remained silent.

"Listen to my order, put down your weapons, and surrender. Zhao Jun will not make things difficult for you," Wei Ran said.


Qin Jun threw his weapons on the ground in frustration and walked towards Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun then put down his guard and stepped forward to receive the prisoners.

This chapter has been completed!
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